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[CLOSED] CHS Birthday Giveaway: Who Doesn’t Love Gift Cards?

Aug 27, 2013


For the last giveaway of the Capitol Hill Style Anniversary Extravaganza, I wanted to give away a $100 gift card to my favorite store evah, Nordstrom.

When I was young, the twice yearly trip to the Spokane Nordstrom was the piece de resistance.  School shopping at Nordie’s helped birth the fashion blogger you see before you, and the chain has always held a special place in my heart. I, in turn, have done my part to perk up their bottom line.

To enter to win the Nordstrom gift card, leave a comment detailing your favorite childhood clothing item.  For example, in fifth grade I had a hot pink blazer that I thought was the greatest piece of clothing in the history of clothing.  I wore it with stirrup pants (duh!) and a white button down shirt with geometric print on the placket and cuffs.  I thought I was the coolest.

So what was your favorite outfit or piece of clothing from your childhood?  Leave your entry in the comments, and as always, use your real email address and please don’t reply to the comments as it throws off the count.

Thanks again for five great years. xoxo, Belle


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  1. Sara says:

    When I was eight, I had purple iridescent platform sneakers, just like Baby Spice. I always felt sooo cool and sooooo tall.

  2. kathleen says:

    My favorite item from childhood was a stone washed denim jacket that I got in the 3rd grade, and I filled with push pin buttons. I loved rocking that at the bus stop.

  3. Janet A. says:

    When I was about seven years old, my grandmother made me a beautiful white dress, one shoulder (very fashion-forward), out of crisp white cotton fabric embroidered with tiny red hearts. I loved it so much, I would probably wear it today if it still fit. 🙂

  4. Aunt_Pete says:

    I had a reversible zip-up vest. Green fleece on one side, purple nylon on the other. Hottt.

  5. Sarah says:

    A black pleather jacket. My older sister borrowed and then lost it. I still haven’t forgiven her.

  6. Bethany says:

    When I was eight, I had a favorite purple t-shirt that I wore with everything. Until one day, I went wild flower picking, and red poppy’s completely ruined and stained it. I was devastated.

  7. kbs says:

    A velvet black and red floral long-sleeve dress that I wore in early elementary school – always with black Mary Janes. Always dressing up!

  8. Ann says:

    When I was 10 I had a mix and match jersey set with pieces in different combinations of fuschia, teal and yellow. The pieces included short and long sleave tops, tanks, a belt, jersey pants and a tube skirt. I felt so stylish wearing the different pieces together.

  9. Diane says:

    Light up sneakers!

  10. Vanessa F says:

    In 8th grade I bought a black leather jacket on sale at Nordstrom’s with my allowance and some extra help from my parents. I thought it was the coolest thing ever because it was real leather and I was only in middle school. Haha. It was a good investment too, because it’s now 12 years later and I still wear that jacket!

  11. Staci says:

    In third grade I had a pair of jelly sandals. They were pink, they had sparkles, and when I wore them I was a princess.

  12. MWA says:

    Bright pink jorts! Worn pretty much daily from age 4-7. No regrets

  13. TXAtty says:

    My Hypercolor t-shirt and Girbeau jeans, tight rolled (of course). Middle school fashion at its worst.

  14. m says:

    I spent all warm-weather days of my childhood in Saltwater Sandals from the Nordstrom kids’ shoes department.

    Nordstrom pilgrimages were also a part of my childhood. We had to drive out-of-state to get to our closest Nordstrom as well. I still associate the Anniversary Sale with new school clothes for fall.

    Nordstroms is the only department store I will shop at, period. Macys is chaotic and the staff are surly, and I feel out of place at Saks and or NM. Nordstroms sales associates are always polite, respectful, never pushy, and treat you like a million bucks no matter what you’re shopping for.

  15. Steph D says:

    Paint spattered jorts and a striped velour tee. Woof.

  16. Catherine says:

    Oh I had a blue velvet dress that had a silver, heart-shaped clasp in the front. I wore it every single Wednesday for all of 4th grade.

  17. CAM says:

    Overalls… *sigh*

  18. Kris says:

    When I was a toddler I rocked a 1-strap leopard swimsuit…yup it happened.

  19. Liz says:

    I had a red Old Navy sweater vest that I thought was pretty much the end all, be all.

  20. Jessica says:

    I wore this blue tank top that had red stars diagonally across it– I wore it with a diamond shaped stirling silver belt. I thought I was the coolest.

  21. Haley says:

    Red cowboy boots that I thought went with everything!

  22. Heather says:

    Hypercolor shirt! Purple that turned to hot pink when I blew warm air on it.

  23. mmc says:

    A cobalt blue pleather jacket from Limited Too.

  24. Megan says:

    a pink sweatshirt with a cat face on it. super cool i know.

  25. DW says:

    For my 5th birthday, my parents gave me a white tulle princess outfit, covered in sequins. I was obsessed with it and wore it for Sabbath dinner every week for a year.

  26. C says:

    I wore lime green short overalls with Tevas. And I wasn’t the only one. . .yikes.

  27. Val says:

    Adidas tennis shoes with silver stripes. They were the coolest in middle school. Worn with flared jeans and oversized t-shirts with just the front half tucked in, of course.

  28. Jill says:

    White jeans with blue and pink flowers. They were so hideous.

  29. Crystal J. says:

    Overalls….I know, I know….scary!

  30. Betsy says:

    Hot pink Keds. Need I say more?

  31. diane says:

    Sadly I repeatedly wore my purple Toughskins (Sears brand of jeans in the 70’s) almost every day. Donny Osmond wore purple on The Osmond show and I was obsessed.

    The right pocket had sealed shut because I left gum in it once when it went through the wash. Didn’t phase me a bit. Loved my Donny purple Toughskins.

  32. Leslie says:

    I had a pair of zebra print leggings I tried to live in when I was six.

  33. Deb says:

    Ugh embarrassing but I had an embroidered long sleeve apple dress I adored in elementary school. That and my red bolero hat I wore all the time. Oh to be 8 again.

  34. Anne says:

    Zebra print bike shorts and a hot pink top with a ruffle at the bottom. Pretty great.

  35. M says:

    When I was in middle school I begged my mom to buy me bell bottoms from Wet Seal. I loved them and wore them to death. Now I wish she’d held out and said no, because well they were gross. My style has certainly evolved away from bell bottoms!!

  36. amanda says:

    Does jewelry count? Because I had a Joey McIntyre necklace that I didn’t take off once the year I was 10.

  37. Eleanor says:

    Sketchers elastic tennis shoes

  38. Rebecca says:

    A pair of blue and yellow nike sneakers. I thought I was so cool.

  39. Hannah says:

    Velvet dress I wore to death!

  40. Laura says:

    My plain white keds… I would write and draw all over them and thought I was so cool for having personalized shoes.

  41. Brenna says:

    My raincoat: it was a red cape and had tomato characters drawn on it and each were wearing rain boots. I would buy it again in a heartbeat.

  42. Emma says:

    I had a fabulous two pice skirt-vest combo with a tie waist(!) and a stunning strawberry print. It was quite the outfit. I wore it as an ensemble and wore the pieces individually. I had exceptional fashion sense at a young age.

  43. Eleni says:

    In 4th grade I lived in Umbro soccer shorts. Everyone wore them. The brighter the colors the better. I Didn’t even play soccer.

  44. Meaghan says:

    My favorite childhood clothing item was one of those sweatshirts that had “GAP” written in huge letters on the front…it appears in an alarming number of family photos from when I was little.

  45. Whitney says:

    When I was 10, I loved my jewel-toned silk blouse. Despite the fact that I think it was from Wal-Mart and I lived in South Georgia, it was SILK and I was awesome

  46. LH says:

    Black pleather pants that I thought were the coolest.

  47. Aditi says:

    I had an awesome neon pink, green, black/white checkered windbreaker that I thought was amazing. Oh to live in the 90s again.

  48. Morgan says:

    When I was really little I loved my purple sweatshirt with a white cat on it.

  49. Erica says:

    My denim overalls, man did I love those!

  50. Stephanie V says:

    My red sequin mary janes 🙂

  51. JJ says:

    I had a brown pleather (yes, pleather) skirt that had floral cutouts. Yep, it was HORRIBLE! I wore it all through high school and it wasn’t until I went away to college (in Spokane…the high capital of fashion) that I realized just how horrible it was!

  52. Sam says:

    When I was in elementary school i had a pair of light blue denim overalls with a red racing stripe down the sides.

  53. jin says:

    definitely my shortalls — i had at least 6 different pairs with all sorts of prints.

  54. Heidi says:

    My self-made tie dye t-shirt!

  55. LO says:

    “Steel blue” plaid shorts (with a fake drawstring–what was the point of that?) and a matching blue shirt that said “Limited America”. I bought the shorts with my own money and the shirt was my first clothing item from the “it” store, Limited Too. Sigh.

  56. Tina says:

    Pikachu Hairband!

  57. Kathy says:

    The heart-pocket jeans.

  58. Brandi says:

    My Eastland penny loafers that I kept a penny in

  59. Amy W. says:

    I had this awesome shirt that had velcro on the front and it came with letters so you could velcro different words or phrases to your shirt and be different.

  60. Whitney says:

    I had Keds in every color under the rainbow, and I loved to wear two different colors to match the colors in my outfits. My favorite was one pink and one yellow.

  61. Emily says:

    In 6th grade I had this awesome blue striped mini skirt. It made me feel like I was in high school.

  62. Emily says:

    When I was 9 my Mema made me a purple and white polka dot romper. I adored it. The best part? It had a matching scrunchy!!

  63. Elsa says:

    A sweater depicting a farm. Using 3D figurines. It was awesome.

  64. Tori says:

    I had a pair of gray cowboy boots that I loved.

  65. Sarah says:

    My platform black and white sketchers. I thought they were the best shoes ever and wore them all the time!

  66. Danielle says:

    I had a pair of awful purple bike shorts. I wore them for years in elementary school until my mom hid them from me and eventually threw them away…thank goodness!

  67. Aubrey says:

    My GAP striped sweater!

  68. MFL says:

    Platform sandals (think straps attached to a black brick) called Shoox. They were all the rage!

  69. Sandy says:

    I saved my birthday money to buy a teal velour sweatshirt with “Jordache” written in silver! My nine-year-old self thought it was the coolest thing ever…

  70. ADL says:

    I had a denim jacket that I had blinged out when bling was cool in the 80s. It had mirrors and silver rhinestones.

  71. Kristen says:

    I was such a priss – any “twirly” dress. It was a struggle to get me into a pair of jeans. Luckily leggings were all the rage in the early 90’s.

  72. Diana says:

    Jusr recently found you so I hope this is just the first five of many years to come. Congrats.

  73. L.A. says:

    Anything with a horse on it. Anything.

  74. Tessa says:

    The first thing that comes to mind is my royal purple Nutcracker sweatshirt from the Houston Ballet. My mother purchased it a few sizes too big so I could wear it more as a dress at first and then as a shirt as I grew bigger. I always looked forward to the holidays so I could wear it again and was sad when I eventually grew out of it.

  75. ACS says:

    I had a black dress with white polka dots that I wore to my 6th grade “graduation.” It had a cutout detail on the back and a bow on the back of the waist. I felt-get this-glamorous wearing that dress as a little girl. It was my first taste of how the right outfit can make you feel great. Good memories!

  76. Chi says:

    Hello kitty Tee from for my 12th bday. Still obsessed with hello kitty 16 yrs later.

  77. CB says:

    Definitely overalls.

  78. Diana says:

    Those sailor pants that were IT in the 70’s.

  79. Rachael says:

    I loved to wear patterned socks and matching headbands!

  80. ss says:

    When I was younger, I was obsessed with my red, hello kitty headband. Not exactly clothing, but I wore it everywhere, even when I was sleeping.

  81. Julie says:

    I rocked jelly shoes and loved them.

  82. Jaime says:

    a tiny tee with “POW!” emblazoned on the front

  83. Margot says:

    I was probably most enamored with my LA Lights light-up sneakers, which were often worn with an oversize Minnie Mouse sweatshirt and stirrup leggings… yikes

  84. Lindsay says:

    Snap bracelets! Oh how I love Nordies, some of my fondest memories were my grandmother taking me to get my holiday dresses.

  85. Clare says:

    A satin hot pink (it was the late ’70s, okay?) letterman-style jacket that thinking back must have been absolutely hideous that I wore with everything for a while – Rolling Stones T-shirts (duh), slinky tank tops, Levis 501s (of course) with strategically placed holes. I was that girl.

  86. JP says:

    I think it’d have to either be my bright teal Adidas tracksuit, or my UNC “Starter” jacket. I lived in those things. Needless to say, I’d like to think my fashion has evolved towards more girlish/fashionable items since that time.

    Happy 5th!

  87. Heather says:

    As a child, I was actually a giant tomboy and wore my brother’s old hand-me-down clothes (not much style there). However, during the summer I had a favorite bathing suit that I believe was pretty stylish for my age. It was neon pink and orange. It had two triangle mesh triangles on the stomach, and so when you would get tanned, you would dots in the shape of a triangle on your stomach. I was so sad when I grew out of that bathing suit.

  88. Richele says:

    Glow in the dark, dino print Chuck Taylors

  89. Lori says:

    hot pick stretchy pants with lace trim on the bottom!

  90. Sarah R. says:

    Long bedazzled tshirts with rhinestones and puffy paint, paired within neon bike shorts. Fabulous!

  91. LornaMi says:

    Wow, girls! So many memorable fashions – but I think my favorites were the five or six dresses my Gram made for me at the start of every summer when I was in the early years of grade school. Flower-print cotton sundresses with what I called “butterfly sleeves” – fluttery, ruffled cap sleeves that made me feel most fairy-like!

  92. Cara says:

    Steve Madden platform sandals with the elastic vamp. Alternated those with my Doc Martens for an entire school year.

  93. Margaret says:

    I had a pair of flare jeans with hand-sized pink flowers embroidered on them. There was also a matching shirt. They were the coolest thing, obviously.

  94. Effie says:

    Overall… Don’t remember clearly if I requested it or my mom made me wear it. Anyway, the overall did appear quite a lot in my childhood pictures. Sigh!

  95. a.k. says:

    Pink intarsia sweaterdress. I felt like a princess.

  96. Melissa says:

    I really had two favorite items:
    The first being jean stirrups, because really they were the best of both worlds.
    The second was later in middle school when cargo-type jean jumpers (think: construction worker?)were popular.

  97. Hilary says:


  98. H. says:

    I had this bright pink sweatshirt with different colored polka dots, which I wore with same-shade-of-pink stirrup pants. (And I wanted anything Kelly Kapowski wore!)

  99. jodifur says:

    when I was 5 I had a pink skirt with puffy rainbows on it. I loved that skirt.

  100. Lynn says:

    Red cowgirl boots, no doubt! Cliche, but man I loved those things. When my grandma finally got them for my birthday, I was ecstatic and refused to take them off to go to sleep.

  101. Leah says:

    I had these insanely large bell bottoms in the 7th grade I was downright obsessed with. Now I’m just downright embarrassed,

  102. Winnie says:

    In fifth grade, I had a pink jumpsuit that my grandma bought for me in Asia. It had the cutesey cartoon characters, the bad Engrish, and the whole shebang. I rocked that jumpsuit.

  103. Brea says:

    One year i was gifted a hideous striped rugby from Abercrombie. I loved it; not because it was attractive, but because it was expensive…children can be such labelists…I still have that rugby in the back of my closet. Makes me smile.

  104. GNG6 says:

    I couldn’t leave the house without my plastic bead necklace – I had one in every color to match all my outfits!

  105. Dianne says:

    My favorite childhood piece of clothing was my fourth grade “swishy” track suit – – neon colors, geometric cut-outs, and I would wear it with the ugliest black leather booties you’ve ever seen. Come to think of it, the booties are probably en vogue again, but I digress….

  106. Linda L says:

    It was the 70’s….lime green coulotte pants with a matching jacket. Groovy.

  107. Samantha says:

    My favorite dress until elementary school was black on top with a pink skirt covered in florescent-colored polka dots. This was appropriate for every occasion in life, clearly.

  108. Megan says:

    I had this adorable sailor dress that I wore during first to third grade. Every other picture my Mom has during this time frame is in the sailor dress!

  109. Sarah says:

    My favorite happens to have turned out to be more of an investment piece. My dad and I took a daddy-daughter trip to LA the summer before my first year of high school. We hit Rodeo and stopped in Kitson…this was when the “designer” jean trend was becoming more mainstream but I wanted to be the first of my friends to have a great pair! I just had to get the Hudson’s. But I still have them (and wear them, because my dad of course made me get not tight)!

