1) An article titled “Recline, Don’t Lean In” is sure to get picked up everywhere. I hope I live long enough to see the day when men are writing articles about work-life balance and the comments section loses its mind judging their choices.
2) Chico’s has a unique selection of mid-price jewelry. These blushing bangles are pretty. I also love these slightly imperfect rhinestone drop earrings. And the color of the stone on this chunky cocktail ring is sublime.
3) Emma Watson, of Harry Potter fame, fought back against sexist comments directed at female celebrities. In return, she was attacked with even more vitriol. Vanity Fair discusses her continuing battle and how she supports feminism.
4) I am loving this DKNY neoprene, crop-top and midi-skirt combo with laser-cut details. Yes, there are a lot of words in that sentence I never thought I would use alongside the word “loving.”
5) How to Take the Perfect Instagram Photo.
6) Banana Republic has a lovely selection of bags right now. This basic Larkin tote comes in six colors (the blush is my favorite). The Hartford Satchel has a lot of internal pockets for organized storage. Need a weekend bag? This envelope crossbody bag is a chic choice.
*image found here.
Have an article for The Workday Reading? E-mail it to capitolhillstyle (at) gmail or tweet it to @caphillstyle.
I’m reaaaally getting sick of the phrase “lean in.” I didn’t read the book, and I never will (though I appreciated the article here). It’s somehow become one more thing women are expected to do successfully on top of the bake sale goods and math homework and keeping our svelte 20-something physiques. In the words of Kelly Clarkson, “screw ’em.”
The “Recline, Don’t Lean In” article is over a year old.
But you’re right, Belle–it did get a lot of traction at the time.
Someone emailed it in, and I thought it was interesting. When I looked, I saw it was February, and I must have just read over the 2014 without noticing.
I think the Recline author is right– the Lean In culture is what forces more women out. Moms in my area say, “you can’t have it all! you can’t work and have a family and do both well!” So they quit, none of them work, forever. Retired at age 30-35. Which is fine, their choice, but some might be happier with work that’s not all consuming than they are never working again.
I have the same thought every time I read one of these articles. The issue isn’t whether we lean in, recline, or slam in like a semi. The issue is that we never ask men to make those choices. Men are never expected to do it all, why are we? We’ve broken down barriers in the office but haven’t managed to do the same at home.
Good point. I’d love to the look on a man’s face when an entire society is telling him to lean in. Ugh, give me a break.