Tuesday Giveaway: Hiding the Darkness [CLOSED]

Aug 7, 2012

Kate Somerville CytoCell Dark Circle Corrector Eye Cream ($92)

Over the last few years, I have spent thousands of dollars on skincare products.  On miracle potions, lotions and creams that really let me down.  So when I find something that works consistently, I want to shout from the rooftops.

I’ve tried a number of under eye creams that say they’ll deflate puffiness, treat fine lines and eliminate dark circles.  Most of them didn’t work at all. 

Kate Somerville CytoCell is one of the few exceptions.  Cytocell works by strengthening. moisturizing and treating the delicate skin under the eye. 

You need to apply it morning and night for several weeks before you see results (it took three months for me).  But you use suck a teeny-tiny amount (a pencil eraser width drop will do both eyes), that the bottle lasts long enough for you to see the difference.  (I’ve been using the same bottle since January.)

Just remember, that no matter which eye cream you use, you want to apply it with your ring finger.  That finger is the weakest one on your hand, so it’s less likely to tear or damage the delicate tissue you’re trying to repair.  Also, dab eye cream, never rub or smear.  Applying eye cream incorrectly is as good as not using any at all.

If you don’t have $92 to spend on eye cream, Kiehl’s Eye Alert ($22) is the best product I have ever found in the under-$50 range.  If the CytoCell is an A- performer, the Kiehl’s is a solid B.  Which, when you’re saving $70, is a pretty good rate of return.

Lastly, if you want to cover your dark circles, I have found a number of concealers that do a great job.  My go to is Benefit Erase Paste ($26). I’ve also tried and loved Benefit’s Boi-Ing ($20) and Lemon Aid ($20). (If you want to try these, I’d spend $36 on the kit and get all the tools in the Benefit concealing line. The small concealer is more than enough to last you for six months.

I also like Bobbi Brown’s Concealer Kit ($33), though it’s so creamy you really need to set it with powder for sticking power. In the under-$10 category, women swear by Maybelline Age Rewind to treat and conceal your circles.

Now, for the giveaway.  I’m giving away a full size ($92 value) Kate Somerville CytoCell Dark Circle Corrector.  To enter, leave a comment telling me what keeps you up nights.  Maybe it’s stress at work, a crying maybe, noisy neighbors or just a desire to dance til you drop. 

One entry per person.  Remember to sign in with your email or you can’t win.  Good luck.


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  1. B.P. says:

    My neighbor working on his motorcycle at all hours!

  2. Heather M. says:

    Work stress keeps me up at night. That and trying to decide if/when to start a family. So you know–nothing too major! =)

    I'm constantly on the hunt for something to battle my dark under-eye circles. Just in case I don't win the contest, it looks like the Kate Somerville eye cream can be found for a better price outside of Sephora.

    SkinStore.com seems to have it for $75 and they are offering 15% off the entire site with the code “Gold15”

  3. Michelle says:

    work. and then I dream about work. and then I talk in my sleep about work.

  4. SBB says:

    Law School!!

  5. Sarah L says:

    Work work work work work. It never ends.

    And I thought law school was busy. Practice is even busier.

  6. Truc says:

    Job searching….funfun!

  7. Becca says:

    Work and school…

  8. PW says:

    Worrying about what I'll do after graduation…. hopefully law school!

  9. Irene says:

    Work and studying for the LSAT keep me up at night…no fun at all.

  10. JessJ says:

    5 kids, enough said!

  11. Ash says:

    My cat. That little devil loved to play at 4am!

  12. Amanda says:

    Great giveaway! I've inherited the “worry-wart” gene from my mother, so my current issue that keeps me up at night is school debt. Just out of grad school, loans go into repayment soon, and while I'm lucky enough to have a job, it still makes me antsy that I'm going to have a big bill hovering over my head for a while.

  13. CAM says:

    Scary or sad books and movies keep me up at night.

  14. SP says:

    Those damn kittens keep me up at night.

  15. Erica says:

    Work. Bills. Life. You name it.

  16. NAJ says:

    Being a cynical dreamer keeps me up at night, but this product makes me very optimistic!

  17. Kelly says:

    Why do your 11 o'clock posts show up after 11 but still have the 11 o'clock time stamp?

  18. b23 says:

    Work! Work work work. Doesn't my life sound wonderful? 🙂

  19. Ella says:

    The upstairs neighbors, who are extremely athletic and energetic. And apparently have several pet elephants.

  20. a says:

    The folks sitting outside on the stoop of my apartment building. They might as well be sitting in the middle of my bedroom, having a conversation

  21. AVV says:

    What keeps me up at night? My night owl husband. Apparently marriage means adopting a few of each other's habits, and consequently I haven't seen a pre-midnight bedtime in almost six years. (A few years of graduate work didn't help, either.) Fortunately, my hours are flexible and I usually don't have to be in the office until 9:30/10am, but still… I am now so habituated that I find it hard to go to bed before midnight even if he's NOT there.

