Saw It on Social: StitchFix

Feb 8, 2018

StitchFix touts itself as your “personal online stylist,” a shopping solution for busy women.  They mail new styles straight to your home, and you keep what you want.  But is it everything you’ve ever hoped a personal shopper could be?

To start receiving StitchFix boxes, you fill out their “style quiz.”  It asks for your sizes, your preferences, your tastes and your price range.  When I filled mine out, I tried to be as specific as possible.  I don’t typically wear pants that aren’t jeans.  I almost never wear brown.  I like prints, wear a lot of black, don’t need sweaters, and prefer affordable pieces.  And then, I waited.

My first box received a grade of B.  There was a cute pink purse, but I didn’t need it.  A pretty floral print blouse that I kept. A pair of distressed jeans I didn’t need.  A black and white skirt that didn’t fit.  And a cardigan that felt pretty itchy.  For a first try, I was happy enough.

After receiving the first box, I contacted my stylist with some modifications.  Don’t send me jeans, I have enough.  Send me pieces that are a bit more trendy.  And then, I waited.

When my second box arrived, I was horrified.  Sweaters.  So many boring sweaters — a snooze-worthy white crewneck, a striped tunic, a chunky cardigan.  Nothing trendy, nothing cool.  Just boring sweaters.  Everything went back.

I decided to give StitchFix one more shot.  I let the stylist up the price point to something more substantial, and made some requests (a party dress, a work dress, etc.).  And then, I waited.

The box arrived, and it was perfect.  There wasn’t an item in the box I didn’t like — a Bailey44 dress with a cut-out shoulder, an ivory Barbour sweater, an eggplant-colored sheath dress.  There was just one problem, the grand total of the box was just under $2,000.  And while everything in the box was nice, nothing in it rose to the level of necessity.  It was about then that I realized StitchFix wasn’t for me.

Bottom line, when your box is disappointing, it’s like having Christmas Morning ruined by finding out every present contains socks.  When your box is great, you have to decide what you can really afford and send pieces you like back.  And when it takes a lengthy quiz, several e-mails, and upping your price point to the highest they offer to get pieces you love, it just doesn’t seem worth it.

Several readers suggested I try Trunk Club instead, when I posted my initial review to an Instagram story.  I visited their showroom in D.C. and ended up with a few lovely pieces.  I’m in the process of ordering my first box (I like that I can see the pieces before she send them), and will report back.

All the pieces featured on Saw It on Social are purchased by me with my money.  No sponsorships are solicited or accepted.  Sometimes the products are great, sometimes not.



Features, Saw It On Social

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  1. Jessica says:

    I had several terrible boxes thru Trunk Club. Hope you’re able to have better luck than me! But I tried Trunk Club for 5-6 boxes and they got progressively worse. I specifically told my stylist that I didn’t want “cold shoulder” tops and she kept sending me “cold shoulder” tops (just one example of my many frustrations). I still do Stitchfix and for the most part happy with it.

    • Lisa says:

      I had the same experience with Trunk Club. I gave my stylist two guiding principles: (1) I am petite; and (2) I wear a lot of black, so I’d like to start adding some color to my wardrobe. My box was full of black, and some of the items were almost comically too large for me. I got a long sleeveless blazer (vest?) that went down to mid-shin (I looked like I was cosplaying a wizard, as well as jeans that went past my heel and to my toes.

      I’m pretty intentional about curating my wardrobe, so I realized I didn’t need someone else to do it for me.

    • Becca says:

      Echoing what Jessica and Lisa said… really wanted Trunk Club to work, esp since I was willing to pay what I consider a fair amount per piece ($100-$200), I was very detailed about my body (petite, small busted), and I was really specific about what I wanted… no jeans, no work wear, muted/neutral colors in tops but no basics, etc. I sent back the whole box extremely disappointed. Issues ranged from totally and completely not my style, to poor quality (scarf left everything it touched covered in pink fluff), to fit (again I said I was petite and I got gigantic swears I was swimming in). Decided I’m better off picking stuff out for my self.

  2. KS says:

    Would have loved to see pics of what you received – especially what you kept!

