The Devil returns…
Last week, Lauren Weisberger–author of The Devil Wears Prada and creator of the greatest villain of the modern age, Miranda Priestly–released the much-anticipated sequel, Revenge Wears Prada. The plot is summarized thusly:
Almost a decade has passed since Andy Sachs quit the job “a million girls would die for” working for Miranda Priestly at Runway magazine—a dream that turned out to be a nightmare. Andy and Emily, her former nemesis and co-assistant, have since joined forces to start a highend bridal magazine. The Plunge has quickly become required reading for the young and stylish. Now they get to call all the shots: Andy writes and travels to her heart’s content; Emily plans parties and secures advertising like a seasoned pro.
Even better, Andy has met the love of her life. Max Harrison, scion of a storied media family, is confident, successful, and drop-dead gorgeous. Their wedding will be splashed across all the society pages as their friends and family gather to toast the glowing couple. Andy Sachs is on top of the world. But karma’s a bitch. The morning of her wedding, Andy can’t shake the past. And when she discovers a secret letter with crushing implications, her wedding-day jitters turn to cold dread. Andy realizes that nothing—not her husband, nor her beloved career—is as it seems. She never suspected that her efforts to build a bright new life would lead her back to the darkness she barely escaped ten years ago—and directly into the path of the devil herself…
Well, doesn’t that just sound like the perfect summer read?
I, of course, purchased my Kindle copy as soon as the release date was announced. Then, the fine people at Simon & Schuster and BrandlinkPR each sent me a copy. So I thought I would share the wealth and give them away.
If you would like a chance a copy of Revenge Wears Prada, leave a comment answering the following question: Which job do you consider the one that “a million girls would kill for”?
Winners will be chosen on Saturday, please don’t forget to leave your real email addresses when you sign in to leave a comment so I can contact you.
P.S. Here’s hoping they make a sequel to the movie as well. “By all means, move at a glacial pace. You know how it thrills me.”
Editor of In Style Magazine.
I would kill to work as a wardrobe stylist for film or tv, and I think a whole bunch of other girls would kill for it too.
I’d hope President, but sadly probably something like Ryan Goslings assistant.
Hm, probably to be the advisor to a HBIC like Christine Lagarde, Hillary Clinton or Angela Merkel – I prefer to be the power behind the throne and it would be great to learn from a woman like that.
President of the United States
Well, if we’re watching romantic comedies, obviously that job is Art Gallery Assistant/Assistant Curator.
But honestly, how can anyone say “all women want job X?” I have a cousin whose dream is to be a model. I wanted to run for Congress when I was 17 (a dream shared by most of my female friends at GW when we were freshmen) and now I want to be a doctor. Maybe travel writer? I can’t think of many people who would turn that down.
The job a million girls would kill for… U.S. Ambassador to France!
I’m in need of a good summer read- This would definitely fit the bill!
I think the kind of job you’d kill for depends on your state of mind. Normally I’d say West Wing… but in my current over-worked frame of mind, the job I’d kill for is to be a travel writer with an unlimited budget. Stay at the best hotels, eat at the best restaurants, and always have a new beach waiting to be visited.
I want to go to there.
Personal shopper and/or personal stylist.
My personal deam job would be to own and run my own B and B. Not sure that a million are standing in line for that one, but it would be my bliss.
Easy: Daily Show correspondent. Getting to smartly and tartly poke fun and skewer Washington silliness, all while hanging out with Jon Stewart and a brilliant crew of writers? Bliss.
What Anthony Bourdain does — get paid a pretty penny to travel to every country in the world, be put up in hotels, resorts, B&Bs, you name it, be witty, and eat food.
I suspect a million girls would kill for the job of a travel/food writer where there was no possibility of weight gain. (Hey, the contest prize is a work of fiction, so a girl can dream, right?)
We’ve all thought of it at one point– OPI Nail Polish Namer
Haha yes!
WH Chief of Staff – at least the million girls who are growing up on a steady diet of The West Wing, like I did.
WH Press Secretary a la early CJ for me
Especially if I could get the code name Flamingo
Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent for any of the major networks.
Are we talking about a specific million girls? Because I think probably “professional Oscar winner” might fit the bill.
I would love to have a job as Stacy London. Going around making women feel sexy, confident and special while being a fashion guru sounds like win-win!!
