Ask the Edit: Sweatpant Alternatives

Jan 2, 2019

Hi Abra,

Do you have any suggestions for lounge wear? I’ve been living with my s/o for 4 years and he’s (rightly) sick of me immediately switching to sweatpants the moment I get home from work. Any ideas on how to still look feminine while remaining comfy?

Good luck with the new job and move!


To answer this question, I reached out to my in-house Significant Other Expert, Kyle.  Because what’s the point of having a man around if you can’t ask him to answer reader questions?  (And he loves it, don’t let him tell you otherwise.)

“No one is bemoaning your right to get comfortable after work, but there’s no reason you can’t change into something that’s flattering and presentable. If you’re wearing loose fitting or oversize sweats, burn them.  Leggings are fine and can be put together into an outfit that looks like you put forth some effort.”

Kyle then began pulling photos from online retailers of loungewear outfits that don’t look like “you are recovering from the flu.”

All of the examples included leggings.  My favorite leggings are the Lululemon Wunder Unders because I love the feeling of compression (and how it trims up my figure a bit).  But they’re so expensive that I only buy them on sale, which limits your color choices.

I’ve also been on the hunt for Lululemon alternatives, and I recently wrote a post on the two most popular options from Amazon.

Now, as for what to wear with leggings…

Kyle recommends a fitted top.  “When you think of sweatpants, you think of oversize, baggy sweats.  So if you show off your shape that will help a lot.”

Searching for Kyle’s suggested “tighter fitting” top, I located this Chi Top from Athleta.  For something cheaper, try this Old Navy performance top or this Daily Ritual scoopneck tunic.

For layering options, Kyle’s number one suggestion was to pick something “not frumpy.”  Cardigans and sweaters are fine, but choose “a nice one, like one you could wear in front of people.”

This Barefoot Dreams cocoon cardigan was one that Kyle found.  His exact words were, “See? That looks like you thought about it for a minute.”

For something less expensive, try this INC cardigan from Macy’s.  I also like this Daily Ritual cocoon sweater and their wrap cardigan.

Changing after work is how you relax from a long day.  It’s how you protect your work clothes from getting stained or wrinkled beyond belief.  But you can be comfortable and look nice.  Good luck.

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Ask the Edit, Style

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  1. Brittany says:

    I’ve never had an S/O be tired of me wearing loungewear (mine’s not cute either). Is it just me or is that kind of weird he/she is commenting on that?

    • E says:

      Very much agreed! My first reaction was that her SO was being really judge-y. I usually change into PJs when I get home (especially post-gym shower) and my husband has never once complained. Heck, my husband and I both spent all day in PJs yesterday. I think her SO should get over it.

    • Jaimee says:

      That was my thought exactly! IF you can’t be 100% yourself in a relationship that is a problem. Any guy that would want me to look nice at all times would not be around for long. I would also suggest this reader think twice if marriage is in the picture with this guy. There are many times that life throughs us curveballs where it is pretty much impossible to look even close to nice(spent the last year in chemo) not to mention the lovely look of a tired mom.

    • Madeline says:

      I thought the same thing! It’s definitely weird that a S/O would be “(rightly) sick of” loungewear. Who are you trying to impress when you’re unwinding at home after a day of work?

    • Lisa says:

      Agreed! This is a huge red flag for me. I do not dress to impress my husband every day and am concerned about a relationship with that kind of pressure.

      • Belle says:

        I think it’s over the line for us to start assuming things about the relationship of a reader solely on a single comment by her s/o. It is not our place to extrapolate this into a larger discussion. She clearly didn’t feel upset by it, and maybe even agreed. So it really isn’t our place to make this a commentary on a relationship we know next to zero about.

        I know that if I came to this blog after submitting a simple Ask the Edit and saw a bunch of strangers questioning my four year relationship, I would be very hurt.

        • Brittany says:

          Unfortunately the pressure to look presentable is much heavier on women than men so not sure it translates to say this would all be the same if the roles were reversed. I’m sure the reader’s relationship is fine, but I know of women in D.C. who have been shamed by their partners for not dressing to certain standards. Was just curious if others had the same concerns and seems like they do. Figured it was worth pointing out for anyone who may be facing that issue because you never know who is reading.

