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State of the Blog: Just My Luck

Feb 18, 2014

Hello Ladies,

My good luck streak continues.  Trapped at three airports in four states in seven days.  Now, sick with a terrible cold. *Bang Head Here*

Hopefully, I’ll be on a plane today with lots of free time and a working wi-fi connection, so expect four posts tomorrow.  But until then, I need to go drink another Emergen-C.

Have a good Tuesday.  I hope you all enjoyed your weekend!



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  1. Heather Harrell says:

    feel better, sympathizing with your cold- and mentally sharing my Vicks Puffs tissues with you!

  2. Chloe says:

    I feel your pain – just got diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection. UGH. Feel better!

  3. Lynn says:

    It’s nothing but snow and the flu here in DC, so don’t feel like you need to rush back!

  4. Charleigh says:

    She’s Alive! Sorry to hear about the travel woes. That’s just plain misery. And being sick is never fun.

  5. Aparna says:

    Thanks for checking in here – us in the blogosphere were getting worried. Hope you feel better soon!!

  6. LeesaS says:

    Belle I feel your pain. I have flown almost every week since August 2013 and have experienced just about every airport delay possible. Seriously, once a flight is late I think the airlines give up altogether. Feel better soon. EmergenC saves me all the time.

  7. cynthiaw says:

    I feel for you, I spent 5 hours trapped in DFW last Friday while they looked for a working plane for us, only to spend an hour on the tarmac in Columbus while they deiced the planes at the gate. Then I was delayed again on Sunday for both flights – I spent more time in airports than I did visiting with my family.

    Fortunately, I didn’t get sick, but I’m still exhausted from the stress of it all. I hope that you get where you’re going and get better soon!

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