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State of the Blog: Sick Day

Mar 28, 2018

“You’re not dying, you just can’t think of anything better to do.”  — Ferris Bueller


I apologize for the scant posts this week.  I’m fighting a sinus infection.  And this is without a doubt the sickest I have been in years.  I have no voice (which must be a nice break for Kyle), and keep falling asleep while typing.

I’ll be filling in content as the day goes on.  Please check back later this evening.



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  1. Sarah says:

    Hope you feel better soon!

  2. shanghai says:

    Take care of yourself!

  3. Tia says:

    Me too, ugh sinuses! My face has been hurting and the only thing that feels better is a giant ice pack…hard to get work done balancing an ice pack on my face though :/

  4. Cara says:

    Please take it easy & take care of yourself. Hugs!

  5. Sally says:

    So sorry you are sick! When my sinuses were raw and inflamed a few months ago, using a neti pot gave me great relief. Check it out if you have not already. Feel better soon!

  6. Orla says:

    Get well soon!

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