Elected Official
Hill Staffer
Michael Kors Pleated Skirt ($130)
Paid Intern
Plus-size: Michael Kors Atoll Skirt ($66, same as Hill Staffer) Petite: INC Print Maxi ($80)
Elected Official
Hill Staffer
Michael Kors Pleated Skirt ($130)
Paid Intern
Plus-size: Michael Kors Atoll Skirt ($66, same as Hill Staffer) Petite: INC Print Maxi ($80)
Copyright 2008 Capitol Hill Style. All Rights Reserved. MADE BY BLAIR STAKY
Quick, someone elect me to office. Or just loan me the money for that top skirt.
*votes for you*
seriously though, that top skirt is amazing.
That top maxi is stunning!
Style by Joules