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The Edition: No. 110

Jul 9, 2019

When one burns one’s bridges, what a very nice fire it makes. — Dylan Thomas

Once More, With Feeling. I Believe That We Will Win.

Netted. A chic, knotted bucket bag you can actually afford. So on trend.

Slowed. Laziness does not exist. If you’re putting something off, there’s a reason.

Beached. H&M has the best swimwear. I love this “shaping” one-piece and this hot-pink sporty swimsuit.  Plus-size?  Try ASOS. This unique two-piece is so cute.

Rise and Shine. Testing out the morning routines of five successful people.

Repurposed. I used this leopard print sunglasses pouch from LOFT to carry cash.

On the Clock. How to know when it’s time to just make a decision.

Cleansed. This Cosrx blackhead brush works better than anything I’ve ever tried.

Arbor Day. Planting trees is the solution to the climate crisis. No, seriously.

Doubled. These two-tone professional pumps from DSW are kind of fabulous.

Stuck. The women caught in online beauty schemes. #nomlmsever

When I decided to leave the campaign, I knew that now was not the time to be looking for work.  After all, our wedding is in 54 days.  So I made a conscious decision to put more effort into building out the business side of the blog and reviving some past content favorites.

In the coming days, I’ll be asking you to participate in a reader survey, so I can get an idea of who reads the blog in 2019.  I’ll also ask you for some testimonials for a new press kit that we’re putting together.

Beyond that, I will likely be moving The Edition (the former Workday Reading posts) off of the blog and into a newsletter format. I love writing these posts, but they’ve pulled me away from the fashion content that should be the focus.  The newsletter will likely start August 1st, and will appear under the Thirtyish brand.

Hitha and I have been talking about a podcast forever (said with The Sandlot inflection).  And I’m hoping now that her baby has arrived, and once my wedding is past, we can make the bicoastal podcast a reality.

Beyond that, I’m really looking forward to being able to focus on the blog for a minute while I decide what comes next.  I never expected that my late-30s would be so unsteady in the career department, but life happens.

{image found here; this post contains affiliate links that may generate commission for the author}


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  1. B says:

    Your blog is wonderful as is, please don’t “business it up” too much! I actually come here exactly for the mixture between reading and fashion. If you were to lose the reading part, the blog would be a lot less attractive for me. Keep up the great work!

    • A says:

      Agreed! I love your blog because it has more than just what dress to wear to a BBQ and love having it in a one-stop shop all in one place. I don’t know that I would read a separate newsletter with The Edition content – I like the mix of fashion, life, and reading all in one place.

    • I second the desire to save the reading posts! I like to see what other career women are reading and feeling. It fleshes out the perspective and ‘voice’ of the blog.

    • Genevieve says:

      Agreed. My favourite part of the blog are The Edition posts. Love the mix of fashion and articles. Would not be interested in a newsletter…

    • Minnesota says:

      I concur. Please keep The Edition as part of the blog.

    • Jennifer Fay says:

      I would miss The Edition! I love the content mix.

    • Yasmin says:

      Yes, agreed! The Edition is my favorite part of the blog. Don’t want to see if go to another format.

    • Jules says:

      me too! I actually like the article posts more than the purely fashion posts, and the biggest reason this is the only blog I read. I would most likely not read a separate email for the edits, I really like it on the blog. If it makes sense to continue like this, I hope you will 🙂

    • Rachel says:

      I’m glad I’m not the only one that wants The Edition on the blog! It’s one of my favorite posts, and honestly, I won’t read it via a newsletter. Following your suggestion from a few weeks ago, I’ve been doing a deep clean/purge of my email account. I’ve unsubscribed from all blog newsletters because (1) I never read them and (2) they just annoy me. I love being able to save the blog in my reader and come back to read the posts when I have time, but with a newsletter, I open to clean the unread tag and then never actually read the post.

    • AB says:

      Just one more plea to keep the mix! I love the edition, and am also averse to news letters. Bring back the 2/3 ways, and I’ll be your happiest reader!

    • anon says:

      I can’t improve on the sum of comments above, so Ijust want to wholeheartedly agree.

    • bre says:

      Wholeheartedly agreeing with those above. You strike a great balance between fashion and life in the Edition and I’d be sad to see it go to a different format.

