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State of the Blog: A Half-Day Hiatus

Jan 4, 2013


I’ve been feeling under the weather lately, so I’ll be out for the rest of the day but life here at CHS should be back to normal on Monday.  (I spent so much time on airplanes last month, it’s no wonder I wound up with a sinus infection.)

Even though it’s been a short week, with New Year’s Eve and Swearing-In Day it’s been kind of a long one too.  So if you need something to get you through your Friday, here are some recent additions to my Google Reader (apologies if there are repeats, DayQuil fries my brain):

Childhood Flames

Bag Snob

Note to Self

Pretty Squared


Into the Gloss

You can also visit my Pinterest page to see whose pins I’m following.  My current favorite pinner? The Corporate Fashionista.

Lastly, Google Adsense (which provides some of the ads on this blog) has done away with their “ads for feeds” program.  This has led many fashion bloggers to limit the content available to readers who access blogs through a site like Google Reader.  So instead of featuring the whole post in GR, readers can now see only a headline or a short excerpt and must click over to read the whole post on the blog itself.

I thought about doing the same thing to make up for the lost revenue, but I follow a lot of blogs using Google Reader, and I find that I’ve stopped reading most of the blogs that truncated their reader content.  So I’m not going to make the switch. 

That’s all for today, see you next week. Have a fun, safe and restful weekend!




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  1. Emilia Jane says:

    Thank you for not changing, I live in Reader 🙂 xxoo

  2. Kari says:

    I wanted to come to the blog and comment because I tend to read exclusively through Reader too. Thank you.

  3. Mary says:

    Yours is one of the blogs I actually visit instead of reading through Reader so it wouldn't have affected me, but I have to really, really love a blog to click through. I think that was a wise choice.

  4. Sarah says:

    Thank you for not changing! Reader is the best.

  5. Jenna says:

    Thanks for showing some love to the GR addicts. . . Similarly, I've unsubscribed from quite a few blogs recently that have started truncating content.

  6. Liz F says:

    So happy that you aren't going to change how your blog is viewed in Google Reader! I really appreciate it!

  7. khizzie says:

    Thank you SO MUCH for keeping your content readable! I promise you lots of shopping link click-through in return!

  8. Daisy says:

    Thank you for not changing. I read all my blogs through Reader, and have also unsubscribed from many that require you to click through,

  9. Yang says:

    Thank you for not changing, I love google reader! Just curious what do you use on the ipad/tablet in lieu of google reader with the browser?

  10. ChinaRette says:

    Thanks for thinking of your readers, Belle. We certainly understand if you need to make changes in order to be compensated fairly, but this is a big help to us!

  11. ChinaRette says:

    Yang, I use the MobileRSS app for iOS. It works with your Google Reader account, but makes it easy to browse on the iPad. I read a ton of blogs every day, and I rely on it heavily!

  12. Belle says:

    Yang: I use Flipbook for iPad reading.

  13. Kim says:

    I also unsubscribe regularly from blogs that truncate their reader view. Thank you for not switching! Trust that your content is so good people will click through anyway to comment and such.

  14. Carolyn says:

    Yay!! So glad you are staying in Reader. Last week, I actually went through my Reader and unsuscribed from everyone who doesn't post a full blog there – I just don't want to spend my time to click through. I do end up clicking through to you most of the time anyway – to search for old posts or check the comments.

  15. Molly says:

    Thank you for staying in Reader! I am a loyal reader and with a young child in tow, I rely on being able to access blogs quickly on my phone as I have less time these days to consume content. I too have been unsubscribing from blogs in my feed that have truncated. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness to your followers on this matter.

  16. Jen says:

    Thank you! Thank you! Been reading every single day for over 3 years in Reader and would be so disappointed to lose it. I enjoy this blog so much and appreciate the time and effort you put into it. I like that you don't try to load down with sponsored posts and filler posts just rambling on and on.

  17. Anon says:

    Thank you! I'm with all the others that unless a blogger is one of my very, very favorites, I quit reading their blog once I have to click through. I love you enough to click through, but I'm so happy I won't have to 🙂

  18. GR says:

    Thank you so much for not changing your blog in google reader!! Seriously most appreciated.

  19. Thank you so much for mentioning Corporate Fashionista's pins on Pinterest!!! It's my latest addiction. So happy you are enjoying them. Get well soon!

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