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The Find: Festive Earrings for NYE

Dec 30, 2024

If I have to choose, I prefer stud earrings to dangly earrings. But for special occasion dressing, it feels nice to wear something more festive and bold. This pair of earrings bridges the gap perfectly, giving me the sparkle and flash of a dangle with the comfort of a stud.

The Dainty Bow Earrings from Nordstrom sit on the ear like a stud, but they also have a larger profile to give you the feel of something more dangly. The best part is they’re sparkly and dainty, so they don’t feel heavy or overpowering. I adore them. They’re the perfect thing for NYE.

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  1. K says:

    Pretty! They remind me of some rhinestone jewelry I got from my mom this year. I didn’t think I had anywhere to wear it to either, but once individual pieces were out of the pile they mix in better than I expected for going out to a birthday dinner or that sort of thing.

  2. Amy says:

    These earrings are gorgeous! For those of us who wear silver, is there a similar alternative? My internet sleuthing skills are failing me on this.

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