Birthday Giveaway: Two for the Money {CLOSED}

Aug 13, 2013

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This week, we have two CHS Anniversary giveaways.  The first is this lovely bracelet from Astley Clarke’s Biography Collection.  A modern, sophisticated take on the friendship bracelet, this Bowie bracelet has a gold chain wrapped in beige silk cord with a smokey quartz charm on the end.  It looks great on its own or layered with other pieces.

Astley Clarke is one of my favorite shops, so don’t miss out on their great pieces.  I especially love their rings.  This grey aquamarine ring has been on my lust list for some time now.

The Biography Collection is all about symbols and meaning, and smokey quartz is supposed to have calming properties.  So to enter this giveaway, leave a comment explaining what you do to bring a little calm into your life when things get hectic.  In other words, tell me what you do when you just need to relax and re-center yourself.

This bracelet was provided for the giveaway by the fine folks at Astley Clarke at no cost to me.  However, they placed no guidelines on the giveaway.  All opinions are my own.


The second giveaway is happening over on Instagram, and it’s a doozy.  The giveaway features one bag and three pouches filled to overflowing with 250+ beauty samples from brands like Cargo, Zoya, Phyto, Philosophy, Oscar Blandi and more.  The giveaway also includes 12 full-size products from some of my favorite brands like Psssst, Yes to…, OPI, Carol’s Daughter, Ole Henriksen, etc.

I collected these samples and full-size goodies over the past few months and filled a few makeup bags (one of which is Tory Burch) with them in preparation for this giveaway.  There are more than enough great products in those bags to keep any beauty maven in lotion, eye cream, shampoo, nail polish and wrinkle cream until 2015.  If you win, I suggest having a party and inviting your girlfriend’s over to drink wine and swap products.  Of course, if you wanted to keep them all to yourself, I wouldn’t blame you.

To enter the Instagram giveaway, follow @CapHillStyle on Instagram and leave a comment with the name of your favorite beauty product.  Good luck!


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  1. Chi says:

    I do yoga and take a bath with scented candles and light music.

  2. Sarah Taggart says:

    Yoga. Lots and lots of yoga.

  3. Noelle says:

    Light some candles and journal

  4. Ashley Jones says:

    To re-center I like to talk to my best friend that lives in TN. Facetime and a bottle of wine can make for an excellent ladies night in for far away friends!

  5. Nora says:

    my favorite coffee shop in NYC + pain au chocolate + a great book + a couple hours to myself = relaxation. Feeling anonymous in the big city can be calming!

  6. Kelley K says:

    An energizing hot yoga class or a great mystery novel.

  7. tuttle says:

    step outside and take a short breather in the fresh air!

  8. Angela says:

    I love doing yoga. It really helps me relax!

  9. CAM says:

    A book on the couch, and in front of the fireplace in the winter

  10. Sushu says:

    I reorganize my closets: clothes, shoes, linens, towels, kitchen cabinets etc. When it’s all neat and tidy, then I feel calmer and accomplished and energized to take on a bigger task.

  11. ACD says:

    I drink a glass of wine and paint my nails. Something about painting my nails is very soothing to me!

  12. Molly says:

    Paint my nails. Concentrating on painting neatly instead of everything else really calms me down.

  13. Amanda says:

    deep breaths. and wine.

  14. Megan says:

    I read the fluffiest novel I can find on my Kindle

  15. Katie says:

    Wine (lots) and really loud music.

  16. M says:

    I groom my horse. Nothing like the impossible task of brushing a horse clean to distract your brain!

  17. Rachel P says:

    I head across town and enjoy a visit with my father. He is always so calm and doesn’t let the little things bother him, so it rubs off. We meander through his garden and look at his vegetables and flowers- relaxes me and puts things in perspective!

  18. Blair says:

    All I need is an hour of rowing to reduce my stress

  19. Rachel C says:

    To de-stress, I go for a run on some trails in the woods near my house or listen to Jack Johnson

  20. Kitty says:

    Get up ridiculously early to hop on a plane and fly to the Bahamas, drink a quick beer after customs, reunite with friends and then head to a secluded beach for the sunset.

  21. Hillary B. says:

    I like to spin or kickbox away my feelings and go to bed early. It may be a little aggressive, but it’s the best way to release unneeded energy and then recharge.

  22. Allison says:

    Candles, wine, kindle, acoustic station on songza – I’m such a girl but it is my no-fail relaxation routine.

  23. LK says:

    A long run without a watch or headphones!

  24. Ann says:

    I kick back with my husband, some wine and a good movie or TV show.

  25. Megan says:

    I tend to nap when I’m stressed out. It’s not always very productive or helpful in the long run. (apparently it’s a family trait…that’s my dad’s reaction to stress too)

  26. Veronica Sanchez says:

    In order to unwind I put fresh sheets on the bed, take a long shower, put on a fresh set of PJs and curl up with my remote 🙂

  27. Sara says:

    I love curling up on the couch with my boyfriend and watching children’s fantasy movies with a glass of wine to relax after a long day.

  28. Alexandra says:

    For me, I brew a pot of loose leaf tea in my clear glass teapot, and sit outside to do some sketching. If weather is not cooperating, I usually end up cooking a ridiculous amount of Indian food and watching Disney movies to help unwind!

  29. Sarah R. says:

    I’ll go see a fun movie by myself with a bag of popcorn

  30. Catherine says:

    I love to play on photoshop or do something crafty to keep my hands busy and my mind free when I’m stressed out. And of course wine is involved.

  31. Laura says:

    When life gets really hectic (like this week!) I schedule a 6:30am yoga class to get my day started calmly. I am NOT a morning person so in my mind this deserves a medal…or some pretty jewelry..!

  32. Kristen says:

    I go on a run or call a friend who I know will make me laugh.

  33. Ashley says:

    Every day after work I go home, make some homemade guacamole, and much on that while enjoying a couple episodes of Friends. Nothing better than a good laugh to chase your stress away.

  34. WW says:

    When I’m really stressed, I like going for a run at night in a quiet, residential part of the city.

  35. LS says:

    I take a long, hot bath

  36. JAG says:

    I drink a cup of tea. Coffee won’t cut it!

  37. adrienne says:

    i do a mini spa day. get my eyebrows reshaped, manicure, and pedicure.

  38. Sarah says:

    Dinner or drinks with my girlfriends!

  39. Kasey says:

    I go for a quick run on the lakeshore path. Seeing the Chicago city skyline always seems to put everything into perspective for me.

  40. Kelly says:

    I pour myself a glass of wine and call my Mom.

  41. Lauryn says:

    I go for a nice long run!

  42. Caroline says:

    Running or bikram yoga every day.

  43. Aunt_Pete says:

    There’s nothing like a run for stress relief. I’m also a big fan of long, hot showers and reading in bed.

  44. Heather says:

    Just discovered hot yoga. I HATE regular yoga, so wasn’t too excited going in, but afterwards I felt so calm yet so energized. Love it!

  45. Eleni says:

    Call my Mom!