  110. Amanda H says:

    I rocked it My So Called Life style, so my plaid thermal baby doll dress with tights and Docs. My mother hated it, which of course made me love it more!

  111. Beth says:

    A bright, bright red dress with a smocked top of flowers and loops. I cried when I outgrew it at age 8.

  112. AA says:

    Black corduroy overalls (it was the 90s). My friend’s older sister had the same pair, so I assumed all the cool kids wore overalls all day every day.

    As Seattle native, I’m forever loyal to Nordstoms, and always appreciate their customer service.

  113. Lauren says:

    A striped overalls dress with matching chambray keds that had tweety bird on them! Embarrasing to state now, but at the time I swear they were great.

  114. Alexandra says:

    Definitely a tie between my white frilly dress and bloomers set that had red lady bugs all over it when I was 3, and the crushed velvet purple matching tshit and pants with attached belt set.

  115. Katie says:

    I had a pair of purple, velvet sneakers. Purple wasn’t even my favorite color, but all my friends were jealous of them, so of course I had to wear them all the time.

  116. Jessica K. says:

    Colored leggings — red, purple, green. I was in style.

  117. JenS says:

    I loved my black denim Calvin Kleins.

  118. AVV says:

    As a high school underclassman, for our annual Christmas Banquet (“sit-down” dinner and entertainment) I decided to buck Midwest convention and get a sparkly tuxedo pants/knee-length jacket combo instead of a dress. The shoulder pads were epic, but I loved how that tiny bit of unconventionality made my otherwise straight-as-an-arrow self feel.

  119. Amanda says:

    I had a denim jacket with large red hearts and ribbons embroidered on it. I loved that thing!!

  120. Danielle says:

    When I was very young, my cousin and I would frequently stay at my grandmother’s house overnight on weekends. Sometimes when we forgot pajamas or just didn’t feel like wearing the ones we had, Grandma had a dresser full of t-shirts we could wear. There was a yellow one that said “I <3 Nerds" on it. I loved Nerds and I loved the shirt. I wore it whenever I could. At some point, when I was much older, I asked my grandmother if I could have it. Two cross-country moves later (and probably 20 years), that threadbare t-shirt still hangs in my closet. It's too thin to wear, but I can't imagine throwing it away.

  121. Kelley K says:

    My best friend and I would buy matching outfits – our all-time favorite outfit consisted of a flowered black and yellow dress, accompanied by our matching LL Bean backpacks.

  122. tai says:

    Ruby red patent leather sneakers.

  123. Justine says:

    In elementary school, I either wore poofy dresses or track suits. One memorable dress was made of brown corduroy with a floral panel and accents (also in corduroy) with a tulle underskirt. I probably fancied myself some sort of ethereal woodland creature. Also memorable was a stark white outfit of white sweatshirt and white sweatpants. The sweatshirt had a giant green alligator/crocodile and the sweatpants had no track stripes.

    In middle school, a mustard yellow t-shirt with ketchup red jeans was one of my favorite outfits. Too bad I didn’t think to add a pop of mayo or green relish at the time.

  124. Chelsea says:

    A white tshirt with a big neon printed fish on the front that I wore as a dress!

  125. SP says:

    My Grandmama used to take me back to school shopping at Nordstrom every year. Special place in my heart! I had this amazing hat (think Blossom), pink with a big black flower. Pretty much the most styling kid ever.

  126. Shijie F. says:

    I had a purple velvet princess dress that I wore only for very special occasions, such as birthday parties and violin recitals. And I would match the look with flaming lips and cheeks, and my mom would finish the look with a lipstick dot on my forehead (it’s a chinese thing). I think I would dress my kids the same way. Some day.

  127. aec says:

    i had a pair of converse high tops that had postcards from all over the world on them.

  128. Sara says:

    I had a fuzzy orange sweater from the limited too that I loved and would wear at least, once a week.

  129. Melanie says:

    A pink sweater with embroidered flowers on it….looking back now it was terrible!!

  130. Olivia Korostelina says:

    White ballerina tulle skirt!

  131. Jen M says:

    I had a pair of neon pink stretch shorts that I thought made me super cool… the pictures make me look more like a neon sign!

  132. strin012 says:

    Not clothing, per se, but my favorite was a tiny black hills gold ring that my dad gave to me one Christmas. Made me feel like a million bucks.

  133. Sarah says:

    Oh man, my first pair of Blue Asphalt flare jeans from Wet Seal. I felt so grown up and stylish when my parents finally let me upgrade from Levi’s kid 501s!

  134. Maeve says:

    sparkly clothes from Limited Too… all of them

  135. Cat says:

    That would be a floral dress with an elastic bodice and flared out skirt. Did I mention it had off-the-shoulder sleeves? Epitome of class. Paired with jelly shoes, of course.

  136. Mons says:

    I was beyond obsessed with a souvenir t-shirt from San Antonio that I got on a family trip. It’s still buried in one of my drawers back home today!

  137. Michelle says:

    Black stirrup pants worn with white Keds sneakers…

  138. Jenna says:

    I had a blue corduroy dress with embroidered flowers on the collar. I loved that dress until the day it totally fell apart.

  139. LM says:

    I had those jelly sandals in every shade you could imagine. For some reason I’ll never understand, they were more comfortable than most shoes I find these days.

  140. Sharon Sullivan says:

    Not fashionable in the least but I lived in my UNC sweatshirt/sweatpants. There is a famous picture of my sister and I asleep, head to toe, on the couch in our matching sweats.

  141. Diana says:

    My favorite childhood clothing item was a denim vest that I even wore over my pajamas sometimes!

  142. EmilyS says:

    Growing up, I had a school uniform, so I can’t really remember a favorite article of clothing, per se. But I can recall BEGGING for a pair of pink sparkle jelly sandals at 4 or 5, much to my mom’s dismay.

  143. CT says:

    In first grade I had a sweater with a horse on it and stirrup pants with equestrian theme accessories. It was the best! I can still remember how sad I was when I grew out of it.

  144. Chloe says:

    I had a brown pleather dress that I consistently wore with my teddy-bear backpack. My mom bought me the dress, my dad bought me the backpack. I guess it was the best of both worlds? Oh and my wardrobe mostly consisted of patterned leggings and corresponding tops from the Gap – we’d just buy out the section when it was back to school!!

  145. Lara says:

    The dresses my mom used to buy from Hartstrings that my sister and I got to wear on Christmas Eve. Frills, full skirts, embroidery, and a lot of sass.

  146. SAS says:

    A back and white striped spandex skort from Limited Too

  147. Lauren S says:

    I remember in junior high when my mom bought me a wool sweater from Aeropostale. I thought it was so great, that is until my dad washed and dryed it.

  148. LS says:

    Electric blue and black striped long t shirt with B.U.M Equipment emblazoned across the chest, matching blue leggings and black keds.


  149. Christine says:

    I went to private school so wore a uniform every day for 13 years (yes, even in kindergarten we had to wear it). My favorite “play” clothes were anything purple – really, anything… shoes, socks, dresses, and worn together. Fortunately I grew out of the purple phase by second grade.

  150. LGF says:

    In fifth grade I got a pair of jean shorts that I use to roll up to make really short. They were dark blue with a pink and white floral pattern and I always wore them with the same white tank top. In hindsight, they were atrocious. At the time, they were amazing.

    In fact, I felt so grown up in them that I wore them to my second concert ever, Vanilla Ice.

  151. adrienne says:

    jelly sandals and print leggings through elementary school. sigh.

  152. C says:

    Hot pink must have been all the rage in the ’90’s cause I had, what I thought, was the coolest pair of hot pink overall shorts. They had this flower embroidery on the pocket with a matching white tee shirt, and I would wear it with white platform shoes. I was unstoppable in that outfit!

  153. Monica says:

    My sister and I used to where MC hammer pants (hers purple, mine pink) and shirts the were off the shoulder and we were the hottest kids on the block…

  154. HMS says:


  155. Devan says:

    I had a rainbow striped fleece jacket. I wore that thing everywhere. And then, I completely forgot about it (for good reason). I was reminded of this luxurious piece when a friend showed me an old photo of us together..

  156. Leslie says:

    Plaid blazer, big shoulder pads, Limited Too. Score!

  157. Katie says:

    I had what I thought was a killer outfit that I wore to any “cool” event in the first two years of middle school, one that was sure to get me noticed by all the boys and make me the envy of the cool girls. It consisted of a short sleeve, crop top, ribbed, black turtleneck (yes, it was all of those things) worn under overalls, with samabas (the classic, black with 3 white stripes) Adidas indoor soccer shoes). I’d add a black velvet scrunchie with some butterfly clips if I really wanted to work it.

  158. Hilary says:

    A scrunchie. I was having arm parties before they were cool?

  159. Maggie says:

    I had a velvet bucket hat (what?) in a deep eggplant color that I thought was so sophisticated. It was very warm but I can remember wearing it in the dead of summer because I just thought it was so cool!

  160. Amanda says:

    I had a whole matchy matchy swimsuit set from Limited Too that I LOVED in middle school. It was the bikini with the matching shorts, scrunchie and flip flops. I thought I was the coolest kid at the pool!

  161. Erin Stephenson says:

    Reading everyone else’s comments makes me feel a twee bit less self-conscious, so here goes: button covers. Not exactly a specific item of clothes, but add some buttons covers, and voila! New outfit. I’m embarrassed to share that I had several sets that could be mixed and matched. Oh, the horror.

  162. LP says:

    Any pair of printed leggings… but one pair in particular, which was black had lots of little white cats.

  163. Anne says:

    When I was in sixth grade I had a red track jacket with a huge Gryffindor crest on the back–I thought it was the COOLEST.

  164. Charlene D. says:

    A bubble gum pink Izod polo. I had to save my $ to get it, so I wore it alot.

  165. SGM says:

    A black leotard with a Pac-Man patch in the front. In every picture from ages 7-10 I’m wearing it. With legwarmers.

  166. Elyse G. says:

    My Belle costume that I wore when I was 5. I loved that outfit so so much. *fingers crossed*

  167. Laura P says:

    I had these jean overalls with a big, pink metallic heart right in the middle. I swear I am wearing them in 75% of my childhood photographs!

  168. cbackson says:

    Oversized t-shirt with endangered rainforest creatures on it, which I gathered to the side with one of those t-shirt clips. I think it was frogs, maybe?

  169. Mia says:

    Anything involving a scrunchie and my pink sparkle jellies!

  170. Layne says:

    I lived in umbros until 6th grade!

  171. Megs says:

    A black circle skirt. I still feel a desire to twirl when I wear one.

  172. Saba says:

    I was a part of a competition dance team, and unlike the rest of the dance companies satin school jackets, we had fitted demin jackets that were bedazzled to death with our school name on them. I loved rockin that to school everyday and esp to dance competitions.

  173. Lauren says:

    When I was a kid my mom had us take sewing lessons, and I made this babydoll dress out of an olive green floral jersey fabric. I think I wore that for five years straight…and I still miss it.

  174. Megan W says:

    In the summer, I wore a Lion King dress, and in the winter, I switched it up with a long-sleeve 101 Dalmatians dress.

  175. JRA says:

    I had black spandex shorts with lace on the bottom and a brightly colored floral print, and a dropped waist hot pink t shirt with a ruffled hem to match. I was STYLIN’.

  176. Nina says:

    I had a sailor outfit that was exactly the same as my America Girl Doll Samantha’s!

  177. I had an open knit sweater in autumn colors that I wore entirely too often in high school. Honestly, if I could find that sweater now I’d probably try to have it remade in my size and keep rocking it every Fall. That sweater made me feel beautiful.

  178. Amanda says:

    I went to a private school for k-5, and I absolutely LOVED my black and white saddle shoes. I wish I could still pull them off!

  179. SS says:

    In second grade I had a fuzzy white coat meant to look like a baby fur coat. I found it glamorous (without knowing the meaning of the word yet!) and wore it not just to school but around the house as well.

  180. Joanne E. says:

    Skechers sneakers. Gah!

  181. s-p-c says:

    A sparkly Tinkerbell sweatsuit! How times change.

  182. Laura says:

    Throughout my middle school years I wore lots of oversize buttoned-up flannel shirts. With windbreaker pants. I’ve come a long way since then, but I’m still trying to figure out fashion and how to dress the woman I want to be.

  183. Kate says:

    In Kindergarten I had a matching cardigan and skirt with pink roses on them. I thought it was the prettiest outfit I had ever seen and wore it all the time.

  184. MV says:

    A Winnie the Pooh overall jumper. I lived in that thing.

  185. Amanda says:

    Leggings and red, white & blue cowgirl boots.

  186. Kara says:

    When Limited Too was all the rage, I had a neon pink and orange, oversized, flannel button down shirt that I wore with just about everything. Everything about it was so quintessentially awesomely bad 90’s.

  187. em says:

    Red sparkly glitter mary janes…so chic, I know

  188. Rachel says:

    A purple lion king themed sweatsuit in 2nd grade that I probably wore at least two to three days a week for that whole year.

  189. TrC says:

    I had a fantastic daisy dress I used to wear with bright neon tights – would wear it almost every day, to the point that it went on a “vacation” the summer before kindergarten so I could get used to wearing different outfits.

  190. E says:

    Velvet jeans from Limited Too!

  191. Allison says:

    A pair of Frye cowboy boots. There were the most expensive single item I had ever owned at the time. 15+ years and 1 new sole later and they are still getting use.

  192. Bee says:

    I had a bright purple shirt with purple flowers that I always paired with a purple skirt. Whenever this purple outfit was washed it was the first thing I would wear, resulting in my often rocking this ensemble twice in one school week.

  193. JB says:

    I was such a tomboy growing up so I don’t remember being really into clothing as much as I was into accessories. I remember my mother let me pick out my first pair of glasses. I chose a large frame that was speckled with baby blue, pink, purple, and white.I loved them so much. They were epic.

  194. Anna says:

    I had a dress from grades 3-5 that was black, long sleeve, a-line, and had faux leopard cuffs, Peter Pan collar, and purse. I wore it with black tights and Mary Janes in winter and with those Steve Madden platform slides in summer and thought I was more sophisticated than any star.

  195. Sarah says:

    I wouldn’t wear anything except dresses until about second grade, when my mom bought me a pair of pale pink jeans. I loved to wear them with my white Keds!

  196. Jackie P. says:

    When I was 9 I had a bright pink shirt with multi-colored buttons with a matching bright pink skirt and purse. I was a great child of the 80s!

  197. Amanda says:

    All through elementary school my classmates and I wore the brightly colored Limited Too sweatshirts with matching colored jeans. I had the purple but wished I also had the blue and hot pink.

  198. JS says:

    black and white platform flipflops, I thought they were just too cool.

  199. Em says:

    My favorite outfit was a Gap jean vest and jean skirt that I insisted on wearing at least once a week.

  200. Jenna says:

    I had a a pair of light pink pants from Esprit. They had grey slashes on them (isn’t pink and grey a quintessential ’80s color combination?). They had a matching pink and grey boatneck sweater and a matching denim vest in the same pattern as the pants. It was my all-time favorite outfit.

  201. Elizabeth says:

    My very favorite item was my fifth grade white pleather knee-high go-go boots. I was sure I’d become a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader and get invited to be on the Love Boat. Whenever the faux whatever-it-was flaked off from the folded areas, I’d apply white leather shoe polish. And as a cheater second entry that falls under the category of living your clothing fantasies through your children, I bought my four-year-old daughter a soft, thick faux fur leopard print short jacket with a nice slippery lining and a hood. She wore “the leopard coat” everywhere for two years; I wanted one SO BADLY!!! (And also her red glitter mary janes from Target.)

  202. joy says:

    When I was roughly in the 3rd grade I had a pair of overalls. They had a white background and fruit ALL. OVER. THEM. Grapes, strawberries, bananas, you name it. I called them my “tootie fruity” overalls and I loved them so. much. Gah.

  203. Andrea says:

    I had a pastel striped Ocean Pacific T-shirt that had a palm tree shaped sparkle embellishment on it. I wore it with pink shorts and white keds. I was styling!

