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The Daily Eight: August 2, 2016

Aug 2, 2016



1) Why you shouldn’t obsess over your work mistakes. (Women @ Forbes)

2) Aged four weeks, this Armani Eyes to Kill mascara is still the best.  No clumping, no flaking.

3) Dear Mr. Trump: Women do not “let” sexual harassment happen to them, nor should they be required to “find a new career” when it does.  You misogynistic blowhard. (NY Post)

4) I have been carrying this BR animal print clutch everywhere.  Also, their ostrich-embossed tote (which holds a 15″ laptop) is on my wish list.

5) Frose (frozen rose wine) is taking the world by storm, here’s how to make it at home. (Bon Appetit)

6) Iris & Ink launched their pre-fall collection.  I love this navy, v-neck ponte dress and this crepe de chine top with an embroidered sleeve.

7) Cargo short enthusiasts refuse to give up their cargo shorts. Lord, help us. (WSJ)

8) This jacquard cotton jacket from Mango is a must.  From their Violeta line (sizes 8-22), this drapey wool cardigan caught my eye.

*image found here.


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  1. HH says:

    The WSJ article on cargo shorts reads like an Onion article…except sadly, it isn’t one.

  2. Marg says:

    hey Belle- I saw the david yurman gold crososver ring on your insta a while back- can you tell us which it is and what you think of it so far?

  3. Jess says:

    The cargo short article cracked me up. My husband loves his cargos – I will only be able to get rid of those if he dies…

  4. Jess says:

    I actually really like the hubs in olive cargo shorts. He’s very outdoorsy and they fit his personality well. It’s not like they’re pleated dress pants….

  5. a says:

    Re: #3, it gets worse! The younger Trump son was on TV this morning, and explained that Ivanka was a strong woman, who would not “allow” herself to be subjected to sexual harassment. Ugh.

    • Jenn S. says:

      It’s making my skin crawl!

      And oh, really, Trump brood? What about the creepy, ridiculous, vile sexually-charged nonsense Donald himself has said of Ivanka? Well-documented stuff, not hateful propaganda.

      • Anna says:

        I get tired of all the “privilege” arguments in relation to economic and race issues, but geesh between this and Trump equating his “sacrifices” in the workplace with the Khans’ sacrifices makes me want to rip my hair out. I don’t begrudge someone for being wealthy or being a man, but it is so frustrating to see rich, white men (and women in some cases too) not see the inherent privileges from which they benefit. A woman isn’t a victim of sexual harassment, because she isn’t strong enough and most women don’t have the benefit of being able to switch jobs or switch careers. Goodness, you might not be able to fully understand someone else’s experiences, but at least recognize that you’ve had certain advantages in your life that others haven’t.

  6. Amy says:

    What are everyone’s thoughts on the graphic? For my entire career, I’ve lived and died by those words. But recently a male coworker got the promotion I was vying for, and the feedback I received is that he has achieved more. This isn’t true, but he does vocalize his achievements more than I do. Not to mention the fact that he always talks about how busy he is.

    This is one example out of millions, but it is a constant struggle for women [in general] to “toot their own horn”. Is it necessary to do so to get ahead? (Yes, I’m overly emotional about this right now.)

    • Monica says:

      That stinks, I’m sorry! I think it’s important to document your success for these kinds of things, especially if you’re manager is not the type to do it for you, or give credit where it’s due when projects are successful. Then you can talk about it when necessary, without needed to constantly brag about it or be the person who’s always “busy”. Does every team have one of those people or what?!

      For myself, I do nothing in silence. The value I bring to the table is my ideas and my perspective. If someone wants silence, they came to the wrong place.

      Hope you feel better soon about this, unfairness is one of the things in life that will always, always upset me to what some might call overemotional levels. I think it’s just the right amount personally.

    • Allison says:

      I think tasteful, appropriately timed self promotion to the right audience is crucial. We can’t assume (as employees) that our managers world’s revolve around us, they don’t. Often the manager is just happy the project was completed well and doesn’t know who exactly on the team was the most influential. My fastest promotion came when I included an excel spreadsheet of my successes, timeframes, and ROIs with my request for a promotion. I know the graphic isn’t in the context of a promotion, but regularly ensuring that the right people know that you delivered successfully is setting you up for that growth path. Also, let’s be honest, oftentimes the squeaky wheel, with good performance, gets the promotion and recognition over the polite, quiet, women who has been told to be embarrassed of herself and that she doesn’t belong. Speak up! (Oh, and those people that always remind you that they are busy are just obnoxious.) Not saying the graphic is bad, it can be interpreted many different ways, just saying I hear you Amy.

      • Amy says:

        Oh yes, I don’t mean that the quote in the graphic is bad–I truly love it. Just been thinking a lot about letting actions speak for themselves vs. speaking up. (And I also note that my coworker would probably have feedback about my performance as well–I’m oversimplifying the situation.) Thank you ladies for the encouragement and words of wisdom!

    • ag says:

      I’ve followed this blog for a long time and I’ve never commented on it. I’ve never even read the comments. When I saw the graphic, however, I felt compelled to say something.

      The graphic is absolutely wrong. Working in silence may be a noble idea, but you are in charge of your own marketing. Market yourself as often as possible.

      • Belle says:

        You’re right. It should be a balance; I suppose I’m just used to the shameless self-promotion more than the warranted/necessary marketing.

  7. Sarah says:

    Between the Trump thing and the cargo short thing, you’re clearly feeling zippy today! Loving it.

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