  46. Erica says:

    Plenty of yoga, followed by a quiet night in with dessert and wine!

  47. Melissa says:

    I take a long shower and convince someone to give me a back rub.

  48. Kate says:

    I see a movie by myself. You don’t have to discuss with anyone what you want to see, where you want to sit, or worry about whether they liked it.

  49. CJ says:

    I love to find a quiet place and get lost in a good book. It allows me to check out of my life for a bit.

  50. Diane says:

    During the workday, anything to quickly break up the routine and gather my energy back up is good. I will either go make myself a hot cup or herbal tea or I will find an excuse to take a brisk walk around the office. Sometimes just getting out of your cube for five minutes is a big help!

  51. m says:

    To relax and calm down anywhere, I take a few moments for mindful breathing and meditation as I was taught in my yoga class.

    It helps me calm down on airplanes (I get anxious flying), during stressful days at work, and when I can’t fall asleep at night.

  52. Anne says:

    I’m very lucky because I have my horse stabled relatively close to my office. Going out and visiting him, even if I don’t have time to ride, is a completely calming experience. My guy is a big puppy dog — unconditional love without the slobbering and bouncing.

  53. Mags says:

    For some reason high-stress cooking shows (Chopped, anyone?) always relax me. Side effect: they also make me hungry …

  54. Annabelle says:

    I’ll take a nice looong shower and talk to my man, or my mom!

  55. DW says:

    When I’m very stressed, nothing calms me down like cooking or baking. Usually the more steps involved in the recipe, the calmer I am by the time it’s ready.

  56. AMB says:

    It’s a little weird but I find I’m most calm after a good boxing session!

  57. Kate says:

    A glass of wine in our courtyard.

  58. BP says:

    Paint my nails while watching a good TV show.

  59. Courtney says:

    Despite growing up only a little more than an hour outside of D.C., my small rural town is like being in a different world. When I’m stressed out, I head to my mama’s house and get away from all the D.C. crazy.

  60. LeslieJeannene says:

    a long walk with the dogs on the W&OD or, you know, wine.

  61. Linda L says:

    I play with my puppy.

  62. Mallory says:

    To de-stress, I do yoga. During the work day, listening to music or taking a quick walk outside helps me stay calm.

  63. cheng says:

    Have a good meal with friends, conversation and of course – a drink or two.

  64. JMW says:

    Exercise works always brings a little calm into my life.

  65. Sleigh731 says:

    Running or an intense spin class.

  66. Brittnie says:

    A wine night and movie marathon with my girlfriends always does the trick!

  67. MFL says:

    One of the 3 Ps – pilates, porch, or pool!

  68. Megan says:

    i find a long run clears my mind and and brings a fresh perspective to whatever is bothering me. if my legs give out before my mind is settled, i resort to a bottle of wine.

  69. Debbie says:

    Exercise, a good book or a delicious piece of dark chocolate. Maybe a cocktail thrown in for good measure.

  70. Heather says:

    Coffee and walking, and okay… a little QVC.

  71. Emily says:

    A long hot shower

  72. Nora says:

    take a bath with a bath fizzie from lush!

  73. Samantha says:

    When I’m very stressed and need to recenter myself, I like going on long leisurely walks around the city with my fiance or one of my friends.

  74. Janine says:

    Looking at beautiful things helps to relax me, so I will climb into bed with a magazine, a cup of coconut hibiscus tea and turn on one of my favorite movies (Eat Pray Love or Love Jones) and become oblivious to the world around me!

  75. Catherine B says:

    I’m a stress organizer. Once I get my personal life and living space in order, I feel like my mind can be clear and I can focus on solving important problems.

    Big papers in college? Organize my close? Thesis due? Time to purge my closet and give my unwanted stuff to stressed friends! Big trial at work? Better make sure all the kitchen cupboards are in order!

  76. Deborah says:

    To clear my mind, I will either bake something or cross-stitch. Both require me to focus on something I enjoy.

  77. Katherine says:

    In the summer, I like to clear my head by taking long walks. In the winter, I take time to enjoy a nice large cup of piping hot tea.

  78. Aubrey says:

    I like to pour myself a glass of red wine and read a book, usually one I’ve read a million times like Pride & Prejudice

  79. Emily says:

    I give my self a full-on pampering night and end it curled on the couch with a classic movie or book.

  80. Heather says:

    What do I do to calm down? I honestly watch TV and have a glass of wine. But it has to be a really good show that allows me to only think about the movie. Then after about 15 minutes I’m okay!

  81. Ann says:

    Clean my house like a woman possessed

  82. Nicole says:

    I look at pictures of vintage Pyrex on the internet. Stacks of dishes in cupboards are about the apex of charm, and I love dreaming of the day I live in a little country cottage instead of a hot, loud city apartment.

  83. RMS says:

    watching a silly yet instructive tv show (i.e. what not to wear, my cat from hell, bar rescue) always calms me down.

  84. Holly says:

    Baths + body scrub. I feel like I am literally scrubbing away my stress!

  85. Lisa Erlanger says:

    Not gonna lie…there’s nothing more soothing than having some ice cream (straight from the container).

  86. CML says:

    Taking my dog out for a long walk is my daily centering ritual. But if I need to take out the big guns, an oatmeal bath with a glass of wine usually does the trick!

  87. Montana says:

    Try to become one with nature! Favorites are : hike up a mountainside and just and daydream, sit next to a creek and listen to the water. birdwatching, kayaking, a glass of cold reisling!!

  88. Alexis says:

    I lift weights. I don’t know what it is about picking heavy stuff up and putting it down again, but I always end up with a sort of adrenaline rush/feeling of empowerment that helps me manage stress and anxiety. As an added bonus I’m starting to develop pretty sweet delts, so there’s that.

  89. kelly says:

    long showers or yoga!

  90. Elyse G. says:

    I always head straight to the yoga mat.

  91. Amanda says:

    I spend an afternoon with a magazine or a good book.

  92. pam says:

    i go for a run when i need to relax/clear my head

  93. Hope says:

    I go running and/or soak in a hot bath.

  94. Hanan says:

    I read great fashion blogs like yours to bring a little calm! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  95. Caro says:

    During the school year, I head to the gym! Takes me away from whatever is stressing me out – classes, work, etc. – while allowing me to feel like I’m getting something accomplished.

  96. Caitlin says:

    I put my phones on silent, turn off the iPad and grab a book. An adult beverage never hurts either 🙂

  97. Lar says:

    I go for a run followed up with a soak in a bubble bath, a glass of red wine and a good book. Works wonders!

  98. J says:

    Sometimes i’ll cancel my Sunday plans and stay in bed napping and watching movies all day. Turning my brain off if a huge help. Other times I’ll do some yoga and then take a bath with a glass of wine.

  99. Danielle says:

    I’m a compulsive list maker, and as un-relaxing as it sounds, I love rewriting my to-do or grocery lists.

  100. Melanie says:

    I workout and come home and read a book!

  101. Shannon says:

    To relax and escape how hectic life in DC can get I love to go for a run along the mall in the early morning or evening and past the monuments (it is the best when there are no tourists).