Bestselling novelist, full time, well-paid freelance writer, travel writer…. You get the gist. Maybe not millions of girls wish this, but surely at least thousands…
Beyonce Knowles’ travel assistant.
Every Type A young woman professional in DC I know secretly whispers about moving to Annapolis and opening a hipster coffee shop. Seriously. Every. Single. One.
I want to open one in Lauterbrunnen.
Would love to own/operate a little coffeehouse in a sleepy college town…probably not for everyone – but to me – glorious!
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Executive Director. Or maybe that’s just me!
I would second that!
I have to second OPI nail polish namer!
Successful travel blogger profiling high-end exclusive tropical vacation spots.
Working for myself. I want to run my own business!
Squeal of joy! Just re-watched the movie last weekend with my sister. Never gets old.
I think a million women want to figure out how to turn Pinning on Pinterest into a career. Seriously.
I personally want to be White House Press Secretary, ala Allison Janney in The West Wing.
Face of Dior, Chanel, etc!
Princess (even though us smart, educated, high achieving ladies aren’t supposed to admit it).
Reality TV star or real-life princess. What those “million girls” don’t realize is that the most successful reality TV stars have keen business acumen (so they can monetize themselves in all areas) and that the most beloved princesses need superb diplomatic skills.
(Is Paige responding to Laura? If not, whoa, coincidence!)
Yes on POTUS, but in the same vein of the book, I’ll go with assistant to the pantsuit-wearing power duo of Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel
Whatever job lets you pin, cook, travel and tell everyone about amazing experiences. Oh and pays for their Style pin board!
Chief advisor to Hillary Clinton!
To be a personal shopper, perhaps? Personally, I would love to be a sports analyst. Thanks for the giveaway!
Seems like a million women would kill to be a gallery assistant, although lord knows why…!
I hope to win–looks like a great read for my trips home from 3(!) weddings in the span of a month and a half…
A food/lifestyle writer who gets to travel around the world!
Postdoctoral researcher for a certain Nobel Laureate at MIT. And it would have to come with a job for my boyfriend somewhere in Boston.
Although, I will say that I liked the movie much more than the book…
Sec. of State!
Travel writer does sound wonderful – I wonder if it is as glamorous as it seems.
A wildly successful novelist with enough income to a) live in a sleepy little bungalow on the beach, and b) travel the world whenever she likes!
Own the Chicago Cubs. After 100 years without a championship, why not give me a shot? Also, who wouldn’t want to spend every day at the Friendly Confines? (a/k/a Wrigley Field, for all those unfamiliar)
right now, its to be a travel blogger who gets to travel and work abroad.
One with European type vacation leave and a dog in the office.
“Lifestyle Expert/Consultant” Every single time I see one of these ladies on a talk show or news show segment sharing tips for gift guides and party appetizers and new workout gear I think about how amazing that job must be.
Best friend to Joe Biden
“Best friend to Joe Biden” is the oddest suggestion. But strangely enticing.
A lobbyist for a “noble” cause. Personally to help animals and the environment. With a side job/hobby in the fashion world. Is this just me?
A food or travel writer. Or both.
An Oscar winning, widely-renowned, respected actress. I think everyone dreams about walking that Oscar carpet at one point or another…
White House Press Secretary
Florals? For Spring? Groundbreaking.
A job a million girl would die for is obviously to be Suri Cruise
My dream job would be working at a music label finding and growing new talent. Going to shows all the time and having people value your opinion on a band? Sign me up!
Travel writer/hotel grader!!
Any job where I can work from anywhere/home, and pursue volunteer interests at the same time.
World wide restaurant critic!
Travel blogger/writer!
Mrs. Prince William!
Personal Assistant to Kate Middleton
Travel Journalist!
The job “a million girls would kill for?”
Ice cream taster! Hands down.
Haha, I’ll second Emily with the nail polish namer. Or some form of taste testing, maybe a wine taste tester!
White House Social Secretary
A spa service reviewer! You would get to get massages for a living
Cabinet member – all the research says most women are put off by the demands of running for elected office. To get specific let’s say Sec of HHS. If I got to pick a seat in the cabinet it would be education.
I think it depends on which million girls you’re talking about. I would love to work in NYC for a magazine but I’m sure a million other girls would want something different.
