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Belle's Weekly Reading: Volume IV

May 21, 2010

The Rainbow Connection. My birthday is coming up, and I can think of no better way to celebrate(?) the long, precipitous drop toward 30 than with a rainbow birthday cake.  Seriously, how awesome is this cake? 

Summer Lovin’.  I suppose, given my advancing age, I should jump back into the dating pool.  If only because it will make my Father stop asking me when I’m going to “find a man.”  This means that I need to start stocking my closet with dresses.  Thank goodness that Elle magazine has compiled a list of stylish dresses in a many shapes, styles and price points to keep every woman looking fabulous this summer.

In the Mood.  In junior high, I was obsessed with this fifty-cent mood ring that I won at the carnival.  I wore the bauble until it turned my finger green and had to be trashed.  If you too are a fan of this psychedelic trend, a nail polish company has produced a lacquer that changes color based on body temperature just like a mood ring.  And while it might be a better indicator of how your Boss feels about air conditioning (my office is pro-AC to the point of frigid), the color changing lacquer is certainly a cute idea.

Leaving on a Jet Plane.  I have been searching all spring for the perfect pair of aviators to wear this summer, but I still haven’t found the perfect pair.  But Makeda’s Glamazon Diaries piece about the hot new looks from Ray-Ban certainly have me considering a pair of classic gold frames. 

Think Market.  Planning to do a little flea market shopping this summer?  The Glamourai has a handy guide for what essentials you need to make your shopping day a success while you look like the most stylish shopper on Earth. 

Beautiful Girl.  Wit & Whimsy has an interview with Beauty BFF host Jenn Fallik about how she broke into the beauty biz and a list of her makeup essentials.  She’s super cute, and I love the hot pink lipstick!

Did you ladies read anything this week that you thought was noteworthy?  Feel free to share in the comments.


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  1. KLo says:

    I really want a rainbow cake now … grumble grumble

things that caught my eye