  102. Jessica says:

    I bake while drinking wine. Whether it is pies, cookies, cupcakes, etc… knowing I can take several steps and arrive at the expected outcome is very calming. The wine is just an added bonus.

  103. Katie says:

    Exercise – Running, Walking, Lifting Weights, Cardio Class … anything to break a sweat.

  104. A.C. says:

    Early evening walks in my lovely neighborhood (Capitol Hill, incidently). I secretly critique all the gardens.

  105. GNG6 says:

    5 minutes of browsing the silliest cat .gifs I can find will put me at ease!

  106. Cait says:

    A good cup of tea, usually Irish Breakfast with a touch of milk and honey, and a good book.

  107. Elle says:

    Yoga and/or cardio. It shuts off my brain long enough to recharge.

  108. Laura P says:

    Head across town and sleepover at my parents house. Nothing like being pampered by your parents and sleeping in your childhood bedroom.

  109. Alicia says:

    Well – if I’m at home I drink a glass of wine or go for a walk. However – if wine is not an appropriate action I have a few inspirational fortune cookie quotes taped to my computer and in my wallet.

  110. Genevieve says:

    I turn all my electronic devices off (including my Kindle). Light a candle, put on a face mask, and read a physical book in my bed.

    Never fails.

  111. Christine says:

    Real stress requires something physical to manage it. I like to give my horse a bath and spend a long time grooming. It’s mindless, repetitive and soothing. Plus he really enjoys it!

  112. Amanda says:

    Bubble bath and wine. Cliché, but it works!

  113. Christine says:

    Real stress requires me to do something physical to manage it. I like to give my horse a bath and spend a long time grooming. It’s mindless, repetitive and soothing. Plus he really enjoys it!

  114. Mia says:

    I go for a run!

  115. Megs says:

    Chocolate, wine and a good book.

  116. J says:

    Depends a lot on what’s causing the stress, but either a long hike over tricky terrain (having to balance keeps you from thinking too hard about when the next memo is due) or a Lion King sing-along usually does the trick.

  117. Sally says:

    Bike rides, even short ones. Baths, especially with wine and a well-loved book. Nature: camping if possible, but the Botanical Garden will do in a pinch.

  118. Lesley says:

    A run or pilates!

  119. Brenna says:

    I go horseback riding ~ clears your head and exhausts you so that you’re too tired to think/stress anymore.

  120. dancinglonghorn says:

    I love love love astley clarke. When life gets hectic, extra sleep and a bubble bath with bath oil always helps me.

  121. gabrielle says:

    I go for a run, clean the bathtub and put fresh sheets on the bed. Then I have a princess bath (bubbles and candles and wine) and slip into a freshly made bed to read a book or magazine. Sometimes that’s the perfect Friday night!

  122. Diane says:

    Glass of wine and a movie!

  123. MG says:

    Red wine with mac and cheese. It says I’m classy, but I’m here to party.

    If I’m too too stressed, red wine and a hot bubble bath.

  124. Natalie says:

    Yoga, a jack and diet coke, and some Kraft Mac n cheese (not all at once!)

  125. Les says:

    A cup of coffee everyday. Or a long run. Or I read a quick mystery book like the Father Brown series.

  126. Valerie says:


  127. Kelly says:

    A bubble bath, champagne and The West Wing on Netflix.

  128. E says:

    Wine and a movie.

  129. bella says:

    Bake and cuddle with my SO.

  130. Jordan K. says:

    A long drive, blasting and singing along to some of my favorite songs.

  131. CR says:

    I take an evening to turn off my phone, put away my computer, and drink a scotch while reading or painting. I find that getting away from any and all glowing screens is a huge part of feeling relaxed for me.

  132. Liz says:

    I go to Bikram Yoga!!

  133. Amanda says:

    I soak a washcloth in cold water and mix in peppermint and lavender oils and give myself a cold compress.

  134. Lauren P. says:

    Deep breathing and positive thinking work wonders!

  135. Lauren says:

    I go for a run. Or I pour myself a glass of wine and catch up with shows on my DVR.

  136. Emily says:

    Calming essential oils and a book in bed!

  137. Vinutha says:

    I bake something. I put on some music, get out my ingredients and go to town.

  138. CT says:

    play my ukulele!

  139. ohraq says:

    I take a bubble bath, do a facemask and watch house of cards

  140. Charlene D. says:

    I do yoga and spend some time just chilling by myself doing whatever I feel like doing.

  141. Amy says:

    Find a Zumba class and dance it out!

  142. Claire says:

    Settle in with my well-worn copy of Pride and Prejudice. Always helps!

  143. Morgan Y says:

    Go for a walk if it is warm and then try to zone out and watch something funny.

  144. Jamie says:

    Red wine!

  145. TC says:

    Late night cleaning my home is my de-stresser. Otherwise a painfully-good sweaty workout makes me feel great!

  146. Dianne says:

    Working out or vegging out in front of the TV.

  147. Karen says:

    To relax? I get a hug from my pug, Doug 🙂

  148. Nicole says:

    Today is one of those stressful days. I’m going to go home and run on the treadmill until I’m dead tired. Running has become my savior — especially when you have good tunes to listen to. I run the stress out of me.

  149. M O'Sullivan says:

    A nice, warm bath and a good book or magazine.

  150. Lexi says:

    Watching International House Hunters on TV!

  151. JRA says:

    I turn off all electronics and leave the room my phone is in, put on my favorite comfy sweats and take a few deep breaths with my eyes closed. Then I open a bottle of wine and force my very fluffy cat to cuddle!

  152. Michelle says:

    I take a bath or if I don’t have the time a hot cup of coffee always provides me a little relaxation.

  153. Double L says:

    Big beautiful glass of malbec, super lovely vintage nightgown paired with a big snuggly sweater, only candles, and an old audrey hepburn movie or i love lucy reruns. Brings me calm every time.

  154. Shana says:

    Pilates and a giant glass of Malbec (consecutively, not simultaneously!) relax me so well!

  155. BT says:

    Yin Yoga and listen to cello music.

  156. Lauren says:

    I watch a movie that I love and enjoy a glass of wine!

  157. EFH says:

    Go for a run or take my dog to the beach

  158. Virginia says:

    I call my mom for her wisdom and kindness – a talk with her always helps me put things into perspective. Silly cat videos on YouTube help too 🙂

  159. CTM says:

    A glass of wine and nice long soak in the bathtub!

  160. Kathryn says:

    When things get really hectic and overwhelming, I do a small cleaning task I’ve been neglecting, like washing a couple of dishes or cleaning the trash out of my car. Knowing that I accomplished that one task makes me feel like everything that else that’s weighing me down can be just as easy to get done.

  161. Elizabeth says:

    i take a nice, long hot shower

  162. Emily says:

    Write a list and add silly simple things to it like go to the bathroom, eat an apple, etc. That way I can begin to cross things off and feel like I’m making progress.

  163. Denise B says:

    If I can, I try to get out of the city. Or at least to some open space. A trip to a winery, a round of golf, or even just a picnic on Roosevelt Island will get to step away from the hustle and slow down.

