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State of the Blog: Eye of the Beholder

Apr 20, 2015

I decided to be outdoorsy this weekend and went hiking with a friend.  While we were climbing over some basalt formations on the trail, I got a piece of debris in my eye.  I thought it was no big deal, but after a few hours of pain, the Urgent Care doctor informs me I have a scratched cornea and need to lay off the computer usage for a little while.

Because I’m not a week from final exams or anything.

I’m giving the blog a rest for today so I can lay in bed and repeat the phrase, “Don’t scratch it.  I know it itches, but don’t scratch it.”

Hope your Monday is going better than mine… xo, Belle



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  1. Barbara says:

    Hi Belle,
    Hope you feel better soon! I know how you feel — just had surgery on my eyelid a couple of weeks ago and it was darn tempting to want to rub or scratch that eye!

  2. Steph says:

    Two words-Eye patch
    Rest your eye and it will heal quickly-I know, I’ve been there 🙁 good luck in finals!

  3. Mary says:

    You poor thing! Feel better soon and good luck on Finals!

  4. Allison says:

    Hi Belle, So sorry to hear that! I scratched my cornea in high school and a doctor told me to cover it with an eye patch and it was never appropriately disinfected. It turned into an ulcer over my cornea and I was extremely close to losing my vision, had to have eye drops every 30 minutes for two weeks. Not to scare you, but if you doctor is having your cover it, I might recommend seeing another doctor and making sure it’s properly disinfected. Feel better!

  5. Lindsay says:

    OMG, Belle! I’m so sorry to hear this!!! Feel better! Yikes!

  6. thephillydiva says:

    I hope it heals properly Belle!!! So sorry to hear about this 🙁

  7. Shelley says:

    Nature is the worst! I hope you’re better soon!

  8. Alexis says:

    Oh no, feel better! Sending good thoughts for a speedy recovery and great exam results your way!

  9. Kim says:

    Ouch. Speedy recovery!

  10. Maria says:

    Painful! Second the eye patch idea. Get well soon.

  11. Maria N. says:

    Oh no, so painful! Rest and feel better soon. Best of luck on exams.

  12. Whitney Gibbs says:

    Not sure that’s a great meditation mantra. Feel better!

  13. Jamie says:

    Feel better soon! Like many others, I’m a loyal reader who will happily wait for your great posts until you are feeling better. Sending you get-well-soon thoughts in the meantime.

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