State of the Blog: A Catch Up Day

Jun 8, 2020

I needed a day to regroup.  I let a lot fall by the wayside during the last weeks of the election, and I need to catch up.  Everywhere I look there’s a pile of something or an unfinished task.  And my mind is just not going to feel right until it’s all done.

Let’s just call it a catch up day.

The blog will return tomorrow to talk about stylish sunglasses for summer, Four Ways to style a simple white tee, and more.

xo, Abra

P.S. I’m also at a bit of a loss for what to talk about fashion wise right now.  This blog has always been about getting women ready for work, and work looks a bit different these days.  So it would be a huge help if you could give me some direction on what the issues of professional dress confronting you in this new reality are.


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  1. E says:

    May have been done before, but makeup tips for Zoom and/or good makeup products for Zoom? I’ve learned to have a lamp on in front of me to avoid my face being dark, but then get a lot of bounce from my concealer (who knew?). It’s a weird problem I never thought I’d have to deal with.

    • Cecilia says:

      Related question -makeup tips when wearing a mask. How to keep it from rubbing off on the mask? Focus on the eyes? Don’t bother?

  2. Katel says:

    I’m not back at work yet but I know my commute will be different when I am. Switching from transit to walk/drive and maybe bike (if I get the courage). Ways to arrive less wilted, minimize what I’m carrying, etc would be appreciated. The comments section on posts like that is usually a gold mine of tips/products people like.

  3. Susan says:

    I’ve heard a lot of talk about how different we are going to be as we return to work: less makeup, more skincare, less bras (!?), etc. There is also talk of the end of athleisure and I’m curious to see what you think the “new world” will look like and how to dress. I honestly don’t know if my cute work dresses are now dated or a throwback.

    • Megan says:

      I second this request! I’m in the legal field and the thought of returning to uncomfortable shoes and pants is daunting. I imagine there are others who feel the same. Are companies going to start making stylish professional clothes that are comfortable? Wouldn’t that be something;)

    • Anna says:

      I keep looking at these “less bra” comments. I seriously cannot be the only woman with back pain without one, right?

      • anna c says:

        Hey fellow Anna! No, you are not the only one. Do I hate my bra? Yes. But it’s not comfortable to just let my 34DDDs hang out without some kind of support.

  4. LynnS says:

    I’d love to see a 4 ways (or 3 ways, however many outfits you can style) showing a piece that can be styled for say,court, as well as Zoom and off-duty/working from home. Court has opened up again, so I now have hearings, but outside of those, I am largely meeting via videoconference or otherwise working from home.

    • Amy says:

      I second this! And building on the idea… I work in corporate communications, so my ‘new normal’ will probably include some days where I work from home in the morning and then spend the afternoon in the office overseeing a video shoot (or vice versa). I’d love to see looks that can do both, or looks that can easily transition with a mid-day swap of one or two of the pieces. Sort of like a desk-to-dinner outfit, but in this case it’s desk-to-couch.

  5. Linn says:

    As a graduate, I would love some tips for what to wear at upcoming job interviews.

  6. Allison says:

    WFH will likely be my reality for the rest of the year. When I think about what I’ve been buying lately, it’s easy to wear and low maintenance (no dry clean, no ironing) clothes that I can wear on a video conference. My office is business casual and it’s completely acceptable to show up on video in almost anything, cool band tshirts, tie die sweatshirt, whatever. I’m on the exec team so I dress it up a bit, but I would get alot of questions if I wore a blazer. I am also really appreciating bloggers that are taking the extra time and effort to regularly feature POC owned businesses, and local retailers that sell online. We’ve all seen everything on Anne Taylor and Jcrew, their sales emails are getting desperate, how about a boutique in nashville that sells online? I know that’s way more time intensive, just providing some thoughts. Also, it may not be your bread and butter, but your perspective on mental health and tips right now are really appreciated. I’m trying to balance “filling my cup” so to speak with experiences this summer while staying safe, keeping in mind that I expect to be social distanced again once flu season begins.

    • Amy says:

      Seconding the idea to showcase local businesses that sell online. Money is tight for so many of us these days, but when we do spend I think a lot of us are trying to support local businesses that have been hit hard in this crisis. If you put the call out, your readers would be able to provide recommendations for most of the major U.S. cities and you could do a post for each city when you’ve gathered enough shops. And I’d love to see your top picks from a few local shops in each city.