  164. Mary B says:

    Steaming clothes with my garment steamer to get the wrinkles out. It’s so satisfying to remove the wrinkles easily and the noise of the steam is calming!

  165. Rachel says:

    I go to my favorite coffee shop with a good book and just have some cell phone-less “me time.”

  166. Annie says:

    Bikram Yoga. Seriously de-stressing!

  167. Melissa says:

    Go for a run. Or drink a glass of wine 🙂

  168. Stephanie says:

    chats with my college roommate, which undoubtedly involve a lot of giggling

  169. strin012 says:

    I have a roof deck and the sunsets over the Washington Monument are breathtaking. That’s my go-to place to relax and read.

  170. Anne says:

    I get a manicure/pedicure.

  171. Staci says:

    I go for a walk in the summer. In the winter I paint my nails.

  172. Anna says:

    I relax by getting off the computer and reading or baking or taking a walk.

    (Also, these giveaways are great, but I am sad that I cannot enter the one on instagram – the only way to currently have an account is to have a phone or something that runs the app, which I do not have… whomp whomp for me…)

  173. elz says:

    When I need to recenter myself, I usually go for a run or hit the gym. Either way gives me uninterrupted time.

  174. Yanira says:

    Put in my earplugs and read The Chronicles of Narnia. Scented candle optional.

  175. Paige says:

    What exactly I am doing now, Tension Tamer Tea and blog surfing.

  176. JH says:

    I go for a long run, and then take a shower until I’m all out of hot water

  177. Allie says:

    Going on walks really de-stresses me. Something about being outside, in nature. The 4 mile loop from my place to Meridian Hill Park is my current favorite.

  178. Jessica says:

    doing my nails and hanging out with my cat always helps me relax!

  179. KJL says:

    Ballet classes… they require so much concentration on what you’re doing in that moment that everything else falls away. 90 minutes later I’m physically tired and mentally refreshed.

  180. Jaime says:

    A bubble bath, a glass of wine, food magazines

  181. Emily says:

    I take a walk in a nice area, like a nice town street or the forest. And I take time to notice all the little things during that walk. No agenda, just time to breathe and notice life.

  182. Elizabeth says:

    Massage, wine and a good book. Repeat as necessary.

  183. JB says:

    I relax by setting aside a quiet night to light a candle, paint my nails, and pop open a bottle of wine.

  184. Rachael says:

    I love spending a night in by myself, drinking some wine, ordering takeout, and watching a good movie to rest and recharge.

  185. Brittany M says:

    A long walk around DC with my Van Morrison playing in my earbuds. I did 6 miles the other day as I prepare to start a new job!

  186. Megan says:

    I go for a run if I need to get far away from distractions at home. Otherwise, I take a bath.

  187. Kara says:

    Long, hot bath, trashy magazine and a martini. Works every time!

  188. Kristen says:

    Yoga never fails to bring a little calm into my life.

  189. Alyse says:

    Wine and a romantic classic, a la 16 Candles or When Harry Met Sally.

  190. Whitney says:

    A good hard workout is what I need most to feel more like myself again.

  191. Hilary says:

    A few deep breaths and a few dabs of essential oils (I like Tata Harper’s Aromatics!)

  192. Mary says:

    Grab my friends and go to a hot yoga class!

  193. Hailey K. says:

    I put away all of my electronics and go sit on my balcony in silence and think about anything and everything.

  194. Jenny says:

    I cuddle with my cat! She has given me innumerable smiles and melts my heart every single day.

  195. Jessica says:

    A few minutes of quite time with an iced coffee always calms me down.

  196. Jessica says:

    A few minutes of quiet time with an iced coffee always calms me down.

  197. Stephanie says:

    I am trying to get into meditation and try to focus on my breathing. In the office I have a water view out my window, so I watch the boats go by.

  198. Lynn says:

    Nothing calms me down like a good run. I tried yoga, but that actually pretty stressful to me. It didn’t clear my mind at all; it just gave me quiet time to freak out and worry. Running makes my mind silent, and if I’m running outside, grateful.

  199. Tanya N says:

    Some light book reading helps me relax and get away from it all.

  200. Jules says:

    Read a book; there’s nothing better!

  201. Hannah says:

    I spend the morning taking a Barre3 class or sit down with a mug of tea and a great book!

  202. Amanda says:

    A good book and wine!

  203. Emcie Kaye says:

    I make a to-do list, and then delegate when (usually a day) I’m going to complete each task. Knowing that I have all of my tasks written out and scheduled relieves my anxiety, especially with my wedding being a mere 18 days away now! 🙂

  204. SS says:

    Organizing my jewelry and closet. Don’t know why but it keeps me calm and zen.

  205. Kelsey says:

    A homemade dinner I cook while listening to a favorite record and drinking scotch or a heavy pour of red wine.

  206. Lindsey says:

    Watching a movie alone in the middle of the day. It feels like real relaxation!

  207. Alex says:

    I watch Curb Your Enthusiasm, because when things get crazy, it’s comforting to know that life could be harder… I could be Larry David.

  208. pat says:

    Cleaning while listening to an audiobook. Two birds with one stone!

  209. Hayley says:

    I’m a firm believer in aquatic therapy. Translation: a hot bubble bath can calm all of my stresses *especially if there’s wine. I turn dim the lights, light candles, leave my phone in another room, and just hang out until my meltdown subsides.

  210. Amy says:

    I recently took a course on meditation, where I learned how to decompress with a combo of breathing and visualization. It’s a perfect way to take five at work, and to relax before bed.

  211. nisha says:

    Nothing gives me calm like coffee and a book!

  212. Sam says:

    To calm myself, I go to my garden and pick weeds. I know it sounds wierd, but I enjoy mindless repetitive tasks, and I feel a sense of accomplishment when I can pull a full root. Plus I am in my own space where no one wants to bother me. I can listen to music or a podcast or talk to a gardening neighbor.

    The other thing I do is say to myself “I can choose to be calm” as many times as needed for it to sink in.

    What a beautiful bracelet. Thank you for the giveaways!

  213. Tori says:

    A glass (or two!) always does the trick.

  214. Kathleen says:

    Reading a book and taking a nap. Cleaning the house helps, too!

  215. Mae says:

    When things get too hectic, I walk to the nearest coffee shop, sit, and make a list of all the things that need to be done. Somehow seeing everything on paper makes the tasks seem a little less impossible.

  216. Lauren says:

    Coffee, my balcony and a good book 🙂

  217. SarahT says:

    A Baptiste yoga class or a big cup of coffee while painting and listening to jazz.

  218. Lisa says:

    Take a dance class (my favorite for de-stressing is a modern/contemporary class)

  219. Julia says:

    I workout when things get hectic!

  220. El says:

    Eating wine and cheese while chatting with my husband, then curling up with our dog to watch reruns of Shark Tank.

  221. Anne Rosenbaum says:

    Exercise or a glass of wine!