  204. Katy says:

    My bright purple sweatsuit with a sparkly white print of a cat on the front was hands down my favorite thing ever. Looking back, I can’t believe my mom let me go to kindergarten in it. 🙂

  205. Rachel says:

    Heelys! I can’t believe I owned those…and thought they looked cool 🙁

  206. Meredith M. says:

    The childhood outfit I remember was from 4th grade. It was an oversized bright yellow and white striped sweatshirt that went with yellow stirrup pants 🙂 I even remember that I had these hot pink hoop earrings that matched some of the neon pink touches on the sweatshirt. That is the first time in my life I felt fashionable. 4th grade, wow. I may need to try and bring that outfit back 🙂

  207. GFR says:

    Denim vest that I bedazzled…wow I thought I was cool!

  208. Caitlyn says:

    I had one of those denim hats with the sunflowers on it that I seriously wore (or tried to wear) every day in the third grade.

  209. Hannah says:

    I had a black and white polka dot ruffly skirt that I LOVED and would have worn every day if my mom had let me.

  210. Mariam says:

    My red pleated skirt – I was obsessed with getting one for a good while (a year or so?) when I was 9 or 10 and then absolutely thrilled when I had it. I remember wearing it with a white button up shirt with an oversized collar and red almond-toed flats for a piano recital.

  211. SarahT says:

    Ahh! All the stirrup leggings I wore through first and second grade. My mom loved them because it was easy to get me dressed for school; I loved them because I thought they were fabulous and grown-up!

  212. Phoebe says:

    10th birthday: black jeans (complete with a pink braided belt) and a floral turtleneck.

  213. Alex says:

    In elementary school I had a sheer floral printed top with a built in tank top from limited too (which I thought was the epitome of high fashion)

  214. Christina says:

    I LOVED my LA Lights Shoes (the shoes of a generation) and refused to go anywhere without them. Fast forward 10 years later when I found an adult women’s version of the same shoes by reebok…

  215. Mags says:

    I had a teal windbreaker/raincoat I loved. It was hand-me-down from my sister.

  216. Beth says:

    A Dick Tracy raincoat purchased by my grandfather at our local Wal-Mart was my prized possession around age 4.

  217. Alicia says:

    I had this sweater from gymboree, it was yellow with red and green… almost spanish looking. It was long and had yellow stirrup leggings to match. Oh boy. Those were the days.

  218. Laura says:

    Stirrup leggings with rainbow-colored hearts on them!

  219. Jo says:

    Metallic silver moon-man pants all through the year 2001. I regret nothing.

  220. Noelle says:

    My Jelly sandals. I had a bunch of colors and refused to change out of them for gym class.

  221. Kelly says:

    While digging through a costume bin, I found a pair of hot pink silk overalls printed/embroidered with a sort of chinese flower pattern. I thought they were the coolest thing ever and would just wear them around town.

  222. Becky says:

    I had a green satin Princess dress that my grandmother made for me. My mom, bless her heart, let me wear it almost everywhere (usually over sensible clothes). The photos are priceless.

  223. Sarah M. says:

    A puffy-paint decorated drop-waist dress for 6th grade. It was purple and it was awesome.

  224. Priya says:

    I had a pair of olive green corduroy short overalls (shortalls?). They were my go to outfit, paired with a white t-shirt usually. Slip on some jellies and you’re ready to go!

  225. Kelly says:

    This is painful for me to admit, but I had this purple, furry, bucket hat that I wore basically all throughout the 4th grade. I had braces and a bowl cut too, if that gives you an idea of where my head was at.

  226. BN says:

    Hunter green ribbed cotton stirrups. The color was “SO mature!” I had two pairs, naturally.

  227. Jennifer says:

    I had two pastel Esprit summers that went down to my knees, some sort of chunky knit. I may have worn them with white stirrup pants.

  228. Laura says:

    I had some sweet bell bottom jeans with flower embroidery all down the sides and on the flares. Loved them!

  229. Heidi says:

    i had a striped embroidered cardigan — at first i hated it (it wasn’t limited too — i know, i’m judging my young self now), but grew to like it. i even wish i could fit it now — guess my mom does know best.

  230. Charleigh says:

    Overalls. I totally wore them. And now they’ve come back! But… I won’t wear them now Belle. Promise.

  231. Brittany says:

    I was a real fashion forward child (insert sarcasm here). I wore a faded denim blue jean jacket with a Winnie the Pooh decal on the back. Not just Winnie the Pooh, but the whole forest gang. To top it off? A bright tie dye rainbow headband. My older sister had to hide them from me in order for me to stop wearing them. The headband is gone but the jacket is still at my parents house. No shame, loved that lovely style combo.

  232. Emily says:

    I also rocked the “swishy suit” in neon colors – my favorite being a bright purple. My mom couldn’t get me to wear jeans for the longest time!

  233. Nancy says:

    I wore my English riding jacket (including the horse fur) as a regular jacket All. The. Time. Sounds better than it looked, because I didn’t know how to accessorize and it was a time when everything else was baggy on top.

  234. Hilary says:

    I had a unicorn-printed light blue dress that I remember wearing with my hot pink LA Lights sneakers.

  235. JSB says:

    I had a favorite mint blazer that I wore with a white shirt, denim shorts (yes, the kind that came down to your knees!), white socks, and penny loafers. 🙂

  236. maria says:

    black stirrup jeans and a white sweatshirt with a leopard’s face on it. It had sequins on it and I loved it.

  237. Ashley says:

    black sparkle jeans. I thought they were perfect

  238. Kim says:

    My red and white striped Esprit sweater, worn with leggings and high tops.

  239. Debbie says:

    A green and pink sweatsuit that was a hand-me-down from my older and much cooler cousin. It had a flap in the front that you could unsnap (sort of Star Trek Like) to reveal the pinkness. I loved that outfit. I tucked the pants into my socks and wore the whole thing with white keds. I thought I looked like a million bucks.

  240. KF says:

    I had a t-shirt with a big sunflower on it that I wore with a jean skort. I thought I was the most fashionable ten year old ever when I wore it.

  241. I had this denim, cowgirl dress. It had a full skirt. I wore it constantly!

  242. Karen says:

    My favorite store as a “tween” was Limited Too. I thought I was sooo cool for getting my clothing there. My absolute favorite item ever was a navy blue hoodie with Limited Too spelled out and decorated all patriotic. I think it was $50 for the sweatshirt, which was a lot of money for a child’s hoodie even then. I vowed to my mom I would love it forever… then later lost it at an amusement park. 🙁

  243. Shelley says:

    I loved my Strawberry Shortcake t-shirt because as a 6 year old (and 7 and 8 year old), I identified with her red hair. I wore it as long as I could.

  244. Catherine B says:

    There is another commenter above me who must have had the same dress I did! When I was a first grader, my aunt gave me a black velvet and floral dress. I wore that sucker so much. I took my first grade school picture in it! When I hit about the fifth grade, I recall my favorite item being a pair of Gap Kids overalls. Ahhhhh, the 90s!

  245. Vinutha says:

    When I was 8, I had this white dress with red polka dots that had an umbrella skirt. I wore that thing at least three times a week until I outgrew it.

  246. Erin S says:

    I had a bobblehead style Emily Dickinson t-shirt that I thought was so cool. I was an English major nerd even at 10 years old.

  247. Kristina says:

    Peach. Denim. Jumper. Sort of like this, but an appropriate length for an 8 year old:

    I wore that thing until a ridiculous growth spurt made it look more like it does on that model.

  248. TD says:

    Hypercolor shirts.

  249. Liz F says:

    I had this oversized purple sweatshirt with a huge cat on it when I was 6. I wore it every chance I got!

  250. TC says:

    Jelly sandals!

  251. Tanya N says:

    I constantly wore a pair of white cowboy boots that I adored about the age of 8 or so. I typically fought everything my mother bought for me to wear but there was no argument with these that I remember.

  252. Wanda says:

    I loved, loved, LOVED my pink and mint green hi-top L.A. Gear sneakers. I felt like the coolest kid ever.

  253. Erica says:

    First things first: I definitely still own a hot pink blazer, so not just a childhood thing 🙂

    I had this oversized purple sweater that I’d pair with stirrup leggings and high-top sneakers – I thought I looked so cool!

  254. Julie says:

    Do you guys remember those sneakers that lit up when you walked? Yep. Loved those.

  255. Helena says:

    A lilac mini skirt with matching jacket. It reminded me of something Winne Cooper wore in The Wonder Years!

  256. KT says:

    I had a black dress with an attached vest, and the skirt and vest were both covered in neon squiggles. I wore it everywhere!

  257. LG says:

    I had a stretchy blue belt with a Little Mermaid belt buckle that I wore with EVERYTHING. I loved Ariel.

  258. Colleen says:

    I had a Redskins track suit that my Grandaddy bought me that I thought was pretty sweet. Granted, this was in the ’80s when the Redskins were pretty good!

  259. Emily says:

    A white cotton shirt with a ruffled collar that was pink bandanna patterned. I wore it with jean shorts that had a matching bandanna belt that tied. Learned how to tie a bow on that belt, which I think contributed to my love.

  260. Kristen says:

    In elementary school, it was definitely an overall skort!

  261. Meg says:

    My mom gets all the credit but when I was in 4-6 I was obsessed with this faux black and white mixed fur jacket. I thought it was so glam.

  262. EJH says:

    I had a pair of pale pink jeans in the fourth grade that were my pièce de résistance. In hindsight, I’d probably still wear them now.

  263. LM says:

    When I was in first or second grade, I had a princess dress I wore everywhere. I even demanded to wear it to a school walkathon in winter…

  264. Emily says:

    When I was about five I had a massive collection of bows. Every shape, every color for every outfit I wore.

  265. Amanda says:

    My mom made lots of clothes for me and my siblings, all the way from when we were babies to my prom dresses. It’s hard to pick a favorite, because I felt SO COOL in my one-of-a-kind pieces. She made me a bikini one summer…I think I was 6 or 7… and I lived in that thing! So I have to pick that as my favorite.

  266. Karen says:

    My pink gingham button down shirt. I like to tie it at the waist because I was 7 going on 17.

  267. Jennifer P says:

    My favorite outfit when I was in 3rd grade(ish) was a white top with mesh sleeves and matching white stirrup pants that both had a fishes stamped all over. It was amazing. 🙂

  268. Kristin says:

    Floral button down shirt with mint green burmuda length denim shorts, socks rolled down with Dexters. Ultra preppy. 🙂

  269. Tracey says:

    Oh my gosh! The orange and pink sweater I had from Gap. I got it as a birthday present from my super stylish 5th grade friend and I thought I was the coolest. I’d wear it with jeans, black stretch pants, anything! It was awesome.

  270. joy m. says:

    I loved my lavender corduroy pants!! With a sparkly sweater…so stylish.

  271. Kristina says:

    I had red polka dot suspenders that I adored.

  272. Sally says:

    Swimsuit with a little ruffle around the waist. I’d sleep in it and play in it but didn’t often get to swim in it. No matter, it was awesome!

  273. WW says:

    I had this terrible tackle hat that I thought was really edgey for some reason. My mom would hide it behind the dryer because she hated it so much. I should have listened…

  274. Mary says:

    Jelly sandals and light up sneakers!

  275. Megan says:

    Either my coordinating pink & purple polka-dotted top with stirrup pants or my kelly green silk top with ruffled neck. I thought I was so cool…

  276. Shannon says:

    A yellow shirt with bright purple cat eyes, paired with a black knife pleat skirt and matching shiny purple tights!

  277. amanda says:

    I had a beloved white “puffy shirt” (a la Seinfeld) that I wore with a red vest and a black choker for picture day. Bought at Limited Too, of course!

  278. Annabelle says:

    I had these blue lace-up shoes with massive platforms and wore them for years..then ripped out the lining at the heel and toe so I could continue wearing them after I had outgrown them. My mom gave them away after I graduated junior high.

  279. Amy says:

    I LOVED my first pair of sam and libby flats. I thought they were so cool and sophisticated. I was probably in 6th grade or so.

  280. Liz says:

    A red cotton shift with a big white embroidered flower on the front, and button tabs at the shoulders. Loved that dress, wore it all through the summer of 1966.

  281. Meg says:

    I had a rad dress consisting of an off-the shoulder black boatneck fitted top and a poofy neon floral print skirt. Paired with a totally sweet choker, of course.

  282. KJ says:

    A denim jacket from Limited Too. Thankfully no iron on bright orange flowers.

  283. Raye says:

    I was obsessed with the musical “Annie” and when I was 5, my crafty mom sewed me an identical replica red dress just like Annie’s! Definite childhood favorite.

  284. Carrie says:

    A purple peplum t-shirt when I was about 10. Loved it.

  285. Andrea says:

    Cream stir-up pants (what was with those things?!) with a long, thick multi-colored maroon, cream and hunter green sweater.

  286. Naomi says:

    I was obsessed with my grey GAP hoodie — ya know, with GAP written right there across my chest so everyone knew where I got it.

  287. Steph says:

    I had these black ankle boots that reminded me of what Laura might have worn in Little House on the Prairie–I bought the same pair 3 years running!

  288. JMW says:

    my fave outfit as a child was a pink seersucker jumper. my mother couldn’t get it off me.

    i think we should be thanking YOU for a great 5 years. thanks belle!

  289. Jules says:

    As a kid, I absolutely loved Winnie the Pooh. I still have an old t-shirt of mine with Pooh and Piglet on it that I wore to death. I’ve been holding on to it in the hope that one day I’ll make it into something useful (perhaps a pillow?)!

  290. Heather says:

    So my favorite item was a hunter green t-shirt with Thomas Jefferson’s face… I feel like maybe my parents got it for me after spending the weekend in Charlottesville. Who knows. I wore that thing with everything, though mostly floral leggings, casually rolled up at the ankle, of course.

  291. Famouscait says:

    I can clearly remember getting upset with my mom when I was about 4 years old, because she was putting my favorite polka-dot bathing suit n the garage sale. It had a ruffle skirt on it…

  292. Ashley says:

    I was a tomboy all through childhood. Most of my time was spent wearing some sort of athletic uniform – basketball, soccer, baseball, softball, field hockey. So my favorite article of clothing/accessories was a pair of orange/yellow/black AND1 basketball sneakers.

  293. Ann says:

    My favorite childhood outfit was a sherpa lined leather vest and a red cowboy hat.

  294. Kate says:

    When I was in 5th grade, I had a pair of white tights/leggings with lace on the bottom that I wore with a floral printed dress, keds and matching scrunci. I LOVED that outfit because Stephanie Tanner had a very similar one so obviously it was the coolest.

  295. Pressley says:

    three words: white. cowboy. boots. wore them to the first day of kindergarten and felt AWESOME.

  296. Elle says:

    I was (still am) obsessed with The Wizard of Oz and wore my ruby slippers (red shoes) with everything.

  297. Dsl says:

    I had these weird boots that had a wood platform. They were kind of goth style boots though I was definitely not a “goth” kid in high school. I loved them and everyone hated them. They also weighed a ton and killed my feet.

  298. Alison says:

    Corduroy jumper dresses with turtlenecks. I think I had at least one from the time I started school until about the 6th grade.

  299. sarah says:

    So many fleece shirts…

  300. Emily H . says:

    i had a pair of suede platforms – ala scary spice. loved them, but rarely had the balls to wear them!

  301. Theresa says:

    A red, pleather mini skirt. Thanks Gap Kids!

  302. Hanan says:

    My mom made most of my clothes when I was young, but later on I remember being obsessed with having lots of bracelets ala Madonna, then Jordache jeans and finally stirrup pants!

  303. LadyMacbeth says:

    I still own one of my favorite pieces of clothing from my childhood (thank God for baggy 90’s style): a brown Minnie Mouse sweatshirt from Disney World. It features a big drawing of Minnie’s face in the middle, and still has sparkly glitter streaks that really snazzy up the piece 🙂

  304. Stephanie says:

    A Banana Republic t-shirt with an iguana on the back.

  305. Kirby says:

    Light up sneakers

  306. M says:

    Pink Saddle Shoes!

  307. APW says:

    Black velvet, floral overalls. They are as beautiful as they sound…

  308. Julianne says:

    Hair barretts. These days I love to dress up my outfit with my tortoiseshell bow clip.

  309. Lauren L says:

    I had a dress with jelly beans on it that I was OBSESSED with. Like, wear everywhere for a full year obsessed. My mom couldn’t get me to wear anything else and now there are pictures to prove it! Best dress ever.

  310. Sarah says:

    I also did a lot of my shopping at Nordstrom, and if we’re honest, I still check out the Juniors section sometimes for fun things. But my favorite most favorite was a corduroy and fleece Free People jacket I got out of the DELiA*s catalogue. It was so Jordan Catalano (even though I’m a girl). I know you all loved that catalogue too!

