Word of the Year: Revival

Jan 14, 2019

Revival (noun): a process by which something starts to grow, develop, or become successful again.  An awakening, relaunch or rebirth.

2018 was 12-months of broken promises, dashed hopes, and struggle.  One step forward, two steps back.  But it’s a New Year, and a fresh opportunity to begin again.  My goal is to do a hard reset, and begin rebuilding.

And in that spirit, it’s time to undo a mistake I made a few years ago.  A small error, but a choice I made that I’ve just never felt quite right about.

The Work Edit was a rebrand that just never caught on.  Like New Coke.  The Work Edit just didn’t have the same flow, the same emotional attachment.  Every time I told someone the name of my blog, it just didn’t fit.  Like calling your child by the wrong name.

And so, with a new job under a different dome, Capitol Hill Style is back in business.  It’ll take a few days to sew up the changes and put it all together.  But, baby, we’re back to being Capitol Hill Style.

{image here}


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  1. RR says:

    Love it! I always missed Capitol Hill Style and still called it that when referring to it. LOVE the logo.

  2. JW says:

    Yay! The new logo is perfect and love the official switch back. I was never able to adjust to the new name — CapitolHillStyle just fits the blog so perfectly. You do such a great job with this site, we are all grateful! <3

  3. Dee says:

    That is a killer logo.

    As Shakespeare’s sister would’ve written, “A wonderful blog by any other name will smell just as sweet…” but I’m excited for YOU to be getting where you want to be!!

    I also am foreseeing maybe…. brooches or pins or pendants with that logo? We can all wear them to our local meetups (I’m in Atlanta!) or as little wink-nudges to our working sisters in style on other days! Thoughts????

  4. Annie says:

    I don’t know why this makes me so, so happy! It just feels right. Love it!!

  5. pompom says:

    This is fabulous! I’ll read ya whatever your name is. But I agree with the previous poster: that logo is fierce.

  6. Lauren says:

    So glad Capitol Hill Style is back! I loved the old name and welcome its return with open arms! (Though, I *only* just stopped typing the old web address in my browser.) Revival is a great word for 2019 — good luck 🙂

  7. Yes! I’ve always missed the original name and branding. Glad it’s back. I think you made the right choice 🙂

  8. MC says:

    CHS FOREVER! I am so happy you are making the switch back. I’ve been keeping your redirect busy for the past few years.

    Also – echoing a comment below, I would LOVE to meetup with other CHS readers (Former DC-er now in Pittsburgh).

  9. Crystal says:

    Thrilled at your choice to revert back to CHS! I know I’m biased as a DC resident, but it fits the blog so perfectly. <3

  10. Meghan says:

    That new logo! Amaze.

    As the other commenters have said, thank you for all your ongoing hard work to make this one of my favorite communities on the internet or otherwise. We are so grateful for what you’ve built, and continue to build, for us.

  11. sbe says:

    The logo is fantastic!

  12. Kristen says:

    2018 was an extremely challenging year for me, as well. I hope 2019 brings great things to both of us.

  13. Anna says:

    The Work Edit was fine (even if to me it looked like “The Worked It” in whenever I saw it on the address but), but I still type caphilllstyle to get to your blog. I think it’s a testament to how great this blog is that your readers stick with you through all the rebrandings. Even if you’re not on the Hill and neither are many of your readers, Capitol Hill Style speaks to your story and the history of the blog, and you can’t go wrong with that. Keep up the great work!

  14. CL says:

    I love the work edit name but agree it’s too limiting. Would you consider maybe using it as a category of work related post. Unrelated, do any ladies here that rarely get sick have tips on how to avoid the flu and common cold? Anything except for the obvious such as getting sleep, exercise and washing hands often.

    • Erica says:

      Staying hydrated with water & adding emergen-c packets!

    • Rea says:

      Last year I was spending a ton of time with a sick relative in multiple hospitals, in and around sick people at the peak of flu season (along with the added stress of having a relative in the hospital). I started to regularly take Emergen-C each morning, and placebo or not, I never got sick, even when my whole family got the flu.

