It’s that time again! The NCAA Tournament is here, and so is the Capitol Hill Style March Madness Challenge.
The rules are simple. Participants create one bracket. Points are scored using the Fibonacci Sequence and weighted so correctly chosen early round upsets give bonus points. Brackets must be completed by tip-off on Thursday.
As in previous years, the ladies with the best three brackets win prizes. First place receives a $100 Nordstrom gift card. Second place receives a $60 Nordstrom gift card. Third place receives a $30 Nordstrom gift card. (The contest is not sponsored by Nordstrom; I buy the gift cards myself.)
The CHS March Madness Challenge is a lot of fun, so I hope we have a great turnout this year. You need a free Yahoo! account to create a bracket, and you can join the CHS pool by following this link.
Good Luck!
Your bracket link leads to a bracket called “Windham Winos.” Is that the right bracket?
This is last year’s competition. Don’t use this post.