  311. Allie says:

    I remember having an American Eagle peacoat that was the exact same as Joey Potter’s from Dawson’s Creek. I thought this was the epitome of cool.

  312. Chele says:

    A forest green velvet dress.

  313. DME says:

    I wore my Bass brown leather clogs until you could nearly see my (often white/athletic)socks through the sides. Even then, they had to be thrown away against my will.

    I figure any money I spend on shoes now is really only making up for lost time.

  314. Mary says:

    My favorite outfit in high school was jeans, penny loafers, and a polo shirt. Because I was clearly a dork.

  315. Em says:

    A dark pair of vintage hand-me-down jeans from my mom that I turned into bootcuts with white lace.

  316. Sam says:

    I received a lot of hand-me-downs from my older sister, so I treasured any clothes that were bought at the store for me. When I was 8 or 9, I had a sleeveless teal blue cotton dress with a floral skirt. I wore it all of the time, even though I stained it with mustard.

  317. Meg says:

    My favorite item of clothing in middle school was a pair of jeans covered in glitter. For the life of me I cannot recall where I bought them, but all my girlfriends had them, so we wore our matching, sparkly jeans on our weekly outings to the mall. At the time, I thought they were the essence of being popular.

  318. Diana says:

    Teal stirrup pants with a teal/pink/black plaid shirt

  319. Samantha says:

    A dress with teddy bear painted on the front that my mom made me. It was a cotton shirt with a fabric skirt sewn along the shirt’s hem. I even had puff paint Keds to match. Fashionable? No. Darn cute? Heck yes.

  320. Mary says:

    Light up tennis shoes and hand me down jeans with cats painted all over them.

  321. Rachel Bee says:

    A black velvet jumper seems to make a lot of appearances in childhood photos.

  322. elz says:

    My Wonder Woman Underoos. LOVED those things.

  323. Jessica says:

    Obviously my pink cowboy boots. Frequently worn with wonder woman underoos and a Barbie tank top. keep in mind I was 3 years old.

    PS: nordie’s is my all time favorite store too!

  324. Diana says:

    A white T-shirt with the a few pink bunnies and an odd-ball gray bunny with the saying “oh no a grey hair”

  325. KS says:

    Glitter jeans purchased at Nordstrom for my first dance in the 6th grade. Left sparkles ev-er-y-where but I loved them!

  326. E says:

    For some reason, it was VERY cool to wear Adidas sambas when I was in middle school. My mother deemed them hideous (she was right), but she reluctantly bought them for me (from the boys’ department, as instructed!) after a considerable amount of begging during 5th grade back-to-school shopping. They’re soccer shoes, by the way. I didn’t even play soccer. But I wore them every day for 2 years, and I thought I looked pretty awesome. 😉

  327. Ms. C says:

    A denim dress with peplum detail. Bam. It was 1988, I was 6 and I wore it to the Michael Jackson Bad tour, completing the outfit with white high-tops and a red bow in my hair.

  328. Marisa says:

    When I was about 7, I had an irridescant purple puffy coat with white racing stripes that I got from Limited Too. I lived in South Texas and had no use for such an item, but I thought it was the best thing in THE WORLD!!

  329. Samantha says:

    I had a bright pink denim skirt and matching floral denim vest. It wasn’t terrible for a 3rd grader!

  330. maggie says:

    I went to Catholic school, so we wore uniforms most of the time- but school shoes were a big deal- I was so proud when I was finally allowed to get the steve madden sneaker wedge clog- anybody remember these? they came in red blue and black- with stripes on the side- they were sort of an athletic slide-on, with a heel. weird.

  331. Katie says:

    Hot pink jellies!

  332. Rosanne says:

    When I was 14 I had an undying love of polka dots. The outfit was teal green with quarter-sized white dots in a drapey polyester, jacket had biggish shoulder pads, the dressy shorts(!) were bermuda length and pleated. I styled this suit with a white t-shirt and opaque white tights and my Bass penny loafers (yes, I put an actual penny on them). This was the outfit of choice for my first school dance where I actually had a “date” with my first boyfriend and had my first kiss. Sigh… Oh the memories!

  333. Rachel says:

    At one point, when Airwalk sneakers were really cool, I had red velvet Airwalk sneakers. Enough said.

  334. Jill says:

    Purple and white gingham dress from Esprit with scoop neck, slim bodice, and tea-length flared skirt. It’s basically what Ann Shirley would have worn if she had magically time-warped to the mid’80s.

  335. Sarah Beth says:

    When I was 3 or 4, my Dad bought me a blue dress with a Peter Pan collar and puffy sleeves that had a pattern that was red, yellow, and green paint-splatter-esque. I HATED all other dresses but would wear this dress everyday if left to my own devices. My Mom could not understand why I loved the dress so much. She thought it was hideous (and she was right), but she would wash it almost daily so I could still wear it multiple times a week. After I grew out of it, she never had the heart to give it away or get rid of it. So, twenty-five years later, she still has it.

  336. Cait says:

    My favorite piece of clothing as a kid was a spangly-fronted, fringe-backed leotard. I wore it for all my backyard circus performances, of which there were many.

  337. Emma says:

    Easy! It was the summer of 1989 and I was in rural Washington State for a family vacation. At the local 5 and Dime store, I found a black, felt hat, Paula Abdul-style, and I was the first person in my elementary school with one. Total win and winning. Never has a hat felt so cool!

  338. Blair says:

    Pink pique-knit tunic top and matching leggings. Also had the same set in purple so I could mix and match.

  339. Cindy says:

    Oh geez. I suppose my jean jacket from middle school.

  340. MCF says:

    When I was five, my uncle gave me a red floor-length velvet dress with a white lace peter pan collar that I wore for Christmas. I felt like a princess.

  341. AT says:

    I was a tomboy, a far cry from my girly self today. I had this one XL navy sweatshirt that was way too big and I wore it everywhere. I think I had 2 of the same one.

  342. Caroline says:

    I had a red dress with puppies from 101 Dalmatians on it that I would wear with my keds. I loved wearing dresses, but my mom always tried to make me wear leggings underneath. Apparently I had a problem remembering to be ladylike when playing with the neighborhood kids on the swings in the backyard. That’s what happens when you are six though, right?

  343. Kelly says:

    White go-go boots. I wore them everything. Year round. I was impressive.

  344. Lauren says:

    A puffy-painted t-shirt with a pirate/buried-treasure scene. It was awesome!

  345. Beth says:

    In 2nd grade I had a neon green and black stripe mini dress. I thought it was the best thing ever!

  346. Hannah says:

    I had a serious love affair with velvet overalls from Gap Kids… 3 pairs on rotation.

  347. Diana says:

    When I was 12, my parents went to Paris and came back with two gerets for me – a red one and a sky blue one. They were beautiful, and much more sophistacated than the danskin separates that I was used to wearing. And I felt beautiful in them – although looking back at it, I probably looked pretty dorky.

  348. Diana says:

    When I was 12, my parents went to Paris and came back with two berets for me – a red one and a sky blue one. They were beautiful, and much more sophistacated than the danskin separates that I was used to wearing. And I felt beautiful in them – although looking back at it, I probably looked pretty dorky.

  349. EmilyT says:

    Maroon velvet overalls. I loved (and wore) them so much I had two pairs.

  350. Lexi says:

    An awesome white dress with lace. I thought it was the best thing ever and I loved wearing it all the time. I was so upset when I grew out of it and tried to make my parents find a replacement to no avail.

  351. LFT97 says:

    Oh goodness – I had this atrocious purple faux-ostrich skin/pleather jacket I got from Steinmart. And I loved it.

  352. Lauren says:

    My first pair of “heels”! 1/2 an inch off the ground, I thought I was so grown up

  353. A.C. says:

    I had a white and bubblegum pink gingham dress I absolutely adored because of the way it twirled. It took me years to forgive my mother for sending it to Goodwill while I was at school!

  354. RZ says:

    Old Navy performance fleece and butterfly hair clips!

  355. Jen says:

    I had a pink dress with loads of tulle underneath, it was the only dress my mother could get me to wear as a kid. Loved all that tulle!

  356. Krista says:

    My lime green plaid skirt, inspired by Cher Horowitz, my hero.

  357. Nicole Johnson says:

    White Guess denim “mini” skirt. It was overlaid with white lace and I wore it with a matching jacket that was really just a white denim vest with see through polka dot sleeves. My mother made sure the “mini” part wasn’t too mini. I thought it was the coolest outfit I owned. Wore it to our private school’s “roller skate night” and attempted to roller skate in a denim mini skirt with limited success.

    Followed closely by a Gitano printed, forest green sweat suit. Thankfully that one never made it into any photos.

  358. Miriam says:

    A plaid dress that my grandmother got me!

  359. Katie says:

    I was obsessed with snap bracelets!!!

  360. DB says:

    When Old Navy made vests cool, especially reversible ones. I had so many with matching skirts and whatnot. Those slowly transitioned to zip up hoodies which spent most of middle school tied around my waist like an accessory instead of a sweater. Oh goodness.

  361. Julia says:

    I must admit that I spent age 2-5 in a Snow White dress.

  362. Lar says:

    I had an awesome denim vest that my mom made for me. I thought it was soooooo cool. I wore it on my first day of 6th grade at a new school and happened to meet my very best friend that very day. She still reminds me today that she was drawn to me because of my hideously awesome denim vest.

  363. Lydia says:

    When I was about eight, I had a pair of jean shorts overalls that had a pink fuzzy smiley face in the middle. And, like all the cool kids did, I wore my overalls with only one side of the overalls buckled. This favorite outfit of mine was often complimented with a backwards baseball hat.

  364. Brittnie says:

    My favorite piece of clothing as a child was my orange and blue Florida Gators cheerleader dress! Luckily my mom held onto over the years so hopefully it will one day be my future daughter’s favorite clothing item as well.

  365. Sarah says:

    A red Swatch sweatshirt.

  366. Amber says:

    As a preteen, I had a soft pink victorian-looking, high-neck dress that I thought looked so elegant with lace sleeves. Even though I didn’t wear it out much, I used to try it on at home and prance around in it.

  367. Carrie says:

    When I was little I had these white bicycle shorts with multicolored polka dots and lace trim. Multicolored means it goes with everything, right?

  368. Elizabeth says:

    For my 7th birthday, my sisters decorated white keds with puffy paint and gems. My bedazzled keds were the coolest kicks in town.

  369. Elise says:

    I had a tie-dye Minnie Mouse tshirt that was My mom threw it away (not that I’m bitter).

  370. Katie says:

    In 5th grade, I was a hippie for Halloween and wore super-wide bell-bottom jeans. I continued to wear the jeans even when it wasn’t Halloween- and even years later when they became (WAY) too short on me!

  371. Katherine says:

    Top favorite by far were my pink heart-shaped sunglasses. Loved them and still kind of miss them!

  372. Jennifer says:

    A pair of red, glittery mary janes that I wore all the time in elementary school. They were my favorite shoes by far and I always felt so fancy whenever I had them on….even when I paired them with overalls. 🙂

  373. terri says:

    New beautiful Easter dress made by Mom and aunt joyce with white mary jane shoes.

  374. Shanycole says:

    Reversible pink and purple overalls

  375. Liana says:

    I used to have several pairs of crazily-patterned leggings that my mom bought for me in the early 90s. As soon as I was old enough to realize how loud they were, I got rid of them. Of course, now that sort of thing is back in style! Guess I was getting ahead of the trends, even as a 1st grader.

  376. Holly says:

    Oh my hot pink LA Gear high top sneakers with an oversized Esprit sweatshirt!!! There may have been some stirrup leggings that I refuse to admit to 🙂

  377. KJL says:

    This amazing hot pink & white stripe AND polka dot outfit… the polka dot skirt had built-in bike shorts underneath and a bow at the waist; the striped top was off the shoulder but with an attached polka dot tank top. I was the height of 80s style!

  378. G says:

    Ballet Pink party shoes with a bow on the front that Rudolph brought me for Christmas when I was almost four. I wore them with EVERYTHING (sweats, dresses, shorts) until I could not scrunch my entire foot in them.

  379. Becs says:

    In 5th grade I had purple tights, homemade purple cutoffs and a purple t-shirt with dancing bees on it. Even then I’m sure it was terribly nerdy but I always walked with an extra spring in my step when I wore tights and cutoffs….

  380. Amanda says:

    My outfit was never complete until I put on my sparkly pink cowboy boots. Man, was I stylish!

  381. Liz says:

    I had a pair of powder blue overalls from the GAP in 5th grade that I loved!

  382. Courtney says:

    Easily my gray peacoat with matching hat and furry muff. I was a sassy child.

  383. Tina says:

    In the 7th grade I had this light purple sweater with silver glitter stripes from the Limited Too that I thought was soooo cool. Looking back on school pictures, it was exactly the opposite.

  384. Prague says:

    Pink and magenta plaid pleated skirt with a pink star sweater. I loved that outfit to death. Oddly, now I can’t stand pink….

  385. K.M. says:

    A furry periwinkle sweater from 7th grade!

  386. annie says:

    One of my dad’s old oxford shirts.

  387. Michelle says:

    A bright blue spandex shirt with neck bow and gigantic bell sleeves. I would wear it with black legging and tennis shoes. classy.

  388. Morgan says:

    My mom is a fashion lover and bought most of my childhood clothes at Nordstrom. No, we weren’t rich, she just loved playing dress-up with me. For Kindergarten, I had an orange leather asymmetrical moto-type jacket with matching mini skirt. I had the skirt in 2 sizes, so that it would still fit when I grew a bit. Yes, it was real leather, and I was 5. And I still have all 3 pieces!

  389. KB says:

    I had a neon New Kids on the Block sweatshirt that I was obsessed with. While looking for pictures for my wedding slideshow, that sweatshirt kept popping up. Now that they’re back on tour, I kind of wish I still had it.

  390. CB says:

    A Limited Too bodysuit!!!!

  391. Stephanie says:

    I had the best-ever hypercolor sweatshirt. There was a guy on it who changed from being in a suit when it was cold to wearing shorts and a short-sleeved shirt when it was warm.

  392. Jessie says:

    My parents brought back a peasant blouse from Mexico that I still love (I keep it just to admire nowadays.)

  393. Marites says:

    It was all about my hot pink purse that I wore with everything! Every picture from my youth showcases my pink purse.

  394. ES says:

    A short-sleeve, black, velvet turtleneck dress. Apparently I knew the importance of an LBD even at age 10.

  395. Sarah C. says:

    I don’t know if it was the outfit or the semi-traumatic event that I remember more, but I remember a chambray-type shirt with white fringe and silver studs and matching white pants…which were ruined when my little sister threw a seat belt at my head, splitting it open and getting blood all over my most favorite outfit of all time – or at least that’s what I always tell her 😉

  396. Leslie says:

    A red and navy military-style dress. Mandarin collar, double-breasted red bodice with gold buttons, and a short, flippy navy skirt. With navy flats.

  397. G says:

    My winter green, velvet overalls. I think they were from the Gap? I wore them all the time – don’t ask. I still shy away from looking at old photos with me wearing them.

  398. LeslieJeannene says:

    I had a full hot pink outfit that included a hot pink t-shirt with a yellow scrunchie holding up one side, a hot pink skirt, hot pink tights and white keds…I also rocked my hair in a high side pony with a bright blue scrunchie. I have my 3rd grade picture in it.

  399. Sarah says:

    My Gap oversized jean jacket. I wore it almost every day assuming it counted as a new outfit when I changed the baby T underneath.

  400. Kimberly says:

    I bought a blue velvet dress (with my own money) for my first high school dance, and wanted shoes that MATCHED. I walked into Nordstrom with my blue velvet dress, asked if they had any shoes that matched. They did. Matching blue velvet pumps. I have been a Nordstrom fan ever since.

  401. Virginia says:

    When I was six, I had a pair of rainbow stripped leggings. I wore them with this oversized teal sweater that had ribbons hanging down from the left sleeve. You better believe I thought I was the coolest 1st grader at SES.

  402. A says:

    My red cowboy boots

  403. Annie S. says:

    I had a OD Green ski jacket that I wore constantly. Still don’t like to look at the winter pictures…man it was hiddy!

  404. Jacqueline says:

    In grade school, I LOVED wearing a t-shirt with alternating neon pink and orange regular stripes and heart-shaped stripes too. Wore it with cobalt blue stirrup pants and white hi-tops. A pink headband topped it all off 🙂

  405. El says:

    My first favorite outfit was in first grade: a light pink sweatshirt and sweat pants outfit(without the dorky elastic on the ankles) with puffy-screen-printed cows and checker on the bottom of the shirt and pants. I called this my “cow outfit.”