  3. Emily says:

    I bought into the thrill of StitchFix twice, but I ultimately realized that 1) I enjoy shopping and finding my own pieces, so why hand that joy over to someone else, and 2) Subscription boxes like this are counterintuitive to my goal of being more intentional about my purchases.

    I can see how it would be a dream come true for some people, but it isn’t for me.

    • Orlala says:

      I totally agree about being intentional with purchases, which is the main reason I didn’t like Stitch Fix either. I kept ending up with stuff I .iked but didn’t really need.

  4. Madeline says:

    I was also disappointed by Stitch Fix, and I REALLY wanted to like it! I felt like I was getting pieces they needed to get rid of instead of pieces that fit my profile or requests. The outfit cards showed items that I wish I had received paired with the item I didn’t like (the one that was in my box). Tried it 3 times and ultimately feel like I wasted my money.

    • Crystal says:

      Yes! I’ve seen so many adorable outfit cards that are not at all what I received. While I’ve gotten lucky on a few pieces, I quit Stitch Fix a few years ago and haven’t regretted it.

    • Nora says:

      Me too – mostly I got leftovers that didn’t fit my profile at all. I kept trying through 4-5 boxes – gave them more info, created a pinterest board – but the more info I gave them, the worse it got. I think the additional info pissed my stylist off. Either that or they have a few warehouses full of crap to offload.

      The worst was at the end, I specified I wanted work tops – they sent an oversized, backless rust-colored THING and a windex blue eyelet top and something else heinous. WTF?

      Belle, I hope Trunk Club works for you.

  5. I’ve never tried these types of services, but my neighbor used to be a stitchfix stylist. She does not think highly of the options they have to chose from. She said that most of the time there just weren’t enough high quality pieces to chose from. I trying to narrow down my wardrobe to fewer, better items, so I’m going to have to do the shopping myself.

  6. Christina says:

    Belle – just wanted to send a quick note saying how much I am loving these seen it on social posts. Please keep them going!

  7. Jodi says:

    I just wanted to say I had such a HORRIBLE experience with Trunk Club that actually ended up with me disputing a charge on my credit card and screaming at them “I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU ARE OWNED BY NORDSTROMS.” They kept charging me for items I 1. Never bought, or 2. already paid for. So be really carefully with them. Also, their clothes are obnoxiously expensive and they sent me 10 black blazers. 10.

    I find Stitch Fix incredibly hit or mix. I have a few pieces I love from them, but my past few boxes the quality has gone way down hill. Also, I find you have to be very specific. Like, “I want a dress” is not going to get you what you want.

  8. dIANA rEIMAN says:


  9. jbindc says:

    Agree on Stitchfix – I have a few really great things from them, a jean jacket, an awesome wedding rehearsal dress, and a few other great tops/dresses. However, some of the things they send just make no sense and/or don’t fit what my profile said (think boho lace tops when I said classic). In general, it’s more than I prefer to spend (esp. per wear), but it can be fun to try once a quarter/season.

    However – my husband LOVES men’s stitchfix. He is the type who wouldn’t have a bit of clothing in his wardrobe unless I bought it, or his mom bought it. He does not shop. Ever. But they’ve nailed his style, and he’s more comfortable with the pricepoint for the quality, especially since men needs fewer pieces.

  10. Alison says:

    This is an interesting review. I never saw the appeal of StitchFix (I love to shop and my size can vary so much from brand to brand), but I’ve always been curious about others who use the service. The clothing is super overpriced, so for me that’s a dealbreaker. Convenience is fine but some of those prices are just cray. But a year or so ago I started digging around at the qualifications for being a “stylist” and realized this is an entry-level job for someone who has a little bit of admin experience (data entry, email, etc). There’s no “styling” involved, they just use a computer program and plug a few things in and an algorithm shoots out options. No thanks. I think this is really for people who HATE shopping, need non-athleisure clothing for work and play, and don’t care about price.

    • anna says:

      I think some people get into a rut and set in their ways, so boxes like this help them try stuff they wouldn’t have normally thought of. I always shop sales, so having to pay full price was enough to stop me from considering Trunk Club or Stitch Fix type boxes.