  7. Pam says:

    Some suggestions on things to cover:

    Headphones, microphones, tech gadgets for working remotely.

    Everything about staying healthy and boosting immune system.

    Books, magazines, subscriptions and podcasts.

    Shirts, makeup, earrings for zoom calls.

    Women empowerment- all colors and shapes.


    • A says:

      On the first, I can’t stop raving about my new Bose 700 headphones. The voice isolating/noise cancelling mic has made a huge difference in how much of my toddler’s ramblings my colleagues can hear (still obviously don’t block out actual tantrums)! Not cheap, but worth it for me.

  8. KB says:

    I need some guidance on what zoom meetings require a ‘dressier’ shirt. All of my peers have gotten really casual, but I accidentally wore a sports bra and workout top to a “button up shirt” meeting. I need to know the secret code.

  9. Diane says:

    I sent an email as well, but I’m interested in business extra-casual outfits as I am back at work with about 10 of my 30 coworkers in a completely empty office tower and do not see anyone. I am interested in casual summer work pants, interesting short sleeved and sleeveless tops, non-frumpy non-jacket layering pieces, and flats in the form of Four Ways or capsule outfits. And due to size changes, the only clothes I have that fit are from 2017 and earlier so I am starting from square one.

    • sara says:

      second the size changes. a reason why I’m wearing dresses and elasticized skirts/pants exclusively right now is because I have gained a significant amount of weight since March.

  10. sara says:

    I’m in Seattle, working home 100% and I’m honestly still living in loungewear and comfy dresses with ugg slippers every day still. Whenever I have a zoom event for work (I’m a political consultant) I put on a nicer top or blazer on top, and don’t see that changing lol.

    I do have some weekend trips planned for the summer (family cabin, maybe a camping trip once the campgrounds open) so maybe some lake house wear like hats and casual dresses?

    • Dana says:

      I second this! I’d love to see more casual weekend outfit ideas for cottage lounging and activities.

  11. Nadine says:

    Dealing with and preventing “mask-ne.” Tips for styling hair that is overdue for a cut.

  12. M says:

    I may or may not have company here, but I think many of us are either clearing out our closets while at home and/or looking to take advantage of the ridiculous sales to build up a slimmer but reliable, quality wardrobe. A series on investment pieces to take advantage of current sales would be a good resource!

    • Amanda says:

      Yes! I’m growing even more interested in fewer, better things, especially those made by ethical and Black-owned brands.

      • Taryn says:

        I completely agree! While a capsule wardrobe may not be for me, I would like to slim down my wardrobe and focus on high quality items. I would love a post on ethical brands – I’m trying to phase out fast fashion (H&M, Zara, etc.) since it doesn’t last, and I never love it as much as I think I will when I get it delivered.

  13. Laura says:

    I would love content on sleep right now! From the practical (sleep routines, clearing out your head at night) to the fun (pjs, relaxation items, etc.)

  14. Jane says:

    You deserve a day off! Everything that’s been said is great. WFH is probably my reality for much of this year. I know you’ve talked about your chilly office and outfit suggestions. I’m in the same boat and trying to strike a good balance of comfy, stylish layers to stay warm working from home but can be taken off to take the pup for a walk in the DC heat. Any summer WFH style posts are appreciated!

  15. Emily says:

    I would love to hear how your chin lift thing went – the beauty product you used a couple weeks ago. Definitely one of my insecure areas and would love to know if it worked.

  16. Stephanie says:

    I’m moving to London in September for grad school. Would you talk about stylish waterproof boots (not rain boots), rain jackets, and backpacks that look polished enough for a 30-something? Thank you!

    • Emily says:

      For waterproof shoes, check out Blondo:

      I have a few pairs of the booties, and they are great in the rain.

      • Anna says:

        Blondo boots are the only Shoes are wear in the winter! I have major issues with foot and knee pain and they are so comfortable! Also, I’ve stepped into tidal pools in them and my feet have stayed dry.