I’d like to run the Clinton foundation or work on Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign!
I think “a million girls would kill” to be a fashion and style blogger — but I wonder if that’s just the new version of Andy Sachs’ job!
my personal to-die-for job would be to open my own bookstore.
VP of Programming for Bravo – look out Andy Cohen!
My to-die-for job – landscape architect!
a job a million girls would kill for – fashion blogger!
There are billions of girls on this planet, so I don’t think I can name just one job! Many millions of girls want millions of different things!
Some dream of becoming a famous actress. Others dream of devoting their lives to charity and non-profit. It’s all about perspective: what makes someone happy might make another person totally miserable.
To answer the question: I’m happy with my job in law (and a moneymaking side job in agriculture), but I would just love to get paid a ton of money to travel the world in luxury!
Yes! I’m currently putting together my list of summer reads. This WILL be added whether I win or not!
Probably not a million girls… maybe just me… I’ve always wanted to be the person who puts together soundtracks for movies! Maybe the person who gets to go to concerts and discover new bands. I’d say be the lead singer in a band but I lack that whole singing talent that’s sort of crucial.
I realize this doesn’t fit the general demographic reading this blog, but a million women are seeking the job of trophy wife.
I’d say close to a million girls (myself included) would love to be a high-end travel writer. I would also love to be Secretary of HHS or the president of a health nonprofit, but I don’t think that’s on the list of quite as many women.
A Lady Who Lunches and gets paid for it.
Loved the first one – can’t wait to read the next!
I’d have to say most women would kill to be paid to travel the world – not sure what job that would fall into, but something where they could leisurely explore cities around the word… travel reviewer maybe?
Supreme Court Justice!
A job a million women would kill for – fashion/food blogger
My dream job – diplomat!
Agree with POTUS and travel writer ideas!
I had my dream job, I ran a governors mansion for two wonderful governors and their families. After that, everything has been a let down.
Healthcare lobbyist, best selling author or wine critic. I could be happy doing any of these!
The current Duchess of Cambridge and future Queen of England. Is that just me?
I would love to run a huge charitable foundation. I’m a fundraising consultant and would love to try out the giving side!
Fiction editor.
To be tapped to write Barbara Walters’ biography! Amazing jouranlist and woman.
Wedding planner.
For me, the dream remains “Broadway star”…maybe the kind with crossover appeal. EGOT anyone?
White House General Counsel! Who wouldn’t want the birdseye view to interesting legal issues?!
I would DIE to be the “lady in waiting” to the First Lady. So essentially, Special Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the First Lady or Special Assistant to the President and White House Social Secretary. (Also, I think only people who live in DC would have this answer).
Nina Totenberg. Well, her replacement when she gracefully retires :).
Sephora guinea pig
Amy Gardner’s various jobs on the West Wing… the ability to raise millions of dollars and stop legislation with a single phone call.
My dream job – being appointed ambassador somewhere in Western Europe. The job a million girls would kill for? sucessful fashion/food/lifestyle blogger
Let me tell ya — food writing/blogging/editing is not as glamorous as it seems. Not to mention the low salary. Journalism seems awesome…until you’re in the industry. There are perks, but there are definitely just as many cons as the next job!
I think a lot of women would love to be a buyer for a large department store or large chain (like Anthropologie).
Own & Run an indie bookstore after being COS for the President. Or COS for a great state like Alaska.
I would kill to keep doing what I’m doing now – advocacy work with people infected & affected by HIV/AIDS.
as an event planner I hear all the time ‘you’re job must be so fun you get to go to all the parties’ and they are right it is fun but its not for everyone.
Sommelier, winery owner, CIA analyst or small, Indie, bookshop owner
I think the job a million women would kill for…trophy wife
A million girls? A pony farm owner. As it’s been years since I considered myself a girl, I think a million women would want the job of travel writer/culinary expert.
Winery owner!
Fashion designer!
Federal judge for me. Job security and benefits.
A personal shopper or stylist. Who doesn’t want to spend someone else’s money all day?
Anything at Birchbox! Marketing, general counsel, software…it looks like it all comes with unlimited opportunities to play with indie makeup labels and perfect your side-braid, all in the name of “work”!!
I’ve always wanted to work for Spanx, would love to be in their PR department! XOXO- Love the blog!
White House Social Secretary
My dream job has always been to own my own boutique, and some girls may agree?