  222. TXAtty says:

    Watch Project Runway on the couch with my dogs cuddled up next to me.

  223. Lauren says:

    Reading on my Kindle and a glass of wine (or three)

  224. Betsy says:

    Sweats, favorite pillow, blanket, comfy couch, West Wing or Gilmore Girls episode

  225. Katy J. says:

    Drink a bottle of ice cold Perrier! So refreshing.

  226. Nathalie says:

    I grab some needles, some soft yarn and start knitting.

  227. Amber B. says:


  228. Stephanie V says:

    Workout. Bootcamp or some one on one training helps immensely.

  229. Stephanie V says:

    Workout. Bootcamp or some one on one training helps immensely.

  230. Elizabeth says:

    A trip to the library never fails to calm me down! Whether it’s my local library or a huge research library in a big city, the sight of books just brings me peace!

  231. Laura says:

    Do a shot of wheat grass and go for a run!

  232. Rebeccah says:

    I lie on the floor with an ice pack on my head or forcibly snuggle my kitty for a minute while she purrs in confusion. Fur therapy!!!

  233. DC Beth says:

    I have a glass of wine while making the kids dinner.

  234. Lauren says:

    I like to grab a glass of wine (or two) and sit outside by the pool. Instant relaxation!

  235. Hms says:

    I attend Beach Yoga with Brad. Yoga at the waters edge, why would I ever go back to a studio??

  236. lizm says:

    I take a long bath with a familiar book (locking myself in the bathroom ha!)

  237. Anne says:

    When I get home from work, I have the “night” shift getting my son ready for bed. We have a routine down perfectly – bath/teeth/pjs/books/cuddles. It helps us both wind down from the day and bond. It’s very precious to me, and it gives my husband (sahd) an hour to himself.

  238. KJ says:

    A face mask and a bad tv marathon

  239. AM says:

    When I am stressed, I set aside time to paint my nails.

  240. v says:

    I lift weights!

  241. s-fish says:

    To re-center myself, I like to bake! I feel better when I’ve created something delicious

  242. espie says:

    If I can, grab a water bottle and go swim some laps!
    If said pool isn’t available, hot tea and a comfy chair.

  243. Megan H says:

    A long run. Or some retail therapy.

  244. Courtney says:

    Meditation. It always helps

  245. Mallory says:

    I bake! There’s nothing like perfectly measuring out ingredients and making something wonderful….but maybe that’s just my Type A showing.

  246. Katie says:

    a long run! sweat out the stress.

  247. Rellani says:

    Call my mom, take a few deep breaths while thinking of the ocean …and then I cook an island feast!

  248. Lisa says:

    Bubble bath with a glass of wine – works every time!

  249. Jamielin says:

    I think the “correct” answer is 45 min of cardio followed by juicing some fruits and veggies, but my reality is catching up on Housewives, red wine and dark chocolate truffles!

  250. GN says:

    Good music = Good vibes

  251. Ch says:

    Definitely head to the gym!

  252. Emilie says:

    Listen to Neil Diamond. Cracklin’ Rosie makes me smile every time.

  253. Amber says:

    At home facial will do it everytime

  254. merebot says:

    I get things off my to-do list…the most distasteful always first. I gulp down that devil without even looking at him! I’m in a much better mood after I’ve crossed a few things off my list. Order = hard work.

  255. Lisa says:

    Watching tv on our old broken couch with my daughters and my dog (usually SYTTD marathons!)

  256. Linda says:

    Window shopping alone with breaks for coffee and gelato.

  257. Jen says:

    Crafting (then enjoying) a creative cocktail (or two).

  258. Darcy says:

    Go for a long run around Old Town Alexandria! Love the history and beauty.

  259. AV says:

    Head to the mountains. There is nothing more relaxing than no cell phone service.

  260. DeLaina says:

    When things start getting to hectic I refuse to fill up what little “spare” time is left. I tell people that I have plans and can’t make any extra commitments even when my “plan” is to stay home and do nothing. I also knit and play with the dog.

  261. Prague says:

    Krav maga – the close combat system taught to the Israeli Defense Forces – also known as “punching bag therapy.” There’s nothing that makes me feel better than knowing I can take care of myself (and anyone I love) beyond what I ever thought was possible.

  262. Liz says:

    Going on a cleaning frenzy so that something in my life is organized, then have a glass of wine and talk to friends.

  263. Rose says:

    I buy a bottle of ridiculously overpriced fancy water and a good magazine, then enjoy them both outside!

  264. Colleen says:

    Yoga or a visit to the spa!

  265. Jenna says:

    When I really need to calm down, I clear off the top of my dresser, (having one clear space always helps), make my bed, and watch one episode of a favorite tv show like the office or parks and rec. It helps me calm down and get outside of myself for a bit!

  266. Sarah says:


  267. VKR says:

    Tea, preferably Jessie’s Tea from David’s Tea.

  268. Em says:

    To relax I loose myself on Pinterest with a glass of wine, and make lists. Lists of To Dos, of wishes, or just random thoughts. Once I get it out of my head and on paper it’s so much easier to let it go and tackle it one issue at a time! Thanks again for sharing your blogbday with us!

  269. Anna says:

    Online window shopping!

  270. Maggie says:

    Bubble bath and a glass of wine.

  271. Maria says:

    I like to go shopping by myself, and only by myself, to calm the nerves and relax. I will often suppliment the shopping with macarons and tea.

  272. Megan S. says:

    I followed your advice and took Sunday as my scrub day- this really is a nice time to be alone and regenerate yourself for the week.

  273. Sydni Mitchell says:

    I would like to say that I exercise, but let’s be realistic because that does not happen. I usually will either go to Sephora or Ulta and spend an hour wandering and testing different makeups…there is something soothing about looking at the new eyeshadow quad or new foundation that is out there…if that doesn’t work I grab a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Chocolate Therapy and put on a classic Doris Day movie.How can you not be relaxed while singing along to “please don’t eat the daisies”?

  274. Becky says:

    For serious calm, I take a bubble bath with a good book. Sometimes with a large glass of red wine.

  275. Christina says:

    I paint my nails. It sound silly, but I know when I sit down to paint my nails, it’s an hour to myself where all I can do is relax and I wait for them to dry.

  276. Diane says:

    What soothes my soul is a fabulous piece of jewerly, of course! Silver cool to the touch, the warmth of gold on my skin, or the mysteries a gemstone holds all help me meditate. The fluidity of a chain or beads through my fingers relaxes me, very similar to how our grandmothers used prayer or worry beads.

  277. Elise says:

    Yoga keeps me sane

  278. Olivia says:

    A long walk with my dog followed by a big glass(es) of wine.

  279. MX says:

    A long run through Rock Creek Park

  280. Marissa says:

    I go on a walk or take a bath in my wonderful new soaking tub. Ideally I’ll have time to both.

  281. Jennifer Reda says:

    i go to cap hill bikram yoga and then i soak in the bath afterwards!

  282. TrC says:

    Go on a tough tough run!