          • Belle says:

            Discussing gender roles and fashion is good, but I just didn’t want to see it cross a line.

            Being out of D.C. for a while, you’re not wrong that men there seemed to have much higher expectations. Which was always funny to me since so many of them dress so poorly.

            • Brittany says:

              Agreed. And yes, that’s so true! I come from a small town, so D.C. has been a culture shock in that respect. Glad to know it’s not just my imagination though.

        • Hurt? Maybe. Aware that this isn’t necessarily normal? Hopefully.

        • Lauren says:

          well said! This community is for support and fashion advice.

        • PAM says:


    • STephanie says:

      I’m not wild about it being phrased in terms of a spouse commenting, even though I prefer semi-presentable loungewear. I have a friend who said her husband did that– he was not pleased that she changed out of her lawyer clothes when she got home. They’ve been divorced for awhile now. You shouldn’t need an “outfit” to be at home. These selections are nice, though, and stepping it up for yourself is a great idea.

      • B says:

        Agree wholeheartedly to step it up for yourself!

        I dress like Belle’s suggestions above, albeit a little heavier on Patagonia/LLBean pullovers and joggers on the weekend. I feel better and more energized when I’m wearing real (but still comfortable) clothes at home. I have fewer quality items that take up less room than the old sweats. Changing into real pajamas for bedtime feels luxurious and signals my brain it’s time to sleep. I threw away all my gross, holey college sweats along with all the dumpy old stretched out t-shirts, and I don’t miss them at all.

    • Christina says:

      I had the same reaction. Maybe I’m reading too much into the phrasing of the question, but to me it’s one thing to want some cute loungewear as a comfy alternative to sweatpants and another thing entirely to change your approach because your partner is “sick” of it.

    • Belle says:

      I don’t think it’s weird. How many women have spent countless hours trying to “improve” the way their s/o dresses with new shoes, haircuts, etc.? This works both ways.

      Some men probably don’t care at all, others probably care a little (but not enough to say anything). Keeping the romance alive in a relationship, for some men, has a correlation to making a little effort in your “at home” attire. It’s not about impressing someone, it’s about making effort for the other person. If he’s wearing the same thing, then whatevs. But I think there are also a lot of women who wouldn’t love it if they were in jeans and a sweater post work and their s/o was in pajamas all the time.

      • Allison says:

        My husband and I are both from DC, and while he’s never commented on my at-home wardrobe choices, I have asked him to wear something a bit better than ratty (camo) long underwear. It makes me feel like he respects his coworkers more than me when he looks great for work and like a bum at home. Intellectually I know this isn’t true, and we’ve been very happily married for almost 20 years, but the visual is emotionally important to me – I feel crummy when the house is visually cluttered, too. My husband, OTOH, is very sensitive to tone of voice and also to noisy environments, things I tend not to notice. So I don’t think this is a gender roles thing so much as a sensory preference thing.

      • pam says:

        amen belle!

    • lulu says:

      That shocked me too. I get that relationships are different, and have different dynamics, but yikes! and I say that as someone who never wears sweatpants

  2. Lindsay says:

    I have had really great luck with these jogger pants:

    They are tight without being too tight, and I can run out in them if I really need to. I also like the wide waste band–I had a surgery right below that area and it is wide enough that it holds in the little pooch it created. 🙂 I usually pair it with a New Day shirt from Target like this one:

    As for commenting on my spouse’s loungewear … I am guilty. It’s just this one pair of sweatpants that is XL (he is not XL), and the only time I say anything is when he tries to leave the house in them. They bunch at the feet because they are so long on him, and they also fall down! What if he sees someone from work at the grocery store and his pants fall down because his hands are full of groceries! I’m just trying to protect him. 😉

  3. Eleni says:

    Athleta makes some great joggers. A little more fitted but still super comfortable and fun with a zipper details:

    I also have and love these elation tights. Super soft and lightweight:

  4. Kathryn says:

    Thank you so much!! This is exactly what I was hoping for.

