Discuss: When Moving Forward Means Moving On

Apr 10, 2014


Ten years ago, I made a fateful decision to forgo law school to attend a graduate program in Washington, D.C. and pursue a career in politics.  It is a choice that I do not regret.  Being in this city and working in this industry has afforded me more unique experiences and opportunities than the little girl from Butte, MT ever thought were possible.  But as my career has advanced and changed, I continually run into situations when my expertise is not enough.

In my new business, I often have to work with a fleet of lawyers who must review my ideas and plans before my work can move forward.  I hated deferring to legislative counsel as they hacked my bill to pieces because we weren’t equals in the drafting process.  And I’ve been in high level meetings where I am relegated to the professional kiddie table because I am the only person in the room without a juris doctorate.

Frankly, I’m sick of it.  So I’ve decided to do something about it.

In ten days, I will be moving West to attend an accelerated two-year law program that offered me a fantastic scholarship.  While I was accepted at three D.C.-area schools, the plusses of making the move outweighed the negatives of temporarily leaving the city that I have grown to adore and the people who I will miss terribly.

I didn’t come to this decision lightly, but my long-term goals are best served by a decision that will cost me no small amount of short-term happiness.  And thanks to some friends, I’ll be involved with a campaign in my new city in a significant but volunteer capacity.  (Politics, I just can’t quit you.)

So what does this mean for Capitol Hill Style?

As of right now, nothing will change.  If I get to a place where I need to free-up some time in my schedule, I’ll cut back on the number of posts per week. This move may actually be the best thing for the blog, since being closer to a few very talented friends may allow me to bring in more original video, photo and interactive content.  But the focus of Capitol Hill Style, a fashion blog for professional women, will not change.

The community that has built up around this site is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding things in my life.  CHS has been a constant during some very dark and uncertain times, and a place where I can create something that I am proud to call my own.  Not to mention a convenient excuse for all of my internet window-shopping.

A decade ago, when I began my career, I was clueless about how to dress for work and fit in to my new surroundings.  I started this blog for all the women who strive for professional success and purpose and want to look good doing it.  For the ladies with big dreams who are currently folding mail in a cubbie in the Cannon House Office Building or toiling away on the first rung of their career ladder.

This blog means a lot to me, and I have no intention of giving it up. I hope you’ll stay with me as I take the next step in my career and in my life.


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  1. Courtney says:

    Congratulations! I hope your move is easy and wonderful. I hope the new degree brings you excellent things!

  2. Amber says:

    Best of luck, Belle! Soak up some sun for us! 🙂

  3. Jenn L. says:

    Cheers! Good luck in your new, excellent endeavors.

  4. A says:

    Congratulations! I hope you do continue the blog — I’m sure you’ll be full of fresh ideas and perspectives on fashion and life in your new location. Very exciting. Thanks for a great blog and I do hope you’ll keep it up.

  5. Sara says:

    Belle, wow, I’m so amazed by you! Congratulations on this exciting new venture of yours 🙂 Last year, I lost my job in DC and had to move back out West and yeah, politics and Potomac Fever never leaves you. Ever. I want to get back more than anything and I’m considering a second Masters program in the area where I wish I had enrolled first (even though I love my MPA degree, it wasn’t my first choice). New chapters often show you what you couldn’t see in the last chapter– the rest of the story. Welcome back to the West, please keep this blog going because I adore it, and I hope to “see” you back East again very soon 🙂

    • Sara says:

      P.S. A future blog post on how to get a scholarship for law school would be appreciated 🙂 As someone looking to go back!

      • LH says:

        In my experience a lot of law school scholarships are awarded automatically through the admissions process – you get your letter that you’re accepted and simultaneously or shortly thereafter you get a letter saying you got partial or full funding. If you are looking to get a scholarship, its a good plan to apply to schools about 10-20 spots below where you think you have a good shot at getting in (in other words schools where your GPA and LSAT are amongst the highest). For me, I did not get into any top 10 schools, I got in to some top 20 schools but not with any funding and I got large scholarships at a lot of schools in the 25-50 range (doing nothing other than just submitting my app).