  22. Aunt_Pete says:

    Another vote for naughty kitties!!! They knock things off the counters if I don't put everything away before bed.

  23. MM says:

    A good novel always keeps me up late.

  24. Amanda says:

    DC has too much going on to sleep! I've got to see and do it all- I'll sleep when I am dead!

  25. Mrs Type A says:

    My husband and I just moved into a new house (that we bought). There are so many things that need to be unpacked, painted, decorated, etc!

  26. Lindsey says:

    Law school. Yikes.

  27. Meg says:

    I usually sleep pretty well, but this summer the two fans in my room are not enough!

  28. Tiffany says:

    The train that seems to run through near my house about 50 times a night…

  29. Sarah says:

    I have a toddler who likes to wake at 1am and screams like his bed has become a bed of sharpened razors. If you hear him, ignore it, I am trying the 'cry it out' method.

  30. JF says:

    Post bar exam nightmares

  31. Elle says:

    Stress dreams. No fun.

  32. Katie says:

    What keeps me up: Trying to find a new job back in my hometown.

    I have to echo the Benefit strategy Belle listed above. I discovered the 1-2 punch of Boi-ing and Erase Paste for concealing my skin by first buying the kit and experimenting.

  33. Kendall says:

    Nats baseball keeps me up most nights – just have to watch it!

  34. CJ says:

    Worrying about pretty much everything keeps me up at night. I can never seem to clear my head when it is time for bed

  35. Terri says:

    Up all night trying to satisfy the creative process…usually makes for some nasty eyes in the a.m.

  36. EF says:

    Fios. I have access to WAY too many good movies these days.

  37. Lizzie says:

    Fear of a low LSAT score.

  38. HCG says:

    Lost my job in DC a month ago, and still do not have a job.

  39. AS says:

    The daunting task of finding employment as a recent graduate with too many student loans 🙁

  40. Marta says:

    My annoying upstairs neighbors who jam at all hours – piano, guitar, bongos, house music. Police next time.

  41. Tiare says:

    Work, husband, kids…

  42. Ellen says:

    Great give away! Two things usually keep me up at night.
    1. My over active brain that keeps thinking of things I need to add to my various to do lists
    2. My new neighbor's dog, Rocky. He only seems to bark between the hours of 10 pm and 6 am. My prime sleeping time during the week!

  43. Hannah says:

    Dustmen collecting my bins at 2.30am kept me up last night. Because I live near the Olympic Park in London all deliveries and collections have to happen outside working hours, but 2.30am….ouch!

  44. SJK says:

    My soon-to-be-completed MBA!

  45. K says:

    Thinking about fitting everything in my closet into one suitcase for an upcoming move overseas. Eeek!

  46. Jen says:

    Stressful consulting job for DoD and about to move!

  47. aw says:

    Working extra hours late to get to that next promotion… and then a bf who steals the sheets (we use two to avoid this!) when I do get in bed.

  48. Sara says:

    Not so much as keeping me up at night as having to WAKE UP at 4:30am…. not a fun lifestyle.

  49. C says:

    I live next to a highway and am directly under the take off/landing path for Reagan.

  50. Liz says:

    lately, its either work or the Olympics! or my loud neighbors…

  51. Rachel says:

    work stress and a fidgety dog

  52. Miss S. says:

    Law school and the always fun and surprising side effects of cancer treatment have kept me awake for the last five years. I'm now a cancer free lawyer, but at 28 sometimes I wish I didn't look like I've been though a battle.

  53. Binna says:

    Video games and I-Phone Game Apps. Oh for shame. 🙂

  54. GC says:

    Regrets about breaking off my engagement.

  55. Alleigh says:

    Honestly? Nothing. It doesn't matter how stressed I am, how much noise the neighbors make, how much tossing & turning Hubby does…I sleep like the dead.

  56. Nancy says:

    Reading for law school!

  57. Susan says:

    Recently, what's kept me up at night is watching the Olympics. Mary Carillo's late night show is the best worst thing to happen to my sleep in months!

  58. AC says:

    A kitty whose favorite game is “Push things off of shelves.”

  59. Colleen says:

    Thinking about how my life is going to change in October when my first child is due to arrive!

  60. Kate says:

    Wondering if my law firm was going to give me a job offer (until yesterday!)

  61. Amy says:

    Starting law school in the fall is definitely what's keeping me up!

  62. rachelM says:

    my frat neighbors… they party all night every night

  63. Cathryn says:

    My snoring husband keeps me up at night!

  64. Tara says:

    Bad dreams keep me up at night – I hate when I can't go back to sleep after something that seemed so real.

  65. jes says:

    my neighbors stomping around upstairs keeps me up. they're so noisy.

  66. EJI says:

    Clinically diagnosed insomnia. I rarely have a problem falling asleep, but I often wake up in the middle of the night (sometimes after just two hours of shut-eye) for no apparent reason and am unable to fall back asleep.

  67. Laura says:

    Oh good lord my job. My boss is going on vacation and we've been crashing for a month (7 days a week) to get everything done before he leaves.

