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The Edition: No. 376

Aug 22, 2024

The Opening Line 

The beginning is always today. // Mary Wollstonecraft

The Reading List

+ Brands love influencers, until politics get involved.

+ This dotted sweater is perfect for summer-to-fall, and under-$100.

+ How biases about motherhood impact all women at work.

+ 50%-off everything at BR Factory. This burgundy dress is a must for fall.

+ Easy Dinner: Chicken with potatoes, arugula, and garlic-yogurt.

+ This ruched sleeve hoodie and colorful half-zip went right in my cart.

+ In defense of ‘good enough’ skin.

+ Seriously considering these ultra-soft baggie jeans; straight out of 1997.

+ The new ‘office status bag’ is squishy?

+ Bought a Tangle Teaser for Sloane and a lash separator for me.

+ Why everyone seems to get a little sad in August.

+ Converse for Sloane and Mommy to go door knocking in.

Interesting Read. The bridesmaid to ex-best friend pipeline. So many of my friends have had this issue either as brides or bridesmaids.

The Last Word

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  1. E says:

    Since I haven’t stopped carrying my Le Pliage bags since the early aughts, it’s lovely to be on trend again! And I cannot overstate how lovely the expandable tote is for traveling; I often toss it (empty and folded) in my suitcase to serve as an extra carry-on if I decide I want to check the suitcase on the way home, and being able to switch from medium purse size to carry-on size with a slip of a zipper is so convenient.

  2. Nichole B-P says:

    I read the wedding article… it makes me sad how many close friendships seem to die because of “wedding stress”. But it makes me think – why is there so much stress surrounding a wedding? When you boil everything down, it’s just a party that you’re choosing to throw – not required at all for you to be married to your partner. What if the “American Dream” was a small courthouse/church wedding and a $20,000 honeymoon? Think how many friendships would be saved! Haha

    • Jenn S. says:

      Love your “what if” take on the American dream wedding. I’m fortunate to be in contact with *my* bridal party regularly a decade later but I fell out with a bride friend whose wedding I was to be MOH in prior to the wedding. Other friends of mine had similar friendships end either in the midst or on the heels of planning. It is sad how often it happens!

  3. Carolyn says:

    It feels nice to be in style (le pliage, vera bradley, and mz wallace) after feeling woefully out of style for years (three kids later). I’ll take it! And maybe pull an old vera out of the closet this week.

    And not exactly the same as this article, but I’ve been a bridesmaid maybe 3 times (that wasn’t family), and I have no contact with one of the brides, and no more than a Christmas card exchange with another. Life happens, people grow apart. I barely talk to 4/6 of my own bridesmaids. I feel like this “era” (ha) of my life is about pulling family closer and getting through the day to day life, and trying to put time and effort into in person/local friendships to benefit my kids and our family. It’s hard to keep long distance friendships going.

    • Jenn S. says:

      I agree that, as we age and our family and life dynamics change, our other relationships are inclined to evolve. But I don’t think its just a function of distance. Proximity might make it easier to nurture newer friendships, but I feel like if a long distance friendship is important to both of you, you’ll make it work. And that isn’t a knock or slight – priorities DO change. But – and I know I’m not alone because Abra here has shared that she has close non-local friends – my richest friendships are with friends who are states away.

      As with most things, it is about priorities.

  4. HW says:

    Omg, I’ve never moved so quickly to comment. Return the Tangle Teezer and get this instead: (actual brush here: WWe got the TT and it was ok, but my daughter’s very fine hair still tangled and lots of avoidance and screaming ensued. I was going to try the Wet Brush someone had recommended but then read that Wirecutter article (and more importantly the directions on *how* to use it), and the Unbrush is The Truth. I never thought I’d care about a brush or tangles but she’s now brushing her own hair, it goes through without a whisper, it’s truly worth it.

  5. Not a model bride says:

    Re: bridesmaid to ex-friend
    That’s part of why I only wanted family as our bridesmaids/ groomsmen. Friends had other honors.

    But now we’re getting divorced, anyway! So, groom to ex-BFF pipeline, maybe?

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