    As the question writer, I think we just grew up differently. I.e., my family was totally cool with wearing sweats at home and he grew up a bit more formally. I appreciate everyone’s concern, but we’re all good 🙂

    • Belle says:

      I’m glad it helped. I grew up dressing somewhat formally also. My father only wears sweats when he’s sick, and my mother only wears leggings to the gym and on really long flights. Kyle only wears jeans and button ups (even when he’s sick, I’m pretty sure he’d have to be dying to wear anything else), so when I wear leggings on weekends I try to make sure to wear a nice–ish sweater or top so I can just put on jeans if he wants to go somewhere. We all make sacrifices and compromises in our relationships, this seems like a fairly minor one.

    • K says:

      Props to you for taking all the feedback so well.

  5. Elizabeth says:

    There is NO reason to judge the relationship here. You ladies are absolutely ruthless! The point of this question was to get ideas for comfortable, yet figure-flattering lounge wear. I don’t think there is anything wrong with wanting to look cute and cozy vs. fat and frumpy. I would look into some sweaters and wraps from Athleta. They pair perfectly with leggings and a fitted tank! This look is great for cuddling on the couch for a movie, grabbing coffee on a Sunday morning, or making dinner after a long day! Don’t let these hateful comments keep you from looking good for your SO! Happy shopping!

    • Belle says:

      Ruthless isn’t the word I would use. The comments weren’t bad, but I could see where the thread might be going, and I didn’t want it to cross the “let’s talk about clothes and gender roles” line.

    • CaRly says:

      I think what triggers a reaction to this question is the notion that being attractive to a SO should outweigh your own comfort at home. Personally, I work long hours in a business formal office, and put effort into my appearance for social events. Home is a sanctuary after a long day, where I can finally be “off.” I value the fact that I can be completely comfortable around my SO, and not worry about how I look or how I choose to unwind. My family isn’t particularly formal, and I don’t care what my SO wears (he does fine on his own). That said, I don’t think the reader’s question is a “red flag” or that we know anything about her relationship. And tips for cute, comfortable loungewear are great and perfect for January. Let’s all be a little easier on each other this year.

    • Anna says:

      Who said anything about being fat? I thought we were past the days when fat = frumpy and vice versa

  6. Jodi says:

    This is one of the sexist things I’ve ever read on any website, ever.

    • Belle says:

      This could easily be true of either partner. Lots of women have comments about their partner’s attire.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Calm down Jodi. He’s not asking her to cook him dinner in heels and hoop skirt.

    • Anna says:

      You haven’t been on many websites have you? Saying it’s the most sexist thing you’ve read sounds pretty extreme. We don’t know what these sweats look like, and maybe the LW wants to feel good in what she’s wearing at home? I used to have a S/O who hated one of my pairs of sweats. It’s not like he thought less of me because of them or treated me differently when I wore them. It was mostly a random joking comment like, “oh god, can’t believe you’re wearing those pants again!” before being otherwise affectionate. The guy ended up being a pretty sucky boyfriend otherwise, but those pants were objectively ugly – unflattering, gave me pancake butt, looked sloppy – and I was happy to find a new, cute, equally comfy pair.

    • Meg says:

      I also think this can go both ways. My husband was proudly wearing an ancient pair of pajamas that was literally falling apart at the seams as lounge wear. I made it clear that I did not think it was the most attractive look – and bought him some new pajamas for Christmas. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think my comments were sexist.

      • Anna says:

        I make fun of my bf for wearing jeans that look like flares. I don’t think I’ve insulted his masculinity.

        • Belle says:

          Kyle always asks me my opinion, and I’m like, “Honey, I don’t care.” But when I do care, I really care. He had one pair of shoes I just hated that looked like Pilgrim clogs. He wore them just to spite me for a year.

          • Gina says:

            But you’re fine with him telling your readers to burn their sweat pants and joggers because they’re unattractive to men? I sense a bit of a double standard.

            • Belle says:

              He never said anything about joggers. He hates sweatpants because he thinks they’re lazy. It has nothing to do with them being unattractive to men. The questioner said they were unattractive to her boyfriend and asked for suggestions that her man might not find sloppy, so he gave her some.