    • J says:

      Lived in the UK for years, and if you’re staying predominantly in London, I wouldn’t worry too much about boots for the rain. You could get a pair of Chelsea-style boots, but you don’t need anything too much. If anything, make sure you have an umbrella and a pair of sunglasses with you at all times. For rain jackets, depending on budget, Barbour was great all purpose and good for layering or a water-resistant trench coat? I got one from Banana years ago, and it did last me the entire time I was in the UK. As for backpacks…I had no shame and wore my Jansport!

    • Anon says:

      Re: grad school in the UK in autumn 2020: make sure to check what to expect from your university. Several universities (including Cambridge and Manchester) have said they will do all lectures online for undergraduates; and there are reports that they still plan to charge the same fees. I haven’t yet seen anything about how graduate studies will be handled. Some undergraduates are planning to defer their places until 2021.

  17. Bridget says:

    This isn’t professional dress per se…but I know a couple brides who have decided to postpone their parties but still get married on their original wedding date. Maybe a post on white outfits to wear to a justice of the peace wedding that still make you feel like a bride but better fit a courthouse wedding?

  18. Rachel C says:

    I’m actually working in an office, so I would love advice/a post on dealing with some new office etiquette issues –

    1) How do I politely ask coworkers (supervisors) to not come into my cubicle?
    2) How do I handle situations where I’m the only person in a department of 25 that regularly wears a mask?
    3) Can you/should you call out coworkers for not wearing masks and following social distance protocols?

    Also, any and all suggestions of breathable masks. I’m in East TN and it’s already 90 and humid as F.

  19. Kathi says:

    How about something on culling your closet? Since so many of us are wearing pajamas, I mean loungewear, to work, lots of clothing is just sitting there and maybe it’s time to get rid of some. Or moving to a professional capsule wardrobe and the best picks for, say, black trousers, white blouse (I think you’ve done this one), navy pencil skirt, etc. at different price points.

    • Lauren says:

      I really like this idea- professional capsule wardrobe! Would be useful for those of us still going into an office or those with weight changes.

    • HH says:

      This! I just swapped some of my cooler weather clothes for warmer weather clothes and was eyeing my work blouses and thinking “will I ever wear that again?” Pre-COVID I was WFH about 4 days/week, but I haven’t culled my wardrobe from when I was in the office most days.

  20. Cait says:

    This is a little unusual, but I’d love ideas for outfits that work for a more physically active office. I’m going to the office on a limited basis now, and (for a variety of complex reasons) there’s a lot more lifting and toting, reaching, and bending down than I’m used to in a typical day. I realized that most of my office dresses are pretty terrible for this, and just today I learned one of my favorite work shirts shows my entire stomach when I reach for a top shelf! We’re definitely not business casual anymore, but I also can’t show up in leggings and a tank. I’m thinking of it as a need for polished active casual clothes.

  21. AttiredAttorney says:

    -Recs on how to approach beauty procedures that take a long time and which products to use- like baby feet peels, growing out highlights or bangs
    -Recs on beauty products to replicate professional results at home – facial peels and exfoliators, hair color
    -Recs on delineating work from home with attire. How can I make my weekend athleisure look different than my work at home athleisure?
    -Recs for shoes while working from home

  22. Diane C. says:

    I like the suggestion for content from small/independent businesses. Also- Comfy bottoms to wear with zoom appropriate tops? i mean no one needs to see what you wear on the bottom, but it would be nice if it were easy and not a total non sequitur. Also I always appreciate wardrobe capsules and basics.

  23. Kate says:

    Make-up/hair/clothing on different online video platforms for interviews. The other day, I did my make-up for two interviews. It looked great on Teams, but horrible on Google Meet.

  24. Emily says:

    It all feels frivolous in the current climate. I would like your take or resources on ways to either hide gray or gracefully transition to gray in the era of covid. I do not feel comfortable putting on a mask and going back to my stylist. BTW, i am in my mid-thirties.

    • MGS says:

      I second this. Any thoughts on transitioning to gray hair, minimizing old-dye brassiness, styling to keep things professional, and inspiration to keep the faith. I’m 35 and determined to accept my natural hair color. But, I am self-conscious going to court for the next year with the hair of an african wild dog.