  68. MominHeels says:

    What keeps me up at night is the desire to get everything done that I had planned to do — from the must-do's to the want to do's!!

  69. SP says:

    I'm a tenure track professor, the whole publish or perish thing is real. Writing keeps me up at night.

  70. Amy says:

    Reading keeps me up at night. If I have a good book, I cannot tear myself away.

  71. Michele K. says:

    Trying to decide if I should stay in DC or move back to NY.

  72. CH says:

    Oh jeez, what doesn't keep me up at night? I'm a total night owl. “One more chapter” of a great book, “one more episode” of a good TV show, and “one more refresh” on Pinterest have been the culprits lately.

  73. vidya says:

    My infant daughter keeps me up at night!

  74. TScali says:

    This week: The Olympics!

  75. Jess says:

    LSAT preparation!!

  76. ES says:

    The DC August heat!!! Miserable

  77. EC says:

    The combination of cops, firetrucks and construction vehicles that keep driving by. Maybe I should move to the country.

  78. Ali C says:

    I am constantly kept up at night by my inability to just shut off my thoughts and relax!

  79. TA says:

    Wedding nightmares–I'm getting married in 2 months… AHHHHHH!

  80. bex says:

    Pretty Little Liars- so embarrassing, but so true.

  81. ANH Style says:

    I am (many years) late to The West Wing party, but my latest habit is to watch an episode while winding down at night.

  82. Emily says:

    Nothing keeps me up at night. I go to bed at 9:00 pm and sleep like the dead. In my husband's words, I'm a “champion sleeper”. 🙂

  83. RT says:

    Work, work and um…work!

  84. Kristina says:

    Blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter! Social media is so fun but has been causing a major sleep defecit. Need to be more disciplined about reducing screen time when the sun goes down.

    P.S. Love you, Belle!!

  85. M says:

    My internal clock! It has always been set for staying up late and sleeping in. Since my work schedule isn't flexible and I need to be in early, it's just staying up late and getting up early.

  86. AD says:

    Fear of having a nightmare keeps me up. 🙁

  87. Carly says:

    Lately planning a wedding from California to take place in Maryland in the next 20 days, along with worrying about moving to a new apartment in the next 15 days! That'll keep pretty much anyone up every night!

  88. Elise says:

    Technology keeps me up – reading on computer screens before bed (the white light from screens stops melatonin production, apparently) and an addiction to checking email on my phone right before falling asleep. Such a bad habit!

  89. Liz says:

    Another reader with a night-owl husband! He'd happily stay up til 3am (and now has to in order to finish a Master's), and I find it hard to sleep while he's still moving around the house…

  90. Emily says:

    money. or lack thereof.

  91. Morgan says:

    The noisy ceiling fan above my bed! Apartment with no A/C makes it necessary, but the whirs and hums and rattles are almost as unpleasant as the heat!

  92. Sarah says:

    Getting ready for my sister's wedding. Arranging flowers till all hours!

  93. Hanan says:

    What's been keeping me up lately is the Olympics! Wish it would end a tad bit sooner.

  94. M says:

    The third trimester!!! No mattress soft enough, ha

  95. Rachel says:

    My cat. I love her to pieces, but not when she tosses her catnip mouse at my face and expects me to play with her at 2 a.m.

  96. Sally says:

    Good books, the internet, and the ID channel.

  97. Katie says:

    Life keeps me up at night. Oh and my upstairs neighbors who apparently are tap dancing bowlers in the nighttime hours.

  98. Christine says:

    Stress at work can absolutely keep me up at night, my Mother too…

  99. S says:

    Going through what I need to do the next day, whether it is for work, friends, personal errands, etc. Sometimes the brain just doesn't want to shut off!

  100. Lynn says:

    A kicking baby. All. Night. Long. Apparently she only sleeps while I am exercising. Can't wait until she's out of my belly and stops headbutting my ribs!

  101. Sarah says:

    Don't kill me for saying this, but by the team I reach my bed I am too exhausted to think and I'm normally asleep within 5 minutes.

    Of course, this blessing becomes a curse when I want to watch movies and my body thinks the dark room and comfy couch means it's time for bed.

  102. mam274 says:

    Law school. 'Nuff said.

  103. Katie says:

    The awful construction outside my apartment is keeping me up!

  104. Lauryn V says:

    It has been the olympics this week!

  105. Jenn says:

    Pintrest, sad but true…

  106. APW says:

    Right now, the OLYMPICS!! I love watching them, but they are keeping me up every night!

  107. Hilary says:

    Roof decks just outside of my bedroom windows keep me up at night, especially during these summer months!

  108. emorie says:

    definitely work and a never-ending to-do list.

  109. r says:

    A good (or even not-so-good) book. Must know what happens next!

  110. Melissa says:

    Law school.

  111. RF says:

    A little dog with a bad case of insomnia.

  112. Emilie says:

    Getting out of my current company is at the top of my worry list. Last week they were 5 days late in paying their employees, making purchasing any eye cream a potential risk. So now I spend my nights sending out my resume…

  113. LS says:

    Right now it's the Olympics!

