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BPGP: Garnier Bamboo Hairspray

Oct 5, 2010

Since I have fine hair, I am constantly searching for a hairspray that will help my locks hold their shape.  So when I heard about Garnier’s new bamboo hairspray, I thought I would give it a try.  

That was a huge mistake.

The ads claim that the product is humidity proof, they lie.  I tried the spray for about a week when there was low humidity, and I noticed no increase in volume or hold.  

I also noticed that the spray made my hair tacky — sticky to the touch.  Not a plus.  But, by far, the most upsetting side effect of the hairspray was the acne.  

That’s right, acne.

After just two days of using the spray, my hairline was covered in small, painful blemishes.  By the end of the fourth day, the acne had spread to my cheeks, ear lobes and neck.  To say that this was an unwanted side effect would be the understatement of the year.  

I immediately stopped using the product, washed my pillow cases, and feverishly scrubbed my face.  The acne cleared in a couple of days.  Clearly, this product was not meant for people with oily skin.

I’m still fairly happy with Garnier’s Body Boost shampoo and conditioner, but I have no interest in using any of their styling products after this experience.