  6. T says:

    Congratulations and good luck! Your blog has been such a great read and resource – I look forward to seeing the how the fashion out west influences the creativity and topics on the blog.

  7. Leslie says:

    Moving away + a graduate program is a lot of change at one time (I know, I did it too). I wish you the best of luck, and it seems like you have a solid network in place to help with morale. Congratulations!

  8. Larissa says:

    I heart you! Good luck and you will do fab! Hope our paths cross again. Keep in touch and enjoy the journey! 🙂

  9. Paige says:

    Belle – a HUGE congrats to you!! I wish you all the best and hope only amazing things for you! I truly enjoy reading every day and look forward to what CHS will present next – whatever that may be!

  10. Debbie says:

    Best of luck Belle! As a law school grad who has worked both in the public sector (U.S. Senate, Trade Association) and now in private practice, I know where you have been and I know where you are going. Enjoy the ride!

  11. Liz says:

    Congrats! I loved law school (I would have loved a two-year program even more – ha). Even though I do practice law and love what I do, there have been times when I’ve considered doing something more non-traditional with my degree, and I’ve never regretted having my J.D. for a second. I hope you’ll feel the same way. Best of luck!

  12. KC says:

    Congrats! Best of luck!

  13. Lauren V. says:

    You go, Glen Coco. Knock ’em dead!

  14. Xtra-Tallums says:

    Congrats to you and your next big adventure. As a DC law school graduate who has worked in the public and the private sector on both sides of the US, I know you will have lots of learning and growth opportunities; enjoy every minute. I look forward to reading the future postings on CHS. All the best.

  15. Nina says:

    Congrats and good luck Belle! I admire you and your bravery so much. I look up to you and I am really proud of you. Please keep us posted as things in your life continue to change and evolve.

  16. CynthiaW says:

    Good for you – and congratulations on the scholarship!

  17. S says:

    Congratulations and best wishes on your new path, Belle! When I discovered your blog a few years ago, I thought it was just another fashion blog, but I could not have been more wrong. Your career advice and personal anecdotes have inspired me to be more proactive in my career, more aware of my surroundings, and less afraid to take a seat at the table. Thank you for everything, and I cannot wait to hear about your future adventures!

  18. Erika says:

    Congratulations on an exciting decision! I have found your blog to be grounded, creative, informative and inspirational. This from a 40-something woman at a hedge fund (far from the Capital). Best of luck with your next chapter and please stay in touch with us, your readers!

  19. Charleigh says:

    Congratulations Belle. I’ve been with you since Spring of ’09, and though I’ve never met you, your accomplishment seems significant.

    On another note, yay for more debt! I hope this will lead you to the live you’ve been dreaming about.

  20. Lauren says:

    Wow – what fantastic news! Congratulations and best wishes on your next adventure. I look forward to seeing where life takes you and where you take CHS.

  21. Megan says:

    Congrats – that is so exciting!!! Long-time reader, and so very glad to hear of your good news, and also that the blog will continue.

  22. Claire says:

    Congratulations! As a professional who is also choosing to go back to law school in the fall, I can’t wait to hear your fresh take on the JD crowd!

  23. SS says:

    Congrats! Yours is one of my two favorite blogs, period. I try to arrange my outfits to be something you would feature, and I also get a lot out of your career and personal advice.

  24. Kathleen Lisson says:

    Best of luck!

  25. Stacy says:

    That is so exciting, many congratulations! Looking forward to following along.

  26. Milissa says:

    Ohhhh that is so awesome!! That is my dream and I am a lobbyist who would love to not be the only non JD in the room!! Where is the accelerated program?? You rock!!!

  27. Rebecca says:

    Congratulations and best of luck! I left DC four years ago to become a lawyer, and it was exactly this blog that helped me figure out how to dress for my first legal positions. Looking forward to your insights from your new career! (Also, congrats on your law school scholarship–smart choice!)

  28. Dakota says:

    Best wishes to you Belle!!!

  29. CK says:

    Wow – Congrats! I work on the hill as an LA and still debate about going to law school. Your post has made me wonder again if I should eventually pursue that. Best of luck!

  30. Monica says:


  31. Eleni says:

    Congrats and best wishes!!