    Another memorable favorite was a purple pleather jacket I had in sixth grade from Limited Too (back when their clothes resembled their more mature namesake store).

  406. Meghan says:

    When I was in grade school, I had this tartan blazer and skirt set a la Cher in Clueless that was just fabulous.

  407. Claudia says:

    a yellow ruffled bikini, b/c I coordinated with my mom. I was 7 and thought I was such a big girl. Now I’m impressed that my mom was in the bikini!

  408. Megan says:

    I’m totally dating myself, but I had this rockin’ Calvin Klein jean skirt that I wore to death. Also, this belted blue dress. The belt had white pompoms on the end, and I loved it. I was 5, I swear.

  409. Chelsea says:

    A pink raincoat!

  410. Jessica says:

    My favorite back-to-school outfit was made by Guess. I wore floral pedal-pushers with a white shirt that said “GUESS” in the same floral print. And oh, sleeves were rolled up. Super awesome.

  411. BrookeP says:

    I was completely obsessed with white short overalls and any Limited Too top.

  412. Shaunta F. says:

    I had a pair of purple Nike tennis shoes that I thought would make me as awesome at basketball as Michael Jordan!

  413. Rachel P says:

    I’ve had a mop of thick brown hair since birth, so I had QUITE the collection of colorful hair accessories, and was never without one until about 6th grade!!

  414. Michelle says:

    A paint splatter pattern white shirt that tied at the bottom. Bare Midriff! With a high ponytail and serious 80’s bangs. I was so cool.

  415. Jennifer says:

    A tweed blazer with suede collar!

  416. amandal says:

    I had a pair of jelly sandals with high heels that I thought made me the coolest ever. They definitely also had glitter on them.

  417. MDZags says:

    Pointy-toe patent black flats with red, yellow and green large polka dots. Separate patent material, not printed.

    Also found out the Spokane Nordstrom. Shockingly, the Butte Herbergers just didn’t have what I needed

  418. Hailey says:

    I had a pair of floral Doc Martens that I wore everywhere when I was about 5. I was the coolest kid on the playground.

  419. Rebecca says:

    Anyone remember “Jelly Shoes?” The plastic-y sandals that came in a variety of atrocious neon shades? Well I had a pair of pink and orange sparkly jelly shoes and I thought I was the coolest thing ever.

  420. Claire O. says:

    I had Keds with scenes from Sleeping Beauty painted on them. I still miss those.

  421. Emily says:

    I had a pink and purple cat sweater. It was great!

  422. Sophie W. says:

    My pink cowgirl boots. I wore them to bed, school, church, everywhere! Outgrowing them was devastating!

  423. Christine says:

    I remember feeling so excited when my town got a Gap when I was about 11. I remember getting a flared, cotton, floral patterned, multi-color skirt there for my 5th grade graduation. I thought I was so cool and stylish (I was not).

  424. Sarah says:

    Red hightop converse!

  425. Jan says:

    When I was about four years old I loved my forest green velvet dress with a white pinafore. To this day forest green is my favorite color.

  426. Sarah says:

    A jean jacket with Disney characters embroidered all over the back. So cool. So trendy. So versatile. (or so I thought!)

  427. Cait says:

    A family friend gave me a formal dress with a black velvet top and gold lamé skirt when I was about 8. Unfortunately, I didn’t have an occasion for such a dress, so I made up for it by wearing the dress EVERYWHERE!

  428. Spiritmom says:

    5th grade. Jordache jeans, purple iPod, and Nike tennis shoes. My outfit every Tuesday. Oh yes.

  429. Madison says:

    In 6th grade I had a suede leather jacket with matching tan “fur” trim around the collar and cuffs…yeah I was cool.

  430. Maria says:

    A Kenzo for children red mini sun dress. Best and most favorite item of clothing growing up.

  431. Jessica R. says:

    In elementary school, I couldn’t get enough of sparkly jelly flats and pastel colored butterfly clips.

  432. Victoria says:

    When I was eight, I had lavender cut-off overalls with a glow-in-the-dark moon and stars on the front, and it was quite possibly the greatest thing ever invented to me at the time. I wore it with various printed turtlenecks and my light-up tennis shoes.

  433. Kristen S. says:

    I thought I was the coolest when I got my first pair of flared jeans in 4th grade.

  434. Page says:

    Definitely my hypercolor t-shirt!

  435. B says:

    The most amazing pair of Mudd jeans with flower embroidery around the hem. Oh, and maybe the fact that they were a size 1. Ah, to go back to 7th grade….

  436. Laura says:

    I had paint-splatter jeans that I’d wear with a hot pink shirt when I was 8. I felt so trendy.

  437. Becky says:

    Shorts with tights! My dad told me it was the most ridiculous thing he’d ever seen. That’s when I started to question his fashion sense…

  438. serena says:

    One of my most memorable outfits was from 6th grade — I wore a pair of pink-patterned spandex shorts under very short jean shorts. I paired that with a pink Ron Jon t-shirt, and a pair of pink sparkly Nike Airs. And I’m pretty sure with a wide stretchy pink headband. Or else a topsy tail. All the girls in my class loved that outfit. I am cringing.

  439. Sheri says:

    I had a pair of jeans that flared with laces from the knee down. Of course I replaced the original laces with ribbon in the school colors. Yay for school spirit!

  440. Patricia Gormley says:

    For me, it was my collection of Swatch watches. I had a bunch, which I thought would elevate me out of hopeless nerd-status to at least cool-nerd status with my peers. It failed miserably! Maybe it’s because I kept trying to rock a modern yet vintage (think Anne of Green Gables) look. 🙂

  441. LK says:

    This may sound creepy, but I had a life size My Buddy- and I used to take off his Osh Kosh B-Gosh Overalls and wear them from time to time.

  442. Cara says:

    Anything from the Limited Too. Obviously.

  443. Karin says:

    I had an ah-mazing dress — the print was a ridiculous multi-color mix of every shape imaginable on a red background and it was topped off with a pointed jester collar. At the end of each point, yellow star buttons were sewn to the tip. For whatever reason, I loved it so much that when I accidentally cut a big hole in the sleeve with scissors I was inconsolable. Apparently, this was the out my (twin) sister had been looking for. She hated the dress, and graciously offered me hers.

  444. Lindsey says:

    In fourth grade my mom gave in after a lot of begging and bought me a matching denim jacket and skirt. It was acid washed with ribbon flowers, and I loved it.

  445. Margaret says:

    In high school I thought my suede jacket from The Limited was the coolest thing ever until I lost it at a school during a volleyball game while my team and I were playing. I was devastated. My parents tried to buy a totally different suede jacket from a different store but it just wasn’t the same and The Limited didn’t sell that suede jacket anymore.

  446. Emily says:

    Limited Too. A red and white striped shirt with matching skirt. I probably used hard earned babysitting money to look like Where’s Waldo, but I loved it (when I was 11 yrs old)!

  447. Emma says:

    Pink jelly shoes!

  448. Rose says:

    I had a madras dress that I LOVED and would not stop wearing.

  449. Leslie V. says:

    Growing up my Favorite clothing item was a pair of NO NAME jeans that somehow my girlfriend and I had come across some GUESS patches and had her grandmother sew them on our jeans. Back them we couldn’t afford name brand jeans so this was by-far the coolest thing to us both!! haha!!!

  450. Whitney H. says:

    In third grade I had a the best vest ever, or so I thought at the time. It had suns, moons, and stars all over it. I wore it constantly, over a white turtleneck!

  451. J says:

    This has the potential to be very embarrassing for the 90’s children among us.. I had a white faux-fur vest that I wore with a bright red turtleneck and (of course) red and black flower print leggings. To school photo day. Several years running.

  452. Tiffany says:

    My mom made me a blue and white dress that I LOVED and felt like a princess in. Looking back now I’m not sure what I was thinking.

  453. Elizabeth says:

    No contest, my pink tutu that was supposed to only be for ballet class.

  454. Taylor says:

    My LA Gear light up high tops!

  455. Clara says:

    An amazing Blossom style hat

  456. Sara says:

    In fourth grade I had these iridescent red/blue baggy jeans that were shredded up from wear in the knees. I thought they made me look like the older sister on The Wild Thornberrys, who I thought was so cool.

  457. Amanda says:

    My winne-the-pooh denim vest. Which I wore when I visited Christopher Robin’s house in England. And my boyfriend still teases me about. I think he’s just jealous.

  458. amie says:

    I loved my brown corduroy jumper that I had in the third grade. I remember thinking that it made me seem grownup.

  459. Whitney says:

    I fell victim to some bad t-shirts and boring pants as grade school wore on, so I’ll reach back to second grade, when I proudly rocked a navy blue jumper with a delicate white and pink flower print. Not a jumper in the English sense…this was a full-on onesie with elastic ankle bands. And I LOVED it. One of my friends had it, too (small town shopping and all), and we planned the days that we could wear our onesies together. Glorious.

  460. Robin R says:

    Guess jeans with zippers at the ankle. Too cool for words and I wore them for nearly 2 years. Love.

  461. Christine says:

    In kindergarten, I had a pair of yellow and black striped leggings which I would wear with a bright yellow t-shirt. I called it my bumble bee outfit.

  462. Rachel Gold says:

    overall shorts. I thought they were the COOLEST at age 7.

  463. Katie says:

    White and pink floral overall shorts (hand-me-downs from my sister) that I wore on my first day of kindergarten.

  464. Remy says:

    A velour blue and brown strpied mock neck top with denim overalls- one shoulder only to be extra cool!

  465. SB says:

    I had a matching jean skirt and vest that I thought was the greatest outfit of all time.

  466. Maggie says:

    I had a (no joke) polyester, pea green, short-sleeved, ribbed mock turtleneck that I was OBSESSED with, circa age 8. It went really well with my green and pink plaid skort and truly accentuated the fact that I was in desperate need for a training bra.

    Hindsight is 20/20, as they say.

  467. Holly says:

    In kindergarten, I had a knee-length tiered denim skirt that I wanted to wear every day. Apparently I threw fits when it was in the laundry or just needed to wear something else for a change.

  468. CC says:

    This horrible matching top and shorts set with sunflowers all over.

  469. Ali says:

    I had a sweatshirt onto which my mom had puffy painted the tooth fairy. It was awesome.

  470. Joanne says:

    …my Pokemon scrunchies… they were EVERYTHING… haha

  471. Caitlin says:

    My princess halloween costumes, of course! Every day was a princess dress-up day.

  472. CE says:

    Ghostwriter Pen, y’all. Who’s with me?

    The black velvet dress with the glittery flowers I got from Rainbow for the eighth grade formal was a fave too.

  473. Becky says:

    Garanimals – specifically a kelly green tee with a matching skirt, each embroidered with a daisy.

  474. Amber says:

    When I was 5 or 6, I had a denim vest with pins all over it. I loved to wear it with a denim skirt and a red t-shirt and I thought I was stylin’!

  475. Debbie says:

    In 1985 I thought I was the hot sauce in my neon oversized tee, neon flats and neon accessories which included a belt, earrings and jelly bracelets. And yes, they were all different colors of neon in one outfit! HOT!

  476. Megan says:

    My jellie shoes even though they gave me the worst blisters!

  477. Erika W. says:

    Gotta be the pink jelly shoes I had. I wore those everywhere!

  478. Stacy says:

    I had these candy cane striped leggings-one leg was red and one was green-with a matching oversized T and matching scrunchie. My mom had to wash it Christmas Eve night so I could have maximum holiday wear….yikes!

  479. SB says:

    In junior high school, I got a pair of hunter green Doc Martins that I thought were incredibly cool and fashion forward for Arkansas. I wore them with everything…especially into my Kurt Cobain worshiping years!

  480. Bryony says:

    As a 3-year-old I was in love with my pink Minnie Mouse slip-on shoes. I wore them until I wore them out and they were brilliant. Later, I had a thing for plaid button-downs in a big way…

  481. Cristina says:

    Black Mary Janes and frilly socks that I would wear while doing everything from dancing to skateboarding down the hill in front of our house.

  482. Janet says:

    I was obsessed with a pair of gap overalls in elementary school which I must’ve worn every other day for a good year!!

  483. Blair says:

    Growing up, I had a favorite pair of red and blue pajamas that I adored. Apparently I routinely tried to wear them to nursery school.

  484. Em says:

    I was a dancer and wore these plaid warm up pants anytime I could, basically whenever my mom didn’t see me before I left the house. They were ugly but SOOO comfortable. I think I still have a pair somewhere I should find…

  485. Sara says:

    Favorite was this little outfit my mom MADE my (yes, made) when I was a wee little thing. Shorts and blouse-y tank set, made out of this great multicolored fish fabric (think nemo style, before Nemo was a thing)

  486. Alex says:

    A striped t-shirt in bright colors that I had when I was four lasted me till I popped all the seams lifting my arms a few years later. I cried for hours when I realized what had happened!

  487. heather k says:

    in kindergarten, i was in love with a simple red skirt. my mom had to wash it almost daily because of how often i insisted on wearing it.

  488. SW says:

    The first item I ever bought on my own: a bright lime green dress with puffy sleeves, made of some kind of stiff synthetic fabric.

  489. Tierra says:

    For Christmas when I was 5, my mom’s best friend gave me these pajamas that looked like some sort of “I Dream of Jeannie” costume. They were like a one piece jumper thing, frilly, red with white trim and puffy sleeves. Tackiest thing you’d ever want to see. But back in 1988 I loved them and wanted to find any and all excuse to exit the house in them so I could be the envy of all the neighborhood girls. I hosted many sleepovers, as I needed everyone to know that my pajama game was clearly better than theirs.

  490. elizabeth says:

    there are a few dresses that made me sad that I was developing … into a woman.

  491. MeC says:

    purple Guess jeans, 6th grade…They matched my glasses, and I wore them with striped turquoise and purple turtleneck.

  492. Ali Legros says:

    Loved my overalls!!

  493. Carly says:

    In 6th grade my favorite outfit was from the Limited Too. It included blue painter pants, an orange and blue flannel under an orange and blue sweater.

  494. ML Williams says:

    my floral doc martens! they were a perfect pairing with my parochial school plaid!!

  495. Tara says:

    I had the most amazing peacock blue tracksuit with a bird design over the top. I still think I looked amazing in it 😉

  496. kolpin says:

    a yellow t-shirt with a raccoon on it. i wore that thing to the bone!

  497. Hindah says:

    I had a simple purple boat neck shirt from the Gap that was my favorite piece for years .

  498. Jennifer Reda says:

    baby blue suede vans in the 7th grade

  499. Liz says:

    Overalls shorts. Loved them and wore them way longer than was remotely socially acceptable. If I thought I could pull them off, I’d totally buy another pair of overalls to wear now (though perhaps not the shorts version).

  500. Rachel C says:

    A yellow wool capelet that had been my mom’s. I wore it non-stop when I was four.

  501. Alexis says:

    The most consistent wardrobe staple of my childhood was definitely white socks with lace trim.

  502. Sharon Kerk says:

    I purple suede VANS sneakers in third grade – I loved them!!!

  503. V says:

    Macaw parrot earrings. They were about 1-inch long and made of brightly painted wood. I though they were the coolest things in the world. I almost bought a pair of bright enamel bird earrings in Ann Taylor last season because they reminded me of my beloved parrot earrings.

  504. Nathalie says:

    I had a pair of beige corduroy overalls that I wore to death in middle school.

  505. Mae says:

    6th grade: brown corduroy wide legged pants with tiny flat pockets on the front. Be jealous!

  506. H says:

    I had a printed tank featuring a black and white photo of a hipster-before-its-time cat wearing sunglasses and riding a skateboard, set on a backdrop of ’80s paint splatters. Perfect for all occasions. I half expect something like it to pop up at H&M.

  507. Lindsey says:

    White with confetti Keds

  508. SR says:

    I had a sweatshirt with a bubblegum machine on it in grade 1 that I looooved. I was wearing it when I broke my arm, and they had to cut it off me at the hospital. I think I was more upset about the shirt than I was about my arm!

  509. Amanda says:

    A patterned hot pink and black shirt/shorts combo, worn proudly with a bow or scrunchie, depending on the day.

  510. BT says:

    A multi-neon colored wind breaker pant and jacket set. You could hear me coming a mile away.

  511. Marcy says:

    When I was about 10 I had a mint green knit dress with a striped circle skirt that was excellent for twirling. Still love that silhouette!