  7. Clara says:

    This past December I realized all my lounge clothes were torn, stained, shoddy, mis-shapen, not liked enough to wear out of the house, or used to be out-of-the-house items but were no longer fit to be seen in public. I used the Thanksgiving/holiday sales to get a bunch of nice loungewear, much of it similar to the above suggestions, and am shocked by how different I feel – all sleek and cosy and elegant as I go about my evenings and weekends.

  8. Brittany says:

    Longtime reader and never a commenter, but I feel compelled here. The list of things wrong with this post is too long to fully explore in a comment section, but here’s an abbreviated version.

    1) Women’s attire, and ESPECIALLY women’s lounge attire, does not exist to please or entertain men. If you want to be comfortable after work, be comfortable. Don’t dress up AGAIN to ‘show off your shape’ to someone else.
    2) This post was supposed to be about lounge wear. Lounging, not going to the gym. There’s no need to spend money on a performance top or LuLuLemon workout pants to LOUNGE at home. Lounging =/= performance.
    3) Compression leggings aren’t comfortable, nor are “tighter fitting tops.” The last thing I, and many women I know, want to do at the end of the day is take off our work clothes and squeeze into something else that’s tight.

    This post is disappointing, sexist, and simply absurd.

    • Belle says:

      If she had written in asking how to get her s/o out of sweatpants, most of the advice would have been the same. That he should find something better quality, less baggy, that he could possibly wear out in public. No one was suggesting she should change if she didn’t want to, but she felt he was right, so I made the suggestions she was looking for. You may choose to conduct yourself differently. Also, if your work clothes are tight and uncomfortable, you might want to rethink what you wear to work.

      • C says:

        Says the woman who openly admits to squeezing herself into clothes two sizes too small for years using multiple pairs of spanks to make them fit. As well as crying over not fitting into a dress a recently as last fall.

        • Belle says:

          Yes, I speak from experience as a woman who needed to rethink how she was dressing for work.

          As for being upset I couldn’t fit into the dress, I think every woman has had that moment. And the bulk of my angst isn’t about my weight, it’s about the fact that I do not want to buy new clothes (I like the ones I have), and can’t really afford to replace all my clothes in one fell swoop.

          But by all means, make biting comments.

        • Margaret says:

          Wow. How cruel. I hope life treats you with more empathy and compassion then you have shown here.

    • Laura says:

      Totally agree with this comment. Leggings and sweatpants are TOTALLY not the same in terms on comfortability. Leggings are comfy compared to jeans but compared to sweatpants? Yeah right…..sweatpants barely touch your body and leggings are compressive and tight. I’m not judging the relationship but it makes me appreciate my husband wants me to be comfortable after a long day at work even if I look frumpy af.

    • Kaci says:

      Agreed, Brittany. The fact that Belle is continuously tripping over herself to defend her BFs sexist & body-shaming BS adds another sad tone to this entire piece, both in the post and in the comments.

      It’s an unrealistic, unhealthy, and unnecessary way to frame this entire piece. What bad footing to start a new year on. Sure, if you want “cute, flattering casual clothing” then these options might be for you. Boxing it all in around what will please a picky SO who spouts phrases like, “a nice one, like one you could wear in front of people.” and “So if you show off your shape that will help a lot.” is making the point that women HAVE TO care about looking thin, made-up, and pristine for men to enjoy them at all – – – it’s 2019 and no, we don’t have to play that game and men should not expect it.

      Belle, your significant other can be WRONG and that’s okay, it doesn’t make him a demon who never had a good opinion in his life. He can apologize for being insensitive and judgey when it comes to a medium like this – advice for women. And you can apologize too, it doesn’t make you a bad editor or a cruel woman or a terrible feminist to have not seen the inherent sexism within something like this. It’s all around us and being in the fashion/womens wellness world – you’re closer to it than most.

      The worst thing to do right now is to not hear this feedback and to dismiss it as being too sensitive and angry for anger’s sake.

      • Belle says:

        Fitted clothing does not equal being skinny. Tight/fitted is just the opposite of baggy or oversized. Neither Kyle nor the post said anything about hair or makeup or weight.

        Kyle and I were sitting together when I got this email from a reader, so I decided to ask for a man’s opinion on what looks like pulled together loungewear. He made some suggestions for something he thought would be lounge-y but look nice; I added them to the post.