  114. LCP says:

    My puppy. Well, she's not a puppy, she's 2- but thinks that 3am is a fun time to get out all of her squeaky toys. And she wakes up at 5:45 every morning- regardless of alarm. Or day of the week.

  115. meg says:

    my 4 year old is not a good sleeper and my pinterest addition!

  116. M says:

    I'm about to move AND start grad school. Yikes.

  117. Sarah says:

    I am actually woken up early (5:00 am) by dump trucks dumping their loads in the dumpster in the alley outside of my apt building. They are violating the noise ordinance but that doesn't seem to stop them….

  118. Leslie says:

    Roommates…banging the pots in the kitchen.

  119. EmilyS says:

    Pretty much general worrying over all the things I need to do the next day/week etc.

  120. Lauren S says:

    My husbands snoring!

  121. c says:

    My brain's off switch and my body's are just not synchronized.

  122. Lisa E says:

    What I'm going to wear to work in the morning and what I'm going to eat for breakfast 🙂

  123. Elizabeth says:

    Trying to plan my future!

  124. Emily says:

    At night I usually find myself awake thinking about the dreams I have for myself and my future.

  125. Caroline says:

    You can hear my roommate and her dog snoring through the walls. Its awful and just ruins a good night's sleep.

  126. p says:

    Thinking too much – my darn brain won't turn off sometimes.

  127. strin012 says:

    My terrible habit of napping when I get home from work, which inevitably means I won't sleep at night.

  128. Deanna says:

    Knowing I have to move in 2 weeks has been keeping me up at night. I hate packing!

  129. Sara says:

    Loads of freelance work, including my own blog, keep me up way past my bedtime.

  130. Tina C. says:

    What keeps me up? I love late night online shopping!! (:

  131. Tina says:

    Studying for CPA…

  132. Amanda K says:

    Campaigning keeps me up all day and all of the night!

  133. Kara says:

    law school reading.

  134. HH says:

    Habit – despite the propensity of my colleagues to schedule AM meetings, I am a night owl through and through.

  135. amandal says:

    Lately, it has been the Olympics keeping me up at night. Otherwise, it is usually my snoring husband!

  136. EK says:

    Night school! Not recommended after a long day on the Hill.

  137. Kristen says:

    I'm in kind of transition period right now, so planning my next steps has been keeping me awake… that and the Olympics 🙂

  138. NJN says:

    This week, the Olympics is messing with my sleep schedule but it's usually, the fire trucks barreling down my street or U Street noises or my obnoxiously loud window unit. Girl has got to have A/C on at night but the noise is so loud.

  139. JE says:

    A good read

  140. JB says:

    Cheering on team USA in the Olympics!

  141. LC says:

    Right now, it's Downton Abbey, as I'm catching up on episodes of Season 2…

  142. Emily Severino says:

    Twins under 2 and trying to clean up the house after they have played all day!

  143. pamela says:

    hot summer nights keep me up because i can't get comfortable to sleep

  144. mkbrod2 says:

    the internet. it does not believe in bedtime!

  145. JD says:

    Recently: construction. I'm the daughter of a math teacher/contractor and am doing projects around my boyfriend's house to put it on the market, since we're moving

  146. Sara says:

    Lately deciding whether to buy my apartment or move and keep renting keeps me up late nights.

  147. Theresa says:

    My sister's cat — I am still a cat lover, but I do wonder if it is possible or healthy to remove a cat's voice box.

  148. CR says:

    Love Kate's products – her face lotion with SPF 50 is wonderful. Right now, wondering if I passed my state bar and preparing to transition into my new legal career has definitely kept me up!

  149. K says:

    I bought a house in April and every little noise keeps me up. Is that just the wind or is my roof leaking again?!

  150. Kim says:

    figuring out what i want to do with my life! always a stressor.

  151. Suzy says:

    Stress dreams and deadlines!

  152. K says:

    A good book…I can start reading at 9:00 and the next thing I know, it's 1:00 am. If only my dark circles were caused by that and not genetics!

  153. IRMcK says:

    A Husband going to B School on the West Coast. Time Zones, I tell you.

  154. Bekki says:

    The heat!

  155. Diane T says:

    Working two jobs at 80+ hours means very little sleep most days!

  156. Rae says:

    The ever looming prospect of my parents visiting. And staying with me. For a week. That's the cause of my dark circles.

  157. CJ says:

    The neverending to do list in my head.

  158. C says:

    Finding a new job that I'll actually enjoy– and pays enough that I can afford my apartment!

  159. Megan says:

    Post-work chores after a long, stressful day at the office!

  160. K. says:

    Helicopters circling for hours on end. A Los Angeles specialty!

  161. Katherine says:

    I'm often kept up at night by reading – once I start, I forget the time and shut off my light too late to get a good sleep.

  162. Nancy says:

    A baby AND stress at work!

  163. Paige says:

    LIFE keeps me up – haven't figured out a way to shut off my brain!

