1) Is a ‘might do’ list smarter than a ‘to do’ list? (NBC News)
2) This pretty, sleek dome bag from Sole Society is perfect for spring.
3) The Utter Uselessness of Job Interviews. (NYTimes)
4) H&M has two adorable floral blouses, a flouncy one and a ruffled one.
5) How to avoid comment mistakes made by new managers. (Motto)
6) The new prints on this Halogen cardi are great. This open jacket is also worth a look.
7) Most of the ‘faux’ fur on the market is actually cat, rabbit, or raccoon dog. (SkyNews)
8) Is orange the color of spring? This pretty VC blouse with sunset colors is sublime.
9) No, Companies Shouldn’t Pay for Women to Freeze Their Eggs. (Wired)
10) Shirtdresses for casual Friday from BR with scallop trim, tie front accents, and fun dot print.
11) Six easy stretches for a better night’s sleep. (The Everygirl)
What I’m Reading. This year’s Pulitzer Prize winners.
What I’m Asking. Would you use a sharp razor to exfoliate your skin?
What I’m LOVING. This Ayala Rose champagne.
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I just ordered these after looking at the Dermaflash: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B001DYFIPE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s03?ie=UTF8&psc=1
they seem to do the exact same thing when used all over your face (not just your eyebrows, which i think would actually be pretty hard to do based on the size). used for the first time last night and my skin feels really smooth, but that’s partly because it removes all the peach fuzz (part of why i tried it) so time will tell whether it makes a difference. i did go a little overboard with how easy it was and have a couple tiny scratches on my face, so next time i’ll be more careful about the angle of the blade.
RE: 7, I think your title is misleading. It appears that only two British companies have been confirmed to use real animal fur in faux fur applications. I am a vegetarian, so trust me, this is horrifying even if one manufacturer did it, but I don’t see any evidence in that article that “most” of the faux fur on the market is animal fur.
Now, do I want an investigation into this industry-wide? Of course. Will I buy faux fur going forward? Absolutely not. So thank you for sharing.
This isn’t the first article like this. I didn’t read this article (I saw the piece on SkyNews TV) and that piece said that the estimate was that 70-80% of EU sold goods were probably real fur. I may have misunderstood, but I saw another article some years ago that found that a lot of the “faux” fur in the US was raccoon dog. So I’ll definitely think twice before buying anyting faux.
One thing I found interesting about the manager common mistake article was what it left out. The author mentions that shunting all work to high performers prevents poor performers from growing, which is fair enough. But what’s worse, you’re basically punishing your good workers by overloading them and expecting them to pick up the slack for the poor performers. That leads to burnout and high turnover. I can’t tell you how many managers have “rewarded” me with an ever-expanding slate of tasks and projects, leading to long hours and frantic days, while colleagues breezed on home at 5:30. Politely worded resistance was met with a managerial hammer. Eventually, you get sick of being punished for your competence.
+1 and amen. This Atlantic piece makes the point well, I think:
Yeah, I’ve had a job where too many undesirable tasks ended up on my plate because I would do them well. It’s like, oh, you trust and value me, so you want me to be miserable? Okay, thanks.
I also thought it was interesting that the author thought the work-life balance of her team wasn’t her responsibility. Um, yeah, it totally is. If you can’t divide up tasks in a reasonable way, or plan workflow and provide resources in a way that lets people finish their work and go home, you have screwed up as a manager.
+1. Well put.
Re: “Faux” fur
I think of myself as not typically wearing fur, but the pink pom pom shoes got to me since I wouldn’t typically categorize that as fur, faux or otherwise. I think I’m so used to just assuming anything non-naturally colored is fake, even though I know real stuff is commonly dyed. So I guess I do wear what I assume to be faux fur, since I have some pom-pom items like that. The popularity of the keychain poofs makes this all the more alarming- those are so commonly dyed and so cheaply sold everywhere, it makes me wonder how many of them are actually real fur!
I think most women would assume that if the item is $29 or some other smaller amount, it can’t be real. Turns out, it’s so cheap to make fur in china, it absolutely can be.
I enjoyed the article on egg freezing. It’s a conversation I’ve had with many of my girl friends. Quite a few had the perception that they could just freeze their eggs, wait until their career had reached a certain point, then have kids. I do think that technology would give women so much more freedom, I feel so archaic that I am forced into the kids decision because of my age. (For me, my fear is that I’m just not emotionally ready, despite the age of my body.) But we have to be realistic and know the facts and success rates about egg freezing. Also, I think it says alot about the company. Why do they want you to freeze your eggs? Is it because they don’t want to be a supportive place to work for young mothers? Do they treat young fathers the same way, or buy into the assumption that they just won’t be as participatory in their child’s life like the mother will? It’s eye opening, in an attempt to be forward thinking they are showing their ugly sexist underside.
At first, I was for egg freezing. Then, the more I thought about it, the more I felt like they were just basically pushing women into a system where they can work them to death in their 20s and they’ll feel ok about missing out on the rest of their lives, because hey, those eggs are on ice.
I just discovered ProPublica and I’ve been impressed with their investigative articles. So glad to see they won a Pulitzer!
No need for $198 dermaflash when you can buy a pack of Tinkle face razors for next to nothing. “Dermaplane” (i.e. shave your face) once a week, never have peach fun, always have smooth skin!
Is that all it is is face shaving? I assumed there was more to it. Well, if that’s all there is, I think I’ll just live with the peach fuzz.
Try it once! Around $3 for results equivalent to microdermabrasion + dermaplaning. Every time I do it the next morning I look in the mirror and think, “How do I look so much younger?”
*shudder* no, i am perfectly happy with good old body scrubs and loofahs. the idea of shaving my legs to exfoliate makes me uncomfortable, haha.