Tomorrow, my favorite handbag designer, Rebecca Minkoff, is having a massive end of Summer sale.
Rebecca Minkoff’s bags are a great buy when they’re on sale. They’re stylish, good quality and if you take care of them, they can last forever. I own two Mini-MABs (black, ostrich) and a brown Mini MAC clutch, and I’m hoping to add another piece during the sale.
So mark your calendars, set your alarm clocks, empty your change jars and bookmark that link. Because when this sale goes live, it will be mayhem.
The link isn't working! I love good deals on purses!
Last time they had a major sale their website crashed. It was awful. I hope they learned from that.
Me too.
How much do they usually mark them down?
I bought a $495 Mini MAB for $285. So it can be substantial depending on the bag.
Got a mini MAB on uber-sale just now. Thanks Belle for letting us know about the sale! On my budget I wouldn't have been able to afford her bags otherwise.