  2. Joy says:

    Thank you so much for sharing the Medium article by Devon Price. It was SO good. I’m constantly frustrated by the lack of empathy people seem to have for others. This hit the spot.

  3. Anna says:

    Talk to me about this blackhead brush. Looks intriguing and not too pricey, so especially appealing as I’m trying to pare down and clean up my beauty routine and don’t really want more lotions and potions.

    • Belle says:

      You rub it in a circular motion, it exfoliates really well. Over two weeks, I noticed far fewer blackheads.

  4. Jessica says:

    I am very excited for the reader survey. To echo other comments, I also love this blog for a mix of fashion/news/personal antidotes/etc. If it were strictly fashion, I honestly wouldn’t read…

  5. Tina says:

    The number one thing that brings me to this blog (and thus has me reading the other posts of yours) is The Edition. I have to be honest that I probably wouldn’t come to the site if I wasn’t looking for new versions of the Edition. Even when there isn’t one, I end up clicking on the other posts and I’ve purchased a few things off of your affiliate links. Without The Edition, I probably wouldn’t be driven to the site.

    Love your content! Would hate to see it change!

  6. Amelia Feliciano says:

    Looking forward to a reader survey, love the idea of a podcast and newsletter, and good luck with your future career moves. I do have to echo what others have said: The Edition posts are my main draw to this blog. I would probably not visit the site much if it was fashion/style content only. I do read and enjoy the fashion posts, and have ended up buying things you post, but what brings me in is the solid career and lifestyle related content you post.

  7. Christina says:

    I LOVE Saw it on Social posts – I’ve bought almost everything that you’ve featured and said it was worth it!

  8. Lauren says:

    I’m looking forward to taking the reader survey, but I do want to say The Edition posts are my favorite and the main reason I visit your site.

    I’ve never really been a fan of the newsletter format as it’s just one more item in my already clogged inbox.

    • Leslie says:

      2nd this – the edition posts are what drive me to the site. Another newsletter is another email I will end up deleting because my inbox is overwhelmed.

      • LUCY says:

        Agreed! The Edition is the best part, and I would be far less likely to read it in a newsletter format. Please keep it on the blog!!!

  9. Christina says:

    I also look forward to The Edition posts and would love to see them stay – they’re an integral part of my afternoon! Adding my voice to the choir saying that the blog has been fantastic lately.

  10. Meg says:

    Echoing others that I would really miss The Edition and wouldn’t read it if it was just another email in my overwhelmed inbox. But I would definitely listen to a podcast!

  11. Michelle says:

    Longtime lurker just chiming in with the others – The Edition is probably my favorite part of the blog. I’ve tried newsletters and I just don’t read them, and I definitely don’t need the additional email, so I doubt I would subscribe. Hopefully the reader survey will help a lot in planning your next steps. Good luck!

  12. Natalee says:

    First ever poster here, but PLEASE do not move The Edition away from the blog! I like the fashion stuff too, but if this were just a fashion blog, I doubt I would follow it as religiously as I do. It’s the Edition postings that end up sparking conversations in the comments and with my friends over lunch or drinks.

    Also, I tend to read the blog as a little mid-day break. I can’t access my personal email at work, so I’d never get to read and link to the articles over my lunch hour. If it were just an email newsletter, I’d end up deleting it and never reading it (much in the same way I do with the Daily Skimm…I never read it anymore, and now it just goes to my junk folder).

    At the very least, the blog should have a link to the newsletter with a way to read it in an online format…but if you are going to do that, you might as well leave it here. We all love it!

  13. Christine says:

    I don’t know if you need another person chiming in on plans you mentioned for The Edition, but it’s my favorite part of the blog too. I spend time on your blog mostly to do some mid-day reading, so as others have noted, I probably wouldn’t visit as much if these posts are removed.

  14. Jenna says:

    Just another comment to keep the Edition. 🙂

  15. Mj says:

    Long time reader here! #sostheedition that has consistently been the best part of your blog. I used to come here for the fashion in the Capitol Hill style days, but your career and working woman thought leadership was what has kept me coming back all these years! In fact, I’d love more of it! More interviews (that piece by Kyle was great), more articles, more reads, etc. These have been invaluable throughout my career.

    Style is more than what you where, it’s also your working style, your leadership style, etc. I’ve always appreciated this place for it all

things that caught my eye