It’s that time of year again, District Sample Sale is right around the corner!
Whenever I publicize DSS, everyone asks me, “Belle, do you ever buy anything there?” Last year, I bought a Milly dress and a grey clutch. I also purchased two scarves that I wore the weaving out of this Spring. So yes, I have found things in the past, and I will probably find things this year.
So if you want to shop with your friends, sip champagne, nibble on great hors d’oeuvres and donate a bit of money to a worthy charity, you should grab a friend and attend the District Sample Sale. And I highly recommend buying the VIP ticket, because that extra hour may not seem like it matters, but it does.
To purchase tickets to District Sample Sale, visit this site. To learn more about the Sitar Arts Center, this year’s chosen charity, click here.