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The Edition: No. 109

Jul 2, 2019

Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. — Thomas A. Edison

Questioned. Why do we keep asking ‘what do you do?’ if we all hate it?

Dressed. An affordable short-sleeve work dress for summer from Factory.

Wedded. A feminist defense of bridezillas.

Jogged. Need new gym shoes? Rack has them sale-priced.

Vacay. How to write an out of office message.

Brilliant. Love this white strapless Likely dress, and its plus-size compatriot.

Cooled. The best way to chill wine, according to science.

Blackened. Marc Jacobs: Still my favorite mascara.

Kid-Friendly. How to hang out with friends who have children.

Colorful. I love these bright Jeffrey Campbell sandals for summer.

Upward. Here’s how to get more women into leadership positions.

Shouldered. A super-cute going out top for summer nights.

Cleaned. Why women, but not men, are judged for a messy house.

Ooey Gooey Blackberry Bars.

That is all.

{beach image found here; this post contains affiliate links that may generate commission for the author}


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  1. ShaNnon says:

    For food that can be brought to new parents: anything that can be eaten one-handed and at room temperature, the more calorie dense and easy on the stomach the better. I have a seven-month-old and pasta salad was pretty much a godsend.

    Most of the food in that article would have wound up cold, soggy, and depressing in no time flat. Fancy leafy salads? Really?

    • B says:

      I disagree to an extent. I bring meals to a lot of friends (typically an entire pan of Smitten Kitchen’s pizza beans or her baked ziti, both bulked up with extra protein and veggies) plus a bunch of pre-prepped veggies with hummus, and cookies or brownies. If I’m going to stay and eat with them, I definitely also bring fresh like a greek salad (and don’t put any dressing on until you get there so things don’t wilt) and offer to hold the baby or change a diaper while mom and dad eat. My friends have appreciated fresh veggies, it seems to be something they’re not getting a lot of in the early days when it’s easier to heat something up. Then, the pan of whatever I’ve brought lasts them for several meals and all they need to do is heat it up for a minute in the microwave.

  2. Allison says:

    OMG this is hilarious and so spot on, ““bridezilla” is specifically designed to condemn a woman who puts any energy and authority toward trying to achieve entirely reasonable goals. It’s efficient shorthand to remind her, “Hey, the world actually likes you a lot better without opinions.” “

    • Belle says:

      I think there are certainly women who take their demands for their weddings too far, but to deem a woman a bridezilla for just trying to plan an event (usually solo) that everyone will enjoy and that will live up to the insane societal standard we’ve set for it is horribly unfair.

      I wanted a “black tie” wedding so no one would show up in cargo short (which in MT is a real possibility), and people were just beside themselves that they had to wear a tux or a suit.

      • Shannon says:

        People called me a ‘Bridezilla’ for making literally any decision that wasn’t their personal preference, even if I had been forced to make an arbitrary decision that I found trivial. Someone had to tell the caterer what the cake should look like!

        • Belle says:

          Exactly. A friend is a graphic designer, so she offered to design invitations no charge, I just needed to pay for printing. Custom invites got a lot of eyerolls. I’m so over it.

      • Allison says:

        Oh my gosh I almost did too! In the end we didn’t do it, my husband said that he was afraid his family wouldn’t feel welcome because that was so culturally foreign for them. My family is formal (east coast preppy) and his isn’t (pecan farmers) so I compromised, didn’t want to start off on the wrong foot. Not saying you should do that obviously, no two family situations are identical and you do you! So we had some jeans, cowboy hats and bolo ties, so while it wasn’t my definition of formal I did appreciate that all these farmers showed up in ironed jeans and their best boots, that is their formal. My father in law showed up in a full rented tux, I’ve never seen him not wearing cargo shorts, flip flops and a Hawaiian shirt, I barely recognized him. It was a really sweet gesture. Could have done without him getting cut off at the bar twice, but I guess you take what you can get when it comes to family!

        • Belle says:

          I told everyone that black jeans with a tux jacket was fine, it is Montana. But the goal is just to get people into suits.

  3. Rebecca says:

    Fun reads as always. I rented the Likely dress last year and found it to be unflattering unless I was standing with perfectly perfect posture so it wasn’t a good option for long events where lots of photography would occur.

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