  164. Tracy Lynn says:

    What keeps me up at nights? Working for an elected official. Being out of office doesn't mean done for the day.

  165. Heather says:

    snoring boyfriend….a very loud snoring boyfriend. so loud the neighbors have complained.

  166. Sharon S. says:

    I stay up way too late watching Nats games with my roommates! #Natitude.

  167. BN says:

    Worrying about work keeps me up at night… a lot.

  168. KW says:

    Worrying about the future!

  169. Jennifer says:

    Work stress, money worries, and chidren concerns have all caused me sleepless nights at some point. I need this stuff!

  170. EmZ says:

    Law school, finding a job for next summer/after law school.

  171. Amanda D says:

    Currently? The Olympics.
    Normally it's my family…they don't have to wake up as early as I do.

  172. Ashleigh says:

    Trying to find a full-time job in DC keeps me up late at night working away on different cover letters, resumes & writings samples!

  173. ~M says:

    I love to read, but I can only do it when I've got a lot of free time because I will get into a book and stay up until iIve finished it, whether that's at 12:00 or 3:00.

  174. Lauren says:

    My snoring cat and my snoring boyfriend! Between the two of them, I think I'm lucky if I get 3 hours.

  175. Lindsey says:

    My new neighbors across the street. I thought the construction was bad, but it turns out an occupied building is worse.

  176. mm says:

    fashion blogs…

  177. Miriam says:

    my 5 week old baby!

  178. Sam says:

    Lately, the Olympics has been ruining my sleep schedule. I don't want to find out from Facebook or any other internet resource the next morning if the USA won gymnastics! But, in general, I keep myself up with to-do lists for the coming days only to inevitably be tired during the day and forget what I was stressing over.

  179. Amy says:

    Wedding planning.

  180. Jenn says:

    I've been watching Supernatural at night, and it's really a bit scary for me. I'm such a wuss. Also, there's a squirrel that likes to scratch on my window. Bad combination.

  181. Lindsey says:

    I have a tiny little kitten. Not so adorable at 4:45 AM gnawing at your hand to wake up and play….

  182. jessk says:

    I'm currently visiting my parents in NY from SF, and the time difference is kicking my butt! I cannot sleep! At least I have a good book to keep me company- “The Passage” for anyone looking for a good recommendation.

  183. Kiri says:

    The Olympics coverage. It really needs to stop.

  184. emily says:

    The Olympics…why does NBC show women's gymnastics so late?!

  185. AJL says:

    Loud neighbors! Hate it when that happens!

  186. Kel says:

    Sounds like I'm not alone in this, but worrying about my “next steps,” whether personal or work-related has been causing me to lose a lot of sleep lately.

    Belle, this may be silly to ask about a product that you seem to love, but do you find that this wears well under concealer?

    Thanks for the recommendation!

  187. HM says:

    Noisy neighbors.

  188. Moose says:

    I am a chronic overbooker… slowly but surely I am learning to just say no! Maybe it is a bad case of FOMO (fear of missing out) but I stubbornly try to fit as much as possible into every single day. Sleep feels lazy.

  189. ECD says:

    work, work, work.
    Oh. and accidentally getting sucked into watching TV. just one more episode….

  190. mcf says:

    The lovely trashy television shows on Bravo!

  191. Liz says:

    Creaky pipes in the old building I live in. I'm convinced they are ghosts!

  192. animalcrackers says:

    Once I am in bed, I sleep like a rock. But it's a struggle to actually get there with all the things that need doing around the house once I get home from work.

  193. KO says:

    A snoring boyfriend.

  194. ska says:

    The Olympics!

  195. Britt says:

    this time of year, the Olympics keep me up! I need to shut off the dang tv…

  196. Kirstin says:

    Living in tornado country with a dog that hates thunder.

  197. Lynn says:

    Trying to finish all of the books I want to read!

  198. MH says:

    Going to the gym at night. Too much post-workout energy won't allow me to go to sleep and I end up staying up watching tv, playing iPhone games, picking up around the house, etc. Working out in the morning would solve this problem but I just can't drag myself out of bed that early…

  199. Stephanie says:

    Thinking about falling asleep keeps me up!

  200. Chris says:

    Worrying. and relationships. Worrying about relationships.

  201. Sarah D says:

    I'm up late every night learning music- when I go to sleep, it's all I can think about, so I end up singing in bed! Quelle romantique…

  202. Jamie says:

    My cat – she loves to knock things over in the middle of the night!

  203. Karin says:

    Having t go back to work after having the summer off….

  204. Nicole says:

    Stressing over falling asleep keeps me up at night. “Gah, I need to fall asleep to get a good 7 hours before I have to wake up at 5am.”

  205. Jen says:

    Work. And 5 dogs that hog the bed.

  206. Kath says:

    Ugh, the 3 guys in the apartment above me. Who would think near-30 year olds still play Rock Band?

  207. Sam says:

    Olympics!! I am addicted!

