My home office is very cold, so I wear pants and maxi dresses almost every day. Given that it’s summer, linen and gauze pants have been my salvation. In the summer-to-fall transition, these crinkle pants are the trendy choice to replace my light summer pants. Here are a some options in different price points.
Elected Official
Legislative Aide
Abercrombie Crinkle Pants ($80, short and long inseams)
Staff Assistant
Amazon Drawstring Crinkle Pants ($19)
I could not find a plus-size option, if someone sees one, share it in the comments. Thank you.
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Strongly considering ordering the abercrombie pants in dark grey, it’s a gorgeous color. I would love to see some outfit ideas with those!
In the plus size category, a few similar options, although not quite the same texture:¤cy=USD&geo=US&skumv=6272826&promotion-code=TANGERINE&promotion-pin=0&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=%23PLA%2F_(1)_GGL_(2)_US_(7)_GEN_(9)_Clothing%7C&cm_mmc=139971612&SC=pla_non-brand&CMPGN=11304131247&ADGRP=113761302391&KYW=&MT=&DV=c&PID=6272826&TRGT=pla-384312894941&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2ou2BhCCARIsANAwM2H2L9i5RkiPF6AikOcHNs0bIYtS24EywV7PjbeTZc86lUBKobQ0fbsaAtehEALw_wcB&CH=Google%20AdWords&gad_source=1
I have the Abercrombie crinkle pants in another color — they are great! like pajamas but office appropriate (if you work in a casual office)
I always wonder with pants like these- and it’s the reason I’ve never bought them – after sitting for a while do the crinkles come out?
Haven’t noticed that.