  283. Jessica R. says:

    I go shopping for an afternoon by myself. Being able to browse at my leisure and take as much in the dressing room as I wish (without having to worry about making a shopping companion wait), combined with a stop for an almond latte at Nordstrom Coffee Bar is always a winner for a relaxing afternoon!

  284. Erin S says:

    I eat a tub of frosting. For real.

  285. Carla says:

    I like to go for a jog and blast the latest top 40s tunes!

  286. Shannon says:

    Oh, this one is easy – yoga! Every day that I can fit it in:)

  287. Renee says:

    Depending on my mood, it’s either watching reruns of my favorite TV show or baking.

  288. Rebecca says:

    Long run followed by a longer bath 🙂

  289. Katie says:

    Drawing works wonders for me when I’m stressed!

  290. Heidi says:

    When I need to relax but have a deadline at the same time, I turn on the Swingin’ Christmas Pandora. A little tacky in August? Yeah, maybe, but gets the job done.

  291. Cara says:

    I grew up near in south Georgia about half a mile from train tracks. When I got overwhelmed, worried, or stressed I would climb out my window onto the roof and listen to trains go by. To date whenever life gets to be too much I drive until I find some tracks and wait for the next train.

  292. An says:

    Minecraft. Nerd alert! 😉

  293. GoBigRed says:

    A good novel. Escaping into someone else’s life for awhile makes me more ready to face mine. Ice cream helps too.

  294. Caroline says:

    Running is a major de-stresser for me! Helps clear my mind and re-energize me 🙂

  295. Hailey says:

    Go for a run, of course!

  296. Sara says:

    I treat myself to a hair mask, face-mask, nail-painting girly night in.

  297. Whitney says:

    I cook something complicated.

  298. MissK says:

    Deep cleaning my apartment is actually a very soothing activity for me. I just love the feeling afterwards of looking around and feeling like I’ve created such a calm and orderly space.

  299. Tori says:

    When I need to calm down, I go to the rink and ice skate

  300. RZ says:

    I shut my door, look at my pretty view, and meditate for a few minutes when I’m feeling very stressed.

  301. Hannah F says:

    I take a short walk by myself. The fresh air and exercise really help clear my mind.

  302. Shannon says:

    I keep a folder in my work and personal email of funny/awkward/sweet/thank you emails to read whenever I need a boost.

  303. Jen says:

    To recenter myself, I go for a run or read a novel.

  304. CM says:

    I run. For a long time. Listening to bad pop music. Don’t judge!

  305. Leah K. says:

    I take a walk outside. Gaining some perspective on all the other things going on in the world tends to center me and remind me that any issues I have can be resolved. Bonus points if I see a cab driver overreact and give someone the business end of the horn…makes my reactions pale in comparison.

  306. A says:

    A beer in the backyard

  307. Holly W says:

    Depending on the circumstances and where I am (geographically), yoga, reading a book on the couch with a mug of tea, a blanket, and my dogs, or going for a walk in the snow.

  308. K says:

    A glass of water. Cheese. Fruit. An exercise class that makes me sweat.

  309. Michele says:

    I do a quick meditation with the Buddhify app.

  310. Lisa Kajihara says:

    Exercise helps me feel calm. That and some baking…usually it’s best if I do the exercise first so I can indulge in whatever I bake.

  311. Donniell says:

    I tend to cook or bake something when stressed. Watching sauces reduce or kneading bread before baking, repetitive culinary motions help to calm me down.

  312. Katie says:

    Read a book on my balcony with a glass a wine and some chocolate.

  313. Anita says:

    Sometimes I just need to get a good run in, even if it is only a couple miles! Or I make an extra effort to make it to my favorite class at the gym.

  314. Karin says:

    Grab my kindle, fill the tub with a bath fizzie from Lush and have a nice glass of wine. Always feel great after a tub!

  315. Rachel says:

    Cuddle with my cat. Yes, I am a shameless cat lady.

  316. Lauren C says:

    A hot bath, good book, and glass of cab!

  317. Caroline says:

    Veg-out! Lay around and just relax!

  318. Marcy says:

    I go for a run by myself or take a walk with my fiancé by the lake.

  319. Shirley says:

    A bottle of wine.

  320. Jennifer says:

    I take my pup for a walk around the reservoir. The fresh air, gorgeous view, and my adorable dog are all I need to calm down and re-center.

  321. Maria S says:

    Nothing beats a hot shower followed by a long nap!

  322. Beth says:

    I always try to make time for a brainless tv show or book before bed. It doesn’t always happen, but it really helps when I manage it!

  323. kjh says:

    I make to-do lists.

  324. Mishelle says:

    Cocktail and mindless TV.

  325. Lauren says:

    I get on yoga kicks every once in a while and always love it, but typically, i just curl up and watch some TV or go to bed early!

  326. e says:

    Call home! Nothing like talking to my crazy family.

  327. J says:

    Animal therapy! It’s a great time to volunteer at the local humane society and be a puppy walker/bunny cuddler.

  328. Emily says:

    Reading always makes me feel relaxed. I pick up a book and am instantly calm. Being transported to another world, time, and characters lives is a way to escape my own reality.

  329. Ann says:

    I run. It takes my mind off of whatever is stressing me out and makes me feel like I’m being proactive, even if just for a little while.

  330. Steph says:

    It depends on what I feel I need. Usually it’s a long dog walk, getting lost in a book or writing. Sometimes it’s even staring at a wall.

  331. Jennifer says:

    I get into bed really early and flip through magazines or catch up on my fiction reading.

  332. Mel says:

    A long hot shower to decompress or a reality TV show to distract.

  333. TD11 says:

    Yoga or ice cream. Never fails.

  334. Kiersten says:

    mint tea. always.

    or shopping.

  335. Kat says:

    I swim….and swim and swim. 🙂 Works every time.

  336. Meghan says:

    A good book and a cup of hot tea will fix any problem!

  337. Elizabeth says:

    When I find the need to sit down and re-center myself, there is nothing better than a mug of tea and some knitting!

  338. Cynthia W says:

    Yoga – and if that fails, wine.

  339. Kathryn H. says:

    Being an introvert, I’m just happy hanging out at home!

  340. Caroline says:

    A mani/ pedi, followed by dinner and drinks at my favorite wine and cheese bar.

  341. Sara says:

    I go for a run!

  342. Dsl says:

    I facetime with my godson

  343. Katherine says:

    After a stressful day, I like to de-stress by going to my favorite coffee shop for a latte and some time to write. It’s nice to sit down and write my thoughts down while enjoying time to myself.

  344. AAR says:

    Church or yoga

  345. Leslie says:

    As a fellow Montanan in the Southeast, I look at pictures from the last time I went home, close my eyes and pretend I am back on my kayak in one of the rivers in Glacier.

  346. CEM says:

    Gone With the Wind and potato chips

  347. Liz says:

    To relax, I play with my two kitties!

  348. Carolyn says:

    I live in Boston which is quite nature-y so whenever I need to relax, I like to run or take a walk along the paths by the Charles River or sit at a docks and take in the fresh air. I commute in to Boston for work so sitting on the commuter train and watching the scenery outside is also fairly calming after a long day.