  512. Mel says:

    Taupe suede mid-calf boots (best hand-me-down ever) that I wore until I couldn’t walk in them anymore (turns out kids’ feet grow)

  513. jj says:

    I was obsessed with ESPRIT mix-and-match outfits – my all time favorite was a plaid shirt, different but coordinated plaid skirt, and then a ridiculous sweater vest in another similar color scheme to “tie it all together.”

  514. Claire says:

    A purple velvet dress with my favorite Disney princess, Jasmine, on the front. Wore it to pieces!

  515. Gina says:

    I had a pair of houndstooth print legging I wore with everything in 6th grade!

  516. christine says:

    a lavender angora sweater

  517. Sarah W says:

    I had this gray T-shirt with a big red flower on it that said Flower Power that I wore for four years, from fifth through eighth grade (which was entirely too long)

  518. Alex says:

    I wore overalls 24/7 from ages 9-12. The “coolest” ones in my collection were the lime green corduroy and pastel coral patchwork.

  519. Shoko says:

    A t-shirt that used to belong to my mom. It had kittens playing basketball.

  520. Katie says:

    In kindergarten, I had three of the same rugby-striped tshirt dresses in different colors that I loooooooved and begged my mother to let me wear daily. With knee socks.

  521. Katie says:

    i was OBSESSED with a black sweater with the most adorable outline of a scotty dog. Naturally, I wore it with plaid EVERYTHING… oh, those were the days.

  522. Jenn L. says:

    I had a pair of metallic red and black bootcut jeans when I was twelve and they were freaking amazing. I recently found a pair of skinnies that were similar and HAD. TO. HAVE. THEM. even though I am generally not a skinny wearer.

  523. Paula says:

    Pink flowered skort!

  524. Shana says:

    I had a little fake-rabbit white fur coat. It had two little pompons hanging down the front, and I even more it in the summer!

  525. Courtney says:

    I had a bikini with rainbows and bubbles on it that I wore then I was about 8. That’s the last time I’ve ever been seen wearing a bikini : )

  526. Natalie says:

    A purple blazer with awesome shoulder pads, black cuffs, and black leggings with lace on the bottom.

  527. Blythe says:

    In 4th grade, I had an awesome turquoise turtleneck that I wore with wide-legged jeans. I swear I thought it was the most stylish thing I owned.

  528. Elizabeth says:

    My absolute favorite childhood outfit was a hand-me-down windbreaker tracksuit from my cousin. It was bright pink with shooting stars trailing different colored neon panels. I must have worn it daily for months – I even tried to convince my mother it could double as pyjamas!

  529. Erin says:

    My Limited Too t-shirts in 5th and 6th grade.

  530. Diana says:

    My black stirrup pants, without a doubt.

  531. Kelli says:

    I had a navy sailor dress with a huge red bow on the front. It was my favorite because my mom would also put a giant red bow in my hair.

  532. Renee says:

    Vests! Sweater vests, printed button-down vests, down vests–I wore them all. One even had embroidered cats on it…yikes.

  533. Cynthia W says:

    I had the best brown suede jumper in 2nd grade – I was seriously sad when I outgrew it and had to watch my sister wear it.

  534. Rachel says:

    My rainbow clown wig. Yes, it counts as a piece of clothing.

  535. Sarah says:

    A hand me down, oversize, primary colors color-blocked sweatshirt.

  536. Cailan says:

    A hakuna matata t-shirt my dada brought me back from Africa. It was about three sizes too big but I loved it!

  537. Liz says:

    White shortalls that I only wore with one strap buckled. Awesome!

  538. Mary says:

    I had a matching top and bottom – top was shortsleeves and bottom was pants with a skirt attached (!) and the whole thing was neon yellow, green, and pink splatter-paint-patterned. Definitely wore it in school picture day!

  539. Maggie says:

    When I was 13 I needed a dress for a friend’s Bat Mitzvah– so I went to Dillard’s and bought an (age-appropriate) little black dress with the entirety of my babysitting savings (a whopping $75). I’m not a sentimental person, but that dress is one of the few things I’ve saved from my childhood. It was the first time I felt like a woman.

  540. Aimee says:

    I wore rainbow striped knee socks for a whole year in elementary school!

  541. lcris says:

    I had a dark silver ballerina flats, with a detachable black rose that I loved. I think it was because at the same time my mom had dark silver pumps (without the rose) so I was “just like mommy”. I wanted to wear with everything, from jeans to dresses. I felt so cool wearing them.

  542. Morgan says:

    My mom had to peel me out of my purple tutu, tie dye t-shirt, and princess plastic heels. They had Princess Jasmine on them. Thank goodness I grew out of this phase before middle school.

  543. Lauren C says:

    A navy and white striped sailor dress with a red bow. My mom has told me I used to beg to wear it every day

  544. Priya says:

    Probably this light green corduroy jacket I had with fuzzy cream colored inside lining. I swear I thought it went with everything haha!

  545. Lauren says:

    I had a bubble gum pink little league jacket with the white striped cuffs and my name in script on the chest. I thought I was awesome, despite the fact that the jacket was so bright it was most likely visible from space. I still have it in my closet!

  546. Veronica says:

    My favorite item was a quilted acid washed denim jacket lined with (shudder) rabbit fur. Ah, the 80’s.

  547. Beth says:

    After years of red plaid skirts in elementary school (yes I’m that old!) I made a neon green, neon yellow and neon orange striped A-line dress and wore it with matching green fishnets. Wonderful, and just a tad bright!

  548. dancinglonghorn says:

    a metallic blue plastic (pleather) jacket!

  549. Charissa says:

    I wore the s**t out of these horrible baggy shorts with cows and a white picket fence on them. I knew they were ugly too. That’s why I wore them. I was protesting the importance that all the other little girls around me placed on wearing fashionable clothes. 7 year old me would be horrified that I now frequent fashion blogs.

  550. Katie says:

    When I was in first grade, I got these bell bottoms as a gift from a relative that were way too big. They had all these flower power patches on them, and I thought they were the most fashionable things ever. For years they sat on the top shelf of my closet; every day I’d look at them and hope I’d grown enough to fit into them. Finally, I grew into them, but by that time they were on their way out of style! Still my fave though.

  551. Leigh says:

    In kindergarten, I had a dress with tulip-shaped buttons that I would have worn every day if my mother would have allowed it. I was so sad when I outgrew it.

  552. Hannah says:

    It was a Lambchop fuzzy sweater! Wore holes through it!

  553. Deanna says:

    White denim overall shorts with tweety bird on the front!

  554. Rachel W says:

    I used to rock teal leggings with a white button down and hot pink belt. It was a great look.

  555. Chelsea says:

    Definitely my tropical-patterned Limited Too capri pants. Hot!

  556. Heather says:

    Has to be my purple, see thru rain jacket. Now that was stylin.

  557. Dana says:

    Definitely my multi-colored leggings that I had when I was 6

  558. lm says:

    purple esprit dress with neon yellow moons.

  559. Kathleen says:

    In fifth grade, I had the best cotton sweater with penguins on it. I also kept track of what I wore on a calendar to avoid wearing the same outfit twice in one month. I was a super fun 5th grader.

  560. Kathryn H. says:

    My soccer shorts, I wore them almost every day in middle school!

  561. Caro says:

    I absolutely loved my black platform sandals with that giant piece of stretchy fabric that basically covered the whole foot. Lived in those during the summer for years. 90s child!

  562. Kerri P says:

    I had a white, teal, and navy blue patterned romper that I loved to wear with one navy bobby sock and one teal, with a white scrunchie in my hair. I hated my Catholic school uniform and wanted to look as eccentric as possible in my free time!

  563. Ainsley says:

    Stirrup pants and jellies!

  564. Alaina says:

    I was obsessed with jellies when I was younger!

  565. Kiersten says:

    I had a pair of chocolate brown Corduroy overalls that I wore with a neon green ribbed turtleneck. Looking back, I’m not sure about the green turtleneck, but I wish I still had those overalls!

  566. Em says:

    My long sleeve shirt covered in milk cows that I wore in 4th grade. I think that shirt contributed to my decision to forgo red meat at the age of 10.

  567. Viv says:

    5th grade… Guess jeans with zippers on the legs

  568. Beth says:

    I had a sweater with decorative buttons all over it that I just LOVED. I remember wearing it to school and thinking I was the coolest.

  569. Michelle says:

    I had a pair of purple leggings. I wore them with an oversized raglan-sleeved striped turquoise t-shirt, that I tied in a knot on my left hip. I thought I was the SHIZZAY in 5th grade. Yeah. I’ll give you one guess which decade I grew up in.

  570. Christina says:

    In third grade, I had a yellow overall dress (yes, an overall dress) with a flower on the chest. I was such a tomboy growing up, but this was the one dress I would wear to school. It made me feel so pretty!

  571. Julie says:

    I have a picture of myself at 5 years old in a tan suede winter coat with a faux fur trim. It had a toggle closure and fur trim around the hood too. I had the hood pulled up and you could tell from my expression how much I loved that coat!

  572. Darcy says:

    I wanted to be a scientist so I wore a dinosaur t-shirt!

  573. Sarah says:

    I had a vest with a floral tapestry print. Loved it so much that I wore it for my 4th grade school photo, along with stirrup pants and white shirt.

  574. Anne says:

    Plaid plants

  575. Emily says:

    Favorite piece of clothing from childhood was a blue t-shirt from kindergarten, even though pink was my favorite color. Such a comfy and cute t-shirt though!

  576. Holly says:

    My purple jacket from GapKids…with the matching multi-striped purple turtleneck! I looked awesome.

  577. Emily R says:

    A hot pink sweater from limited too that said sweetie in red patent leather. Not my favorite item but one that I remember because it was so ugly!

  578. Mallory says:

    My favorite item in elementary school was a green tye-dye Tweety Bird t-shirt that said “100% cool” with Tweety Bird striking a sassy pose on the front. Naturally there were a few peace signs and flowers thrown in there as well. My best friend and I wore them together on “twins day” at school, so we thought we were THE coolest. I had obviously not discovered Nordstrom yet!

  579. SK says:

    I loved wearing this white t-shirt from the Limited Too with a big sunflower print on it, that came with matching denim shorts with a sunflower on the right leg. Middle school was an awkward, uncomfortable time for me and I felt sooo cool owning clothes from a hip store!

  580. Katherine Anderson says:

    One year for Christmas, my grandma gave me a sweater with two horses on the front. They even had real yarn-based manes. I’m not proud of how long that piece lasted, but I loved it at the time.

  581. Danielle says:

    In 3rd grade I had an LL Bean fleece pullover that was bright orange with multi-colored neon swirls covering it. It was about three sizes too big and you couldn’t pull it off me if you tried. I have a distinct memory of sweating in my 3rd grade classroom on a spring day, because I refused to take that thing off!

  582. Steph says:

    I had a pair of jeans in high school that were amazing. Just the right flair to go with my favorite green Chucks, sandals, or my big black boots. I still miss those jeans and look for a similar pair still. Makes me wonder if I built them up in my brain to justify the amount of jeans currently in my closet!

  583. Liz says:

    My favorite childhood clothing item has to be my stone-washed, flared jean skirt. I rocked a couple pairs of neon socks (individually rolled of course) with my LA gear tennis shoes, an oversized sweatshirt and my crimped hair pulled back into the tightest side pony tail. It was all very 90s.

    Thanks for the great give-away!

  584. Janine says:

    In 4th grade i had a multi-colored, geometric print jacket that I loved..I wore it in a school picture and I was the happiest girl in my school on that day

  585. Meagan says:

    My long tartan pleated skirt, black shirt & white sweater. I thought I was the cutest thing ever.

  586. Allison says:

    In second grade, I had a grey sweatshirt with a huge pink heart appliqué on the front, splatter painted with neon green. It had a matching splatter painted skirt made of sweatshirt material (sweatskirt?). I wore it with matching Keds with neon laces. I thought I was as cool as Jessie Spano.

  587. Mallory says:

    In elementary school, I had a pair of bell bottom jeans with a cow print inset at the flare. They were fuzzy, too. It was naturally paired with a super cool Rue 21 bedazzled white shirt that said “Paris” in script and a pleather jacket. Oh, 90’s.

  588. Steph W. says:

    My favorite item was these red glittery shoes, I called them my ruby slippers. I loved the wizard of oz, which made them even more special to me.

  589. Casey says:

    In fifth grade I thought I was the COOLEST because I was an early adopter of the re-emerging bell bottom jean trend (Limited Too baby!). Thankfully, it was just a trend 🙂

  590. melissa says:

    a very pink dress that i got on a lovely shopping trip with a friend of our family. even though we didn’t make a big deal out of easter, i’m pretty sure it was marketed as an “easter dress”

  591. Amy D. says:

    Ha! Mine is kinda similar to yours. My favorite item has to be my 1st pair of Guess jeans (HE at the time!) in black which I wore with my equally coveted Esprit hot pink and black leopard print sweatshirt. Ahhh – the memories…I seriously love mid-80s fashion! Thanks for this stellar give-away, and Happy Birthday to the blog! I am a huge fan! 🙂 –Amy

  592. MN says:

    A pink jacket with a cat with green eyes…

  593. SK says:

    Green skirt with purple flowers!

  594. Kristin says:

    Purple, velvet overall dress, with matching white lacy turtleneck. Obviously.

  595. Megan Brewster says:

    Loved this blog as a senate intern!

    My fav childhood piece was a blue, daisy-spotted jumper. Sleeved with built-in shorts. Trendy now, but I loved it then, and it didn’t hurt that my grandmother gave me two so my best friend could wear one too.

  596. Janet says:

    I had a pink t-shirt with pandas on it that I adored.

  597. Anna says:

    Pink sparkly jelly shoes, always with dresses because my “best friend” wouldn’t play with people who wore pants/shorts… she showed her mean girl streak early!

  598. WW says:

    I had this terrible tackle hat that I thought was really edgey. My mom would hide it behind the dryer because it was so awful. I should have taken her advice and pitched it.

  599. Camilla says:

    Green and red tunic sweater with matching green stirrup pants. Loved it at the time, not sure what I was thinking now!

  600. pam says:

    light up tennis shoes and colored leggings. i always wore stuff i could easily run around in 🙂

  601. Marta says:

    Here is a photo of me in my favorite orange and pink striped outfit… At the school Christmas recital. All the other girls were in green and red velvet dresses and I wore this – that’s how I loved it. My mom was so proud. My love of a good stripe persists, but I know the time and place now (I hope).

  602. Emily says:

    In kindergarten, I told my mom that I only wanted to wear outfits that were ALL purple or ALL pink. I remember two such outfits, each with a cotton skirt and matching t-shirt.

  603. M says:

    Purple bell bottoms. Sad but true.

  604. Shannon says:

    Even as a kid it was all about the shoes for me. I really loved my reebok pump ups, I was so cool with my white, pink and blue pump ups! Although I will say a close second was alternating colors with keds and scrunchie socks.

  605. Madeline says:

    the CUTEST/worst pair of periwinkle corduroy overalls, always worn with the same pale yellow shirt. It was the only outfit I wanted to wear for the vast majority of first-second grades.

  606. MX says:

    A Lisa Frank-style windbreaker. No unicorns or ponies, but the general color/pattern scheme. One of my earliest life memories involves wearing this jacket. I must have been 4 or 5 years oldm standing outside the Pre-School building looking at my reflection thinking excitedly, “I look at least 7 years old in this jacket.” Oh so precocious in my neon,leopard print, multi-textured windbreaker.

  607. Coll says:

    Hard to choose but a plaid pink jumper from Gap Kids is definitely a top contender. And of course, my younger sister had a matching one.

  608. Caroline says:

    In pre-school I had a pink floral dress that I called my “red dress” (even though there was no red to be found on there). I demanded to that I wear it every day for weeks, so my mom would have to sneak it out of my room every other night or so to wash it! I was a stubborn kid.

  609. Melissa says:

    In the 6th grade (oh, 1999) I got a pair of white platform sandals with multicolor beaded flowers on the straps. To be worn with spaghetti strap dresses in my quest to become Baby Spice.

  610. Kayci says:

    My preschool self had a pair of bright red cowboy boots. Pretty standard for growing up in Texas!

  611. ema says:

    Multiples! I loved using the belt as a belt and then headband.

  612. Anita says:

    Just before 2nd grade started, my mom let me pick out my own shoes. I chose a pristine white pair of sneakers. And I wore them EVERY DAY. They were the greatest ’90s shoes. But of course, by the end of the year, they were no longer white…

  613. Cara says:

    I somehow acquired a denim miniskirt before the age of 10. No one wore denim skirts back then, yet I found this piece invaluable to the point that I recall telling my mother I needed little more than that skirt and a couple t-shirts when packing for a family vacation.

