This may be the very first time that I couldn’t find a shoe that I loved that fell out of my price range. Hoorah for trends that trickle down to the masses.
Elected Official
Bloch Jazz Wingtip (Bloomingdale’s, $175)
Hill Staffer
Evie Open-Toed Oxford (Amazon, $129)
Unpaid Intern
Steve Madden Tuxxedo Oxfords (Zappos, $69)
These are so ugly. If I saw someone wearing them on the Hill I would take a photo and send it to you as a fashion faux paux. What the hell would you wear with these?! Seriously…. trendy or not these are only cute on little girls- not grown women.
I like these! I think they’re really cute… and sort of 1920’s! But what would you wear with them? Some kind of dress or skirt? I need ideas!
I actually saw this on a educator on Monday. The look was one of two tone brown/tan and not black or navy/white. She
wore them with dark brown slacks, simple two piece (cami and sheer over top) blouse and understated gold jewelry. They
made the outfit. And after spending all day lecturing on her feet to over 250 students, her feet didn’t hurt.
Ideas for outfits for spring??