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Happy Hour: The Freakin’ Weekend

May 8, 2020

Even when all of the days run together, by Thursday, I’m still ready for some kind of break.  Or at least a respite from Zoom calls.  So what are we drinking this weekend?  The kind of cocktail that I should probably drinking on a boat, but my patio will do.

I am not on TikTok.  I am not getting on TikTok.  But apparently, this White Claw Slushie has gone viral on TikTok.

The recipe is simple enough: Canned hard seltzer, ice, fruit (fresh or frozen), tossed in a blender and crushed until slushie consistency.  That simple.

Possible flavor combinations include: Mango and peaches, Raspberry and mixed berry with lime, Pineapple with blackberries.

Personally, I’ve switched from White Claws to High Noon Sun Sips.  They’re vodka and soda instead of seltzer and malt beverage. Same calories, same canned look.

I like the taste of Sun Sips better (not sweet, not artificial tasting), and I prefer to drink vodka.  Mixing the watermelon flavor with actual watermelon and lime sounds sublime.  Or just be lazy and drink the delicious black cherry straight.

As we discussed last week, this is caftan summer.  This & Other Stories dress is a great flowy, loose-fitting option for when leggings become stifling and you need summertime comfort.  They also have a green tie dye caftan and a yellow smocked one.

I also like this LoveStitch Border Print Caftan in soft hues.  I also found this “work dress” caftan from COS.  And I’m both confused and intrigued by this Barefoot Dreams for Chico’s caftan, also in plus.

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  1. AB says:

    Ah, I am ready to get back to caftans! I had one that even still fit me at nine months pregnant that I love. I’m still breastfeeding and haven’t found a nursing friendly one I can stand, so I’m just waiting until I can pull mine out again.

  2. SM says:

    Hello! How about a post one Friday on dressing for date night at home? I feel like its important to mix it up during pandemic times.

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