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State of the Blog: Birchbox

Oct 12, 2011

It’s no secret that I love Birchbox.  The beauty retailer’s monthly sample deliveries are quickly becoming one of my favorite things.  So I was thrilled when they asked me to contribute a few posts to their website.  I’m guest blogging on their site all week, so head on over and read yesterday’s post: How to Fake a Good Night’s Sleep.


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  1. Lauren says:

    Can't wait to see what you have to say! Birchbox has become one of the things I look forward to each month… I got my new box yesterday and it was like Christmas! Awesome job in finding this company, Belle!

  2. Amy says:

    Belle, you've finally sold me on Birchbox! I'm ready to sign up! I noticed something about earning points for referrals on the website–I'd love for you to get a benefit from my subscription. If that's something worthwhile, please send me an invite. 🙂

  3. Lexi says:

    Belle, I received my second Birchbox today after I read your post about it in August! I am loving it!

  4. JS says:

    Alright, alright. I finally broke down and subscribed to Birchbox. Now I'm just impatient to receive the first one!!

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