  25. Virginia says:

    Currently I’m interested in work clothes that are very comfortable. Also work clothes that are forgiving for weight gain.

  26. JB says:

    What about a “how I WFH” series with submissions from readers? It would be fun to see fellow CHS readers’ current outfits, desk set-ups, gadgets, etc.

  27. Tiffany says:

    This is not a unique request, but I will offer my enthusiasm for the request for posts on WFH outfits that are not just gym/weekend clothes. I work in higher education development and while in the office, we definitely have a business attire vibe. While working from home, people are wearing literally anything with no criticism, but I know I personally feel better if I get up and get ready in something besides athleisure. As others have said, putting on a blazer seems silly, but wearing a “nice top” for Zoom with my Lululemon leggings also doesn’t quite feel right.

  28. Jules says:

    I know this request isn’t fashion related, but I LOVE the interesting articles you share on this blog. It’s the reason you are the only blogger I read.
    I’m so sick of Netflix and YouTube and would love to read more eye-opening articles (topic wise- almost anything, really.)

  29. AB says:

    I am at a loss for what to buy for the summer when all my trips have been cancelled and I’m not anticipating being active but may be returning to work/activities in August/September. What do I buy now for wearing at home that can transition into (potentially) more activity in late summer and fall.

  30. Kate says:

    I would love to see some articles that would help with longer-term clothing projects, or other types of projects, that people could do while we’re stuck at home. For example:
    -Wardrobe planning: how do people plan out what they buy? Spreadsheets? Identifying gaps in wardrobe? What is an ideal sized wardrobe? What is the strategy for building up your wardrobe to handle the current WFH situation while investing in some nicer clothes to have for when you get back to the office?
    -What are some routines people can start implementing while we’re at home? i.e. a full skincare routine for morning/night, clothing care routines (how often do people rotate through clothes, dry clean, etc).
    -What do people’s closets look like? What organizational methods work best?

    • Joyce Lee says:

      Ditto- mid-40s and need to revamp to a more planned, structured wardrobe centered around key investment pieces. Thanks!

    • Taryn says:

      THIS! I love getting a look inside people’s organization process and closets (last time I moved, I rearranged all my hanging items by rainbow color, and I’m loving it!) – Abra I think you did a few reorganizing projects for some people like forever ago, and i would love to see any current projects you’re working on like this.

      I know this is a women’s work fashion blog, but I would also love to see any home projects you’ve been working on, too! – This is selfish request since I also just bought an older home, and I’m feeling overwhelmed on projects

  31. Anika says:

    I am feeling so much of this right now. Please take the time you need. May we all find the time we need.

    In terms of clothes, I’m also confused. Like many here, my body is in flux and my future is in flux. Do I keep buying as if I’ll go back to the same office culture? Also, I’m contemplating career and location changes. Therefore, I’m also in favor of 4-ways posts to show pieces when we need forgiveness for our bodies, when we’re WFH, if we’re working for a business casual office, or if our office has adopted some hybrid. I need flexibility in my wardrobe, so I’d love thoughts on how to build a wardrobe in uncertain times.

  32. Susannah says:

    While women mostly are not going in to work, it might be fun to do a series on historical workwear for women. What were women wearing to work through the decades (or even centuries)? It would be a lot of work to put together, but very fun to read!

  33. Elizabeth says:

    I’d love to hear how people organize their home offices, particularly when the home office is also a guest room or playroom. Not only do you have to consider comfort and use of the space, but also how it shows on a video call, how to minimize disruptions while also keeping it functioning for its multiple purposes.

  34. Kate says:

    My work is changing: I work two part-time nonprofit jobs that equal more than full time (I do it for the flexibility). One is regular office hours, mostly from home right now with the occasional meeting. The other is as a nonprofit consultant with a small consulting group, and while that workload is lighter right now it looks like it’s going to be gearing up again for the last quarter of the year. Home with my toddler and no other child care, My contract for Job 1 is up at the end of the year and I’m going to be looking for something else; how do we look for new opportunities and network now?

    I mostly wear leggings and t-shirts or t-shirt dresses; I’d love to see how to make t-shirt dresses work when I need to suddenly go somewhere (even if it’s just on a walk) and not feel frumpy. I’d like to feel less frumpy, in general, but suddenly stopping going to the gym, etc. doesn’t quite lend itself to that.

