The Find: The Dress is Worth It

Jun 14, 2024

Earlier this summer, I decided to give Rent the Runway a second try. Their subscription clothing service and I had a fling in summer 2021, and every.single.order for two months went missing in the shipping processing center in Oregon. So I quit them like a bad habit. But…

Since last summer, I’ve gained 18lbs.  This weight can’t stay.  Not because I necessarily care about the number on the scale, but because I’m out of shape, uncomfortable, my cholesterol is higher, and my blood pressure went up for the first time in my life.  But while I’m trying to get into a healthier exercise and eating practice, I still need clothes that go no the body I have.  So RTR became a necessary evil.

In my first delivery, I rented this long-sleeve striped dress from Tanya Taylor.  It was everything I dreamed of and more.  Comfortable, chic, flattering — a holy grail.  But it’s summer, who wears a long sleeve, knit dress in summer?  Not me.  So instead of buying that one, I decided to buy its short sleeve cousin.

I wore the other dress 3x in 10 days, so I’m sure that I will wear this short sleeve one a significant amount.  This is a dress that’s easily styled up or down.  I have an ivory blazer for the office on relaxed days.  I have an olive cardigan for WFH.  

This dress is spendy, but I have a feeling, I will be wearing this dress in 2027.  Looking for something similar for less?  This striped dress from LOFT and this Caslon dress are both really good options.  

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  1. ashley says:

    Thanks for the tip – I hadn’t heard of this designer before. Pro tip: RTR also sells leftover stock on Thredup, for those (like me) who don’t have an active RTR subscription. I used it for awhile, but it was so hit and miss with quality. Definitely recommend for events, though.

  2. jules says:

    That’s a great dress. But I gotta admit I spit out my water when I saw the price 😅

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