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State of the Blog: An Erie Feeling

Jul 29, 2014


I’m off today so that I can finish a paper on adverse possession and a set of civil procedure outlines.  Back tomorrow with Work Wednesday and the Four Ways I promised you last week.  But for now, back to the leviathan that is Erie.

See you tomorrow!


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  1. Annie says:

    Enjoy pondering the armless Federal – State tug of war that is Erie.

  2. Oh, Civ Pro. Five years later, I still have nightmares. I honestly loved law school, but Civ Pro was uber tough for me. Good luck to you!

  3. Hayley says:

    When can we expect your faves from The Hill’s 50?

  4. Dylan says:

    Any interest in sharing those CA Civ Pro Outlines? I start in 2 weeks. Ahhhhhhh.

    • class of 97 says:

      It’s not the outline that helps- it’s the making of the outline. Best of luck! I started 20 years ago next month. 🙂

  5. TT says:

    Adverse possession!! That was one thing I enjoyed in law school. Well, that and crim and torts. Good luck!!

  6. cara says:

    Belle, I love your blog! Found you via your excellent picks on Corporette. Good luck with your studies. You sound like one smart cookie and glad that I came across your blog.

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