  349. ElleDC says:

    I read a terrible romance novel!

  350. Jessica says:

    That’s exactly why I joined the gym. Spin class or yoga are both fantastic for relieving stress. Then, I cook. With lots of wine.

  351. Carlie says:

    A cup of hot earl grey tea always does the trick for me!

  352. lindsey says:

    Make a hot cup of green tea, then just sit and enjoy it without any computer, phone, or other distractions. The ritual of making it and the heat of the tea both work to calm me. Works every time.

  353. Carolyn says:

    I drink a sparkling water (or a beer) and sit on my couch and zone out. Like I’m doing right now.

  354. melissa says:

    i go and lay out in the grass and let the sun wash away my worries.

  355. KM says:

    Go to the Garden!

  356. Kc says:

    I like to lay on the couch and watch tv.

  357. Deanna says:

    It’s all about trashy television and fun books.

  358. Sophie says:

    If I can’t get a good, sweaty run in, I love to grab some grub and watch bad reality television. The two activities are quite opposites, but both do much good to get me all relaxed and stress-free!

  359. Meredith says:

    I calm down by laying flat on my bed and meditating for five minutes. If I end up taking a nap, even better!

  360. Liana says:

    The mac n cheese from Whole Foods is totally a comfort food for me. When I am stressed instead of rushing home to make dinner, I will often just pick up something from the WF hot bar.

    I also sleep with a sachet of organic lavender in my pillowcase. It’s really calming and soothing when I lie down to go to sleep.

  361. Kate says:

    Some combination of yoga, Netflix, and red wine.

  362. Pancakes says:

    To relax, I poke around on the internet!

  363. Brittany says:

    I take a walk, usually to one of the monuments in DC. The exercise is great and seeing such great places always makes me happy!

  364. Matel says:

    A jog and some good quality time with my dogs normally relaxes me after a hectic day at work.

  365. Kayci says:

    I play with my cats. And drink wine.

  366. Liz says:

    Reality TV does the trick for me. That, and some hot tea.

  367. Kim M. says:

    A nice nap or having my boyfriend literally pick me up and spin me around until I just have to laugh!

  368. Rosanne says:

    I have to say that for relaxation I will turn to the web for some reading. For true relaxation and centering, though, i have to create with my hands. I love to sew – i find my “flow” pretty quickly and emerge centered in a way that little else an bring.

  369. Anon says:

    Skate. As soon as I step onto the ice it feels like all the stress flows out through my blades. Coach says she can see it happening.

  370. Kerry says:

    To relax I sleep, go for a run, and/or spend some time laughing with friends.

  371. Meghan says:

    Depending on my energy level, I go for a run, do some yoga, or meditate.

  372. Laura says:

    My favorite “me time” is to go to the great coffeeshop Tryst in DC with a book, a magazine, and a notebook, order a hot chai latte and maybe some pastries, and sit for as many hours as it takes to chill out. People watching alone is calming to me.

  373. KC says:

    I go to the library. The quiet always makes me calm and happy.

  374. Mary says:

    I walk the dog. Nothing de-stresses like playing with a puppy!

  375. Jennifer says:

    A warm shower and a good book.

  376. Alexis says:

    A nice long run or, when I can’t get that in, guided 2min meditations.

  377. SLG says:

    It’s counterintuitive, but neatening up my house is cathartic. Always makes me feel calmer.

  378. Megan says:

    A walk through historic downtown Savannah when the weather is nice or a good book and a cozy blanket when the weather keeps me indoors…

  379. kb says:

    I’m a working mom of a very energetic 3 year old girl and I have a hellish commute: 90 minutes each way. I have two ways of relaxing and finding my center: 1.) I bought a Kindle several months back and use my very long commute to lose myself in a great book. My commute ends being great “Me Time” 2.) On the weekends during nice weather, I get up early, take my yoga mat outside to the back patio and do sun salutations to calm my mind and get the blood flowing.

  380. Amanda says:

    Bikram yoga! My coworkers and I can’t do without it!

  381. KLO says:

    Glass of wine and a trashy romance. Bonus points for a historical setting, badly accented dialogue, fiery tempers, and characters with names like Brodick, Tristan, Hawk, etc.

  382. Courtney says:

    I love watching one of my favorite comedy shows, whether it’s something current or even an old favorite. I swear I’m never going to get tired of Friends – those episodes still crack me up! Ross and the leather pants, Phoebe changing her name to Princess Consuela Banana Hammock, Rachel dealing with her sisters (Christina Applegate cracked me up), Monica and Chandler hiding their relationship, Joey trying to learn French, etc. Hard to stay stressed when I’m cracking up.

  383. Rachel says:

    If I’m at work: take deep breaths, get away from my desk and walk around

    If I’m at home: sit on the couch with my cat and my book with a cup of tea in hand, then take a bath and stretch out all my muscles afterward!

  384. Kat says:

    To center myself I usually brew myself a pot of herbal tea, grab a fluffy blanket and sit in a beautiful space by a window. I try to organize my thoughts and enjoy the light and peaceful moment. Option two is to take a walk, that almost always helps!

  385. Charity Grubbs says:

    I love a big cup of coffee, not just any cup, but certain cups, that are big and wide. You can put both hands around them. Then a little Bailey’s just to color it a pretty tan color. Grab that book that you haven’t been able to finish and the softest blanket you can find. While brewing the coffee, you throw that said blanket in the dryer so it is warm, and fresh smelling. Grab my book and cup of Joe and head out to hammock in the back. Nestled between two tree’s that are just dense enough to hide you, let you see the day as it begins. Mornings that start this way (always a Saturday)are my most relaxed days of the whole week.

    If this doesn’t work, or the kids/hubby/dog/work woke me, I will go punch and kick the crap out of my kickboxing bag in the basement. That too… every time.

  386. Aet says:

    When I need to wind down after a hectic day I curl up with my Kindle and read an epic space opera while sipping on some red wine and enjoying a scented candle (cinnamon!).

  387. Devon says:

    I’ll put on chill music and start baking. Anything goes, but banana bread (with walnuts or chocolate chips) is a staple. I can zone out as I measure ingredients and stir. I’ll bring most of it into work the next day so I don’t consume all the calories!

  388. Sarah says:

    A few glass of wine and to cook something nice for myself

  389. Tasha says:

    I scroll through the Avocados Gone Wild subreddit: Always makes me smile, even on the worst of days.

  390. definitely curl up in my worn leather chair with a blanket, a book, and a treat…wine or chocolate, depending on my mood, though both are good.

  391. Amanda says:

    Definitely yoga! I can go to a class or do it at home, but I always feel much better after just a few minutes. Also, treating myself to an expensive, high calorie Starbucks latte, preferably when the weather is cooler 🙂 Always makes me feel better!

  392. Ashley says:

    We love to go out dancing when things are stressful. Happy hours don’t hurt either!

  393. Laura says:

    A glass of wine and a good book always calms me down.