        It wasn’t my intent to dismiss anyone’s feedback. I could have easily just not published these comments as most came from readers who have never commented before, and thus required moderation.

        My only points were that we shouldn’t extend this conversation into a broader commentary on the questioner’s relationship with her partner, which we know nothing else about, because that would be unfair and a little cruel. And two, that while many women would find a request like this from a partner unsettling, I didn’t. I feel this way partially because women ask men to dress differently often (though without the undercurrent of sexism that comes our way), and partially because I feel similarly to another commenter that dressing up for people in public and then wearing mostly sweats at home isn’t making effort for your partner (but only if your partner cares about such things, which some do).

        If you feel differently, I’m happy to post your comments.

      • Anna says:

        Isn’t a request to “show off your shape” the opposite of body shaming? Dude likes your body and wants to see it. I’d be more worried if he wanted me to wear a tent.

        • Belle says:

          Kyle said to me last night, “I assumed her s/o think she’s hot.” I think men are somewhat oblivious to body-shaming as a whole. And hearing the whole conversation with him, and hearing his tone as opposed to reading it, I didn’t change to be more empathetic.

    • Anna says:

      “Don’t dress up AGAIN to ‘show off your shape’ to someone else.” Why not? I like looking sexy for my boyfriend. He thinks I’m beautiful any which way and tells me so often. Wearing something that shows off my shape when he’s the only one who’ll see it makes me feel good. If that’s not your jam, cool, but not everyone feels the same way.

      “Compression leggings aren’t comfortable, nor are ‘tighter fitting tops.'”…FOR YOU.

      First of all, tighter fitting tops doesn’t necessarily mean sports bra tight. A tank top is fitted. And I like wearing leggings around my house, even when alone. I feel cute and can sit and lounge every which way without having to adjust and things riding up and giving me a wedgie, and better made options fit better and are more durable. Belle mentioned her faves but also gave less expensive options.

      If this isn’t something that suits your lifestyle or comfort levels, that’s fine, but not everyone has to think and feel the same way you do.

  9. MC says:

    Somehow I just *KNEW* the comments would be juicy on this one. My husband quit wearing cargo shorts at my subtle suggestion – if this is a two way street, I’ll save the college sweatpants for a night in, alone! Nicely handled, Belle.

  10. J says:

    I wear leggings a lot, but sometimes my legs just need to breathe. I’ve found that Lululemon pants are very flattering and make my behind look nice (which my husband actually comments on when I wear their pants). I have Studio pants and On the Fly pants. I like them both but prefer the woven On the Fly pants. I definitely recommend them as a leggings alternative.

  11. DJ says:

    Uniqlo also has some joggers that are pretty cheap if you’re looking for non-legging options! There are a bunch of patterns as well as solids.

  12. Chloe says:

    I used to never even wear yoga pants or leggings outside of the house, just because I didn’t think it was appropriate (I have since changed my tune on that though!). I subscribe to the idea of being able to throw jeans on really quickly, a la Belle. I’ve found that I like more fitted sweatshirts that don’t feel as college-y like funnel necks vs. hoodies that are more of a tapered fit with pockets, and in general, longer tunic-type tops that are both comfortable but also not as underwhelming as a baggy T-shirt or oversized sweatshirt. I also will throw on a flannel with a tank top underneath, which is comfy!

  13. Susan says:

    Just wanted to add that for those of you who LOATHE leggings (I am sooo ready for this trend to die in both exercise wear and non-exercise wear), those Gwen stefani in the 90s era track pants (parachute type material w stripes on the sides) are making a comeback and I am HERE FOR IT. It’s a refreshing change from the army of leggings you see everywhere you go.

    also—do any of you ladies w pets struggle w wearing dark colored leggings around the house and not looking like a homelesss pet hoarder? And yes I know I probably need to show myself out and go run the vacuum. Cheers!

    • Laura says:

      YES THIS EXACTLY!!! I collect dog hair in leggings. In joggers or sweatpants I don’t.

      • Belle says:

        Interesting. I guess I never noticed if Avery’s hair sticks to one over the other.

        • KWDC says:

          Yes! I got the Core10 from Amazon on your rec, and LOVE them. But they collect ALL the golden retriever hair in the world when I wear them.