  32. Meghan says:

    So excited for this next chapter for you! I can’t wait to follow along and be in touch about how it’s all going- so glad blogging brought us together as friends – what would I do without CHS in my life!? xo

  33. SLG says:

    Congratulations, Belle! Really excited for you to be taking the next big step you want to take. You’ll rock it.

  34. Erin says:

    Congratulations, Belle! I wish you the best of luck in your new endeavor and look forward to the continuation of your blog. It has become one of my favorites and I truly look forward to reading your posts every day.

  35. Renee says:

    Congratulations! I really enjoy reading the blog even though I don’t live in DC anymore. I share many of your views on what’s appropriate at work and what’s not so I enjoy seeing it in print! I’ve lately started to regret not having an advanced degree as well – kudos for taking the risk!

  36. Joules says:

    Good luck, Belle! It sounds like you’re making a great decision. I’d love to know where you moving, just out of curiosity. Also, I’m very glad to hear that the blog will continue as per usual!

    Style by Joules

  37. Raye says:

    Congrats! I’m so glad you’re continuing the blog – it’s been the most sensible, grounded fashion-blog I have ever found, and remains my favorite after all these years. And from one lawyer to another (future) lawyer, you won’t regret it. Best of luck!

  38. Christina says:

    Congrats Belle and best of luck!

  39. TechWriter says:

    Congratulations and sincere best wishes, Belle. I almost never post, but have been checking here every day for years. You’ve made me think and helped me work great pieces into my wardrobe. Thanks for a truly wonderful and valuable blog. The world of law will benefit from you being part of it.

  40. Congrats, Belle! So excited to see where this takes you.

  41. Nicole says:

    Congratulations — sounds like a fantastic opportunity!!!

  42. Ashleigh says:

    As a current 3L, congratulations. I hope you enjoy law school as much as I have.

  43. Nicole says:

    What a fantastic adventure you’re beginning! Best of luck with your move, and congratulations on this new chapter of your life. Hopefully CHS will be a welcome break from the mounds of reading that shall be heaped upon you, but if you’re ever overwhelmed and need a break from us, we’ll be here when you come back.

  44. Stefanie says:

    Congratulations Belle! Outside of the great fashion advice you give, you’ve always struck me as the “I get s*&$ done” type of person. You never seem to let obstacles stand in your way and that’s a great lesson for all of us. Best wishes on the move and law school!

  45. Lauren L. says:

    Best wishes! Law school is a very humbling and rewarding experience.

    • Jessica says:

      As a recent law school grad, I second this description of the law school experience. Best of luck and Godspeed!

  46. Amanda says:

    Congratulations!!! Best of luck to you in this exciting new chapter of your life.

  47. Kate M says:

    Good luck Belle! Thanks for being such an inspiration 🙂

  48. saverspender says:


    I love the blog so of course I’ll continue to follow no matter where you go / what you do.

  49. Lexi says:

    Congrats! Very happy for you!

  50. j.elizabeth says:

    what exciting news! are you going to use your blog to talk about your transition? my boyfriend’s company is actually being relocated next year to the west coast (we’re based in NY) and I was hoping to get your advice on the relocation. (What to pack and what to leave behind, when to tell your company, how to dress in a new climate!)

    Best of luck on all your future endeavors. I hope you continue to inspire others as you have with me

    • Lauren says:

      Second to all of this! Your tips on the moving process would be very helpful – from packing to whether or not you used a service to telling work.

  51. Victoria says:

    It’s actually a”juris doctor” – not “juris doctorate.” That said, congratulations!

  52. Meg says:

    Best wishes for the journey! I went to law school at night for the exact same reasons. I don’t practice, but having the JD has been invaluable, and I’m not at the kiddie table anymore. I run the table–you will too, in two short years.

  53. Ann says:

    Good luck on this exciting new adventure!

  54. Shelley says:

    So happy for you! I’ve also been contemplating going to law school so I’m proud of you for taking the leap. Looking forward to reading about all your new experiences.

