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State of the Blog: Some Updates

Feb 22, 2013

New Features. The past 10 days have brought a lot of changes to Capitol Hill Style even though most are not visible to readers.

After three years on Squarespace, I opted to leave that service and come back to WordPress.  As a result, my web designer, Sarah, and I have been able to bring about some of the changes that readers were asking for.

You can now reply directly to comments.  This will make facilitating a discussion and answering questions much easier.  And if you like receiving blog posts via e-mail, you can subscribe to CHS using the box in the sidebar on your right.

We’re still working out a few of the kinks, but we’ll also be adding new features going forward.

Google Reader.  If you follow Capitol Hill Style in Google Reader, I know that this transfer has caused some issues.  The best thing to do if you are having problems is to delete CHS from your reader and then re-add it using this link.  That should fix it, but if people are still having issues, we’ll investigate other solutions.

Academy Awards.  As of right now, my plan is to live blog the Academy Awards Red Carpet as I have done for the past few years.  This is dependent on two things, however–1) My flight landing on time, and 2) my Internet connection working as it should (as of late it has not been and Comcast has been VERY unhelpful, shocking, right?).

It is very likely I will be liveblogging the arrivals, so come by here at 6PM EST for a dose of snark and Ryan Seacrest…Seacrest is why I also drink during the arrivals.  He may be the Dick Clark of our time, but his Mr. Blackwell impression leaves a lot to be desired.



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  1. Anna Louisa says:

    Woohoo! Already excited for Sunday 🙂

  2. LeslieJeannene says:

    Seacrest may not be the best (i love him.) but hes 1000x better than when they let Guiliana, Kelly and Ross do it on their own! What a mess that awards show was…the sags i think?

  3. GoGoGo says:

    Hey yall, regular fan here.

    Way to go on the blog platform move, I hope it leads to good things…

    FYI though, it looks like I can no longer comment without providing an email address. I’ve held off on commenting this week as a result. I might be wrong, but it looks like some other commenters might have held off too. Is that intentional? Or a bug on my computer?

    (And I was dying to gush about the panel dress on Tuesday! …And say how it reminded me of this awesome dress like it that was on House of Cards…and is anyone else watching House of Cards and loving RObin Wright’s wardrobe?)

  4. GoGoGo says:

    Thanks as always, though, for the excellent “constituent services” and for keeping us in the loop.

  5. Emily says:

    I love the move back to word press! For the past few months, the images have only displayed occasionally while using chrome. It was such a welcome surprise to have them all working again. Thanks for all your hard work.

  6. LS says:

    I think someone mentioned this issue earlier this week, but here’s a reminder than the images seem to have disappeared from your old posts. Otherwise, love the new features! Thank you (and Sarah) for making CHS an even better site.

  7. Question Everything says:

    Just testing that I can still post here. I have major problems with wordpress.

  8. Jenna says:

    I love (or hate?) that is it universally agreed that comcast is a terrible company.

  9. Christine says:

    I’ve done a couple of searches in google lately looking for archived posts. I found them, but when I clicked on the link, it never took me to the post. I don’t know if that’s one of the issues you’re working on, but wanted to let you know in case it’s not.

  10. Susan says:

    Amen to your Seacrest comment. He may be as rich as Dick Clark, but he’s no Dick Clark.

  11. Char says:

    I love your blog, but I’m still having issues with Google Reader. I hope you get it fixed! Either way, I’ll keep reading. Thanks!

  12. AR says:

    Belle, is it possible to set your links to open in new tab/window? It’s inconvenient to navigate away from the post with every click to a link then having to hit back button. Thanks! Keep up the good work

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