    • Janine says:

      I’m not sure if this is obvious or not, but I’ve gotten sick a lot less since getting the flu shot in October each year.

  15. Amanda says:

    Random suggestion. I’d love to see a politics-centered variation of https://wornontv.net/ where you link photos of great outfits worn by women in office with the actual piece or comparable knock-offs! BEST OF LUCK on the retro-rebrand. Retrobrand? All this means your concept was always GOLD from the start!

  16. lulu says:

    Great decision! looks like a lot of us were nostalgic of the old name

  17. B says:

    Yay! I love that logo. I feel like I just got used to The Work Edit, but it didn’t feel like quite the same community it once was.

  18. Jessica says:


  19. Lynn says:

    I’ve been reading your blog for a decade now, and when the name changed, I still typed caphillstyle to get here. Half the time I don’t remember the name changed at all, even though it’s there at the top of the screen. So…sorry, but also yay!

  20. kay says:

    echoing all the other comments to say, i still always type in ‘caphillstyle’ and think of this blog that way – very happy you’ll be using that name going forward!

  21. Elle says:

    Yay!! I’m so happy to hear this! Love that you are going back to what feels right for you (and based on the comments for many of us!) I don’t work on the hill or even remotely close but your blog has always been a great source of inspiration for me! Looking forward to another great year with you!

  22. lINA says:

    Hah, I’m glad to see it back- I still type on “cap hill style” when I’m looking for it in my browser. well done!!

  23. KW says:

    Longtime reader and am excited for the return of CapHillStyle. I adore the new logo – it is incredible looking! Congrats!

  24. Jennifer says:

    Yay for the turn back to CHS but with a new and very cool logo! I continued to read and love the content but always thought The Work Edit was a little too generic.

  25. Danielle says:

    Just want to say that it takes a lot of courage to admit when something isn’t working out the way you planned, and to publicly shift (back) your strategy. I admire and am inspired by your transparency and moxie. I’ve been a reader since the very beginning and am thrilled that CHS is back. Bravo!

  26. Sarah says:

    Welcome back 🙂

  27. Laura says:

    Yahoo!! Congrats on the rebrand. I still had “CHS” in my bookmarks and refused to change soooo I’m happy it’s back. Here’s to 2019!

  28. SArah says:

    Love the logo and so excited to go back to CHS. The perfection description for you! Very excited for the year to come!

  29. emily says:

    Long-time reader … thrilled CapitolHillStyle is back!

  30. Em says:

    Love the new logo!

  31. Kate says:

    Yes! So good for 2019!

  32. Chelle says:

    Yay!!!! I’ve stumbled over the name a million times since the rebrand because CapHillStyle is such an integral part of my professional life (I mean, going from Belle to Abra was hard enough! lol). Whatever you call it, this blog is one of the best parts of the internet, but it’s nice to be bringing back the dome 🙂

  33. aar1 says:

    Praises up! Welcome back!

  34. Eve says:

    I get that the coat hanger is meant to refer to clothes, but…..coat hanger symbolism makes my eyebrow pop up immediately and not in a good way. You know what I mean.

    • Belle says:

      Sometimes a hanger is just a coat hanger. Until this moment, I don’t think anyone has ever made a connection besides clothes hang in a closet on hangers.

    • Annie says:

      Oh, good grief.

    • Stefanie S. says:

      Oh sweet Jesus. I think you should have stopped at “I get that the coat hanger is meant to refer to clothes.”

    • Kim says:

      Yeah, not a clue what you’re trying to connect here. A coat hanger for a style blog is 100% appropriate.

      • Eve says:

        Are you serious? Coat hangers refer to abortions that women have had to resort to when abortion is made illegal. They were performed with all kinds of instruments, including unbent coat hangers. Women died as a result. And in today’s political climate, with fewer and fewer legal facilities in so many places, especially those with disadvantaged populations, many will again. Everyone please quit rolling your eyes and instead open your eyes to the reality of today. A coat hanger used in a blog oriented towards women says “This is for a certain kind of following” to me, and is seriously offensive.