I would love to be a traveling food writer. Like Anthony Bourdain but I wouldn’t eat super weird stuff.
Personal pant-suit stylist to Hillary Clinton?
Just kidding.
Definitely would have to go with Organizer of the Vogue Magazine closet…just to be able to touch the clothes would be enough to fulfill a lifetime.
Prince Harry’s wife (now that William is taken), or European hotel reviewer (get paid to try out new vacation spots!)
Hillary Clinton’s assistant. No matter what position she’s in or side of the aisle you’re on politically.
Ben and Jerry’s “ice cream namer”. (yum)
First Female President. Make history, run the free world, and call your husband the First Gentleman.
Ditto on the WH Social Secretary!
The comms staffer responsible for Hillary Clinton’s Twitter bio.
Perhaps a lifestyle blogger with all the perks – free clothes, trips, invites to fashion week and grand openings and exclusive parties, the works!
i always wanted to be ballerina pr a back up dancer for Madonna. Not sure there are a lot of girls who wanted that but…
Travel writer
Despite the tech heavy leanings of society, I’d like to run a used bookstore / tea house.
Pillsbury taste tester, all the way.
awesome. as long as it came with a magic pill where you didn’t gain weight during “work hours.”
Writer for the Daily Show/owner of hot new chain of organic fast food-meets-slow food restaurants/creator of some brilliant new product. And I get to spend all of August in France. So little time.
I love my job and can’t think of anything I’d like better- and although its clearly not a popular on this site, I know there are at least thousands of others working really hard to get into my field! I’m a surgeon.
Seems that a million girls would kill for a job as a successfull fashion/lifestyle blogger… Me?… I love being a SAHM, but would (almost) kill to be a personal assistant to Beth Moore
I work in International Relations, so I’m going with Secretery of State. Being the face of America and getting to travel all over the world? Yes. Please.
Co-Host on E! News. Fun!!
My dream job would be to own my own flower shop.
A florist with my own shop. I know, not everyone’s cup of tea but definitely mine.
Can’t wait to read this book!
Princess. I bet there are at least a million girls that want to be a princess!
Also, Beyonce. I would totally love to be Beyonce as a profession.
It seems like half the people I know from college are quitting their jobs to start a bakery, so maybe that’s what a million girls would kill for?
I think a million girls would still love to be a princess (Princess of Wales, married to Harry?)
More realistically, definitely a lot of women would love to be a travel writer to explore the world on someone else’s dime
Personally I love interior design and would love to be doing that for a living.
Honestly, I think a million girls will kill for this job, Belle! You write an amazing blog, not only about fashion, that all readers can connect with. I wish I had that talent!
I would also love to be part of the President’s cabinet, but not the President herself… that’s a lot of pressure and all of the former Presidents have gone gray so quickly
I would love to run a charity or work for the MET.
Hmmmm… Personal Stylist, Professional Pinterest pinner, or International Hotel Critic.
Mechanical Engineer for NASA. Developing future technologies that will help NASA explore space.
To work for Google of course!
To work for Google, of course!
I think a million people would die to be a travel agent. All the perks of being an agent (free vacays), but also the joy of helping others plan trips for special events or just to get away. Sounds divine!
For me? National Geographic writer/photographer. I think a million girls (and guys!) would kill to be able to travel the world, discover amazing things and have their work inspire others to do the same!
Definitely a princess. I’d settle for Harry.
Backup dancer for Justin Timberlake.
In my world, it’d be the White House Press Secretary and/or Speech Writer. Probably not everyone’s cup of tea.
Oof, that’s a hard one.
I think a million girls would kill for any job that pays decently right now.
West Wing Deputy Chief of Staff–a female Josh Lyman.
Hil Clinton’s personal assistant (and BFF)
have a show on the travel channel – viewers pick the destination, the show goes there to find out more about the spot!
or president of the good ol’ USA.
Barbie’s clothing designer!
Easy. a million girls would kill to be Suri Cruise. Cute, stylish, spoiled, and burn book operator? No brainer.
White House Chief of Staff Monday-Friday (yes, this is a fantasy) and the Barefoot Contessa on the weekends.
So many great jobs listed here… but have to second travel/food writer.
Dream Job, Cultural Affairs Office at the American Embassy in France!
