Hi Belle,You often urge women to get their shoes re-heeled to avoid the embarrassing ‘clack, clack’ of exposed metal. I’ve been in DC for a while and have yet to find a good place to get this done. Hoping to get some boots (the Ciao Bella Tori Boot you wrote about on the blog–love them!) resoled before winter hits and would love your recommendation.Thanks! Abby
It’s true, I do hate the high-pitched squeal of exposed metal on cobbletstone/marble/wood flooring. It makes me want to call a “Time Out” like Zack Morris and go searching for the offender. So while I’m sure I’ve answered this question before, I’ll answer it again.
In D.C., I’ve been reasonably happy with Cobbler’s Bench. They have locations all over D.C. including inside the House Office Buildings, all are open to the public. There’s also Art’s Shoe Repair on 17th Street NW. They do a pretty good job.
Also, if you ever want to know where I go for something or who I see, just check The Sartorialist.
Love all of these Ask Belle posts!
How often do you guys find you need to get your shoes reheeled? Some of my more basic pairs get worn down to the metal within a month, and it's expensive/a hassle to keep getting them repaired. I've thrown in the towel and started wearing flats on my commute and long walks, but is there anything else I can do to slow down the rate of wear?
Fortuna's in Bethesda is wonderful
For any ladies that work the Pentagon, the cobbler in the concourse just to your right from the Metro enterence is great and affordable.
The Golden Shoe in Ballston is great, too.
Tysons I has a cobbler. They will fix shoes, purses, etc. I've re-soled and heeled a number of shoes there.
Wearing down to metal is not only annoying, it can be dangerous. You will slide/skitter on certain surfaces. Tile, etc.
For shoes that don't wear down, maybe get more expensive shoes? I have a number of Ferragamos and three of them I've re-heeled. However, they are 6 yrs old and still look fantastic. Ferragamos are classics (read: not trendy) and IMHO you can wear them forever. In fact I am currently seeing a number of beige spectator pointy-toed slingbacks (black toe) in stores these days.. bingo – I already have it, in a 6 yr old Ferragamo.
I highly recommend Best Foot Forward in Pentagon City. They are reasonably priced and have practically rebuilt my favorite boots. They do fantastic work!
The Press on Penn is fabulous. Very willing to work with you and their cobbler is great!
If you want a place in the city–I had great success at S&S Cobbler at H and 11th NE.