    • Wendy Duren says:

      I’m with you on impatiently waiting for leggings to move along. I came to the comments hoping to read about alternatives to leggings. Happy to see some suggestions to check out. I have always had pooches with double coats so hair is the trade off for having dogs that will enjoy northern winters outside with me. I have hair/lint removers scattered throughout the house. I just give clothes a good brush before they go in the laundry bin. Otherwise, when at home – love me, love my dog (hair).

  14. RR says:

    Personally I love a good pair of jogging “leggings”. I own the following and can highly recommend. IMHO joggers are far more comfy then leggings.

    1) Alo Solar Sweat Pants
    2) Lululemon Align joggers (while the align leggings are a size down, the joggers are TTS)
    3) Athleta Metro Street Joggers

  15. Michelle says:

    Another option if you don’t want to wear leggings (as someone who hates basically all pants)is to just wear sweatshirt dresses. There’s plenty of nice ones that are form flattering. My favorite is from kohl’s and it feels like I’m wearing a cozy super soft blanket but I can easily run outside and look put together.

  16. Paula says:

    You will never go wrong with a Barefoot dreams cardigan. It has to be the softest and most comfortable item in my closet. Kyle is a smart man.

    • Belle says:

      Well, let’s not start inflating his ego. He’s tough enough to deal with.

      I do love barefoot dreams though. There’s also a looser, wrap style cardigan I would have put in, that’s the best travel wear ever made.

  17. Lauren says:

    Kyle’s opinions are so frank and honest. I love it. And I feel guilty for wearing terrible oversized sweats to my boyfriend’s last night.

    I was going to put a plug in for the Old Navy Luxe tees for lounging (and layering in general). And while I normally like tall sizes from Gap or Old Navy (I’m 5’8″), I went with the standard length. I have a white crew and a black v-neck that get a lot of wear.

    • Michelle Wei says:

      Do you know if their luxe tees are close (or the same) as Banana Republic’s? I know they’re the same company and I love BRs.

  18. S says:

    Good lord, everyone should take a deep breathe and realize that not agreeing with the OP is a commentary on your life, your relationship, your singleness, or your beliefs! Let’s remember what Amy Poehler said in her book “good for her, not for me.” CHILL.

  19. Danielle says:

    I’m choosing not to comment on the letter writer’s relationship or the topics being discussed in the comments; while I personally would not stand for my SO commenting on what lounge clothes I wear in my own home, that’s my own opinion/experience and doesn’t need to be anyone else’s.

    Anyway, I found this post helpful, because I am looking to build my not-at-work, but not-quite-pajamas wardrobe for times when I might need to run a quick errand in the evening or a relaxed weekend day. I’m curious if anyone has suggestions on bras to wear in these situations. I hate the feeling of not wearing a bra except for when I’m sleeping, but a real bra feels too uncomfortable, and a sports bra too restricting. Any suggestions?

  20. Amanda says:

    I was initially surprised reading this post – I agreed with some of the commenters because the feedback Kyle gave struck me as lacking an empathetic tone for the many reasons why a woman may not elect to take his advice. However, after reading the commentary, I agree the advice would probably be the same if the situation was reversed and now I’m sitting here thinking about my own gender bias (haha). It was an interesting read!! For the sake of weighing in, I come from a more ‘formal’ loungewear family but unless I just finished a juice cleanse, I am at my goal weight and somehow not bloated, I’m only going to endorse adopting one of the two ‘form fitting’ options presented. A tight top with loose pants OR tight pants and a loose top (ie., flattering for the boobs, or flattering for the butt). My rationale is that I spent the whole day engaging my core to sit up straight at my desk, I need my clothes to slouch with me a bit when I’m at home, regardless of the audience. 🙂

  21. sara says:

    I have the Restore Joggers from Athleta and they’re insanely comfortable. My new S.O. likes them on me because they make my end “look nice” (I could care less but there we are).

    Highly recommend these in general – I don’t wear them outdoors except to take my dog around the block, but I’m sure you could.