  55. Theresa says:

    Congrats Belle! I’m moving out west from the mid-size midwestern city I have lived in my whole life in five weeks for many of the same reasons you are. Best of luck, and I cannot wait for a tiny bit of snark based on the wide range of inappropriate outfits on law students — I’ve heard horror stories from my friends.

  56. Melinda says:

    Congratulations!! I appreciate your blog so much and I appreciate all the time and effort you clearly put into it. I hope you are wildly happy/content in your new endeavors!!

  57. Tia says:

    I’m currently struggling with the idea of going back to graduate school…it’s a tough decision!

  58. Nicole says:

    Congratulations, Belle! I hope that you enjoy law school as much as I did. Good luck!

  59. Mel says:

    Yay! I have often thought that you would make a great attorney. Law school will change the way you think forever, but I think the change will be one you will really appreciate with your background. Congratulations!

  60. Leigha says:

    Congrats on the decision to go to law school! I am graduating from law school in 1 month, and without a doubt your political experiences will prove to be an asset. I found that my time in DC proved helpful in many of my classes, particularly Administrative Law, Election Law, and Health Care Organizations and the Law. Best of luck to you!!!!

  61. Lauren says:

    Congratulations! It takes a lot of guts to quit your job and leave your city for a new venture in life. You should be very proud of yourself. Best of luck!

  62. Ann says:

    Best of luck, Belle! I’ve been a fan of your blog for a couple of years now, and I will keep tuning in. There is no doubt you will be the best dressed law student at your school. I graduated law school in 2005 and we were all in jeans and tees with a lot of roots showing during finals! I can’t imagine going back to school now, especially to take on a program as tough as a J.D. program, and I admire your ambition for doing so. Congratulations!

  63. Jourdin says:

    Congrats! This is so incredibly exciting–best of luck!

  64. lindsay says:

    You got this. I’m happy to come with you, because let’s be honest, this is the best dressed I’ve ever been in my whole life.

  65. Sarah says:

    Not only do I admire your taste in fashion and perspective on the role of professional women in the workplace; I admire your drive and the path you’ve carved out for yourself! I’m sure you’ll be equally successful in law school! Congratulations on opening a new chapter in your life, I can’t wait to see what it holds for you and your readers!

  66. Mia says:

    HOORAY! Good luck!

  67. Annie says:


    Law school was not always my favorite experience, but the degree definitely opens doors. It sounds like you’ve been thoughtful in your approach to your next professional step and I wish you well as you head off in a new direction.

    • Sarah says:

      I agree. It’s sometimes weird for me to say I hated law school…but I did. I liked the topics, but disliked the pressure cooker environment and what it did to the character of people around me (and me). It doesn’t mean I wasted three years…on the contrary, actually. I love being a lawyer. I’m a “goes to court every day” type of lawyer now. It sounds to me like you know exactly what you’re going to do with this degree, and I’ve always been impressed with your ability to have a blog at this level AND seem to advance in your full-time jobs. Your blog is a daily stop for me, and your friday list posts are my favorite these days. Good luck!!

  68. Katherine says:

    You tend to be courageous (it seems) and it’s served you well! Best of luck with the move and school-related adjustments.

    Waiting between posts will make them all the sweeter when they pop up in feedly.

  69. Kim says:

    Congratulations on the big change Belle! I think you will find that the added maturity, experience and sense of purpose you bring to law school now, compared to when you originally contemplated attending, will improve the significance for you considerably.

  70. Carla says:

    Best of luck! I hope you’ll be somewhere near Silicon Valley… and hope you can keep the blog going!

  71. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. What an exciting but nerve-wracking move. All the best!

  72. Katie says:

    Congrats, Belle! As a lawyer who did a traditional three-year program, I’ll be interested to hear about your experiences. Tbh, I decided to attend law school right before the recession hit, and I was definitely one of those humanities majors who decided to get a JD because I didn’t know what else to do. Luckily, I like my job and the path my career has taken so far – that said, I admire the thoughtful way you made your decision. Sounds like you have great things ahead, best of luck!!

  73. Emily says:

    All the best to you as you begin this exciting new chapter! I must say, I’m thrilled to hear you’ll be continuing your blog. As a Southerner living in San Francisco, I appreciate your always on-point fashion and career advice. Just curious, where on the West Coast will be attending school?

