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The Workday Reading: July 7, 2017

Jul 7, 2017


1) Why calling yourself a ‘Girlboss’ is setting yourself up for failure. (Inc)

2) Do not miss this navy tweed Joie jacket.  Just add wide leg navy pants.

3) 5 ways to stop being stressed, and start being on time. (Greatist) 

4) These Steve Madden sandals are a subtle take on the pearl sandal trend.

5) How to tell if you’re ready to have children. (HuffPost)

6) Friday Dresses: a LOFT floral-print, a plus-size Geneva dress, a lace sleeve shift dress.

7) The must-watch graduation speech of the season, from Chief Justice Roberts. (WaPost)

8) This floral BR wrap top is just gorgeous. It’s also machine washable.

9) Reporters are being turned away because of Congress’s dress code. (Refinery29)

10) I grabbed this hot pink tie-sleeve blouse and leaf-print shift dress at Ann Taylor.

11) What it’s like to be fired from Vogue. (Vestoj)

12) Loving this watermelon print button-up and this watermelon print wrap dress. So summery.


What I Loved. This cute-as-a-bug trailer.

What I’m Going Back To. Yoga, with this gorgeous ombre $35 mat.

What Concerns Me. How much plastic we use, and how it harms our planet.

What I Learned This Week. Blending brushes make amazing foundation brushes. Just buff.

[image found here]


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  1. Anna says:

    I just read that story about the dress code on the Hill, and this is such a pet peeve of mine when it comes to politicians and news anchors. If men are expected to be in suit (or at least jacket) and tie, women should be held to the same standard. Sleeveless tops don’t even look good on tv. And don’t get me started on female politicians who wear those hideous chunky platform strappy sandals to official events. And seriously, women just have to have their shoulders covered on the floor (and I’m guessing the Speaker’s Lobby). We aren’t required to wear jackets. That isn’t a difficult standard to keep to.

    • Cait says:

      I think the larger issue is the lack of consistency in enforcing the dress code and the implicit political ramifications. From the article, there’s not an explicit requirement for women to cover their shoulders, and it seems as though people have been allowed to wear sleeveless dresses there previously. If the dress code were modified to state outright that shoulders must be covered and this rule were enforced, then fine. But as it stands, the issue of sleeves or no sleeves seems to be up to the idiosyncrasies of enforcement at any given time, which adds an unnecessary level of frustration for women simply trying to do their jobs.

      • Anna says:

        I can’t speak to reporters in the Speaker’s Lobby, but I know staff is often asked to cover up when going to the floor. And it is an explicit rule. I remember at least two times in the last four years (there may have been more) where the Speaker has lectured members on proper attire with regards to going sleeveless. Since I’m not a reporter, the only time I’m ever in the Speaker’s Lobby is when I’m heading to the floor (which I don’t do often these days), so I don’t know how common it is to flout the dress code.

    • TheLoop says:

      “And don’t get me started on female politicians who wear those hideous chunky platform strappy sandals to official events.” Is this a dress code issue? Or just a matter of style tastes?

      • Anna says:

        A bit of both, but mostly I just don’t think they’re professional. Personally, I don’t think shoes that show more of your foot than a peep toe does are professional unless maybe you’re a Hill staffer in August. I definitely don’t think a Member of Congress should be rolling up to a press conference or town hall meeting in sandals, no matter how nice they are.

  2. SC says:

    I can’t be the only person who is dying to see a picture of those “notebook sleeves”!

    Sleeveless is okay if there’s a breeze and it’s not dreadfully hot, but in the D.C. summer the troubles of going sleeveless (sunscreen the arms, apply clear deodorant ever-so-carefully as to not stain dress, force body temperature up by sheer will in buildings that have the AC set to “stun) just didn’t make baring my arms worth it!

  3. Monica T. says:

    I’m so relieved the article about how to know when you’re ready to have children was satire, because I was going to be like, even when you think you’re ready, you’re not ready. Also, it seems like a legit parent-in-training routine.

    • Belle says:

      I refuse to believe anyone is ever ready to have children. You can prepare, but you cannot ready yourself for everything in your life to change.

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