  208. Christina says:

    Each day is different. Sometimes work, sometimes just thinking about the day (i.e. getting into an argument with someone close), or I am really excited about something (travelingggggg). But my trick is to try to not think of anything and just focus on my breathing. I NEVER look at the clock because that just wakes me up. Even if I do wake up in the middle of the night I REFUSE to look at the time.

  209. Ann says:

    Worrying about my gorwn children – they would be mortified at that thought

  210. C.Y. says:

    Friends re-runs. lol. the BF. good movies. worries about work, money, life. and sometimes, i just can't sleep.

  211. R says:

    For me, my source of stress is maintaining a good work-life balance. Very tough with a 3-year old and high stress career.

  212. S says:

    A noisy A/C unit that starts randomly clanking in the middle of the night!

  213. Frances says:

    I am a DC native currently attending the United States Military Academy at West Point. In addition to a full course load, I have military obligations, and rigorous physical demands that wear me down everyday. I start my day at 5:30am and rarely does my day end before midnight. I stay up all night studying and all day learning. My summers are not spent poolside or on a sunny beach; they are spent doing military field training. It is hard to feel beautiful and stylish in such a harsh and male dominant profession but I do my best. I read and love your blog because I feel more connected to my beloved hometown and my affection for politics and style.

  214. Kelly says:

    I'm always running through random scenarios in my head, like what would happen if terrorist take my building hostage the next day.

  215. Emily says:

    Stress from work keeps me up at night

  216. Jenny says:

    I'm responsible but forgetful–sometimes I lie awake thinking about all the emails I forgot to send, bills I might have forgotten to pay, burners I didn't turn off…

  217. CMB says:

    Everything on my to do list…

  218. Jess says:

    My manuscript from my thesis…not only do i have to pull allnighters to get it finished, but it practically gives me nightmares! 🙂

    Thanks Belle for another great giveaway!!

  219. Caroline says:

    I worry about what I am going to wear to work in the morning. My office started a new dress code, “business stylish”. One evening, I stayed up all night googling and taking notes on what that phrase meant exactly.

    I do have to say that the chs' “two ways” polyvore sets have helped a TON! it helps me not worry as much about being the dreaded Lizzie McGuire's “outfit repeater” ever again…

  220. Lauren says:

    Luckily, not much keeps me up at night, but if anything it's studying for law school!

  221. Shannon says:

    Lately, it's the heat that has been keeping me up late!

  222. teresa says:

    reading great, well written and entertaining blogs like yours is keeping me from getting my full night's beauty sleep! 🙂

  223. Mackenzie says:

    My dogs keep me up most nights – jumping on and off the bed and taking up all of my leg space. But it's probably my own fault because I'm too much of a pushover to actually make them stay on the floor. 🙂

  224. BizBee says:

    Work. What I'm going to wear to work in the morning. How many of my work clothes are covered in dog hair, etc.

  225. LH says:

    Work and bills definitely keep me up at night!

  226. CDH says:

    The “ding” of the elevator!

  227. Carrie says:

    Wedding planning, but it's mostly fun

  228. Carolyn says:

    Nothing! I crash as soon as I hit the pillow.

  229. Leah S. says:

    Nerd Alert: Staying up late for work often keeps me up, but my frivolous 'i-can't-believe-i-wasted-so-much-sleep-by-staying-up-so-darn-late moments always come at the hand of a Criminal Minds marathon.

  230. CSB says:

    With each passing day, I am turning into my worry wart (but amazing!) mother. Current woes keeping me up: work, having enough money to buy a house, and the fact that neither hubby nor myself have a clue about investing for retirement. Charles Schwab, here we come.

  231. Gina says:


  232. Allison M says:

    Financial stresses!
    Allison M

  233. Mallory says:

    I'm a full-time grad student with a 9-5 job. You can have good grades or sleep, and I'm paying way too much money to fail my classes!

  234. KRF says:

    I am often kept up at night going through the “list” in my head (in random order): baby, work, husband, house..will I have enough time to blow out my hair in the AM (the answer is ALWAYS no…LOL

  235. Carp says:

    Watching Breaking Bad keeps me up cuz that show is stressful! But so awesome.

  236. Nancy M. says:

    What keeps me up at night is usually remembering (obsessing about) a conversation with a random coworker that REALLY annoyed me, and I made it clear I was unhappy. Working with students can do that to you, though. What a waste of my beauty sleep…

  237. J says:

    Fear that my big bet – starting my own business – was a mistake.

  238. Jeanna says:

    Great giveaway! Having to finish that last glass of wine after a long, stressful workday keeps me up!

    Thanks so much!

  239. kme says:

    Oh, the usual – work, the inability to turn off my mind, over-thinking the bit of dating that I do, and occasionally my pup. Plus, dark circles just run in the family — thanks Mom!

  240. JW says:

    My partner in Australia who can only skype at 5am CST!

  241. Mattie Levin says:

    My “kids'! I work with Children with Autism, and I stay up nights planning activities that are both entertaining and enriching…..they are the most intelligent and complex kids I have ever worked with, but I love 'em!