Trusted head of charitable foundation of a philanthropist/extremely wealthy person.
I would like to be on a ton of boards/charitable foundations that involves traveling to board meetings in exotic locales and making important decisions without all the work of actually being a member of said business or charity
Event Coordinator for the White House
Running a top tech company
I really really hope no one would kill for a job. Maybe whatever job might let them make out with Ryan Gosling. That might be worth it, I guess.
U.S. Ambassador to UN – promoting peace the world over!
Fashion blogger.
I’d bet there are a million women out there who want to be Jenna Lyons’ deputy/assistant.
Attorney General of the US. As the above comment suggests, obviously no one would “kill” for a job. But if they did, the AG could have the US Attorney prosecute them… Win-win!
Fashion blogger
Real housewives tag line creator!
I second the comment of being the first hand assistant to the FLOTUS or working as director of events at the White House. I’m sure the job is exhausting, but would be a fascinating perspective.
deputy chief of staff for the white house… ok maybe I’ve been watching too much West Wing but I’d kill for that job. Or just a plain old foreign service officer would be great, too.
For this girl, its a position with BMW, designing the fastest and hottest cars!
Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager or Ambassador to Argentina
Being a High-End Travel writer… couldn’t pass up seeing the world on someone else’s dime!
Director of a Food Bank. It is a million jobs from where I’m at, but it seems right.
For a lighthearted response, I’ll say Prince Harry’s future wife.
A job a million girls would die for: being Lisa Vanderpump
Being in charge of businesses you’re passionate about, respected as a businesswoman, having the ability to travel the world, a closet to match any possible occasion, all with a British accent and a life filled with family, dogs and love. Perfect.
General Counsel for J.Crew.
First woman president. At least, I hope there are 999,999 other girls out there would kill for that like me.
Secretary of State… or Ambassador to France
Food Stylist
,,,President of the United States,,,
Personal shopper/stylist.
Traveling Philanthropist IMO
General Counsel for a designer fashion company.
Dolphin Trainer : )
Travel + Leisure Editor
Ina Garten- Mostly to hang out with her fabulous gaggle of men in the hamptons.
National Security Advisor
Ryan Gosling’s personal hair tousler.
(Don’t even deny it.)
Chief of Staff to HRC. Absolutely.
Rachael Ray’s job! or to be a strength and conditioning coach in the NFL. so much man and muscle!
Chief of Staff for the first female President! Or, I second Donniell’s comment, COS to HRC
Who wouldn’t kill for that job??
I would love to be an actress-like an Angelina Jolie type actress
Be Bill or Melinda Gates and run that foundation.
Wine-taster. Scratch that — bourbon-taster. Or chocolate-taster. Taster-of-delicious-things. Gimme the good stuff.
Celeb fashion stylist
Successful novelist
head curator for the smithsonian….who doesn’t want to go play in those back rooms?!
I have never said this 5 years ago, but now, I think a million girls dream job would be something like what Lauren Conrad has turned into – businesswoman, fashion icon, author, and world traveler. She has the best of all worlds.
Secretary of State
Beauty magazine editor or ice cream taste tester!
The job a million girls would kill for?
Food critic/writer! Oh, what I would give to sit on the Top Chef judges’ panel or write restaurant reviews for a living. Not to mention travel to awesome places. A fusion of what Anthony Bourdain, Padma Lakshmi and N.Y. Times food columnists do!
Barefoot Contessa, with my own version of Jeffrey included. Living in a beautiful house in the Hamptons, cooking to my heart’s delight and sharing it with others.
Trophy wife wouldn’t be so bad. I think it’d be lots of fun to run a quaint bed and breakfast. Scones and beautiful scenery would be lovely.
Full time fashion/lifestyle blogger… Or Supreme Court Justice
Job a million girls would kill for: CEO! Of anything!!
US Senator.
Adventure travel writer – hiking, running, exploring with the safety and funding of an experienced group.
I would kill for the opportunity to mentor and empower young women that want/need that extra support system to achieve beyond their biggest goals.
I’ve always wanted to be Director/ Ambassador of a huge foundation that helps grassroots foundations.
Restaurant critic, a la Ruth Reichl, who clearly not only loves eating food, but cooking food, and writing about it. Want!
Be an astronaut on the first manned mission to Mars!
Vanna White from Wheel of Fortune!
