Sandalia Raso Tacon Madera (Zara, $80)
Zara, why don’t you have an online store? Why must you torture me with images of gorgeous, sexy, fun high heels and leave with no way to buy them since you so sparsely stock your D.C. locations? I promise, if you start stocking the nice pieces Johanna Cox and I will keep you in business with our wealth of purchases.
ahh I second this! nothing more frustrating…
I heard Zara is launching online shopping for the US in September!
K-From your lips to God's ears.
Agreed, agreed, agreed. My s/o's lil sister manages a Zara out in California, and I always have to resist the urge to ask him to pass along shopping lists to her. It would be unseemly! But so very tempting…
I tried these on in the Zara on F Street last Thursday. So cute but not nearly enough support 🙁 But if you have a narrower foot, they might work. Zara definitely needs an online store ASAP!