    I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this blog doesn’t pretend like we aren’t in a big transition period, like things haven’t shifted dramatically for a lot of people. I’ve primarily stopped checking blogs and just look at Instagram; this is one of about three I actually check and this is the *only* one I check daily.

    • Belle says:

      Thanks for that. This blog has always been a reflection of my own life and my own needs. Those have certainly changed, so the content has to also.

  35. Elizabeth says:

    I would love your suggestions for how you market yourself as a consultant. I’m trying to do this and people suggest a one-pager, but I’m not even sure what I should put on it.

    I can promote a business, but not myself.

    • Belle says:

      Think of yourself like a business. I have a standard email that I send around it talks about experience, education, and most importantly, results. What makes you unique. What makes you valuable. What do you bring to the table that others don’t.

  36. BN says:

    How about new time-saving help that is remote? For example, if you’re now cleaning your own house because you’re not letting a cleaning crew come in (masks or not), how can you save some time elsewhere with remote resources like virtual assistants, grocery delivery (I am a HUGE fan of Instacart), etc. On the virtual assistants, maybe it was Where’d You Go Bernadette or my natural distrust of people, but I have no idea how to tell if they’re safe/secure. Other ideas I haven’t thought of would be great as well! (I already have auto bill pay for most things and use Poop 911 to clean my dog’s mess in the backyard, for example). And yes, Poop 911 is 100% worth the $13/week. 😀 Thanks for taking our suggestions! Your blog is always a helpful resource!

  37. Betsy says:

    I would love recommendations for stylish backpacks. I’m planning to be part of the first wave back to my NYC office and going to do a (long) walk into the office rather than take the subway for a while. My usual gorgeous work bags are too heavy to be comfortable for that distance, so looking for something I can wear into the office and then out to drinks with a client without being too casual. Full recognition that men wear the ugliest backpacks in both scenarios with no issues!

    • Katherine says:

      Can I plug my ride-or-die backpack, from the company Salzen? This backpack basically as heavy as a sunday paper (very very light!), so sleek and comfortable, and fits as much as any weekender bag. I LOVE it. Great quality, on year 3, I feel like business James Bond when I wear it.

  38. Sarah says:

    I’m the kind of lawyer that’s been going to court pretty regularly even since March (essential hearings) and now, basically back to a normal court schedule. We have required face coverings. So a post on face coverings might help – where to find good one that aren’t black but don’t have frogs or whatever on them. And also, since I’m still wearing suits, etc. a “regular” work clothes post might be nice. It’s sort of a reminder for me that things may get normal again, and useful since I still have a regular work wardrobe requirement. And sales have been good, so tips for “normal” work clothes at good prices is nice.

    • Lauren says:

      I second this. I’m a physician that cannot work from home (operating room based). Medicine is still pretty conservative and i like to dress up to look professional. While I don’t generally wear full matching suits, I still need clothes that are dressier than business casual.

  39. Claire O. says:

    Time away from my makeup and skincare routine is making me think about them, and giving me the space to experiment that I don’t normally have if my face is going to be out in public all day, every day. I’d love to hear about how I should know when to seriously change and what to change in those routines. Certain age? Certain skin reactions or changes? Certain number of years since you did a huge product test? How do you go about assessing what is and isn’t working?

  40. Molly says:

    Help on not feeling defeated when catching a glimpse of myself on zoom would be grand. Motivation for brushing teeth and hair has to come from within and it’s a real struggle. My diet, including alcohol consumption, is out of hand. Moral support is everything

  41. H says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing how you will continue to support and amplify Black and BIOPIC voices and businesses. You always have great recommendations.

    For other topics, I second the requests for advice on how to talk to people, especially coworkers, about how they’re socially distancing; the “how I WFH” reader series suggestion; and how/whether to develop a face mask wardrobe. Thank you!

  42. Susan says:

    I would love more ideas for how to make the most of a home office. We have been sitting here at our desks at home for months – ideas for sprucing up the home office, cool desk accessories, how to make all the cords and lighting look elegant? Every cool home office post has no cords showing but the reality is most of us deal with armies of cords.