  22. kelly says:

    I agree I am disappointed in the undercurrent of this post, even if it wasn’t intended as a commentary on the politics of dressing women’s bodies. Jokes about men dressing sloppily come without the long back history of their bodies being policed and monitored, and regardless of that, perhaps it’s time to retire the weathered tropes of “men are like this and women are like that”. There’s absolutely a place for a conversation about comfortable and chic loungewear that can come from an empowering place, it just seems to have been entered into in a clumsy way here.

    • Jill says:

      I once read that most men don’t think they’re overweight even when they are and most women think they are even when they’re not. Women already face so much pressure over our appearance that the slightest bit more is a tipping point, for me, anyway. That doesn’t mean not making an effort for others, whether spouses or coworkers, but the terms should apply equally to all parties in a relationship in a way that’s right for the individual relationship, in my view.

  23. K says:

    I just got a pair of Cuddl Dud’s pajamas for Christmas. They’re supper comfortable without looking frumpy. I just looked on their home page and they have some cute item. A lot of legging choices with long tunics. The pajamas I got are fleece and cut close – so basically leggings without grabbing on tight. I don’t want tight at the end of the day. A much nicer look than my sweat pants for running outside, and not any more effort.

  24. PAM says:


    • pam says:

      I’d love to recommend some of the ideas in an “athleisure capsule” from the classy yet trendy blog – has lots of ideas for comfy loungewear that you wouldn’t be embarrassed to answer the door wearing.

  25. Chelsea says:

    I’m reading this while sprawled on the couch in my softest leggings and barefoot dreams sweater, and I’ve never felt so trendy! #kyleapproved

  26. Layne Haggberg Wharton says:

    I don’t particularly agree with the tone {or percieved tone} of the post but I do agree with the spirit. I will wear a baggy flannel shirt and sweatpants around the house while my husband will remain in wranglers {#tx} and a pullover/flannel. He’s still comfortable but puts in a bit more effort and I think I should mimic his effort.

    This is my latest loungewear outfit:
    The pants look more straight leg on me which may indicate that I need to size down but I like the look nonetheless.

    Sized up in the crop top and my midsection is fully covered.

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The Beauty Edit: An Under-Eye Concealer That Actually Works

My dark under eye circles have been the bane of my existence since I was 12. Is the cause lack of sleep? Dehydration? Sinus issues? Stress? Who the hell knows. But there they are, every day, telling the world that I am an exhausted working Mom.



Recent Posts

The Range: A Business Look from Boden

Every now and again, I spot a piece on sale and I have to have it. I need it. I cannot live without it. Recently, I spotted a jersey tee at Boden that takes a casual top to the next level, and I just needed to share.



Saw It On Social: The Battle of the Spendy Swimsuits

Sloane loves the pool. She jumps from the deck into the water with a crash, never considering her own safety, only to emerge on the surface, shouting “Again!” The pool is my daughter’s happy place. But no place where I need to wear a swimsuit in public is a happy one for me.




Beauty, BPGP, Top Posts | July 25, 2024

The Beauty Edit: An Under-Eye Concealer That Actually Works

My dark under eye circles have been the bane of my existence since I was 12. Is the cause lack of sleep? Dehydration? Sinus issues? Stress? Who the hell knows. But there they are, every day, telling the world that I am an exhausted working Mom.



Features, Posts, The Range | July 25, 2024

The Range: A Business Look from Boden

Every now and again, I spot a piece on sale and I have to have it. I need it. I cannot live without it. Recently, I spotted a jersey tee at Boden that takes a casual top to the next level, and I just needed to share.



Features, Posts, Saw It On Social | July 24, 2024

Saw It On Social: The Battle of the Spendy Swimsuits

Sloane loves the pool. She jumps from the deck into the water with a crash, never considering her own safety, only to emerge on the surface, shouting “Again!” The pool is my daughter’s happy place. But no place where I need to wear a swimsuit in public is a happy one for me.



Features, Monday Mornings, Posts, Style | July 22, 2024

The Mondays: July 22, 2024

The Crowdstrike/Microsoft Meltdown forced me to take a few days off this weekend. No laptop. No billable hours. So we packed Sloane up for a visit to a local llama farm, stopped by the pool, went for coffee, etc. Few things are as funny as watching a 23-month old feed carrots to a ravenous rescue […]