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The Only Winter Boots I Buy

Oct 2, 2024

I was born during a snowstorm. On Memorial Day Weekend. Such is life in Montana, a place where I have spent more days out of school for union strikes than for the weather. It didn’t matter how much snow or sleet or wind there was. It didn’t matter if the temperatures dropped to the negative-teens or below, as long as the school busses would start up, there would be class.

As a result of this upbringing, I know winter socks and I know boots. Come campaign season, I get lots of texts from the unlucky few chosen to campaign in Montana, North Dakota, Alaska, New Hampshire, Maine and other parts North. Here are the only boots I recommend, ever.

Let this picture from Spring 1986 serve as proof that I have been wearing Sorel boots since Reagan was president. Sorel is the only brand I buy. They are comfortable, warm, well-made, and they last.

I prefer the Caribou, a classic style that never looks dated. If you want something a little less winter-forward, they also make a waterproof Chelsea-style boot.

Also, if you need warm socks, just buy Smartwool. I have a mild wool allergy, and I still wear them. I like both the hiking socks and the every day socks. I am happy to live through a little bit of itching for actual warmth.

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  1. Rachel says:

    I live in East TN, so I don’t need true snow boots. (Well, except this past Jan when Knoxville for over a foot of snow, in which case the $40 discount Sorel’s I bought years ago came in extra handy.) But, what I do need in East TN are rain boots, enter the Sorel Out & About. I live and die by these boots in our mildish winter weather. They are amazing and anytime someone asks for winter boot recs, I always point them that direction.

  2. Cait says:

    What’s your take on SmartWool v. Darn Tough? I bought Darn Tough for hiking originally and I thought it had better cushioning and held up better to washer/dryer abuse than my comparable SmartWools.

    • Shaina says:

      Hi Cait, re: Darn Tough vs Smartwool, I love both but Darn Tough definitely last longer for me. I have different styles/cushioning in each brand and I’ll buy either if I come across a sale but toes/heels wear out faster for me in my Smartwools.

  3. E says:

    Love my Sorels and Smartwool; just replaced a pair of Sorels last winter because after 15!! years they finally sprung a leak.

  4. Amy says:

    For good socks that aren’t wool, consider alpaca! It is soft, warm, and does well at temperature regulation in a wide variety of temperatures. I’ve purchased from Alpacas of Montana and Pacas, but there are other suppliers like Paka as well. Alpacas of Montana is where I bought my first alpaca socks but Pacas seems to have a better range of thicknesses/weights.

  5. Katie says:

    Sorels = GOAT. Grew up in Minnesota and they are The Answer for all your winter boot needs.

  6. Lauren says:

    I’m a fan of Sorels (though I went with Ugg Adirondack when I had to buy a new pair a few years ago), but I also purchased the Baffin Cloud boot last year. They didn’t really have the chance to shine since winter partially skipped over Minnesota last year, but it’s so nice to not fiddle with ties as you’re trying to take off your boots in a cold entryway with freezing, hardly functioning fingers! They’re also great for walking through tall snow banks.

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