  43. Sarah says:

    I have my first in person meeting since late feb in 2 weeks and I’m fairly sure none of my work clothes fit. Any work appropriate dresses that fit like a house dress and are professional enough to wear to a commercial real estate office?

  44. A says:

    I’m having to take some time off work (but grateful I still have a job). Tips for what to do with 2 weeks off in the summer without plans and in this strange new world.

  45. Nicole says:

    I am WFH for the summer. My summer style game has always been relatively weak, and my new office has minimal AC. Trying to figure out what work clothes will be comfortable in the heat is a new problem.

    Also would love to hear your advice on home improvement projects. Trying to fix somethings up while staying on budget and in a reasonable time. Would love to hear what your experience or advice would be.

  46. ERica says:

    I think WFH is going to be my reality for at least another 4-6 months. I’d love to see some posts on:

    – tops and earrings to wear for Zoom meetings
    – skincare and makeup
    – turning a very small home office (basically just a small desk) into a functional, stylish space
    – longer term planning and tackling the big rocks when working from home. I’ve found it way too easier to focus mainly on keeping smaller, less important items moving at work
    – taking advantage of the big sales to create a more edited, pulled together wardrobe of investment pieces

  47. Liz says:

    My summer work wardrobe feels like a mullet: profeshinoal on top, casual on the bottom. Lots of simple tops that are neutral and unoffensive for zoom and shorts / yoga pants on the bottom. But – I still want to get up and get “dressed for work”.

    My mindset has shifted to outfits/pieces that can do double duty, aka transition from “work from home” to a small friend BBQ or hiking. It feels silly to buy a “work” wardrobe and a “life” wardrobe right now because those lines are so blurred.

  48. Lauren Mc says:

    I’ve seen a few comments about home office organization, but on the flip side how do you organize office supplies/equipment at home when you have no dedicated office/work space?

  49. Jenny says:

    Hi Abra – helping women get ready for work fashion-wise could also include how you budget for clothing (and accessories) – maybe especially for so many of us whose income has decreased recently. Also, was there anything you purged from your closet during quarantine that revealed something interesting? (In terms of things to keep in mind for future purchases, style choices, etc)

  50. LAura says:

    So many great ideas here! What about a post on tie-dye ….because we all need something fun.

  51. Anna says:

    Flip flop suggestions for my old person feet – Old Navy doesn’t cut it any more lol. But I seriously doubt I’ll wear anything else this summer…

    • E says:

      Aerosoles has been having some big sales. I was able to combine a site-wide promo with a blogger code (ASHLEE30) from Ashlee at Cobalt Chronicles and snagged their Kinnelon style for $30.

  52. Susan Berke says:

    Please post on how to style around mask wearing as some of us prepare to go back to offices. Am realizing any dangling earring is problematic. Wearing foundation and lipstick seems non-applicable now. What does a “professional “ mask look like? Do we try to match outfits or complement somehow. Will be required to wear washable masks all day in the office and change every four hours.

    • EriKa says:

      My office is starting to transition back with the mask-wearing as requirement for all non-office time. Any helpful information as to styles that are most comfortable and what to look for when purchasing a cloth mask–since that seems most feasible at the moment. Makeup with a mask? I have a weird homemade one I got for free off a friend that works for grocery stores, but if I am to wear it daily for most of the day, I am thinking I need to invest in some options.

  53. MS says:

    I’ve stocked up on T-shirt type dresses for the summer WFH and love that they feel like PJs but look like regular clothes.Would love additional styling tips to get the most use out of them in multiple situations. And even more important, I’ve realized I don’t have great undergarments for them. Any recommendations for seamless undies that do a good job smoothing a somewhat “soft” middle section? Hoping to avoid full-fledged Spanx-esque shapewear because that kind of defeats the purpose.

  54. Mich says:

    Any good sales/items for when we are able to return to the office/etc. So many items are on sale right now!

  55. K says:

    How do you deal with your clothes between washings? I’ve bern meaning to ask for a while. I like clothes I’ve worn once separate from the unworn. Let things air out, do a double check on if they’re really wearable again. Our closet situation is familiar to apartment dwellers everywhere, when the building is old. About a closet and 1/2 for two people. Any tips so my room doesn’t look like a dump? I have some 3M hooks to add hanging space that help some.