  614. Mary says:

    My denim skort was a game changer in the mid 90s

  615. MB says:

    I had a pair of white beaded platform sandals that I wore only on VERY special occasions in the late 90s.

  616. Emily says:

    I used to love and wear this hot pink leotard all the time.

  617. Kate P. says:

    When I was in 8th grade, I had a hot pink dress that I wore just about every week. It was very Mean Girl “On Wednesdays we wear pink”…but much less cool.

  618. NR says:

    An orange kimono my great grandmother made for me – the sleeves were so much fun! I only wore it around the house, don’t worry.

  619. Lori says:

    Anything from Contempo Casual as I thought I was so trendy wearing their clothes, and crazy earrings – from little faucets to big hoops.

  620. Anna says:

    I only have a fuzzy recollection but my parents swear as a toddler I would refuse to wear anything but my Little Mermaid-print purple leggings. Eventually they had to hide them and hope I forgot about them!

  621. Vivian says:

    Denim overalls with white eyelet trim!

  622. Mary says:

    Lime green jellies and a sweatshirt with two glowing cat eyes on the front and the logo for the musical Cats on the back.

  623. Mae says:

    I loved my Christmas themed lace up sneakers that my mom bought me from Payless. I wore them all year, Christmas or not.

  624. Jenna Deason says:

    Although I don’t remember much of my childhood clothing I know I LIVED in my jelly shoes, even begging to wear them when it was snowing!

  625. minnie says:

    A blue turtleneck I wore to match the boy I liked. Because matching=love after all

  626. Meghan says:

    A long metallic silver skirt — I wore it as often as I could.

  627. jill dvorak says:

    hot pink tank top from Nordys in Portland and then a white crop top under it and overalls.. #heinous

  628. Belgin says:

    In 4th grade I had a fuzzy blue shirt I wore every chance I got.

  629. Elizabeth says:

    I had a hot pink corduroy skirt that was perfect for twirling.

  630. Kerrie says:

    Mine was a sweater with a penguin on it. My mom saved it and now my daughter wears it!

  631. Megan says:

    I had flared jeans that I drew on and let my friends draw on…everything from song quotes, to inside jokes, to silly cartoons. I loved these jeans, and wore them several times a week in 8th/9th grade. I still have them, but actually wore a larger jean size back then, so I can’t wear them anymore (probably wouldn’t look as good at 29!)

  632. Bethany says:

    Favourite childhood item of clothing: a shiny silver puffy gillet. I particularly adored wearing it over bright pink long-sleeved shirts!

  633. Eliza says:

    In third grade, my grandmother took me shopping and let me choose ANYTHING. Ultimately I selected a pair of white overalls with a playing card print. Yes, large ace of spades rectangles across the entire item. So “very versatile” though, I paired them with pink OR purple t-shirts.

  634. Paige says:

    it will always be the overalls.

  635. Natalie says:

    A pink and purple plaid flannel shirt with hearts. Worn with overalls or just tied around my waist because that was the “cool” thing to do. Ha!

  636. Laura says:

    in 7th grade i had white platform jelly shoes. a cross between #18 and #14, but white.

    i thought i was the coolest.

  637. Kimberly says:

    Legwarmers and hypercolor shirts!

  638. Nicole says:

    Acid washed Jordache skinny jeans with ankle zippers and bows. They were the coolest!

  639. SCS says:

    I lived in powder blue capris from Gap Kids!

  640. Emily says:

    Cotton leggings with the elastic stirrup bottom from Hannah Anderson. Amaze.

  641. I had these white platform sneakers that would have made the Spice Girls proud. They had to be like three inches of rubber sole (HOT!), but combining that with my eight inch growth spurt meant I was gawky and always tripping everywhere.

  642. I had these white platform sneakers that would have made the Spice Girls proud. They had to be like three inches of rubber sole (HOT!), but combining that with my eight inch growth spurt meant I was gawky and always tripping everywhere.

  643. Gina says:

    A white shirt with four different rainbows on it, with my name in iron-on felt letters on the front. Oh how I loved this shirt. The 80’s made for some awesome kids clothes.

  644. April says:

    I had a pair of shorts that were two different patterns. One side was blue and white stripes and the other side was green with white polka dots–from Nordstrom’s kid section. I wore them with a bright pink t-shirt as my special birthday outfit.

  645. Mackenzie says:

    Black Velvet Overalls-with a white long sleeve shirt underneath of course! Also included a secret pocket on the front. Unfortunately I quickly grew too tall for my favorite outfit 🙁

  646. Nicole says:

    my white jean vest with large sunflower print all over!

  647. Blair says:

    My favorite childhood clothing items would have to be a really snazzy shirt that featured a black pony on the front galloping through a field, and my LA Gear sneakers that had pink and purple shoelaces.

  648. Linnea says:

    In elementary school I had a purple velvet mini skirt with gold buttons all down the front. I thought it was the cutest thing in the world…especially worn with my cream bodysuit! 🙂

  649. Allie says:

    I cringe to think of this, but those headbands that also had head scarfs attached. I totally started that trend at my school…

  650. Caitlin D. says:

    A lavender silk flower girl dress with silk rosettes on the waist- it began my love affair with beautiful gowns.

  651. Jill says:

    I think jellies took the cake. I had them in so many colors!

  652. katie says:

    My favorite was a hand me down from my mother–a slouchy off the shoulder floral print sweater that I would wear w/leggings & the quintessential 90’s hairstyle–the side pony

  653. ~M says:

    My favorite piece of clothing was a white t-shirt with neon green, orange, and pink fireworks and a matching pair of white biker shorts that had one pink firework. It was the GREATEST.

    Although I coveted my sisters white denim jacket from Guess with red, black, and gold paint splatters.

  654. Amanda says:

    I had a matching set of rain attire. Cow print rain jacket, rain boot and umbrella. Because at that age everything had to match!

  655. Adrianna says:

    A barbie romper I wore all the time in fourth grade, I thought I was the bee’s knees.

  656. Donniell says:

    I’m joining the stirrup pants bandwagon; mine were turquoise, glittered, and far too clingy for a chubby young girl of 9 years old. Why. Whyyyy. There was also a purple velour turtleneck short-sleeve shirt that managed to be captured in a school photo once. WHY.

  657. Karen says:

    My favorite piece of clothing was actually a pair of shoes. They were hot pink Converse high tops, and I thought they were the greatest thing ever. I wore them until they fell apart!

  658. kyra says:

    My Debbie Gibson-style bowler hat, which I rocked in 4th grade at the skating rink. God I loved that hat.

  659. Em says:

    There was a period of time when I would wear no other shoe than simple white slip on Keds. Literally, for about two years in the 6-8 age range that’s all I would wear. For school, for church, it didn’t matter. They were my favorite, and I went through about 4 pairs back to back. ANNNND now I’m nostalgically looking at the Keds website and wondering which pair would best fit my life now…. Thanks a lot! 😉

  660. Julie says:

    A layered ruffle skirt. Pink with black polka dots. Completed with matching leggings and black ankle boots. I was the belle of the roller rink! (pun intended)

  661. Britt says:

    Keds. Every single year.

  662. Kate says:

    In 4th grade, had pastel corduroy overalls in pink, yellow, and blue. I would wear them every. single. day. I thought I was the coolest with those on!

  663. Sushu says:

    My fave item is from elementary school. I had a pair of baby pink bootcut pants!

  664. Kylie says:

    In elementary school I had multiple pairs of Sperry penny loafers in burgundy. I thought I was too cool for school. Taking an annual shopping trip to Nordstrom during the Anniversary Sale to get the next larger size became more important than Christmas.

  665. Lauren says:

    It’s a sentimental favorite, but sometime in early elementary school (mid-90’s) I decorated a white sweatshirt with puff paint: half-Kansas State, half-Nebraska, representing my parents’ alma maters. I wore it with pride to the K-State vs. Nebraska football game that year.

  666. Mary says:

    My favorite childhood accessory was definitely a huge red bow that sang “It’s a Small World” when pushed. I wore that bow with every outfit; purple, blue, green. The amazing thing is that it still semi works, just a little more screechy of a song.

  667. Annie White says:

    When I was little I always rocked headbands with girly accents like bows. I was clearly channeling Blair Waldorf at a young age!

  668. Lexi says:

    Overalls embroidered with daises… I was one cool 8 year old!

  669. Brett says:

    White patent leather platform Mary Janes from TJ Maxx, just like some that Alicia Silverstone wore on Clueless…I was 10.

  670. R says:

    From age four – pink and white stripe shirt and short set. It had parading circus animals across the top of the shirt.

  671. kb says:

    One of my favorite childhood outfits was a striped crew-neck sweater with matching legwarmers! I rocked that outfit with black jelly bracelets and a side pony and I felt like the coolest girl in 3rd grade!

  672. Bree says:

    Jelly flats in purple glitter– I feel nostalgic every time I see some!

  673. AJ says:

    I wore an oversized t-shirt with leggings basically everyday! Also I always rolled my neon socks like a donut over the leggings.

  674. KC says:

    Huge, huge, thin silver hoop earrings. My mom hated them and I begged me not to wear them for my 7th grade picture, but I just had to! That picture will haunt me forever!

  675. TC says:

    neon orange “parachute pants” that zippered off at the knee!

  676. Rachel says:

    I had a denim jacket with all the Disney characters embroidered on the back… classy as always!!

  677. K says:

    A pair of leggings that were made to look like leather. I got them in German when I was 13 and I thought I was the coolest kid ever when I wore them!

  678. Nancy M. says:

    I always got hand-me-downs from my sister or cousins, which I was SO proud to wear, but one year, my mom took me to the GAP before school started. I think I wore that same dark green GAP t-shirt for years – I thought I was so cool!

  679. Alexis says:

    a pink t-shirt with a cat on it (it had rhinestone eyes, of course.)

  680. Katie says:

    Hum…I would have to say that when I was in middle school, Abercrombie& Fitch shirts (with it written over the front) were the coolest thing ever.

  681. Katherine K says:

    I had a pair of skinny lime green Guess jeans that with zips at the ankles (!) and the zipper on the hip (!!), that I wore with a giant harlequin-print sweater. I felt so cool.

  682. Jen says:

    this is an easy one… 7th grade…white jean shorts (rolled at the bottom) with purple flowers on them.

  683. Katherine says:

    My favorite outfit includes a beautiful lightblue sundress that fits me like a glove! Love it!

  684. r says:

    I had a sweet houndstooth skirt that I used to wear with my favorite black leotard. The leotard snapped between the legs (of course.) I was so cool.

  685. HH says:

    A turquoise colored tee with realistic looking dolphins painted on it. I’m pretty sure I also had a tee with wolves on it and I know I had another tee with rainforest animals on it because I’m wearing it in my “Student of the Month” photo from 2nd grade. *Sigh.

  686. HW says:

    Multicolored ponchos were the way to go! And who could forget the ones that looked like your grandma sewed it for you with little fringe tassels hanging off the ends.

  687. Megan says:

    My favorite childhood item was white, glitter cowgirl boots with tassels down the side. I, of course, wore them with stirrup pants…and everything really! Ha!

  688. SM says:

    Around the age of 9 I wore these florecent multicolored, spandex (like full-on spandex) stretch pants. I thought they were the coolest looking pants. Makes for great photos to this day.

  689. Brittany says:

    I had a knit sweater with Simba on the front. I loved it, but it was a boy’s sweater so my mom added some lovely lace to the collar to really make the whole thing stylish!

  690. Lily says:

    stick-on earrings of course!

  691. Displacedbrit says:

    Growing up in the UK I always wanted “real trainers”, like Nike or Adidas since all the American brands were the thing and extremely expensive. My mum trying to help make me cool bought me some knock-offs. I thought I was the bees-knees till one day, my brothers friend actually counted there were 4 stripes instead of 3 …. my nickname became Adidas coulda been. Talk about crushed. I never did tell my mum why I stopped wearing them all of sudden!

  692. Heather says:

    Clear jelly sandals! Tore my feet up something awful, but nothing a few thousand Barbie Bandaids couldn’t fix.

  693. Elizabeth says:

    In grade school I literally wore my denim overall dress almost every day. It had the metal clasps on my shoulders but it came way above my knees – super scandalous for my 10-year old self! I wore it with tank tops in the summer and then with turtlenecks and tights in the winter – I lived in this dress!

  694. EWR says:

    I loved this bright yellow fleece with black trim zip-up vest in 4th grade. Wore it with everything, no matter if it matched or not! Cringe.

  695. Morgan says:

    When I was in 4th grade I had a pair of black pleather pants. I couldn’t wear the things enough! Looking back, they were probably ridiculous, and I lived on the beach in Florida, so totally not weather appropriate. I couldn’t have cared less if it was 90 degrees outside. I loved them.

  696. Margo says:

    My grandmother made me hot pant sets that had bright neon pink tops and then a weird jungle print for the shorts that she said matched. She made them for me every single summer until I turned like 11. I was pretty snazzy looking.

  697. Sara says:

    I had this faux inside-out off-the-shoulder sweatshirt that I just LOVED, but my mom hated when I wore it off my shoulder. Dirty Dancing had just come out, I had a perm. I basically thought I was Baby. Mom was having none of it.

  698. Caryn says:

    I LOVED my jellies. Absolutely died for them.

  699. Britt says:

    Green velvet skirt with polka doted turtleneck..Loved it

  700. Lauren says:

    I loved my pink shirt with the side tie. I felt like such a rock star 🙂

  701. Christina says:

    I had gold pants in elementary school that I wore EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

  702. Merideth VanSant says:

    Favorite piece of clothing growing up: Limited Two, tie dyed, neon green and blue, sleeveless zip up jacket. My best friend and I would wear them to school on the same day. Classic.

  703. RMS says:

    I wore a uniform until graduating from high school, so of course shoes were the most important part of my outfit. I loved saddle shoes and knee socks!

  704. Tanya says:

    Lavender corduroy tapered pants with glitter and a matching cotton shirt from Gap that my dad brought me from USA to Chile where we lived at the time. I wore it to all the fancy events because it felt so fancy! In retrospect… not so much.

  705. Jessica says:

    Floral leggings. Wore them ALL the time. Looked terrible ALL the time.

  706. Monica says:

    Saddle shoes!

  707. Kate M says:

    I had a shiny, floral print blouse that I thought was the paragon of fashion in 6th grade 🙂

  708. Katherine says:

    I had a pair of strappy black sandals in middle school, my first pair of high heels, that I adored, I wore them with jeans, dresses, everything really and they were the first in a series of many purchases of beautiful shoes.

  709. Suzanne says:

    Sadly, jelly shoes.

  710. edr says:

    When I was 5 I fell in love with a gold lame pleated skirt in the juniors department and begged my mom for it. She ended up buying me an xs, which still came down to my ankles, but I loved it. I was convinced I would wear it to my prom (thankfully, I didn’t).

  711. JT says:

    I had a blue fitted t-shirt with kites on the front when I was about 4 that I wore until I couldn’t get my head through the top anymore. I think it foreshadowed my love of argyle.

  712. CMS says:

    A stone washed denim jacket!

  713. KRF says:

    One of my favorite outfits growing up was something I wore to the fist day of school in the third grade. It was a pair of knee length shorts with a black and hot pink design and a matching shirt with a collar and rolled up sleeves. I thought it was awesome.

  714. Katy J. says:

    In sixth grade, I had a pair of bell bottom jeans with silver glitter down the side. I would wear them every Friday!

  715. Jessica says:

    Most definitely saddle shoes!

  716. Miss Happy says:

    I had diesel jeans that were intentionally frayed on the seams. Very Britney Spears.

  717. Maria S says:

    I was given a pair of hot pink capri cargo pants for my 9th birthday. I attempted (and failed) to pair them with everything.

  718. Michelle says:

    My favorite item was an overall dress – half overalls, half-skirt from OshKosh B’gosh that I wore with white polka dotted tights 😀

  719. TJ says:

    Ooh great question! My favorite item of all time was a pair of Esprit purple corduroys with pink roses. It was the eighties and I wore them to death!

  720. Kelly says:

    EG Socks, Edwin jeans, Sam and Libby ballet flats with the big bow, a pink bikini with brown polka dots

  721. Lindsay says:

    I had a matching shirt and skort that was pink with teddy bears on it. It’s possible that they were having a picnic. Fun fact: I wore it when I was in the audience of Where in the World is Carmen San Diego so it made it onto tv!