  242. Carolyn says:

    I recently graduated and thoughts about the future and finding a job are constantly on my mind. =/

  243. SW says:

    Post-bar exam nightmares and apartment hunting stress. The San Francisco apartment market is ridiculous this time of year.

  244. Mary says:

    My students. Teachers never sleep.

  245. Nicole says:

    Some people may view this as irrational, but my eminent demise keeps me up at night. It has become so terrifying that I sometimes have panic attacks. At 26 years old, I thought I would have come to terms with the fact that I will die someday and it is out of my control. I have to some degree, but I still wrestle with what comes after.

  246. Linsey says:

    Building our new home!!!

  247. frannie says:

    Work, money, bills!

    P.S. I love your blog, and have been reading it now for a while now. I recently purchased Aveda's color enhancing conditioner per your recommendation. Thanks for all the free advice!

  248. Alyssa says:

    Thinking about what my future is going to be like keeps me up haha. I don't know why I worry about things I can't change.

  249. Emmalu says:

    Let's us see: keeps me up all nite? Menapsuse- sleepless nites to be sure! We have 3 20 something years old children- 2 with grad degrees – 1 finishing up college.
    The state of the union-division among so many. Lack of jobs-youth without vision/gumption. Lack of respect for each other-rising anger in our nation.
    Just plain no vision from leaders – – .
    I am so saddened with current climate, I luv this country-I hope we can get back on course-luv one another.
    Oh, I really enjoy your blog- and I use the Kate Summerville line- I see good results from her products. Thank-you for your posts!

  250. NR says:

    The sirens from the emergency room 100 yards away keep me up at night.

  251. Pickles says:

    My brand new job keeps me up – I left a job I loved for a promotion and more freedom. Turns out I'm expected to follow policies that aren't written down (even if I have written policies in hand stating otherwise), everything's worse that I was told (and I was brought in to fix things), the office is filled with people I would fire if I had the authority to do so….and as of today, I'm documenting my boss' actions for a possible sexual harassment claim.

  252. TW says:

    My never ending “to do” list. It grows every day and every night I'm trying to plan how to accomplish it all!

  253. Terri says:


  254. Heather says:

    Oh I need this! My dark circles are so hard to hide! The Olympics have been keeping me up at night these days, but usually I'm laying in bed thinking about work, budget, etc.

  255. Anna says:

    Worrying if I'm built for the political rat race I was convinced was my dream

  256. LC says:

    Bravo TV.

  257. B says:

    Stress and the feeling that I should be doing more work rather than sleeping.

  258. Olivia says:

    General demands of juggling being a wife, state staffer during August recess and going back to graduate school.

  259. lad2113 says:

    snoring husband!

  260. Amy says:

    Worrying about how the hell to get rid of my dark circles and eye bags!

  261. Eden says:

    The Daily Show!

  262. Sarah says:

    Stress from school is keeping me up these days. I'm about the start my final semester of grad school and the balancing act between work and school is only getting harder somehow.

    Great giveaway though!

  263. Anne says:

    schoolwork, ugh!

  264. Victoria says:

    A stressful move overseas is what's keeping me awake lately. I haven't seen dark circles like this for awhile!

  265. Linda says:

    Work, boyfriend, family, friends, and my future.

  266. sai says:

    woooork work work work. in fact, that's what i should be doing. right. now.

  267. ak says:

    street lights… and my partner's restless legs!

  268. CBK says:

    My iPad!

  269. Allie says:

    I just finished my undergrad degree in Biochemistry, where I found plenty to keep me awake at night…going over metabolic cycles, trying to remember the names of all the different structural forms of glucose, etc. Now I'm about to start law school, where I'm sure I'll have the same problems, just with statutes and case law examples instead. Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  270. Sylvia says:

    Anything and everything . . . I'm a natural born worrier!!

  271. Alli says:

    I'm a prosecutor, so figuring out how to get the Bad Guys keeps me up at night!

  272. NM says:

    My neighbor's normally adorable toddler starts screaming between 12:30 and 1 every morning. Right when I'm starting to fall asleep.

  273. Nicole says:

    I never seem to be able to shut off my brain. I've tried the “write it down” trick, but it doesn't usually help.

  274. Morgan says:

    My husband — who not only could sleep through a tractor trailer coming through our apartment, but also talks and laughs in his sleep! Extra frustrating when you have insomnia!!

  275. Angela says:

    Trying to balance a full-time job and part-time grad school definitely keeps me up at night!

  276. L says:

    My constant amount of reading and prep for law school exams keeps me up at night. I will definitely not miss exams!

  277. Amber says:

    I actually sleep pretty well but somehow manage to still have undereye circles…hmm

  278. Emily K. says:

    Crazy stress-ball thoughts. One leads to the next which leads me to tossing and turning all night. Doesn't quite help that the cat is nocturnal and I can still hear sirens from my back bedroom on the city street. Deep breathing, though, and sometimes a good audio book lulls me right back!

