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Too Many Tabs: March 29, 2024

Mar 29, 2024

I’m supposed to drive to Montana in <24-hours. It’s snowing there. This is not abnormal for the Rocky Mountains, but it is an inconvenience, especially since I will be traveling solo with Sloane. A 5-hour drive with an 18-month-old who only has two speeds (go and faster) and one volume (outdoor voice)? What could possibly go wrong?

Here are some of my favorites from my social media feeds this week.

I’ve never been so jealous of people who worked as lawyers pre-1996.  You mean opposing counsel can’t e-mail you late at night, on the weekends, and on holidays? 

A restaurant we often eat at serves this kale, pistachio and parmesan salad; it’s delicious.  Don’t forget to massage the kale to make it easier to eat, and thin the dressing a hair because kale takes a lot of dressing.  It’s a hearty salad, so with a little bit of protein, it’s a filling meal.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s explanation of how tides actually work is eye opening.  Seeing this phenomenon from a different perspective was mind-blowing.

Sending an e-mail to a large group and want to turn off reply-all?  Chantel Simone has this and many other e-mail tips on her Instagram.  Life changing.

Good Friday always makes me think of my Grandfather, Vern. He kept this cartoon in his office, and every time I would go to his house to “fix” his computer, I would see it. Blessed Easter to those who celebrate. See you Monday.


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  1. Diane says:

    The 75-yo attorney in my office has an occasional rant about how it used to be that you came to work, got your mail, opened your letters, and that is what you did that day. No one knew whether you’d received the letter yet, no one expected an immediate response. I can’t even imagine. Now if I get a letter that isn’t junk, chances are it is a duplicate of something I already received by email.

  2. Laura says:

    It’s true that communications were slower and you didn’t have to jump on every email. But …. everything had to be done in the office, nothing was electronic and there was no work flexibility. I don’t remember those all-nighters in the office before a deal closing fondly, and neither does my family.

  3. Jill says:

    That salad looks amazing. Thank you.

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