  722. Usha says:

    A frilly swimsuit with popeye on the front! So cute I wish I still had them (not to wear of course!)

  723. Liz says:

    Second grade – it was a turquoise sweatsuit with a party/streamers design on the shirt and cuffs of the pants, done in (*cringe*) puff-paint.

  724. Erin says:

    I had two neon t-shirt and shorts combos (stretch black elastic waist and green or pink t-shirt/short) and would mix that could be worn as a matching set or mixed with the other color. And of course two pairs of socks scrunched to show each color. It was hands down my favorite outfit of grade school. Full-on 80’s fashion…

  725. Sarah M. says:

    It was easily my peep toe jellies with a small wedge. I loved them so much I would beg to wear them in the winter with socks. I shudder to think of it now, but at the time it seemed reasonable.

  726. Katie says:

    A dinosaur t-shirt…I was a tomboy!

  727. Anya says:

    A pair of khaki, flared overalls from Old Navy for the first day of fourth grade. I thought I was so cool.

  728. Sarah says:

    My red and white Strawberry Shortcake dress with ruffles!

  729. Maricella says:

    A turquoise rain coat!

  730. Elise C. says:

    My mom made me a jumper made out of fabric with rainbow colored animals on it. It was awesome.

  731. Hannah F says:

    I had this shiny shirt with a picture of a tiger on the front. The sleeves were leopard print and there were sequins around the neck. It was terribly strange and didn’t match with anything but I loved it!

  732. Amy L. says:

    My favorite childhood clothing item was a periwinkle sweater set with an snowflake on it. I wore that to death in 3rd-5th grade.

  733. MK says:

    Hmmm. Maybe a plaid skirt that made feel like Molly, the American Girl doll?

  734. Teresa L. says:

    Overalls. And we lived no where near a farm. Embarrassing, I know.

  735. SK says:

    I had (what I thought at the time was) an AMAZING oversized lilac T-shirt with some strange hippie graphic on it. Now I’m mortified by the number of times I was photographed in that thing in grades 5 and 6.

  736. Lindsey says:

    I loved the jeans with sparkles in middle school!

  737. natalie says:

    In fifth grade, I had quite the overall collection. The traditional jeans overalls, which i usually wore with only one shoulder hooked and a flannel shirt tied around my waist. Green, corduroy overalls. And the best, black velvet overalls I must have worn once a week for the entire year.

  738. Amy O says:

    Definitely my purple Oshkosh B’Gosh corduroy jumper. I rocked it for third grade school pictures with a coordinating short-sleeved white shirt with tiny pink and purple hearts, white Keds, and matching purple pigtail ribbons.

  739. Emily says:

    I had this turquoise outfit when I was about 8. A loosely crocheted sweater that I wore off one shoulder, leggings and a headband that matched. SO. COOL.

  740. Laura says:

    Stirrup pants! With a huge t-shirt, of course.

  741. SGK says:

    In 6th grade I adored my orange cargo pants from The Limited Too. YIKES.

  742. Anna says:

    I loved my black suede booties, circa ages 6-8ish. My grandmother and I scoured (what felt like) all of Caracas for the perfect pair.

  743. GA says:

    Mine was a Phillies cheerleader costume from the 1980s. It was a one-piece with a white sleeveless top and a maroon pleated skirt. I wouldn’t have taken it off if my mother didn’t insist on washing it on occasion.

  744. Happy Birthday CHS and Belle! My favorite piece was a black scrunchy with spots painted like brush strokes in bright pink, purple and blue. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Pair the scrunchy with a shirt tied in a knot on one side and I was ready to go!

  745. Maggie says:

    In elementary school, I had these navy and green plaid stirrup leggings that I loved to wear with this oversized (and coordinating) BUM Equipment sweatshirt. I thought I was so cool!

  746. cara says:

    My calvin klein (I was always after designer duds even at 5 years old) AND my jordache jeans- paired with my rainbow striped shirt with princess sleeves and gold threads running through it… I would wear any of them now!

  747. Hope says:

    I had a jacket with apples printed on it that I referred to as “Apple Jacket” and loved like a favorite doll.

  748. bex says:

    Gold flats in the third grade(before gold flats were a common thing). Thought they were the greatest thing because Judy Garland wears a pair of gold shoes in “Meet Me in St. Louis.” I wore them in any situation I could…typically that meant around the house.

  749. Nellie says:

    Short denim overalls! I wore them on the first day of sixth grade and thought I was just awesome. I still plan outfits for special occasions far in advance, I just hope they’re more stylish now!

  750. K says:

    Purple Vans in college! They go with everything, right!?

    Thanks again for sharing with us!

  751. Audrey says:

    When I was younger I enjoyed a random pair of boots that my parents got me. Brown, ankle height with a zipper and a tassel. I wore them with everything…even wanted to wear them to church. I recently found an adult pair that look almost exactly the same…clearly-bought them.

    Congrats on your blogbirthday!

  752. Krista says:

    I was obsessed with pink in high school. I had white/pink adidas low tops and a white/pink reversible jacket! Terrible.

  753. Olivia says:

    Sam and Libby bow ballet flats. I too wore mine with stirrup pants and I thought I was the coolest kid ever.

  754. Lauren T says:

    I definitely rocked to tom-boy wannabe train conductor for a while: striped denim shorts overalls and kid-size construction boots.

  755. Katie says:

    A bright red peacoat.

  756. April says:

    I absolutely loved dresses growing up! It didn’t matter which dress, I just loved dresses!

  757. Milena says:

    My pink skirt with the leggings Genius!

  758. Beth says:

    I wasn’t allowed to get anything with rhinestones because my mom considered them “tacky.” So when I finally got my hands on a sweatshirt with a poodle that had red rhinestones on its collar and leash, I was ecstatic (not sure who gave me this piece of clothing). I wore it in the summer and the winter and then one day I left it behind at school.

  759. Sara says:

    I had this amazing dress when I was 7 – white with ruffly sleeves and a cherry print. Of course, icing on the cake was the matching cherry socks (that I oh-so-carefully folded over to perfection) that I wore with it. I was obsessed.

  760. Elena says:

    The Hawaiian-print crop top my mom and I sewed together!

  761. Lauren says:

    I went through a bit of an overall phase, but who didn’t?

  762. Andrea McNamara says:

    I loved flap doodles, which were tapered corduroys with an elastic waist band.

  763. LatteLove says:

    I LOVED my junior high overalls. Especially when I was crazy daring and left one strap undone.

  764. e says:

    oh my. I had so many favorites – and so many mistakes. Two stand outs are – a purple felt hat and a bright pink dress with tie-dye hearts! obv I wore them together.

  765. Sarah Murphy says:

    Being a child of the 90s, my favorite outfit was a pair of purple tri-zip cargo pants. I naturally wore it with a rhinestone limited too top. So fancy!

  766. Baby blue velour overalls. They weren’t even cool when I was young, but there we are.

  767. Charity says:

    My black & pink cotillion dress. Covered in bows and middle school fashion mistakes.

  768. Emily K. says:

    I had Jasmine one-piece princess pajamas that I would wear in and out of the house, much to my mother’s chagrin. I wore them through and she had to go and get another pair.

  769. Mariza says:

    My favorite was a light blue jean jacket that went with me everywhere and I wore constantly.

  770. Kristen says:

    Cotton striped dresses, comfort & cute, I lived in them! White/blue, white/red (thought it looked patriotic, like a flag) and my fav white/pink. I still look for cute striped dresses!

  771. Joanna says:

    When I was about five years old I wore a red straw hat with EVERYTHING. It had a purple bow on the front. I miss that hat 🙂

  772. Briana says:

    A white tshirt with a very realistic, air brushed horse’s face on it. I’m not ashamed.

  773. B says:

    If I could have worn my neon green spandex pants to kindergarden everyday when I was 5, I totally would have. I was convinced they went with everything.

  774. Jessica says:

    I had a plaid skirt and matching sweater with a cheer leading teddy bear embroidered on it. I got to wear it only on Sundays.

  775. Kay says:

    I had denim boots in second grade. I loved them! Dark wash, came just above the ankle, and had a little pocket I could tuck my lunch money in. I felt so stylish when I wore them 🙂

  776. Gillian says:

    I loved my deep berry pink suede ankle boots. They were flat and laced up. I’d wear them now if I could!

  777. Sara says:

    My most memorable outfit was from the 3rd grade school picture – a denim skirt with paisley cotton ruffle trim and a matching blouse. It always reminds me of my country roots 🙂

  778. Liana says:

    I was a total horse-obsessed little girl in elementary school. I had a few t-shirts with horses printed on them but a favorite that really sticks out was a warm mustard yellow with a brown horse printed on it.

    I would also wear my hair half-up, half-down, but instead of the ponytail gathering in the back of my head I’d pull it all to one side of my head. In a scrunchie, obviously.

  779. Laura says:

    I had a hand-me down jean jacket in kindergarten that my mom added tassels, puffy glitter paint, and jewels to. I thought I was the coolest kid in town wearing that thing. My mom was amazing for taking the time to make a hand-me down fun and new.

  780. Elle says:

    My absolute favorite piece of clothing was a Christmas dress my mother bought for me. It had a simple black top and A-line, iridescent red skirt with black flowery overlay. I did nothing but swish and twirl in it all night long.

  781. Jess H says:

    When I was in Elementary School, I had red jeans that I loved. I also wore overalls quite frequently though…oh how I wish my mom didn’t think overalls were so cute on a kid!

  782. Betsy says:

    A Raggedy Ann dress. I loved it!

  783. Amanda Hoffman says:

    i loved my overall dress

  784. Nicole says:

    In first grade I had a pair of white high-tops with a pink iridescent unicorn on the side. I pointed that little guy out to anyone who stood still long enough.

  785. Dena says:

    Black velvet overalls. When I outgrew my first pair, my mom found another pair at Goodwill in my size. Needless to say, I was pretty excited.

  786. jennifer says:

    my tye-dye guess jeans. terrible!

  787. Kayla says:

    Light up sneakers!! Even though EVERYBODY else had them…I still felt so cool. Cheers!

  788. Ann says:

    My mom’s hot pink 80s taffeta hot mess dress. The shoulder pads and floppy neck bow alone swallowed me whole as a child.

  789. Kris says:

    Sunflower-printed sundress from second grade. So cute. So 90’s.

  790. tnm says:

    I had a light-blue jordache jean jacket (so late 80s-early 90s!) that had denim ties on the cuffs.

  791. jai says:

    Hot pink, bedazzled cowboy boots. I wore them with everything – sweats, jeans, dresses. I didn’t care if they matched or not. I wore those boots until they fell apart.

  792. Kelsey says:

    I had an pair of epic black faux leather pants in 7th grade that made me feel so trendy. I rocked several parties in those pants!

  793. Amanda says:

    brown corduroy overalls

  794. R.E. says:

    black stirrup pants – clearly I was way into “classic pieces” from a young age.

  795. Teddy Siegel says:

    I had a pair of patent leather doc martens that I wore with everything!

  796. Katherine says:

    I had the best Doc Marten-esque rainbow shoes when I was thirteen. I wore them with everything.

  797. Katherine says:

    In second grade, I wore nothing but dresses for the entire year, and my favorite dress was a purple dress that flared out when I twirled. I LOVED that dress.

  798. Sarah says:

    glittery jeans from the gap! worst things to stick in the laundry

  799. Larisa says:

    Pink snow boots. I wore them everywhere. All.Year. Long. I cried when I outgrew them….partly because I tried to still stuff my feet into them (painful) and I could no longer strut in my boots. Tragic.

  800. R says:

    My flame-orange, lace, drop-waisted party frock.

  801. Allison says:

    I had this knit dress with shells on it. It was so comfortable. I wore it almost everyday. My mom finally secretly threw it away.

  802. Brittany says:

    I lived in my jellies, which I thought were the ABSOLUTE COOLEST. Oh, and my osh kosh overalls 🙂

  803. ShannonT says:

    Oh! My Guess jeans were THE thing! I saved and saved to have a pair of those.

  804. Meg says:

    As a little kid, I wore almost exclusively pink. The piece de la resistance: pink saddle shoes.

  805. Montana says:

    My shiny, while Go-Go Boots with white leotards and brown plaid hot pants!!! Sixth grade, I was smokin! I thought maybe a band member of Three Dog Night might notice me…..
    What a fool!

  806. CC says:

    Honestly, my favorite thing were my sambas. I ran around a lot–in school and in activities–and I would wear them every day until they got a hole in the rubber sole. I’m still a little sporty in my casual attire, but at 30 my everyday shoes are my Cole Haan heels.

  807. MCB says:

    In first grade I was obsessed with my yellow sweatshirt and matching pants that had fruit designs all over it. It essentially was the garanimals of the late eighties!

  808. EmJ24 says:

    In elementary school I had hot pink biker shorts that I wore with a matching hippo ballerina tshirt that I thought was just the coolest. I wore them with my Sketchers.

  809. KC says:

    My mother made my brother and I coordinating Christmas jammies – red and white striped flannel nightgown and grandma hat for me and long sleeved and legged pajamas with long grandpa/elf hat for him. I loved it and loved having the matchiness with my brother, and sometimes we’d switch outfits and beds to “trick” my mom.

  810. Elizabeth says:

    Little mermaid jelly shoes!

  811. SWSH says:

    My favorite childhood outfit was from 1st grade, and it was a pair of leggings where one leg was neon pink and the other was neon orange. The matching shirt of course had both colors 🙂

  812. Emily says:

    I LOVED my black leggings with a brightly colored jelly bean pattern. I wore them with everything

  813. NHCA says:

    It’s a tie between the saltwater sandals I had in third grade, and the purple hiking boots I had in first grade. When one of my boots came off in deep mud, I refused to leave until it was rescued.

    Funnily enough, my most-loved shoes today are probably my saltwater sandals and my backpacking boots. Guess I haven’t changed much…

  814. Christine says:

    A Laura Ashley long dress I had when I was 5. I still remember wearing it when I wanted to feel fancy.

  815. Carolyn says:

    Dark denim overalls fashioned as a SKIRT, not your traditional pants or shorts. Pushing the envelope early 😉

  816. Lauryn says:

    Yellow striped seer sucker shorts and matching tank!

  817. Anh says:

    I loved this hot pink dress paired with brown ankle boots that I borrowed from my friend. I think I wore it 3 days in a row.

  818. CG says:

    Dr. Scholl’s navy exer-sandals. It was an east-coast thing I picked up from my cousins while on vacation, and brought back to the mid-west.

  819. Kristine says:

    In eighth grade, I had a denim bucket hat that i wore everywhere. It was hot and made my head sweat, but I wore it anyway.

  820. Erica says:

    In preschool, I had these alice grey shoes with a pale pink shell on the top. I would’ve worn them on my hands if I could’ve.

  821. Amy says:

    Pink and white LA Gear high tops. Oh, the memories.

  822. Yanira says:

    A denim skort! After my first skort, I didn’t want to wear anything else for the next five years haha.

  823. Lauren says:

    Ha! A houndstooth headband!

  824. ecdc says:

    A teal green flared miniskirt, with a white oxford, a black velvet vest, a black beret, and black boots – all from GAP. I thought I looked amazing.

  825. Elise says:

    I had a pajama set in the exact replica of “Belle’s” outfit from Beauty and the Beast. I wore it morning, noon and night!

  826. MKal says:

    A red plaid shirt that came down to my knees and made me look like I knew who Nirvana was.

  827. Sarah says:

    This one’s easy–my minnie mouse dress from Disney World! I wanted to wear it to school (kindergarten) but my mom wouldn’t let me. Now, she says she regrets that decision.

  828. LC says:

    Flare jeans with flowers on the bottom!

  829. Robyn says:

    I was seven when my sister left for college and I got a special outfit to take her to the airport. It was amazing, it was white sweatshirt with a grid of hearts on it (4 x 4 maybe?). I think I had coordinated leggings, too. Now that I think about it, you could probably find something similar at Urban these days…

  830. Julia says:

    A cashmere cardigan in a cream color with faux pearl buttons! It always made me feel grown up and fancy.

  831. Nicole says:

    White tights with red hearts! A staple for every young woman 🙂

  832. SFC says:

    My grandmother crocheted me a bright red and white striped poncho. It looked as though I was wearing a Christmas tree skirt. The matching tam completed the look!

  833. KC says:

    A red plaid shirt I wore under an oatmeal wool sweater on 5 th grade. It seemed so grown-up to me

  834. JM says:

    In preschool I had a pair of hot pink fringed cowboy boots that I wo