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Fiscally Feasible Fashion: Suit Up

May 11, 2010

If this blog had a theme, it would be: Dress for the job you want, not the job that you have.  Making a good impression in a professional setting starts with your skill and work ethic, but it’s augmented by your appearance.  So if you’re going to be working on the Hill, whether as a intern or otherwise, you need suits, because a suit is the professional standard.

Good looking, decent quality suiting can be found in the lower price points if you are willing to search for it.  I recommend avoiding the crepe suits that you see in discount stores because they can look a bit cheap, and they can be difficult to tailor.  This is critical because tailoring is the secret to making an cheap suit look more expensive than it is.  

Other suiting tips?  If it comes with a cheap leather belt, buy a better belt.  Same goes for cheap plastic or metal buttons.  Also, avoid shiny fabrics, mini-skirt suits, suits with shorts/gauchos, and any suit with beading.  In other words, keep it simple.

Nine West 2-Piece Suit (Belk, $100)


Cole Haan Air Carma Peep Toe Slingbacks (DSW, $39)

These shoes retail for $278, they are 86-percent-off.  They have Nike Air technology in a high heel. They are the deal of the century…

FCUK Resin Bangle (Asos, $11)


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  1. K says:

    Suits with gauchos (gasp, hit head of desk)?!

  2. E says:

    Those shoes, in terms of a work-appropriate shoe, absolutely, positively, to DIE for! Fab find!!!

  3. Megan says:

    I’m madly in love with these shoes, but DSW doesn’t seem to have them available anymore. Any idea where else I can look for them at the lower price?

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