      • Alison says:

        Yes, I guess in theory that could be a way that a service like StitchFix would help…it just seems like the clothes SF picks tend to be pretty basic and veer towards trends that aren’t likely to last (I feel like all of my friends have received SO MUCH chevron stripe). But maybe some people luck into the right stylist.

  11. Jacki Hayes says:

    I had a horrible experience with StitchFix. I kept one thing out of my first three boxes only because I didn’t want the styling fee to go to waste. I only wear one of those pieces, the other two just collect dust. But I finally gave up when my final box had a shirt that was sewn incorrectly (the care instructions tag was sewn to the outside of the shirt) but was still priced over $60. And absolutely nothing in the box matched anything I had requested. I felt like someone had just thrown leftovers in the box and shipped it to me.

  12. Amy says:

    I had a similar experience with Stitch Fix and canceled after about 3 boxes. Some boxes had a piece or two that I was willing to keep, but for the most part, each box ended up being “meh” or a disappointment. And of course then returning the unwanted items becomes just another item on the to-do list. Their customer service, however, was fantastic. I had questions about an item I received in my box and they were so helpful.

  13. Julia Leonard says:

    As someone who HATES shopping, I’ve found Stitch Fix to be a sanity saver. I think the key is doing what you did in the 3rd round, minus the increasing price point. I always say something like “I need a new colored pencil skirt, 2 or 3 tops that would work well with it, and a work dress that will transition well from winter to spring.” Even at the lowest price point, I’ve had good luck when I’m specific, but have been much less happy when I just generally ask for things “in my style.”

  14. Maggie says:

    I LOVED StitchFix when I was pregnant. They did a really good job of sending me work basics and the price points were great, if you were willing to invest in a couple of key pieces to wear over and over and over again for nine months. I also love it now that I’m a mom of two kids under 3. If it wasn’t for them, I’d pretty much wear yoga pants and t-shirts non-stop. I just cannot get anywhere besides Target on a regular basis (sidebar: three cheers for some of their new clothing lines).

  15. Sof says:

    I was also disappointed in Stitch Fix. The items I got in my first box were fine, and I would have even kept two of them, except that EVERYTHING they sent me was wildly outside of my price range. Like, double the amount I set as my budget. So it all went back, and when I left feedback as to why I didn’t continue my membership their response was basically “Well, we don’t have anything to send you in that price range.” THEN WHY IS IT AN OPTION?? Don’t try to upsell me, it’s my budget for a reason!

  16. Lily says:

    Stich fix is always so hit or miss for me. I’ve had one great box for every 5 that are duds. I’ll still order one if I receive a free styling fee (once or twice a year) but I never go out of my way to order one.

    I’ve had mixed results with trunk club too. In person I found a great pair of pants at the DC clubhouse, but I’ve sent a few full trunks back too.

    I find that its just easier to do the shopping myself because I know my eye and I know what I’m looking for.

  17. Joanna says:

    Do you know the name/brand of the eggplant purple sheath that you received and loved? I’ve been hunting for the perfect purple work dress for about two years now. It needs to be work appropriate (not miniskirt, ideally with sleeves) and not too dark or too lilac – just a true purple. If it’s under $125, that’s even better.

  18. Emily says:

    I tried stitchfix once and thought the quality just wasn’t there for the price. I was a long time Le Tote subscriber and really liked it, especially on campaigns when I had no time to a. shop or b. do laundry. It definitely gave me the chance to try trendier pieces without buying items that would be out of style a few months later, and I liked that I could swap out items that really didn’t suit my style before boxes were shipped.

  19. Stephanie says:

    I tried Stitch Fix once– horrible. A cheap black knit blazer and some cheap looking printed blouses. I had specified that I am in my 40s and work in a fairly formal office, and that I like cool, laidback weekend stuff. They were dressing me like a 19 year old summer intern. I didn’t bother to try again– I had already written them a book about myself and even posted photos to an instagram page as instructed. I totally think it’s for women who don’t shop and don’t know where to shop, like maybe a SAHM who recently had a kid and lives far away from everything.Even their outfits on their site were too matchy-cutesy for me so I should have stayed away. What I need is a Norstrom personal stylist, but I’ve been too lazy and the one close to me isn’t one of their good stores with good inventory.