  74. Karen says:

    You go girl. Best of luck.

  75. Mary says:

    Best wishes to you in going back to school. I’m glad you’ll be continuing the blog.

  76. MX says:

    Congratulations! Wishing you all the best!

  77. RO says:

    Congratulations! I have enjoyed following you blog since my first job in DC, through graduate school on the West coast, and now as I progress professionally.

  78. Hillary says:

    Congrats, Belle! Such an exciting endeavor is ahead for you!

  79. Alexis says:

    Congrats!!! To which area are you moving? Either way you’re going to rock it!

  80. Ms. C says:

    Congratulations! And I echo everyone’s sentiment that I am very happy that you are continuing the blog.

    After the legislative counsel tore apart your bill, I’m sure they did you one last favor by giving you law school advice (advice in addition to “don’t do it”). So, while I’m sure you don’t need it, I’m still going to offer a few tips from my own experience:
    1) specialize: you are clearly a woman of motivation and focus, find a niche and exploit it.
    2) publish (bonus points if its within your chosen specialty): take a class that culminates in a paper and then put in 40 additional hours after the class to turn that paper into a student note for a law review. It will give you a leg up over the competition and something to discuss at interviews and networking coffees.
    3) clerk: do it. If you’re like me you’ll think of a million reasons why you shouldn’t. You’ll want to go ahead and get on with the business of law, but that will be a mistake. I worked for a year and then clerked and am forever grateful for the opportunity.

    Good luck!

  81. Rachel says:

    Congratulations and good luck! Glad you will be continuing the blog; it is by far my favorite read every day. Your readership is all excited for you and your new undertakings.

  82. Lh says:

    Congrats Belle! It sounds like an excellent opportunity… So happy for you!

  83. ~M says:

    Congratulations! This sounds very exciting. It’s inspiring to see someone take an unexpected step. Best of luck!

  84. Lia says:

    When you mentioned you were moving, I thought you meant to like Kalorama Heights, haha.

    So, so excited for you! Can’t wait to hear how you settle in.

  85. Emily says:

    Wow Belle, this is incredible, congratulations! It takes a lot of courage to do something like this, which is out of the comfort zone, but at the same time, getting you what you want. I have nothing but admiration for you and this choice. Best of luck to you in this new endeavor!!

    I’m so glad that you are going to continue the blog, because you are by far my favorite to follow.

  86. K says:

    Congratulations! You’ve helped me become a real adult (at least on the outside) in my early working years. Excited to see what’s next for you. Thank you for everything.

  87. Emily says:

    I’m starting at Georgetown law this August. Sorry to hear you won’t be a classmate – that would have been awesome. Have a blast on the west coast!

  88. GoGoGo says:

    Mazel Tov, Belle!

    Your blog has injected so many little moments of class and beauty into my work week for the past four years. Thank you for all the care you’ve put into it. My own career path here in DC has risen and fallen, as they do, and throughout, CHS has always been a this lovely little virtual community of women going through the same. And so many conversations have gone in so many funny directions! It’s a very cool thing.

    I’m glad to hear you’re taking this big step, and I’m so pleased you’re taking us along!

    Ah, and so, DC loses another good one to law school. And the circle of life continues, and the antelope eat the grass, etc.

  89. SJ says:

    Best of luck to you, Belle! You need to follow your heart and I’m sure there are great things in store. (And thank you for keeping the blog going — it’s a daily highlight for so many of us!)

  90. GoGoGo says:

    Also if CHS goes full campaign trail chic, and we get a lot of Two Ways posts about how to put together outfits not just for canvassing but for phone banking, for late night yard sign dropping, for debate prepping, for Fourth of July parade stickering…well in any case, I will LOL.

    (And everything can have pockets for flash cards, for the stylish 1L!)

  91. Diana says:

    I took time off after undergrad before I went on to law school and it was the best thing I ever did. You are going to appreciate the program so much more now that you have some real world experience of the value of the degree. I took the 2 year path (year-around day and evening classes), I’m not sure this was one of my better decisions, but I made it and if I can do it, you will have no problem. I hope you are able to keep this blog going, but law school is your priority. You go girl!

