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10th Commandment: June 29

Jun 29, 2011


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  1. ashley says:

    I'm sorry Belle, but the pink one is hideous. The piping would make anyone look fat. Just say no.

  2. prosecutordc says:

    I don't know about these tops. I tried one on from Ann Taylor in black and I felt like I was wearing a cheesy 80s prom dress as a top.

  3. Katie says:

    Ohh I love the first one! I can just imagine it looking amazing with a pair of dark straight jeans and heels

  4. Ash says:

    I'm always so hopeful with shirts like these but I think I end up looking like I am wearing a costume. The one from the Gap looks like the 'puff' is pretty slight, so maybe it could work.

  5. Belle says:

    I wasn't crazy about the middle one either…thought about skipping it entirely, since that price range seemed to be void of options. Probably should've just put two. 250 10th Commandments a year, not all of them can be amazing.

  6. D says:

    I like the Gap one the best – but I agree about the sleeve puff and would have to see how big it is in person first.

    Anne Shirley would approve.

  7. Anon says:


    Kudos for the childhood literary reference

  8. Kim says:

    Yay! For once I like the one that is the most affordable option the best. Good choice with the Gap one, Belle.

    I don't think the middle one is that bad. I also think part of the reason it looks less-than-stellar is the odd pose/strange photoshopping going on in that picture.

    Belle, I always appreciate the 10th Commandment posts. I'm sure it is difficult to come up with that many different things to display!

things that caught my eye