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The Range: Trendy Plexi Flats

Mar 29, 2019

Did you know that clear-plastic shoes are on trend this season?  Neither did I until I spotted them on Jean’s Instagram.  But, apparently, they are a very fashion forward choice.  Here are some flats that let you bring this trend into your business casual workplace.

Corner Office 

Gianvito Rossi Plexi Ballerinas ($695)

Cubicle Farm

Black Suede Sarina Flat ($195)

Front Desk

Dener Ladies Transparent Slip Shoes ($15)

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  1. Kate says:

    I am loving this trend. Oh, there isn’t a link for the front desk that I can see.

  2. Amanda says:

    Oh, why? Are these like the grown-up office appropriate version of jellies? I just envision my feet sweating to death and/or getting weird blisters. Why not just wear d’orsay flats? I do appreciate the effort you made to find it in various price points though!! It’s just not for me.

    • Laura says:

      Totally agree on sweating. That plastic doesn’t breathe and I don’t want beads of sweat or obvious signs of wetness on the plastic. Ick.

    • Kate says:

      All understandable points, but for casual Friday or for something fun – I’m in to try them

    • Belle says:

      I knew when I posted these that they wouldn’t be for everyone. But I thought it might be a fun alternative for women who work in creative fields.

      • cait says:

        Personally – I like seeing posts like this that some people are like “Yes!” and others are “No!”. That’s part of what makes fashion fun, IMO.

        • Shanghai says:

          Totally agreed! Normally these wouldn’t be my thing, but after seeing them on ExtraPetite (Jean), I tried a pair of pumps and I’m loving the trend. But definitely get that they don’t work for everyone…

    • A says:

      I too had an immediate flashback to the massive blisters I got from jellies when I was oh I don’t know, 4 maybe? Clearly a formative experience. Yet another trend I will be sitting out on (see also, ruffles, when will they end).

    • Nadine says:

      The biomechanics of my feet mean that I can’t wear most sandals or d’orsay flats. These look like a summery alternative to being stuck in full ballet flats.Having lived through jelly shoes the first time, I likely won’t try them, but I can see why there might be a place for them.

  3. cait says:


    Sorry, nope. Never will these ever enter my closet.

  4. SC says:

    I like the style but my feet are usually in a rather mangled state and nobody needs to see that! 🙂

    • Dee says:

      This is how I feel, too, and why I get pedicures, but in these Cinderella-esque closed-toe slippers, no one would even see my pedicure!

      No, thanks, but have fun, sweet young things!

  5. ELISse says:

    I have to be honest. Just the thought of these types of shoes skeeves me out. Seeing sweaty feet and toes squished against the clear material turns my stomach. I mean, looking at them like this (empty with no feet) they DO look pretty. But sweaty feet ruins the look for me.

  6. Jill says:

    I had a pair of these transparent shoes 25 years ago as a high school freshman. Cue the humiliating flashback to them FOGGING UP and the cute boy in class loudly pointing it out. Ugh.

  7. Nancy Wachs says:

    What’s the difference between the first choice and the third??

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