I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me. — Dudley Field Malone
Quality and Style. Can J.Crew find itself and its customers again?
Suit Up. This $90 white suit is perfect for summer workdays.
Lifted. Anita Hill is asking leaders to ‘step up’ in the #metoo era.
Adorned. Are anklets cool? I like this one.
Loss. The Mistake I Made with My Grieving Friend.
New Hotness. Meet LeRumi, a new-to-me brand. Their dotted midi-dress is perfect for a summer wedding.
Expected. Stop lying to job candidates about the role. (For real.)
Flattered. This twist-front tank and Supima cotton tee are wardrobe staples.
Unlinked. How to end a friendship (because it happens).
Heeled. These are the most comfortable wedding shoes I’ve ever found.
Alternative. The difference between ‘being’ and ‘doing.’
“Girls will never be better than boys at sports.”
“Men’s sports are just more exciting to watch.”
I’ve been listening to some variation of that nonsense since I was a kid. So this article about the U.S. women’s soccer team really resonated with me.
Our women’s team is awash in talent, and the dominant force in U.S. soccer. And yet, a bunch of glorified bureaucrats will still argue that the women shouldn’t be paid as much as the men. They have zero evidence to back up this claim, but apparently, the sport just isn’t ready to admit that the men are second fiddle. I hope they win the Cup and then crush their lawsuit.
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Yes to the Women’s Soccer comment three times over.
Anklets are totally cool! I own this one and never take it off: https://www.catbirdnyc.com/sweet-nothing-anklet.html
Could you please recheck the us soccer team link? It’s not working for me. As the mom of a daughter playing soccer I was really interested in reading it. Thanks!
All fixed! It’s in the WaPost. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/dcunited/the-us-womens-national-team-is-american-treasure-pay-them-a-bounty/2019/06/12/1c151908-8c9a-11e9-adf3-f70f78c156e8_story.html?utm_term=.61fca0bd41ac
Thank you!
Did you read about how the US women’s soccer team was admonished for excessive celebration after their win over Thailand? Unbelievable sexism. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/06/the-us-womens-soccer-team-deserves-to-celebrate/591625/
Um, anklets were out? I guess I never got the memo. I wear them all summer and have been… certainly since the 2000’s. These days I have a lovely 2mm mariner chain with a lobster claw clasp that never catches on anything & that I never take off….I’d be a bit worried a 1mm chain would break given the abuse I deal out through regular wear.
The jcrew article has it all wrong – Jenna Lyons and Mickey Drexler destroyed jcrew. The boringness the article complains about is the company coming back to its roots.
Yay to anklets and the womens’ soccer Team!
I am so tired of reading about the decline of j. Crew/possible resurrection/oh wait not resurrected yet/still waiting for the turnaround/are we there yet/nope quality still bad……just kill the brand already and be done with it!
Please don’t kill J Crew! They are one of the few retailers that have extended their lines to go past size 16. I feel so put together and confident despite gaining about 60 lbs due to a medical condition when I’m wearing my J Crew suiting. The dearth of “plus size” clothing is another issue, but J Crew is one of the only “mainstream” retailers that provides classic and well-fitting clothes for folks like me.
While I loved J. Crew in the mid-2000s, I’m not against the idea of going to other retailers for basics. The problem is that I haven’t found anyone offering what J. Crew used to offer – prep classics in updated cuts and colors with good quality and moderate pricing. Almost all of the “basics” retailers (like Madewell and Everlane) are selling boxy cuts and limited color choices, or they offer clothes that are fine for a weekend but not for a business casual workplace. If J. Crew can step back into that space, then I will happily throw money at them.
For me Loft is my go-to for simple cute clothes that are one step nicer than jeans and a tee. Not quite as preppy as J Crew, but J Crew never fit me anyway. Also one of the few places with plus, petite, AND tall lines!
I totally agree,I want to give jcrew all my money again as soon as they meet my needs for good quality and classic with a twist.
A lot of thoughts about the grief article. I definitely am guilty of conversational narcissism and it is something that I will spend time working on.
But I also recently lost my dad, and the idea. that there is a wrong thing to say to a grieving friend doesn’t sit well with me. I’ve always been uncomfortable talking about loss, so afraid of saying the wrong thing that I said nothing at all. But what I learned is that except in extreme cases, people don’t say the wrong thing. I learned how important it is to reach out to a grieving friend even when you don’t know what to say. And tons of people talked to me about themselves. People talked to me about losing a parent at a young age and made me feel less alone. In sum, I think the article is important, but don’t let it scare you from reaching out to a grieving friend. They need you – even if you don’t know what to say.
I agree with LC – Jenna Lyons and Mickey Drexler destroyed J Crew and left a vacuum of well cut quality basics available in brick and mortar stores. I frankly don’t see how it comes back with targeted direct to consumer brands like Everlane, Summersalt, Lively etc. that fulfill requirements for specific things with the click of a mouse.
I recently had my closest friend of 14 years completely ghost me, so that How to end a friendship article hit home for me. I never even got a chance to tell them I’m engaged.
Still in the mourning process, but a great thing to read, and thank you for including the link!
In my previous job, the department manager was the hiring manager and almost completely lied to me about the job that I would be doing. I came in expecting one thing and ended up doing something completely different that I hated. It ruined my experience at the company (I had worked in a different department for the prior 3 years) and is a blemish on my resume.
It turns out that he just didn’t even know what exactly I would be doing. He wanted the team assembled asap but should have waited until he got the team manager in and set up in order to hire her team instead of him doing it for her.