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Ask Belle: Is Wet Hair Office-Appropriate?

Jul 13, 2015

Hi Belle,

Long time reader, first time writer. I was debating whether it is appropriate to walk into the office with wet hair either in the morning or after lunch with some of my friends from college yesterday. I don’t think it looks professional and I work in a decidedly business casual office. My friends all work in more formal settings and they have no problem with it at either time of day. I think it is more inappropriate after lunch, but I’m also opposed to it in the morning.

Would love to hear your thoughts. -Carlie

This is a topic that we’ve discussed on the blog before, but it never hurts to bring it up again.

First off, arriving to work with sopping wet hair is never okay.  If you have curly hair, I’m informed that arriving at the office with damp hair is sometimes the only way to have a good hair day.  I also think it’s okay to come into work with damp hair if it’s in an updo.

Outside of those exceptions and the occasional nightmare morning meltdown (it happens), I don’t think it’s appropriate.  So what do you do instead?

Dry shampoo is my salvation when I need to be at work or school right now and don’t have time to wash, dry, and style.  I like the Psssst brand, oilier scalps are better off with BlowPro Faux Dry.

Looking for tips on how to style your hair post-workout?  Fitness Magazine discusses how to skip washing your hair.  Well + Good offers tips for women who can’t shower post-workout.