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State of the Blog: Retreat!

May 2, 2014

I will spending this weekend on a religious retreat with my Mom, so there will be no posts today.  There will very likely be posts Monday since some of them are already done, but I am assured that I will be too tired from lack of sleep to finish them Sunday night.  (Ha! We’ll see about that.)

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and that the weather treats you kindly.  We could all use a break from this seemingly endless winter and wet spring.  It has to warm up and some point, right?

xoxo, Belle


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  1. love it says:

    sounds like an awesome weekend – enjoy!

  2. Joules says:

    Have an awesome and fulfilling weekend!

    Style by Joules

  3. amb says:

    Did you do the Walk to Emmaus this weekend? I wouldn’t ask if you hadn’t just discussed your religious affiliations in a recent comment.

    I hope the weekend was good for you. I was very active in the Chrysalis and to some extent Emmaus when I was younger; although I no longer identify with them, I am thankful for the experiences I had.

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