  56. Jenny says:

    this is weirdly specific, but what about a series of guest posts on “the best thing I ever bought”? I’m always interested to hear what one dress, sweater, coat, bag became either the crown jewel or the primary workhorse of a wardrobe. I know for me it’s this one statement coat that never fails to draw comments and makes me feel like royalty.

  57. Rachel says:

    Would love refreshers on “how to” get rid of things, do you sell anything? On what platform? Clothing storage tips (winter items, my formal summer work clothes I am not wearing now) Tips on making the leap to a capsule wardrobe. Refresher on some of your simple updos? I have little motivation to blow dry, style my hair but an updo would be way to keep my naturally wavy hair pulled back and styled without the hot tools.

  58. Janelle says:

    I’d love to hear more about comfortable but stylish lounge pants for working at home – with plus size options!

  59. Olivia says:

    I can’t manage going braless (hello back pain) but I’m exclusively wearing sports bras right now and haven’t reached for my wired options. I’m interested in pretty bralettes and non-wired options and would love to see your picks.

  60. AKS says:

    I’d love to see a blog post on how to look your best for video conferencing and filming yourself in terms of lighting, web cam position, make up, and clothes. I recently gave birth and now am back to working part time for home. All of my interactions with clients and coworkers are on Teams, gotomeeting, and zoom. I haven’t lost the baby weight thanks to the convenience of instacart/DoorDash bringing cookies and ice cream at very whim. I want the camera to show that I’ve lost the Covid 19, not make me look like I gained the Covid 90. Oh, and is too much to ask for getting ready in 30mins or less? Probably asking for a miracle 🙂

    This blog is the best and helps me feel like I’m back to my old self – thanks for providing some much needed normalcy!!

  61. Kathryn says:

    I’ve been sticking to my comfortable basics for WFH and then dressing them up with jewelry. I’d love to see suggestions on statement jewelry that can elevate your outfit. Maybe this fits with the capsule wardrobe suggestion? Would love to see suggestions from BIPOC-owned businesses.

  62. E says:

    I’m using this time to dust the cobwebs off my resume, update my LinkedIn, and refresh my head shot for future speaking engagements/professional development opportunities. A post on styling for head shots would be useful!

  63. Rachel says:

    I know others have said this, but I welcome any guidance on looking and sounding good on videoconferencing. I’m WFH through the end of the year (at least) so videoconferencing is my new meetings. Also any pointers about running a good online meeting. Additionally tips and tricks for the various platforms (Zoom, WebEx, MS Teams, etc). We all got foisted into this new reality but we were never taught how to do any of this. I hope you do many posts from this thread since there are so many amazing (and needed) ideas here.

  64. Christine says:

    I’m primarily WFH but do go into the office sometimes. We’ve been asked to wear clothes once and then wash before rewearing. A few of my nice tops are dry clean only. In fact, I don’t think I’ve washed some of them ever. What about washer-friendly outfits?

  65. Lily says:

    Kind of a weird one, but I know I’m not the only person whose body has changed a bit in quarantine. I’m looking for workwear that is professional, pretty and NOT body-conscious. Like I put in on and am comfortable and not constantly aware of my stomach or something. And yet not a shapeless mumu.

  66. Yesi Merino says:

    I think having fashion tips on what to wear during a virtual meeting would be helpful, and any tips on back to work fashion with all the regulations that will be going on.

  67. Vee says:

    Thanks Abra!
    I would love to see suggestions for formal job interviews that have been moved to Zoom for the fall (will a plain navy suit have the same pop on a screen?)
    I would also love to see suggestions for lower priced/ easy to mail gifts. Birthdays, father’s day, etc. all still happen, and its nice to send a small pick me up to friends going through hard times.
    Thank you!

  68. V says:

    I am going to be transitioning back to the office soon after having WFH since March. I would love suggestions for items that are office appropriate but are washable. While I used to wear a lot of dry clean only items (and would get two or three wears between cleanings) I would feel more comfortable now if I could wash all of the clothes I wear to the office in hot water after each use. Especially after taking public transportation.

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The Beauty Edit: An Under-Eye Concealer That Actually Works

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