I’m a big believer that our weaknesses are drawn from the same pool as our strengths. I tend to take on a lot, because I like to do a lot, but I don’t always do a good job of knowing when to say ‘enough’.
The past three weeks, I have been struggling through some health issues and a job change. And it’s been like watching a slow-moving car crash. You know that it’s coming, but you don’t know how to stop it. I need a few days to catch up at my professional job, but I also need a few days to rest my body and prepare for a surgery I’m having next week.
Luckily, August is the perfect time to take a break. So I’m off from Capitol Hill Style for the remainder of this week, and next week, expect one post per day.
xo, Abra
Take care of yourself, Abra. And if you need to post even less, I am sure we will all understand.
Wishing you the best!
Best wishes!
Take as much time as you need. We will be here when you come back!
Take care and sending you good vibes for everything!
Glad you are taking care of yourself!
Take good care of yourself!
If posting once a day feels good/right for you, or in control, etc., then do it. But if it feels like a chore or an obligation, please give yourself permission to NOT post and just focus on yourself for however long you need. You’ve created this very special corner of the internet and all us followers will miss hearing from you, but I hope I speak for everyone when I say we care more about your wellness than the pace of content.
Abra, please take all the time you need, even if it means you don’t post a thing for the rest of the month. It feels nowadays as if everyone I know is in the same boat, struggling to reconcile where we are now with who and what we were in 2019. I’m concerned that I won’t recognize myself post-pandemic. I worry that the changes I’ve grappled with making will erode my ability to feel compassion and empathy, so I’m trying to learn to give myself space and grace in the meantime, and I’m working on extending that to everyone I know, whether we’ve met in person or in an online community. Best of luck with the speed bumps in your road ahead.
Best wishes with everything!
I wish you well with your health and all the transitions you’re facing.
Sending you all of the good vibes from Missouri! Take all the time you need, we’ll be here cheering you on! <3
I hope that your surgery goes well, Abra, and that you are able to get some rest!
Prayers and best wishes that everything goes ok and you find the peace you have been seeking (and deserve!) Thank you for sharing yourself with a bunch of strangers- please know that your words are a light on many gray days.
Best wishes! And highly recommend taking the Gallup Strengthsfinders personality assessment! It’s exactly what you mentioned- a look at your top 10 strengths with a discussion of how to use your strengths to your advantage and also warnings of things to look out for when your strengths turn into weaknesses. So insightful!
All the best! Sleep lots – it’s amazingly restorative!
Take care. Put yourself and your needs first. We understand! Good luck with the surgery.
Rest, recuperate, and take as much time as you need! Best of luck with your procedure next week. Sending you best wishes and healing thoughts!