        • Belle says:

          If you think there is a woman here who isn’t aware of the issue surrounding reproductive rights, then you are seriously mistaken. But I don’t do unfounded outrage, its just a hanger. It’s been just a hanger for 10 years.

  35. Yay! Back to your roots!

  36. Lexi says:

    Yay! I’m one of the people that never stopped calling it Capitol Hill Sytle 🙂

    Here’s to a killer 2019!

  37. asiah says:

    YAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Love the new logo!

  38. Sof says:

    I love it! I still call your blog Cap Hill Style, welcome home.

  39. Sarah says:

    Love seeing the name back again!!

  40. Lindsay says:

    Ha i totally subconsciously agreed with you! I never changed my bookmark from “Capitol Hill Style” and when referencing it in conversation (not that i do it all the time), I refer to it as Capitol Hill Style. Part of it might be that i work in a state Capitol and will forever be biased toward a Capitol dome. 🙂

    Love that you’re going back to your roots – albeit with a fresh look and a new swagger. Congrats!

  41. Boston Fan says:

    A big yaaaassss to this decision! “Don’t call it a comeback [she’s] been here for years.” Congrats!

  42. Shelley Todd says:

    Yay! I could never remember the new name. I love your blog!

  43. Merilynn says:

    Totally agree! Capitol Hill Style is iconic- never let it go again!

  44. Meredith says:

    I love that you are making big moves to do what will make you happy. The beginning of a law career is HARD for so many reasons. Here is to more happiness 2019! (Also, agreed, that logo is boss.)

  45. Orla says:


  46. Jen says:

    That’s the best news! I’ve missed the Capitol Hill Style name! I’ve loved the blog for at least 6 years now, and I’m thrilled to see it return as the original. Good luck, you’re doing great!

  47. Nel says:

    YES!!!!! So excited about this. I still type in “cap hill style” into my browser, and never stopped calling this blog by that name. LOVE this! What a wonderful way to start the week 🙂

    • Allison says:

      Adding mine to the chorus of long-time readers who are happy to see a reversion back to CapHillStyle. I liked The Work Edit, and I was on board (not that it mattered) with a switch. But I think CapHillStyle works so well because even if you’re no longer on THAT Capitol Hill, it seems to be where you found your voice and became the blogger/content creater/person that we all know and respect. Here’s to more revivals!

  48. KH says:

    LOVE the new logo and as many other said, I never made the change in my head. Here’s to 2019!

  49. Kara says:

    Was the change really a few years ago? I have always referred to your blog as Capitol Hill Style! Happy to see it’s back! 🙂

  50. Jen says:

    Yay! Count me in with the number of ladies who always still referred to it as CHS!. Congrats! xo

    PS: Also, I so appreciate your willingness to pivot. In this day and age, so many people are fixated on always being right. It’s lovely to see you respond to things and adjust, as we all should and do in our own lives.

  51. Marina says:

    Amen! So happy to have CHS back. And 2018 sucked for so many of us, that I am hoping this revival can be extended to me as well. Take care, Belle.

  52. Alycia says:

    Yay! 2019 will hopefully bring good things to us all.

  53. ORLA says:

    Praise be!! It has always been, and will always will be, Capitol Hill Style! Onwards and upwards for 2019! 🙂

  54. Gigi says:

    Yes! This makes me so happy! Love the logo!

  55. Rachel Alessandra Malis says:

    YES! My relief is palpable.

  56. Amanda says:

    YAY!! I was still referring to it as Capitol Hill style 🙂

  57. Jennifer Jensen says:

    Does this mean I’m not the only one who still types in “caphillstyle” into my browser every time to find this blog?

  58. Jennifer says:

    Yay! Welcome back!

  59. Liz says:

    Just wanted to give you a heads-up that your “About” section still references The Work Edit… 🙂


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