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Belle’s Take on Instagram’s Policy Change

Mar 29, 2016

For those of you who haven’t heard, Instagram is changing the way it displays content.  Essentially, your feed will prioritize content from users you “interact with.”  The upcoming change has caused a frenzy among brands, bloggers and businesses pleading for followers to turn on the new “notifications” to keep their views up.

I use Instagram because I enjoy it.  I don’t monetize it, and even if I did, I subscribe to a simple philosophy: If I’m not creating content you want to like or comment on, so be it.  My feed is mostly a home for Avery pictures and the occasional outfit photo, and I like it that way.

So if my photos naturally make it to the top of your feed, awesome.  If they don’t, let me know what content you are “interacting with,” I can always use new people to follow.

xoxo, Belle


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  1. C says:

    Thank you so much for this, Belle! It seems like everyone is asking followers to turn on notifications, but those are SO ANNOYING if you have them for more than a few people. If I want to see the posts of an account that hasn’t come up on my feed lately, I can just search for the account.
    I understand what instagram is trying to do here, but I do wish they would go the route of the facebook news feed and at least give you the option to sort posts chronologically if that’s what you prefer.

    • Wildkitten says:

      Amen. (I don’t care abut being given the options – I like that instagram is going to show me more of what I like, but I REALLY don’t want to get a buzzing phone notification every time someone I value posts a photo.)

      • Belle says:

        WAIT! It buzzes to notify you? That won’t get annoying at all.

        • Sharon says:

          Yeah, that’s the point; the push notification will set off a vibrate just like if someone texts you. I’ve unfollowed several bloggers already who are asking followers to do this so that they won’t miss their Super Important Posts!!!

  2. Heidi says:

    I mean, it was absolutely to be expected that Instagram can’t keep up the revenue-less financing rounds forever. And sooner or later, the only way to inspire your (B2B) clients to fork over the cash, is by providing a competitive advantage for their price => hence introduce an algorithm that’ll put those bloggers / marketers / etc. who pay ahead of the pack (i.e. the feed). There is no free lunch, neither for users nor content providers.

    I’m interested to see how Instagram’s monetization strategy will play out and what this will do to monetiziation intermediary services like liketoknowit

    • Heidi says:

      Clicked too early

      Until then, this is just the latest proof in the pudding that the BEST way is to monetize is to build up a great brand (like Caphillstyle) rather than relying on “free” ad channels

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