How about socialite? But in a philanthropist Melinda Gates meets Olivia Palermo kind of way?
Samantha Brown’s job! I’m always so jealous that she gets paid to stay in amazing hotels!
Supreme Court Justice! Life-time appointment, determine which cases you will hear, and you can stay out of the media limelight if you choose…much better than President or in Congress!
Olivia Pope’s wardrobe consultant!
I guess Id say a food/lifestyle/fashion writer, traveling the world!
I agree with many of the girls above! Luxury hotel travel blogger would be amazing!
Working at a consulting firm, I’ve seen many business leaders who have amazing perks that come along with great responsibility and power. I’d have to say CEO of a luxury brand or luxury hotel chain like SPG.
Dream job would be working as an emergency prepardness specialist for a level 1 trauma center.
Travel writer!
International Food Critic. Traveling the world for the sole purpose of eating sounds like a dream to me….
Sec. of State!
I’m going to have to second (or third) the lady who lunches and gets paid for it.
Any job without the DC mentality – work normal hours (none of this being in the office until 9pm or later), not having to work through lunch, and extended vacation opportunities.
I will jump on the wine critic/chocolate connoisseur band wagon!
Quality control tester for domestic and international Ritz-Carlton Hotels.
The appropriate answer for the ’00s is “owner of a high-end pastry shop” (e.g. Kristin Wiig in “Bridesmaids,” Meryl Streep in “It’s Complicated.”) Points if said bakery is in California, and only requires you to work four hours a day.
My own personal dream job is curator of a natural history museum. Or ballerina.
I would think a million girls would want Victoria Beckham’s job. She’s a successful designer/businesswoman, stylish beyond belief, seems to have a great relationship with her kids, and sleeping with David. Sign ME up, at least.
Award show seat filler! I would kill to wear a fancy dress and get paid to sit next to gorgeous men
A million girls probably want to be Oscar winning actresses or models. I’ve always thought it would be awesome to have a job like Samantha Brown on the travel channel. But my real dream job would be to own a custom gift basket business.
A million girls would kill to be first lady. Your own accomplishments and personal style are celebrated by the nation. But your in office accomplishments aren’t picked on as much as the president. Which leads to less grey hair. Throw in Michelle Obama’s arms and I’m a happy camper.
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. All the perks of being a top Washingtonian – with summers off.
Successful small-scale dairy farmer/artisanal cheese-maker with a staff that allowed me to take vacations
Travel for work is not always all its cracked up to be, folks (writing from a fancy hotel in Thailand…)
WH Chief of Staff!
Anthony Bourdain’s job– travel, eat well, make wry comments.
I have been watching too many episodes of West Wing on netflix recently. I definitely want to be CJ Cregg.
First Lady.
ha! that’s my favorite quote from that movie.
I wish a million girls would kill to be the first female prez, could happen soon. But working with college students, I still hear about fashion all the day long. Le sigh.
Hey now! Fashion and political acumen are not mutually exclusive…
I agree with First Lady. But maybe that’s the job I would die for and not a million girls…. But probably one of the many hosts of Travel Network jobs.
Personal yoga trainer and nutritionist, small boutique owner, director of philanthropic projects for a fashion label, so many dreams! Essentially I want to have a successful business of my own one day and I think a million other girls do, too!
CEO of a company or Chief of staff to FLOTUS. Another part of me thinks it would be awesome to build a lifestyle brand from the ground up like Martha Stewart. Oh and another part of me just wants to be Taylor Swift
I’m sure that a million girls would love to have Olivia Pope’s job (and her wardrobe/apartment, too); I know that I would!
Stay at home mom.
ben & jerry’s ice cream flavor creator!
FLOTUS’s Press Secretary!
If one is to believe Paris Hilton, being a socialite is a full-time job. It’s tough having to look good all. the. time.
I don’t know that it counts as a “job,” but Duchess of Cambridge/future Queen of England/international fashion icon/patroness of charities sounds good. If not, President of the United States!
That elusive (at least to me) job that doesn’t entail miserable DC commutes and way too much sitting at a desk/in meetings!
Travel blogger, Hollywood wardrobe stylist, food critic
Supreme Court Justice or curator of the Louvre!
Travel writer! What could be better than writing the next Great American Novel whilst being inspired by beautiful cities!