  92. AHHHHHH! And congratulations. I have been reading your blog almost from the very beginning. I can’t wait to see what you do with this blog and your career!

  93. neurosciency says:


    • neurosciency says:

      sorry, i was phone-typing and didn’t get a chance to express how excited i am for you haha. i can’t wait to see how you balance the blog & law school. & i hope you’ll be back in DC after you’re all lawyered 🙂

  94. pw says:

    Congrats! 🙂

  95. SacDhar says:

    congrats! can’t wait to hear more about where in the West. If California, i’m eager to see your take on the more relaxed, but still professional style out here!

  96. L says:

    Congratulations! I’m so happy for you and welcome (in advance) to the profession! This is going to be a great adventure for you. Though I don’t practice any more, I’m proud to be a lawyer, and had the most extraordinary experiences. I love your blog and your frank opinion on things. Keep up the great work and let us know how you’re doing. Best wishes!

  97. JB says:

    Just plain thrilled for this exciting new opportunity and adventure you are undertaking. Best of luck and thanks for the past, present, and future advice via CHS.

  98. Maria says:

    Congratulations! As another woman who went to law school a bit “late,” bringing a mature life perspective made the journey so incredible. Best wishes to you.

  99. Bronwyn says:

    So excited for you! Go get ’em!

  100. Nina B says:

    Congratulations!!! Thank you so much for this blog. It has been a wonderful source of inspiration and advice. I look forward to your future posts and maybe seeing how this new phase of your life is reflected in fashion.

  101. nancy says:

    I am elated for you! My daughter turned me on to your blog two years ago and it is the only one I never miss. I am rooting for you and am grateful for the way you share your journey. It is even more inspiring than all of the style tips!!!

  102. Alexis says:

    Congratulations! Now I am dying for more clues about where you are headed. Almost everything is west of DC, and I think you might be going to my alma mater – it has a two year program, it is on a trimester and would be starting summer session soon, and it is very generous with scholarships. Please give another hint!! Republican governor? District with an open seat?

    As a current policy specialist, I can guarantee you that the next two years will prove to be invaluable. Best reading during your travel “west” is Learning Legal Reasoning: Briefing, Analysis and Theory by John Delaney. The book specifies a six-step approach to briefing a case with specific guidelines for accomplishing each step. Also, buy one of those 4-color Bic pens (black, blue, red, and green), they are the best for briefing cases. Best wishes!

  103. Meghan says:

    Congratulations!! Wishing you all the best!

  104. Courtney says:

    You GO sister! Way to dive into the unknown and make a change. I am inspired by your desire to go after new paths that call to you, and to do it with style. This post has given me a burst of energy to move forward with some things in my own life. Thank you for sharing your insight with us on the blog, it’s a fun community that you have created!

  105. Emmaj says:

    This is the only fashion blog that is meant for the professional world. Thanks CHS for challenging us to look good while doing well.

  106. JCA says:

    Congratulations to a new chapter and a fresh start.

  107. Hi Belle,
    Thank you so much for sharing your career and your style advice. When I stumbled upon your blog, I thought it was so refreshing to find such personality and useful writing on fashion and career. It’s definitely made me take a more critical eye to how I present myself, both at work, and personally.

    As someone who is also considering graduate school, I made the decision a few years ago, that I would only go back when I hit a roadblock in my career or wanted to change careers. Your story is so inspiring.

    Wishing you all the best. Our society needs more different voices, and I am confident you will succeed. Thank you for being such an inspiration and role model.

  108. KLo says:

    Congratulations! I had a feeling you’d go back one day, and I’ll be proud to welcome you into the club in a couple of years!

  109. Brenda says:

    I discovered CHS recently and am so glad you will continue blogging. I am looking forward to your posts. Congratulations on everything!!!!!

  110. Jessica says:

    Great news! I don’t practice law – I didn’t even sit for the bar because I knew I would never practice – and I can tell you that as a young woman, having a JD has certainly given me more credibility in a lot of situations. It is also a personal accomplishment that you will always be proud of. Good for you for seeking out another great adventure. Best of luck!