  279. Tanya N says:

    I'm an emergency room doctor – I've got an erratic schedule of shiftwork, so I'm up all night half the week working.

  280. meaghan says:

    Right now? The Olympics.

  281. Elise says:


  282. Kari says:

    It's not that something keeps me up at night, but rather that it's impossible to get the 10 hours a night I would get in a dream world. I'd have to go to bed at 8pm.

  283. Kate says:

    I'm pregnant, and having alot of anxiety related to whether the baby is ok. I probably look like I've aged 10 years

  284. TMTX says:

    I'm in the midst of planning a destination wedding. I never thought I would be the girl that lost sleep over flowers or napkin colors… it happens to the best of us!

  285. Beth says:

    The Olympics! I can't turn them off.

  286. KJ says:

    My 6 month old puppy on occasion.

  287. Tricia Luker says:

    The new puppy has his days and nights mixed up. He likes to sleep during the daytime and stay up and play at night. I hope he gets his days and nights figured out soon! Great giveaway — my coworkers have asked if I am getting enough sleep — so I hope this cream will live up to your review! 🙂 Thanks!

  288. kristiina says:

    My husband's snoring…

  289. Chele says:

    I'm a bit of a worry wart, so many things keep me awake. Even temperature variations (too hot or too cold) can affect my sleep.

  290. Amber says:

    Moved in with a new roommate who has cats! I've been a dog girl all my life so I've never had to experience the meowing and scratching that seems to happen every night between 11pm and 2am. Thanks for the opportunity to win, Belle!

  291. Betsy says:

    Metro Buses. You think living across from the metro station in wonderful until the buses keep you up all night and wake you first thing in the morning.

  292. Tessa says:

    Allergies keep up up late at night this time of year! I'm looking forward to fall so I don't have a permanent head cold 🙂

  293. mcby says:

    I've got a cat and a baby, and they alternate waking me up in the wee hours. Would love to win!

  294. EA says:

    Graduate school and applying for fellowships

  295. ColleenMarie says:

    I usually sleep sound but occasionally the stresses of work or just life keep me tossing at night!

  296. Mkaye says:

    I'm kept up late at night by the arguing/partying neighbors below me. It's the slamming door olympics of 2012 ladies.

  297. B says:


  298. Lolabolt says:

    Lately, I've been staying up late watching Dawson's Creek on Netflix, which is embarrassing to admit. So it goes….

  299. TJ says:

    Nothing keeps me up at night! I sleep like a baby because I'm currently a medical resident and my hours are insane. I'm going to have to buy a bottle of this for myself if I don't win.

  300. MIchelle says:

    My house's broken AC does terrible things for my sleeping habits!

  301. Kim says:

    Wedding planning!

  302. Tepring Piquado says:

    My husband's CPAP machine keeps me awake…think darth vader breathing all night…better than snoring, not as good as silence =)

  303. Brittnie says:

    the stress of beginning law school in two weeks definitely keeps me up at night!

  304. Kay says:

    Work stress and this summer heat!

  305. Morgan says:

    Never ending homework!

  306. Mackenzie says:

    Since I am interning with the UN in Ethiopia I have to say just about everything keeps me up at nights these day from the crazy person on the megaphone at the church to the street dogs barking all night!

  307. Mel says:

    Barking dogs and meowing cats.

  308. scq2 says:

    absolute fatigue from a lack of vacation and overwork

  309. Rachel says:

    My husband and I are buying our first home in DC, and we close on Tuesday! Needless to say, the stress of getting all of our paperwork together to satisfy various banks and other parties has been very, very stressful. But it will pay off in the end!

  310. Erica Z says:

    I stay up at night when I watch True Blood and then can't fall asleep because I'm terrified.

  311. Rose says:

    The upstairs neighbor – I swear he just walks around his bedroom ALL DAY AND NIGHT, creaking floorboards, and all, just to keep me awake.

    Also, any night before I'm traveling – I just can't sleep.

  312. Ashley B. says:

    Grad School!

  313. Genevieve says:

    What keeps me up at night? Drinking coffee past 5pm. Somehow a lesson I have yet to learn…

  314. Alexandra says:

    There is always something keeping me up–work, a good book, catching up with friends/family– but mostly I would say my thoughts keep me up at night. It's hard to wind down and rest after a busy day, I think about the day's events and what needs to be done tomorrow!

  315. Michelle says:

    The West Wing! Last week I realized that Amazon added it to their Instant Video library and I haven't been asleep before midnight since.

  316. Elyse G. says:

    The trains going by my apartment building

  317. Elise says:

    Loud storms and loud neighbors keep me up at night.

  318. mb says:

    I usually sleep great, but a good book can keep me awake all night!

  319. whitney says:

    my fiance – he talks in his sleep!

  320. M says:

    these days, it would definitely be the summer storms every night – I live right on the beach in Florida and am ready for hurricane season to be over!

  321. Molly says:

    Realizing my current career path is not what I want to do with my life.

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The Beauty Edit: An Under-Eye Concealer That Actually Works

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