  20. Anna says:

    I tried StitchFix a few times. The quality of the products wasn’t stellar and I’m on the top end of their size range, so the fit wasn’t always great, plus everything seemed so expensive for the quality. Overall, it was fun to do once or twice a year, but I probably won’t do it again.

  21. Sara says:

    I’ve only done Trunk Club, and it is definitely better for someone who is not really into fashion or shopping, and not very price-sensitive. For me it was hit and miss, partly because after he initial interview I didn’t give the stylist much feedback. There were a few things I loved, a few I would have loved if I had unlimited budget.

  22. Mel says:

    Hey don’t knock socks as a Christmas gift. Warm socks are my favorite gift.

    Agree on Stitch Fix. Also adding, the quality of some of the pieces just aren’t consistent with the price.

  23. Michelle Loprieno says:

    Trunk Club was a better experience for me than Stitch Fix. I do find that making specific requests about what you want (a party dress) really helps though. I’ve never heard of a $2000 Stitch Fix box, they must have really upped their quality.

    It’s just hard for me to pay full price for stuff at Nordstrom. Nordstrom DOES do free styling sessions in their store whenever you want though. I do this for their fall sale. They fill my dressing room with all kinds of fun things!

  24. Kate says:

    Has anyone tried Rent the Runway Unlimited? I just signed up. I’d been frustrated with Stich Fix in the past too and I like getting to pick out my own pieces (but you don’t keep them! womp womp). Just curious if anyone else has tried it.

    • Stephanie says:

      Yes. It was fun for a minute, but ultimately a pain in the ass. I had a couple cute outfits but I also had TWO leather jackets that reeked of smoke and air freshener of some sort. The selection actually isn’t that good and many of the items showed wear. I canceled after my one (discounted) month.

    • Lindsay says:

      On months when it fits in my budget I love to do rent the runway unlimited and keep/buy pieces that I find myself wanting to wear multiple times.

      I like the “try before you buy” aspect of it because sometimes stuff just doesn’t wear as well as it seems like it will.

      I’ve also found that I can often find the same dresses on Rue La La or other sellers like that so I usually comparison shop first.

      I think its a great way to get exposure to brands that I wouldn’t usually gravitate towards due to price point – very similar to stitchfix or trunk club – but with no pressure to buy.

      I also like it because I can focus on buying good quality basics and use RTR to add the really trendy stuff.

    • Lc says:

      I use RTR Unlimited and am very happy with it, but I do live in a major city on the east coast (but not a city that has a RTR store) and generally, I can put something in the mail one afternoon, it is received the next day, and I receive a new shipment the following day, I like the mostly high end brands, especially when I am trying to lose weight and don’t want to invest in clothing I hope not to fit in a few months. I have not received clothing in bad shape, but I have received a few things I didn’t want to wear. Given that another piece is just two days away, that doesn’t strike me as that big a deal.

  25. Brandi says:

    Have you tried Trendsend by Evereve? I am in love after having been disappointed with Stitchfix.

  26. SN says:

    Interesting discussion. RE: “No thanks. I think this is really for people who HATE shopping, need non-athleisure clothing for work and play, and don’t care about price”. I am that person. I use a personal shopper. She also does alterations and sews from scratch. While a shopper might seem expensive, what I’ve found is that I now shop only twice a year and I am happier with my clothes. Even with the added cost of alterations, I spend less money than I was doing before. Since I used to sew, I like my clothes to fit correctly, and to me this is worth paying extra for. There is no way I would ever use Stitch Fix or The Trunk Club after these scathing reviews!! I suggest looking into a personal shopper-they are not necessarily all that expensive.

  27. E says:

    Thank you for sharing your experience.

    I tried StitchFix recently and was really disappointed with my Fix. Nothing was my taste or need (I made specific asks for work dresses – wrap dress and easy travel black dress) They also sent me a dress with a floral print that was one of the most hideous prints I’ve ever seen. No one under 65 would be caught dead in that print. However, the biggest issue was that I felt that the items I was sent were made very cheaply and the price points were too high for what they were.

    Before I signed up, I’d looked around for reviews and almost all the ones I found you could tell were somehow sponsored. Everything was positive, positive, positive! Thank you for adding a “unsponsored” voice to this discussion.

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