  111. Vi says:

    Belle, i am so very happy for you! Best of luck in this next journey.

  112. SM says:

    Congratulations! You will not regret this decision either. Two years will fly by and you will be happier for the end result (and missing DC won’t be half as bad as you think). Thank you for every post, every search for posts and all that you do with your blog. I love it and am a more confident and happier woman thanks to your blog. I wish much happiness and success for you!

  113. Laura says:

    Congrats! Best of luck and I’m glad the blog will remain. I recently moved West for a job from DC…but you’ve kept me connected. Thanks!

  114. Meredith says:

    A little late to this post, but CONGRATS! I’m excited for you and your new adventure! Thank you for great content daily on CHS 🙂

  115. Meri says:

    Best of luck Belle and a big congrats on your acceptance and courage to make a difficult choice that has a more long term payoff (those can be the scariest!) As an attorney whose JD is more a tool than my day-to-day work, I promise you the journey will be worthwhile! Thanks for being an inspiration in life and in fashion!!

  116. Jenny says:

    Congratulations Belle! Way to keep thinking ahead about what you need to do to make your career dreams a reality. I am VERY interested to hear your observations about the professional fashion world outside of DC. 🙂

  117. Liz says:

    Congratulations! Sounds like an exciting turn of events and I look forward to seeing you navigate these changes… stylishly of course!

  118. Kristiina says:

    You put your money where your mouth is ;). I am a stay at home mom–just wanted you to know that you inspire all types of women. Looking forward to following along in this next chapter of your life!

  119. Sade says:

    Congratulations! Looking forward to hearing about the journey, new wardrobe challenges and all. (As someone who also decided to go back to school recently I’m only partly joking, as it did require a few new pieces!)

  120. Trisha says:

    Best of luck to you, Belle. I’m thrilled to know there’s another talented lady in the world of politics, this time armed with yet another degree. Your blog is practical, charming and inspirational to professionals everywhere – I love it and I’m an accountant in the Midwest. The aka you for being dedicated to what you love.

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The Beauty Edit: An Under-Eye Concealer That Actually Works

My dark under eye circles have been the bane of my existence since I was 12. Is the cause lack of sleep? Dehydration? Sinus issues? Stress? Who the hell knows. But there they are, every day, telling the world that I am an exhausted working Mom.



Recent Posts

The Range: A Business Look from Boden

Every now and again, I spot a piece on sale and I have to have it. I need it. I cannot live without it. Recently, I spotted a jersey tee at Boden that takes a casual top to the next level, and I just needed to share.



Saw It On Social: The Battle of the Spendy Swimsuits

Sloane loves the pool. She jumps from the deck into the water with a crash, never considering her own safety, only to emerge on the surface, shouting “Again!” The pool is my daughter’s happy place. But no place where I need to wear a swimsuit in public is a happy one for me.




Beauty, BPGP, Top Posts | July 25, 2024

The Beauty Edit: An Under-Eye Concealer That Actually Works

My dark under eye circles have been the bane of my existence since I was 12. Is the cause lack of sleep? Dehydration? Sinus issues? Stress? Who the hell knows. But there they are, every day, telling the world that I am an exhausted working Mom.



Features, Posts, The Range | July 25, 2024

The Range: A Business Look from Boden

Every now and again, I spot a piece on sale and I have to have it. I need it. I cannot live without it. Recently, I spotted a jersey tee at Boden that takes a casual top to the next level, and I just needed to share.



Features, Posts, Saw It On Social | July 24, 2024

Saw It On Social: The Battle of the Spendy Swimsuits

Sloane loves the pool. She jumps from the deck into the water with a crash, never considering her own safety, only to emerge on the surface, shouting “Again!” The pool is my daughter’s happy place. But no place where I need to wear a swimsuit in public is a happy one for me.



Features, Monday Mornings, Posts, Style | July 22, 2024

The Mondays: July 22, 2024

The Crowdstrike/Microsoft Meltdown forced me to take a few days off this weekend. No laptop. No billable hours. So we packed Sloane up for a visit to a local llama farm, stopped by the pool, went for coffee, etc. Few things are as funny as watching a 23-month old feed carrots to a ravenous rescue […]