  394. Caroline says:

    When I can’t physically get away, I close my eyes and start to list all the positive things in my life I can. This usually helps me realize that whatever is stressing me isn’t really worth the anxiety.

  395. Nurit says:

    I go hiking in nature.

  396. Sadie says:

    I’ve had a lot of stress in my life recently, so learning to re-center and relax is a top priority! I love to write, so at the end of the day I may sit for hours typing everything that’s come into my mind. Mindful relaxation and meditation is also a big help.

    The bracelet is beautiful. Thank you for doing this wonderful giveaway!

  397. Jacqueline says:

    When things get to hectic, I love to sit out on my patio deck, with a glass (or two) of red wine, and read until the sun sets. Thankfully, it is also heated so I can do this all year round 🙂

  398. B says:

    FIll travel mug with wine, walk to nail salon, get deluxe pedi. Keep sunglasses on the whole time. For full visual, I’m probably wearing a t-shirt dress and jacks, credit card tucked in phone case (carrying a purse is too much effort here).

  399. Em says:

    sit on my front porch and read a good book

  400. JS says:

    yoga, or wine, wine cures all

  401. Meredith says:

    a good book and a glass (or 3) of wine always help to take me away and relax my nerves.

  402. Katie says:

    Unfortunately, my relaxation technique tends to involve a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked :/

  403. Jessica says:

    Your brain releases endorphins when you softly focus on the horizon for long periods of time, so a week at the beach where I disconnect from the cell phone and computer is perfect!

  404. Em says:

    A cup of decaf tea and hawaiian music

  405. Stephanie says:

    I watch the West Wing and knit. And a cup of tea. Or wine. 😉

  406. Carissa says:

    I go for a run, then immediately counteract all benefits by baking a cake/cookies/brownies from scratch.

  407. Megan says:

    I usually take a hot shower and dive into a good book. If I can’t seem to shut my brain off I grab a journal and write until I have nothing left to say.

  408. Jssaustintx says:

    Derr! That’s easy. The couch, a cat in my lap, and catching up on my favorite blog: Capitol Hill Style!!!

  409. Laura says:

    I like to read online reviews for products I’ve already purchased. It sounds silly, but it makes me feel smart and validated. 🙂

  410. MWA says:

    Long walks around the Capitol and plenty of dark chocolate!

  411. teresa l. says:

    Leave the kids with the hubby while I have some quiet time to read a book or magazine, or do my nails =)

  412. A.B. says:

    Some uninterrupted time curled up on the couch with a good book and a glass of white wine is exactly what I need. A leisurely walk with good company is also helpful.

  413. KP says:

    I read a novel and take a nap.

  414. KikiL says:

    WINE, spinning and a reality tv/E!/Bravo marathon (or episode depending on available time)

  415. Jess H says:

    I get in my most comfortable clothes, lay down on the couch, and watch the most dramatic, mindless TV show I can find! Summer TV is the best for that 🙂

  416. Amy Marie says:

    A glass of vino and a Harry Potter book are all it takes to calm me down and recharge my poor little brain.

  417. MN says:

    Two extremes – a nice long workout (spinning or running) or a book, a comfy couch in a quiet room.

  418. Lynn says:

    When I feel stressed, it’s usually due to something in my near world that’s out of my control – short staffed at work, irrational boss-related stuff or family illness (Mom is pretty fragile now). To de-stress, I tend to find something I can control – like shopping. Not crazy, debt-inducing shopping, but thoughtful, “what’s missing from my wardrobe or what fun thing have I been lusting for” kind of shopping. I also talk to my husband – probably ad nauseam, but he’s a really great listener.
    Love the blog!! Also a great stress-reliever to find great style ideas! Thanks and happy anniversary!

  419. Jaime says:

    Reading a book in a hot bath, follow with a hot cup of tea and a good magazine.

  420. Georgia says:

    I like to curl up in bed with a good book and a cup of coffee. If that fails to do the trick, I turn to Netflix.

  421. Kay says:

    I love to do yoga to calm down. If I’m not feeling active, I also like taking my Kindle to the Mexican restaurant in town to read a little and have a margarita!

  422. Mary Claire says:

    Book and a hot bath, or if I have time, getting a pedicure.

  423. Joanna says:

    I Jazzercise! Its the best way to relieve stress – just dance it out!

  424. Christine says:

    A cup of tea. I love the ritual of waiting for the kettle to boil and steeping the tea…

  425. April says:

    Schedule a massage or facial

  426. Mardi says:

    Eat chocolate and read fashion and beauty blogs 🙂

  427. rebecca says:

    a long walk and listening to my favorite podcasts

  428. Amanda Elizabeth says:

    Running! Yoga stresses me out more..hmm, problem?

  429. Leslie A says:

    Watching Mad Men on Netflix.

  430. Bridget says:

    To relieve stress I have a you tube dance party with my toddler and/or husband.

  431. Lauren S says:

    I love to do yoga or to veg in front of the tv watching something funny.

  432. Lyndsay says:

    Take a bath with lavender bath salts.

  433. K says:

    I take my dog for an adventure! Wipes all of the stress away.

  434. P says:

    I bake chocolate chip cookies. Hard to mess those up.

  435. Angie says:

    I actually paint my nails and pop in a good movie. It allows me to get my mind away from stress and relax with the added benefit of a nice new manicure!

  436. AmandaJ says:

    Top three things I do to bring a little calm into my life: go for an early morning run; feed the ducks in the park; and, call my Nana <3

  437. Sld says:

    Country music – good mood instantly

  438. Emilie S says:

    I do one of 2 things to relax. I either take the dog for a run if the weather is nice. Seeing her collapse into a panting heap of happiness and knowing I did something good for me too always re-focuses my outlook on life. Or I cook, with a large bottle of malbec open and constantly being used to refill my wine glass 🙂

  439. Elena M says:

    To relax I go for a late night run!

  440. Kristen says:

    Get in nature by myself, preferably laying by the pool. I’m a different person afterwards! 🙂

  441. Mariah says:

    I ride my horse. It’s like flying, except better.

  442. Sarah says:

    I jump in my car, sacrifice the 20 minutes of traffic to get over to Difficult Run in Great Falls, and park myself by a rapid until the sound of the water has completely erased the stress from my mind.

  443. KRF says:

    When things get a little hectic I try to carve out some time for a long walk or trip to the park with the family. Sometimes a change of scenery does the trick! Thanks again for another fun give-a-way!

  444. Elise says:

    A weekend morning and afternoon to myself, no plans, where I sleep in, go for a long run, take a long shower, and then lay on the coach and read or watch lame TV. Works every time.

  445. Radmila says:

    some stroll in the park is always helpful!

  446. Sarah says:

    Spending time in solitude with God always helps me recenter, relax, and refocus!

  447. MelodyJ says:

    I like to read magazines.

  448. Wehaf says:

    I like to zone out while listening to instrumental music.

  449. Belle says:


  450. Ashley says:

    If I’m done for the day, a glass of wine (or two!) does just the trick. Otherwise, I’ll try to stretch for a while and breathe deeply. It really helps!

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